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UK says no decision taken on next phases of two major infrastructural projects

-more fallout from gov't breaching of constitution

From left are Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson, British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn and other officials in 2016 at the launching of the programme. [SN file photo)
From left are Minister of Finance Winston Jordan, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson, British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn and other officials in 2016 at the launching of the programme. (SN file photo)

This story is developing and will be updated.

In a clear sign of the jeopardy facing the Guyana Government for not holding general elections by September 18, the UK High Commission today said that no decisions have been taken on the next phases of two vital projects: the road between Linden and Mabura and the development of the Kingston-Ogle seawall.

The British High Commission here today issued the following statement:


UK-Caribbean Infrastructure Fund (UKCIF) update

Following reporting in the local media the British High Commissioner H.E. Greg Quinn today said:

‘As part of the UK-Caribbean Infrastructure Fund (UKCIF), launched in 2016, over the last year the UK has supported initial design work for the construction of the road between Linden and Mabura and the bridge at Kurupukari which is being implemented by the Caribbean Development Bank. No decision has yet been made on the next, construction, phase of this project. Similarly whilst the UK funded the design phase of the Kingston-Ogle seawall project through UKCIF, no decision has been taken on the next phase of this project either.’

In recent days, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson has talked up the prospects for the Linden-Mabura road and government agencies have also reported on the seawall project.

The UK was a signatory to a joint statement with the US and the EU on September 19 calling on President David Granger to set a date for general elections. The statement had also warned about the impact on development aid.


The statement said: “The United States, United Kingdom and the European Union thank the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) for devising a proposed elections timeframe for conducting General and Regional Elections.

“However, we deeply regret that, by surpassing September 18, the Government is currently in breach of the Constitution following its failure to adhere to the decisions of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on 18 June and its subsequent orders.

“This situation comes at great cost to the people of Guyana. The prevailing political uncertainty undermines Guyanese institutions, compromises economic opportunities and delays development across all areas including infrastructure, education, health, and social services. It also hinders our ability to support Guyana’s development needs.

“We therefore call upon the President to set an elections date immediately in full compliance with Guyana’s constitution.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is how the trend went when Burnham began going raving mad. All the powers that be started zipping up their money bags as Guyana fell deeper into oblivion. Burnham got so mad he was screaming madness at Seaga and Eugenia Charles. He ended up being dumped into that hole in the Botanical Garden held in liquid in a plastic container. Hopefully Granger is headed that way too.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Easy Vish. The PPP don't possess the uncivilized element that can pull off one of these hooligan activity. They rely on civility for their survival and advancement.


This is much about nothing.  The  PNC will ride it out.  It has little bearing on the day-to-day workings of the govt. 

What is needed is a immediate travel restriction on government officials, suspension from the commonwealth, suspend access to funds, etc.  

While the UK did that, Norway just released funds!  Granger sitting tight!

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Easy Vish. The PPP don't possess the uncivilized element that can pull off one of these hooligan activity. They rely on civility for their survival and advancement.

Oi Kaz, you must have a copy of dah pic in your wallet too nuh?

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Easy Vish. The PPP don't possess the uncivilized element that can pull off one of these hooligan activity. They rely on civility for their survival and advancement.

Then they should get out of the business of politics....Politics is not for the meek....or foolish...remember Ramotar???

or dey should read a book by Machiavelli called The Prince....they might learn a thing or the Allstate commercial says. 




Suh leh mi gett yuh driff heh!  We hoping Cuba tell Granger fuh hold elections!!

Suh wuh nex, ask Haiti to help dem set up a sovereign wealth fund and Saudi Arabia to advise on women’s rights and DV!!

PNC driving everybody kuku!

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Tell me which movement or people under oppression does not ask the major democracies of the world and UN for help.

Billy Ram Balgobin

I got some info.  

The PNC got their entire rig machine in place and no one watching!  They doing it in plain sight but creating distractions and smoke screens and got everyone busy barking up the wrong tree.  They started just after winning in 2015 but the NCV shunted them.  So they did what they had to do to buy time!

Them PNC is one clever bunch.  This is a modern day heist using software and mouse clicks!

When you at war, you have two options:  1. overwhelm the enemy with numbers or  2. Outmaneuver them with tactics!

Historically the PNC lacked numbers, so they learn to think. All the PPP relied on was free and fair elections the numbers did the rest!

Ayuh PPP cane cutters still don’t have the measure of your “enemy!”

cain posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Easy Vish. The PPP don't possess the uncivilized element that can pull off one of these hooligan activity. They rely on civility for their survival and advancement.

Oi Kaz, you must have a copy of dah pic in your wallet too nuh?

Not necessary Cain. 21 years old today Google has a very good memory.

Nehru posted:

Base, I am sure she means no Economic help from Cuba, stop sending Medical Teams and other actions. Dat lady smart Bhai, wall st smart!!!

That’s the same thing. imagine Cuba threatening a nation to hold elections!

The only thing I see the Cubans weighing in on is the US troops which is a threat to their ally Venezuela.  But that could backfire on the PPP!  So the PPP have to skirt that!

Nehru posted:

Base, I am sure she means no Economic help from Cuba, stop sending Medical Teams and other actions. Dat lady smart Bhai, wall st smart!!!

Cuba can discontinue medical help beginning with Guyana’s top officials. Caricom can boycott working with the illegal squatters. 

alena06 posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, I am sure she means no Economic help from Cuba, stop sending Medical Teams and other actions. Dat lady smart Bhai, wall st smart!!!

Cuba can discontinue medical help beginning with Guyana’s top officials. Caricom can boycott working with the illegal squatters. 

Gal I already said you are Wall St smart


Caricom only know Guyana is part of its Org when PPP in Govt!! I am still waiting to see exactly what the ABC countries gun do or their talk about Venezuela and others being Dictatorship is just CRAP!!!


Guyana can only brag about a little help they got from the Cubans  in terms of sub-standard medical services and medical scholarships. Cuba has nothing significant to offer Guyana to aid in our development.  We need the help of the big powers to move us along the road of development. The Chinese abandoned the Russians and turned to the West for help. They got loans, technical assistance, investments, and access to Western markets. China is great today because of the bold steps Chinese leaders were willing to make.  Guyana can borrow a few pages from countries like China and South Korea.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

Tell me which movement or people under oppression does not ask the major democracies of the world and UN for help.

Oppression? You people ran the government for 23 years....why didn’t Jagdeo and Ramotar put things in place then? You know why....they were busy filling their pockets and building their mansions....

Yaal did not learn from the 28 years experience? You begged Carter then....and y’all begging again....

AND....which one of the PPP leaders really “opposing” oppression today...these guys are only using Indos...they know they ain’t getting back in power after this election....once dat oil money start flowing, “y’all kak duck”

So, you people stop hollering like knuckleheads on the internet....

AND, if Irfaan is the best the PPP has to offer...what kind of a friggin low bar kunumunu is that for a leader?   Education?? Fraud charges??? 

Like I people ought to really be ashamed of yourselves....dat PPP party ain’t going nowhere....the sensible ones left...Moses, Ramjattan, Ramkarran...and you girls are out here singing praises to that hairless party dictator....



VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

It is ‘dem white people’ who conspired and put Burnham in power. So, they need to pay for the result of that since Burnham destroyed the economy.

Zed posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Guyana can only depend on these countries to bring the PNC back in line. It is as simple as that. The people of Guyana does not have the power to force the PNC to respect the constitution.

You and your party command majority support...why y’all cowards always begging dem white people to bail you out of your troubles?....shameful....y’all don’t deserve to be in power....

It is ‘dem white people’ who conspired and put Burnham in power. So, they need to pay for the result of that since Burnham destroyed the economy.

Yeh you right, Burnham died just a few months ago.

As Vish said on many occasions, the PPP had 20+ years to make a huge difference and make changes, one being change what was "Dem PNC GDF and GPF". They could have made joining these easier for the Indos (we hear lots of complaints here that Indos were treated like shit should they join these forces) They could have made more progress by including blacks and other races into their fold but nahhhhh, instead they hired their own. 23 years in government can turn a lot around but nooooo, again as Vish mentioned, they were too busy filling their dam pockets to take care of business and now they cry the blues.

After all the talk about Vote for Change, the Granger government got into office and look what they did, they got rid of the Indos and plunked their own in those positions, they felt as though they were being marginalized and now they are in power they took advantage, because Guyanese have a stupid mentality about " do fo do nah obeah" or some such bullshit.

Yall gonna get vex with Iman but as siggy would agree, perhaps it is time the White people take over that armpit of the world, that would teach all those stupid, lazy, backward #@$kers a lesson.

Last edited by cain

When I read all the shyte, PPP are a bunch of scatter-brain fly-mouth!  BJ is being out maneuvered and discredited daily.  

My understanding, PNC already did their thing and just playing bad as a distraction!  The got everyone looking in the other direction!


Linden-Mabura road works to start with funds already allocated -Patterson

September 28 2019


Gregory Quinn

Gregory Quinn

Following a statement by British High Commissioner Greg Quinn that no decision has yet been made on the construction of the road between Linden and Mabura under a United Kingdom-funded project, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson yesterday said that works will commence with local funds already approved in the national budget.

In an article headlined, ‘Paved road from Guyana to Brazil’, this week’s Sunday Chronicle reported Patterson as saying that following the final mission from the UK-Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF) programme, it was decided that there will be a paved road between Guyana and Brazil. The article reported that Patterson said that phase one of the project will be launched on October 1st and covers approximately 125 kilometres of the road (Linden to Mabura Hill) and includes a bridge across the Kurupukari River.

In a statement yesterday, however, Quinn said that no decisions have been taken on the next phase of the project. He said that as part of the UKCIF programme, over the last year, the UK has supported initial design work for the construction of the road between Linden and Mabura and the bridge at Kurupukari. The project is being implemented by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).

David Patterson

“No decision has yet been made on the next, construction, phase of this project. Similarly whilst the UK funded the design phase of the Kingston-Ogle seawall project through UKCIF, no decision has been taken on the next phase of this project either,” he said.

When contacted by Stabroek News yesterday, Patterson clarified that he did not say that paving of the road will commence from October 1st of this year. He pointed to a Facebook post by his ministry on the same day the Chronicle article was published which denied that paving works will commence on October 1, 2019. “Minister David Patterson was quoted incorrectly. In fact, the project is currently at the procurement stage where the ministry is selecting the prequalification of contractors to execute the paving works, it is this process that is scheduled to commence on October 1, 2019,” it said.

Patterson yesterday emphasised that his ministry will not start any new projects during government’s interim period.

However, he told Stabroek News that the works on the road will commence with the monies already allocated as government had committed to funding a part of the road leading up to where the UKCIF/CDB road project would begin. He observed that over $200 million was already allocated in this year’s budget for this and it is that money that is being used for the works he alluded to.

According to the minister, if it was a “normal year”, works on the road could have continued as per schedule. Govern-ment’s work, however, has been stalled by the passage of the December 21, 2018 no-confidence motion against the administration. He said that his October 1st reference related to the fact that it was the proposed date for when the project would be advertising for contractors be shortlisted for the project, which falls under the UKCIF/CDB-funded programme.

“We have also about $200 million or $300 million in our budget [that] we have already undertaken to do the link to Wismar to Rockstone junction. We have moved equipment from Berbice, established a ten-acre site and the teams have been sent up there and we started stockpiling ….there is a stretch of road in the township of Linden which goes from Wismar Junction to Rockstone Junction. It was always agreed that we would do that. We said we will do the first five kilometres of works at the exact same specification on what the final design was agreed. We will do that…because you can’t have a highway with certain specifications and then come into that type of road,” he said. 

“From the 1st October, we are going out for request of contractors for shortlisting. It’s a process. Obviously, we won’t award a contract because that is not in keeping with the tenets of this period,” he said.

Patterson explained that the CDB is the executing agency for the project and has approved a loan amount for Guyana equivalent to what the British government has awarded as a grant. “We have borrowed an equivalent from the CDB on concessional terms and that is to do the road and the bridge,” he said.

Under the UKCIF, the UK’s Department for International Development will provide up to £300 million in grant financing from January 2016 to March 2020 to several Caribbean countries including Guyana. Guyana is to benefit from £53.2 million (around $16 billion) with the funds to be applied to six major infrastructure programmes, including waterfront development, water supply improvement and solid waste management. The CDB has been designated by the UK government to design, develop and implement the programme in collaboration with Guyana.

cain posted:


As Vish said on many occasions, the PPP had 20+ years to make a huge difference and make changes, one being change what was "Dem PNC GDF and GPF". They could have made joining these easier for the Indos (we hear lots of complaints here that Indos were treated like shit should they join these forces) They could have made more progress by including blacks and other races into their fold but nahhhhh, instead they hired their own. 23 years in government can turn a lot around but nooooo, again as Vish mentioned, they were too busy filling their dam pockets to take care of business and now they cry the blues.

After all the talk about Vote for Change, the Granger government got into office and look what they did, they got rid of the Indos and plunked their own in those positions, they felt as though they were being marginalized and now they are in power they took advantage, because Guyanese have a stupid mentality about " do fo do nah obeah" or some such bullshit.

Yall gonna get vex with Iman but as siggy would agree, perhaps it is time the White people take over that armpit of the world, that would teach all those stupid, lazy, backward #@$kers a lesson.

I agree with you Cainman. As I have said many times, Guyanese are all only for themselves. The good thing is that most wouldn't even bother to pretend to care for others so most times people are not fooled by false promises. While the PPP are bad, the PNC are worse. They really don't have anything to point to that was positive for Guyanese. Well, maybe one. The mass exodus of people to better opportunities elsewhere. Secondly, as we look at all the countries around the world, it is not difficult to see that those predominantly managed by whites are doing batter than those not. Therefore, maybe Guyana will probably be better off with white administrators than it has been by either blacks or Indians.


How does someone get away with not knowing if there is $200M or $300M available? It is not like not knowing if it is $2 or $3.

“We have also about $200 million or $300 million in our budget [that] we have already undertaken to do the link to Wismar to Rockstone junction.


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