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After economic review…

Written by Edward Layne

Friday, 14 October 2011 02:50

UK international monitoring group forecasts PPP/C victory

- lauds Guyana’s positive economic growth

THE third quarter report of the United Kingdom (UK) based Business Monitoring International (BMI) Latin America Monitor, released this month, has lauded Guyana’s positive outlook for the economy following strong real GDP growth of 5.9 per cent in the third quarter of this year. It said, too, that despite impressive output performance for the second quarter of 2011, it is happy to hold to its 2011 end-of-year forecast for the Guyanese economy.
That is, real GDP growth of 4.5 per cent as the sugar industry continues to encounter difficulties and the threat of a global slowdown begins to resurface.
The BMI said: "We maintain our positive outlook for Guyana’s economy following strong real GDP growth of 5.9 per cent in Q111 (third quarter), according to the fifth mid-year report presented by the Finance Ministry to the National Assembly. That said, we expect real GDP growth to be moderate in subsequent quarters and accordingly maintain our end 2011 forecast of 4.5 per cent.”
It noted that, while this is below the Guyanese Government's forecast, it is likely to be the best in the Caribbean for the year.
"Strong production figures are largely to account for Guyana’s increased GDP, with the non-sugar sector recording record breaking gains. Rice production, in particular achieved remarkable growth, with the first crop production at 207,514 tonnes - a 23.3 per cent increase," the compilation said.
It attributed that growth to significantly improved drainage and irrigation through Government investment, the development of a new rice strain planted by the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) and a higher acreage of paddy cultivation.
"Our commodities team expects rice prices to enter a sustained rally, overcoming months which should keep earnings here supported.”
The compilation said gold production also increased, yielding the dual benefit also of elevated global prices, producing 163,413 ounces, 14.9 per cent more and robust global prices should keep investments in this sector steady over the next 18 months.


"Bauxite production increased by 38.6 per cent in the first half of the year to 0.74 million tonnes, although the composition of the output (higher proportion of lower grade to higher grade) converts into sub-sector growth of 13.8 per cent,” the documentation said.
The BMI said, in its view, construction in Guyana expanded by 4 per cent in the second quarter, engineering activity rose by 4.0 per cent in the first half of 2011 while imports of materials and building related public investment continued to reflect strong growth.
"The sector is now targeting a growth of 5.5 per cent and we believe that is in line with our forecast for 4.5 per cent real GDP growth by end 2011 and 4.0 per cent in 2012. The Construction Sector should continue to fare well over the next 18 Months," BMI assured.
“We maintain our core view that a slow and steady path to fiscal improvements remains the mostly likely scenario for Guyana, forecasting the deficit to stay flat for year end, before decreasing to 3.6 per cent of GDP in 2012 and 2.4 per cent for 2013," BMI stated.
The report continued:"We expect a People's Progressive Party/Civic victory (in November) to anchor policy continuity over the next five years, although a win by the People's National Congress Reform (now A Partnership for National Unity) could encourage us to revise our forecast."
BMI said it recognised the agreement, signed between the Government of Guyana and the Organisation of American States (OAS) in September, on the privileges and immunities of the Electoral Observation Mission for the elections on November 28.


"We believe that the observation mission should help to improve the prospects of a fair and democratic election, in addition to the reopening of the Media Monitoring Unit of the Guyana Elections Commission, following an allocation of G$10M, which will fund the unit’s operations until year end. Guyana’s short term political risk rating stands at 59.8," the report said.
It noted, as well, that production in the livestock industry was targeted to remain stable through 2011.
"However, for the first half of the year overall production levels actually increased by 2.7 per cent, with increased production evident in areas of poultry meat, table eggs, mutton and beef while pork declined. As a result, there is a now a higher expectation of the eventual annual output and the original growth projection being revised upwards to 0.6 per cent. Guyana’s short term economic risk rating is 30.6," it said.
The compendium highlighted this country's favourable business environment, which it said is attracting more and more foreign investors.
With headwinds to global growth building, BMI said it has assessed which economies in Latin America and the Caribbean are most at risk from reduced capital inflows and lower trade volumes. While the impact on growth could be severe, most regional economies still have enough ammunition to avoid complete collapse.
"The external outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean has turned bleaker over the past month, with the threat of a double-dip recession in the US and a Eurozone fiscal crisis weighing heavily on investor sentiment. Since the impact on Asia of another EU and US recession would be severe, we believe that the threat to growth in the Latin American and Caribbean Region is, perhaps, even more serious than it was during the Fiscal Year 2008/09 global financial crisis, on account of its importance," BMI argued.
It said a global slowdown would likely impact on regional growth through two main channels, capital flows – both portfolio and foreign direct investment (FDI) – and trade.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

UK international monitoring group forecasts PPP/C victory

Are you a product of Congress Place?
Prior to the PPP victory in 1992 this was the same misleading antics of the PNC.

It has been 19 years and bauxite mining has died in guyana while our neighbor prospers. As for democratic election: our presidential candidate is selected and a race based electorate ratifies the choice being unable to exercise political voice otherwise.
The report continued:"We expect a People's Progressive Party/Civic victory (in November) to anchor policy continuity over the next five years, although a win by the People's National Congress Reform (now A Partnership for National Unity) could encourage us to revise our forecast."

Dont worry you guys are on target, the PPP/C and everyone knows that for continued progress and prosperity it will once again be the PPP/C

Maybe the AFC economist will now tell us something that we do not know?

while pork declined

Even pork turned down that article.


After economic review…

Written by Edward Layne

Friday, 14 October 2011 02:50

...and who the heck is this here Edward Layne, any relation to Lois Layne? Or albert perhaps.
Originally posted by Chief:
UK international monitoring group forecasts PPP/C victory

Are you a product of Congress Place?
Prior to the PPP victory in 1992 this was the same misleading antics of the PNC.


If you were a betting man, I would have asked you to put your money where your mouth is, but I know that you will be smart enough not to.

Originally posted by asj:
The report continued:"We expect a People's Progressive Party/Civic victory (in November) to anchor policy continuity over the next five years, although a win by the People's National Congress Reform (now A Partnership for National Unity) could encourage us to revise our forecast."

Dont worry you guys are on target, the PPP/C and everyone knows that for continued progress and prosperity it will once again be the PPP/C

Maybe the AFC economist will now tell us something that we do not know?


Why don't you asj? Dude,I notice two parties mentioned in that statement, PPP/C and PNC. Now we all know they're just about the same but doan worry with that part, here's what I'm confused about.

Where was the mention of AFC in that article or statement you posted?
AFC worrying y'all eh, ya'll does probably dream bout dem too.
Originally posted by cain:
while pork declined

Even pork turned down that article.


After economic review…

Written by Edward Layne

Friday, 14 October 2011 02:50

...and who the heck is this here Edward Layne, any relation to Lois Layne? Or albert perhaps.

That is your homework for the weekend Big Grin



I have been told repeatedly that the PPP transported people from all over to their meeting at Albion and Kitty. More so they gave away free manure and fertilizer at Albion to every farmer.

Question for you.
Do you honestly think that the crowd that showed up at Albion and Kitty were real supporters of the PPP?
(Quote) The report continued:"We expect a People's Progressive Party/Civic victory (in November) to anchor policy continuity over the next five years, although a win by the People's National Congress Reform (now A Partnership for National Unity) could encourage us to revise our forecast." (Quote)

Even this statement made shows the man doesn't have a clue of what he's talking about. He probably got those figures he spoke about, from off a tv commercial or sumthin'
Originally posted by Chief:

Question for you.
Do you honestly think that the crowd that showed up at Albion and Kitty were real supporters of the PPP?

At the time, yes. Freeness does make people dem do nuff nuff shit.
Cain asks:
...and who the heck is this here Edward Layne, any relation to Lois Layne?

Cain, Layne was a public servant within the Ministry of Finance since the 1970s. Last time I heard, he had moved up to the position of Chief Accountant. I know him.
Thanks Bookman. So, how come he doan know PNC aint the ones to worry about? He living in the past or what?
A somewhat relative of mine is in that Ministry right now. I haven't heard much of or from him. he lyin low.
Int’l investors confidence in Guyana unprecedented

Thursday, 13 October 2011 03:21

– Finance Minister

INVESTORS’ interest in Guyana is evident now more than ever in the country’s history, according to Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh who credited the assertion to the policy environment created by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) administration over the years. The Finance Minister was at the time speaking at a panel discussion hosted and moderated by Dario Mclmon on the weekly television programme, ‘Eldorado Rising’, on the National Communications Network (NCN).
The discussion centred on progress in the Guyanese economy and Minister Singh made reference to a few of the traditional sectors (rice and bauxite) that can “hold their own competitively” on the international market, the former (rice) recently reaching a production record and the latter (bauxite) attracting the large investors.
“We see in Guyana a bauxite industry that even in the last throes of the global economic crisis when commodity prices were depressed to their absolute lowest, when metals and minerals had hit rock bottom… the Guyanese bauxite industry never stopped production, it continued to produce,” Minister Singh said.
Recently, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was concluded between Guyana and Guyana Goldfields Incorporated for the Aurora gold project in the Cuyuni River, Region 7. The Canada-based company has enough potential to single-handedly double the output of the gold industry once the operation gets underway.
Meanwhile, manganese mining in the North West District, Region 1, has been reinvigorated after agreements were sealed in March this year with Reunion Manganese Incorporated.
Moreover, the government is working closely with a bauxite company in an area at Bonasika that has not been prominent in bauxite production but has the potential.
“You have all of these companies who have said, we are confident in the Guyanese investment environment… and they are creating jobs in the process, they are generating incomes in the process, they are creating wealth in the process,” Minister Singh said.
The Finance Minister then spoke of oil and gas which are at present attracting major exploration investments from REPSOL, the internationally renowned oil exploration company.
Grouped together, international investor confidence in Guyana, from the exploration sector would reach an aggregate Cdn$2B, according to Dr. Singh.
“The policy environment we have created and, as a result of the track record we have created, you have had significant investment in new and emerging sectors too,” he added.
Low fiscal deficit and debt, strong external reserves, stability in the exchange rate and lowering of interest rates and containment of inflation to single digits were some of the measures which Minister Singh said created an attractive environment for investment.
“What distinguishes the Guyanese economy of today from the Guyanese economy of 10 (or) 20 years ago and what distinguishes the Guyanese economy of today from the economies of other Caribbean member states is the level of progress we have made in diversifying the sources of growth,” Dr. Singh said.
It is widely known that Guyana now uses 4 percent of its revenue to service debt compared to the era when it took 94 percent. According to the Guyanese Finance Minister, the balance of payments, accumulation of external reserves, containment of inflation, and stability in the exchange rate have all been positive.
“All of these indicators come together to reflect what I would describe as an extremely robust performance in recent years but, also more importantly, they come together to create an environment that has clearly signalled itself to the domestic and international private sectors as an attractive environment,” he posited. (GINA)

“You have all of these companies who have said, we are confident in the Guyanese investment environment… and they are creating jobs in the process, they are generating incomes in the process, they are creating wealth in the process,” Minister Singh said.

So who is holding on to this wealth? Does the working man know of this here wealth?

Keep us informed.
Originally posted by D2:
It has been 19 years and bauxite mining has died in guyana while our neighbor prospers. As for democratic election: our presidential candidate is selected and a race based electorate ratifies the choice being unable to exercise political voice otherwise.

hey dumm2 dispute the findings of this UK based Business Monitoring International group naa..yu gadaha
Originally posted by cain:

“You have all of these companies who have said, we are confident in the Guyanese investment environment… and they are creating jobs in the process, they are generating incomes in the process, they are creating wealth in the process,” Minister Singh said.

So who is holding on to this wealth?

Does the working man know of this here wealth?

Keep us informed.

Look/seek, and yee shall find, Cain. Big Grin
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by cain:

“You have all of these companies who have said, we are confident in the Guyanese investment environment… and they are creating jobs in the process, they are generating incomes in the process, they are creating wealth in the process,” Minister Singh said.

So who is holding on to this wealth?

Does the working man know of this here wealth?

Keep us informed.

Look/seek, and yee shall find, Cain. Big Grin

Uncle DG..cain is a lost cause
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by SuperMike:

Uncle DG..cain is a lost cause

Yuh prappa funny, SuperMike. lol

dude..dem only fraffing hey..GNI is where theh AFC core support is...not in Guyana cause the turn out at thir metings shows that the Guyanese clearly rejected dem rass..licks like peas fu dem rass..dem done fu good cheers
Originally posted by Chief:


I have been told repeatedly that the PPP transported people from all over to their meeting at Albion and Kitty. More so they gave away free manure and fertilizer at Albion to every farmer.

Question for you.
Do you honestly think that the crowd that showed up at Albion and Kitty were real supporters of the PPP?

Chief, thanks for holding me in a high regard. With the political atmosphere riding so high in our mother is very hard to hold such opinion especially when our views towards our political preferences differs, be assured that the same confidence and respect is accorded to my brother.

Getting to your question about the crowds at Albion and Kitty, I can safely say that the tens of thousands that attended those Rallies were quite interested in the messages that the PPP/C had imparted, as it is reasonable to assume that when one leaves their home for a four hour period despite being provided free transportation....tells me that it has to be something of interest, their interest, the interest of the future generation, the interest of the country, the interest of their future and well being. To honestly to tell you who they support will be to speculate and guess, as they the attendees can only answer that question. But for now the PPP/C has a massive following, and those crowds can only mean that persons are quite willing to spend time listening to what the PPP/C has to offer.......In another six weeks we will be able to know exactly which Party they supports, so far every indications as per my sources are pointing out to a PPP/C Victory.

can safely say that the tens of thousands that attended those Rallies were quite interested in the messages that the PPP/C had imparted, as it is reasonable to assume that when one leaves their home for a four hour period despite being provided free transportation....tells me that it has to be something of interest, their interest, the interest of the future generation, the interest of the country, the interest of their future and well being. To honestly to tell you who they support will be to speculate and guess, as they the attendees can only answer that question. But for now the PPP/C has a massive following, and those crowds can only mean that persons are quite willing to spend time listening to what the PPP/C has to offer.......In another six weeks we will be able to know exactly which Party they supports, so far every indications as per my sources are pointing out to a PPP/C Victory.


all this is mostly crap...Burnham used to fill the National Park and other think people used to care much what he said? You seemed to have forgotten Guyana politics....

people just come out to have some fun...listen to some music...they hardly care much for what is being said

It's a free outing....
I'll bet the 100-200 at AFC meetings are actually there to hear what is being said versus the 5000 at the PPP rally...

5000 is the just the rah-rah...jump up crew who don't pay much attention...ask them what was said Big Grin
Originally posted by raymond:
can safely say that the tens of thousands that attended those Rallies were quite interested in the messages that the PPP/C had imparted, as it is reasonable to assume that when one leaves their home for a four hour period despite being provided free transportation....tells me that it has to be something of interest, their interest, the interest of the future generation, the interest of the country, the interest of their future and well being. To honestly to tell you who they support will be to speculate and guess, as they the attendees can only answer that question. But for now the PPP/C has a massive following, and those crowds can only mean that persons are quite willing to spend time listening to what the PPP/C has to offer.......In another six weeks we will be able to know exactly which Party they supports, so far every indications as per my sources are pointing out to a PPP/C Victory.


all this is mostly crap...Burnham used to fill the National Park and other think people used to care much what he said? You seemed to have forgotten Guyana politics....

people just come out to have some fun...listen to some music...they hardly care much for what is being said

It's a free outing....

There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos Big Grin just kidding.

When presidents are tyrants, all of us lose.

If there is a poem for this moment, it is surely W.B. Yeats' dark classic "The Second Coming." Written in1919, it evokes the darkness and uncertainty of Europe in the aftermath of a horrific war. "Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold," Yeats writes. "Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world/...The best lack all conviction, while the worst/ Are full of passionate intensity."

It's hard to imagine a more eloquent description of our own vicious age in Guyana. Narco-economics run the roost; a failing state has graduated into a criminalized state; the poor and working classes are squeezed; the rich are increasingly absenting themselves from the country's troubles; the political elites are putting their own boundary lines of power and influence called "Pradoville;" the goon squads are hitting the road promoting "Apaan Jhaat" gambit, with newer, more intellectual and clever verbiage.

The attacks on the opposition and dissidents will increase in volume, frequency, and audacity as elections day draws near. Time is short, the stakes are high, and the pundits will pounce on their prey. And the absurdity that follows will only impugn their integrity as political thinkers.

Last Sunday, President Bharrat Jagdeo singled out the Stabroek News, Kaieteur News, CNS Channel 6, and Demerara Waves as enemies of the state: "vultures and carrion crows" worthy of good jail time. That means they have now been inaugurated into the president's sheet list.

This is not the first time President Bharrat Jagdeo has taken crackpot shots at the media. Or his critics.

So what's his problem with these "vultures and carrion crows?" It has come down to this. They have come to assert and defend the right to do what journalists, and their readers, take for granted in the free world: report the news freely without government threat or interference. In other words, they have become a rock blocking the road of a mad man.

You have to think this guy's a nutcase. So was Mussolini. But one thing that cannot be argued is that President Bharrat Jagdeo happens to be brilliant at his primary responsibility... that, of course, being the perfect A-Hole.

President Jagdeo may not be medically crazy, not talking-to-himself-at-the-OP crazy, but grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy — balls out crazy in the sense that he's living completely inside his own mind, frenetically pacing the hallways of a vast sand castle he's built in there, unable to meaningfully communicate with the human beings on the other side of the moat, who are all presumed to be enemies.

It's pathetic, isn't it? The Guyana Chronicle, NCN TV, Guyana Times, The Mirror didn't dig despite all the scandals, corruption, violence, and controversies inside the OP and Freedom House. These are the good guys - the connoisseurs of analingus. The Guyana Times, a "beacon of truth" headlined him as an "incomparable patriot."

He is, to them, something of a deity. A God-king. They absolutely worship, trust and follow the president as god. Don't believe? Read up on the crap they write under the guise of news.

The Kitty meeting rant made the president sounded as if being manic-depressive is hip, like taking uppers and downers. By now we should all know that schizophrenia and psychosis are disorders that only mean the person in question is not tethered to reality. Which brings us back to President Bharrat Jagdeo.

The president's foaming-at-the-mouth tirade on Sunday is yet another revelation that this man has run out of ammo, ideas and leadership. For a long time now, a political malignancy has been metastasizing from county to county as an alliance of complacent strongmen systematically props up this man's grip on power.

But that's the easy part. There is already buzz in the beehive that President Jagdeo's thunder is another dark, prophetic rendition that envisions the violent birth of a new age: the dawning of a media counterattack, so devastatingly characteristic of a fascist despot.

President Jagdeo is not alone having trouble with the free press. His phobia with independent inquiry, critical analysis and the dissemination of free thought is in line with tyrants all across the globe - historical and contemporary. The recent example of Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa is an ideal juxtaposition.

Now for the cringe factor. President Jagdeo's aide, Gail Teixeira joined in the onslaught by pulling a Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann type hyperbole: a dangerous, intolerable, uncivilized outburst - an analogy in which she compared Rwanda's media and its role in the genocidal killings to the Guyana media.

Nothing goes with idiocy quite as well as paranoia, combined with a ruthless propensity for intriguing buffoonery stylized as political steroids. A wing nut in her own right, Gail Teixeira is genuinely committed to knowing as little as possible when it comes to history. No wonder, since her tenure as a worthless Minister of Home Affairs, many have been speculating about the mental health of this woman.

The madness is just getting started. As evidenced at the president's Appreciation Day and the Kitty rendezvous , the Rent-a-Crowd business is booming. Utilizing brainy coercion, and sometimes hardcore extortion, seductive enticements, the crowds are herded into a glorious human stampede of adoration. Read all about it in the Guyana Chronicle.

Crowding making or staging a crowd is old school for dictators. In this jamboree of manipulation manifested in the cowering of the masses, tyrants delude themselves into believing they are lovable. At Kitty, the president and the PPP were experimenting with pushing the experience of a sense of euphoria further.

And so the exhilaration of such a travesty fired up more madness in its boisterous ambience. The lunacy is more brilliantly gripping and blatant than nuance or pedantic. Dr. Emmanuel Cummings of the University of Guyana called on all his "African brothers and sisters" of region 4 (a PNC stronghold) to vote for the PPP/C.

Why so? Now get ready for some leg grabb'n, chair rocking, hard rolling laughter. Here's Dr. Cummings masterpiece comedy assault: the PPP is a multiracial party. Huh! For real? Dr. Cummings, although he represents what the future of stand-up can be, is altogether a dilettante in the romance business of rimming. No doubt, he has shut down his awareness of President Jagdeo's exposition of "Apaan Jhaat" at Baboo John.

But Dr. Cummings is not the last comic standing. Another evangelist who has gone coo-coo is Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon. Already war-worn by the task of fending and defending the regime via, signature mis-directions, make-believe situations and a catalog of chimeras, the good physician proclaimed that the PPP performed "miracles" in Guyana.

What? You heard it right. This man's taste for comedy is nothing short of being caustic or sardonic. Or simply self deprecating. So 19 years of scams, corruption, violence, murders, Phantom Squads, nepotism, favoritism, skullduggery, squandermania, and fiasco amount to "miracles." Is that so? Really? Hell, no.

What Guyana has become is a sanctuary - a sort of Shutter Island, for insane thinking packaged as progressive, academic ideas. Out of this refuge, quite often, is the epistles of the Goebbels type. Take Dr. Prem Misir's letter of late in which he flaunts staggering intellectual jargon and a mish mash of sociological terminologies in a sort of tricky, notarized format.

Tons of turd, resplendent with academic wit. Brilliant - but full of it.

To understand Dr. Misir's gospel is to accept that the PPP has a private possession of the truth.

The bottom line of his treaty is that all is well in Guyana under the PPP. He insists that bad media and wicked politicians of the opposition kind are messing with people's perceptions by introducing them to a reality overflowing with untruths. Blah, blah, blah.

...And that the race issue is a problem within our heads. OK, fine. Tell that to President Bharrat Jagdeo who often gets high, and all pumped up with manic zeal when he gets in the East Indian villages of Berbice to extract applause and exaggerate racial fears by insinuating "dem black people with guns" and other innuendos.

Tell that to Dr. Ravi Dev and his heretic satellites who expound the mantra of "28 years of PNC." Like President Bharrat Jagdeo, Dr. Ravi Dev may need his head checked too. That's if they subscribe to Dr. Misir's wonderful piece of propaganda masquerading as science.

The lunatic fringe does not come from academics alone.
Originally posted by raymond:
I'll bet the 100-200 at AFC meetings are actually there to hear what is being said versus the 5000 at the PPP rally...

5000 is the just the rah-rah...jump up crew who don't pay much attention...ask them what was said Big Grin

You nailed it.
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...
Originally posted by raymond:
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...

What 100-200? from the pictures shown one could easily infer that it is only 37 - 57 persons in attendance at the AFC meetings Big Grin

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by raymond:
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...

What 100-200? from the pictures shown one could easily infer that it is only 37 - 57 persons in attendance at the AFC meetings Big Grin


The opposition don't have to use tax payers money to bring is by the hundreds of bus loads, people from all over the country.
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by raymond:
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...

What 100-200? from the pictures shown one could easily infer that it is only 37 - 57 persons in attendance at the AFC meetings Big Grin


The opposition don't have to use tax payers money to bring is by the hundreds of bus loads, people from all over the country.

There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.

There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.


There is nothing to show that they are not using tax payers dollars either....
Originally posted by raymond:
There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.


There is nothing to show that they are not using tax payers dollars either....

Exactly! Show how the funds originated and how it is being spent! Campaign finance laws anyone?
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by raymond:
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...

What 100-200? from the pictures shown one could easily infer that it is only 37 - 57 persons in attendance at the AFC meetings Big Grin


The opposition don't have to use tax payers money to bring is by the hundreds of bus loads, people from all over the country.

They brought in supporters which showcased their strength..
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by raymond:
There was a difference between then and now, Burnham did not care for the crowds as he knows that any elections during his lifetime would turn up results in only one way......that is fraudulently a PNC landslide victory.

The difference between then and now was that then all Ministries and Government personnel were forced with dire consequences if they did not attend, now people are attending by their own free will.

Ray I see that you are now becoming brain dead in history as well, first was Maths and now it is History, bai you surely nedd some Nutrophos just kidding.


like I said...ask any of the 5000 what was said, then ask any of the 100-200 at AFC meetings, then you'll see who really paying attention. Like I said, the 5000 there for the heck of it...jump up and some chanting etc...that's what rallies are all about...

What 100-200? from the pictures shown one could easily infer that it is only 37 - 57 persons in attendance at the AFC meetings Big Grin


The opposition don't have to use tax payers money to bring is by the hundreds of bus loads, people from all over the country.

There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.


We will all see on November 28th and beyond!
Originally posted by raymond:
There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.


There is nothing to show that they are not using tax payers dollars either....

Who or what has stopped them from using/squandering/pilfering tax payers money. What was Kwame McCoy paying those protesters in front of CNS Channel 6 with? His own money?
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by raymond:
There is no proof that the PPP/C is using tax payers money for Political Campaign, just wild speculations and misinformation that the opposition is peddling, like they always do, reason for their credibility status and thier very poor turnout at a gathering of few which they call meetings? The Guyanese citizens are aware of the AFC lies peddling.


There is nothing to show that they are not using tax payers dollars either....

Who or what has stopped them from using/squandering/pilfering tax payers money. What was Kwame McCoy paying those protesters in front of CNS Channel 6 with? His own money?

Originally posted by raymond:

are you Kwame?


PPP don't even ask...they tek
There is no accountability for the source of their there?
Originally posted by raymond:

PPP don't even ask...they tek
There is no accountability for the source of their there?


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