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Moses Nagamootoo has confided in NY real estate investor George Subraj that he is deeply disappointed with the way things have panned out at the AFC and he is seriously thinking about leaving the AFC, which is dominated by the Hughes(Nigel and Cathy) and Ramjattan and starting a new party.


George  asked if Moses would be amenable to a coalition with APNU after he starts his 3rd party---Moses replied, "I have an open mind"




What will Moses name his new party ?





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Moses cannot afford to form a new party. Who will support him in Guyana? He might get a few people abroad but in reality Moses is a spent force. He should be put in the savannah.   



Any Tom, Dick or Moses can start a 3rd party in Guyana.




Moses we all know is delusional---he really believes in his mind that he is one of the big power players and big vote getters in Guyana.


Looks like Moses wants to break away from the control of the husband wife team(Nigel and cathy) in the All For Cathy(AFC) party.




Moses was dead set against any coalition between the Aliance For Change and the PNC, but now he is contemplating a new party Moses claims that he has an open mind---and will be open to coalition possibilities.


We all know the old clichÃĐ:




Prime Minister Moses and President Granger ? Or the other way around ?





This is speculation but I don't think its that far off from the truth. Khemraj lacks leadership skills and Moses is in a box with khemraj and his power struggles and miopic view on how to build a party. 


Prak is tied to cathy hughes like an anchor and he has created a bunch of nincompoops in the leadership of the party which is sinking them because they are making decisions aligned with people bribing the party in broad daylight.


There is no way this could be tenable for Moses. Moses didn't leave the corrupt PPP to join a Corrupt AFC.


Many persons were opposed to an AFC APNU coalition in 2011 but the more and more you examine the landscape you have to recognize that Ramjattan's leadership of the AFC with the various door stops he has in the leadership as well the party would never grow beyond what it is today.


This is why Charrandass is on the outside, even though he is key to the party Ramjattan cannot have Errol that close to where the decisions are made because he is an independent thinker and when Ramjattan and his goons pull a lets unify behind the leader bullshit, folks like Errol will not line up they will offer their opinions.


Errol is not Ramaya he is not going to go to parliament and vote for Amalia because Cathy and Nigel want to fill dem pocket.






Right now Moses is deeply torn! He knows exactly what's going on in the AFC and he is deeply saddened by the situation, but he is faced with a dilemma.


When Moses left the PPP, he campaigned across Guyana hammering away at the corruption in the PPP, and telling the Guyanese people, particularly Berbicians, how the AFC was going to be clean as a whistle.




Today most of those 11,634 voters are asking questions. They want to know if it is true what they are reading and hearing about the AFC. They are inquiring about the husband and wife power couple in the AFC---Nigel and Cathy.




You see folks, Moses enjoys the perks of being an AFC Member of parliament, and if he were to quit the AFC today he would have to give up those perks.


Moses' dilemma is should he abide by his principles and walk away from the corruption that has overtaken the AFC or should he hang on and enjoy the perks of being an AFC MP ?






If Moses moves over to APNU he would be given an MP position and a front bencher position it is that simple Granger is no dummy he knows he has to unite this country and he will do whatever it takes to unite Guyana.


Granger is committed to a Pro Guyana, Pro Human Development for this country and he recognizes that APNU needs folks like Moses and others to build a coalition of elders concerned about Guyana. 


The people recognize that younger turks like Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes will only hussle to full dem pocket at the expense of the people ala Jagdeo part deux.


You all need to remember one thing. Moses is obsessed with the idea that one day he will be President. He thinks that he was born to be and this is playing on his mind all the time. That is why he left the PPP. He knew that he could not be President in the present PPP mix. But the AFC gives him the best chance to make deals with the PNC and Granger. So the plan is for TK to go over and soften the image of Granger. And then Moses will make a move. He could be either VP candidate for APNU or Presidential candidate. But most likely VP candidate. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Granger is committed to a Pro Guyana, Pro Human Development for this country and he recognizes that APNU needs folks like Moses and others to build a coalition of elders concerned about Guyana. 





You are performing excellent PR work for David Granger. Unfortunately your efforts are doomed to fail.


You see redux, the Guyanese people got a chance to vote for Granger just 2 years ago, and 59% rejected him.


So all this blabbering from you about Granger being pro Guyana and pro development, etc---it's just plain HOT AIR--PROPAGANDA---EMPTY TALK.


Anyway, Good luck with your PR efforts for Granger, but like I said you are guaranteed to fail. You are backing a proven loser and failure in David Granger(40.83% in 2011).





 PPP start falling Apart

when Jagdeo was became President

Them Roar Bhai's

made Jagdeo crawl on the floor

thru a Toilet in New York


Desmond Hoyte said Jagdeo was a @untiman

and called him a Thief

fuh giving his friends and cronies

"De Law Book Contract"

Jagdeo went public denying he ever met

Raj Singh, Totaram or Trevor

and he do not know any of them.


Joey Jagan told de world

he went looking for the printery

at the address on Liberty Avenue,

and was surprised when he found out

it was a empty Basement

where Totaram & Raj Singh was Drinking Rum

and which they use for orgies and to entertain Jagdeo

when he in New York

At a Public Meeting in Richmond Hill

George got up and called Jagdeo a Dishonest Fella,

a Shame and a Disgrace to the PPP and Cheddi Jagan.....

Why De Rev Cant Speak de Thruth????


59% did what reverse? The majority of the electorate voted against the PPP and that is in spite of the fact that Boodhoo and the PPP rigged the election.


That is in spite of election day violence perpetuated by the PPP in south georgetown with their Ex-PNC now PPP thugs. The PPP always recruits the ugliest from the PNC always remember that.


So no matter how you spin it and turn and twist it the PPP was a massive failure in 2011 and guess what they are not going to be able to turn around that ship anytime soon. The population has soured against these gangsters hustling to thief every penny from the poor in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You all need to remember one thing. Moses is obsessed with the idea that one day he will be President. He thinks that he was born to be and this is playing on his mind all the time. That is why he left the PPP. He knew that he could not be President in the present PPP mix. But the AFC gives him the best chance to make deals with the PNC and Granger. So the plan is for TK to go over and soften the image of Granger. And then Moses will make a move. He could be either VP candidate for APNU or Presidential candidate. But most likely VP candidate. 

No we need to remember more than one thing.

Moses walk out and left Freedom House

just after Jagdeo Became President

and as soon as the thiefing Start...


Donald was Quick to thank him

for always being faithful to Jagan 

and leaving clean...


But Janet Quickly beg him to come back

and save Cheddi name and Reputation....


Dem send Sam Hinds fuh Beg,

Reep fuh Beg,

Donald to withdraw eee thank You Letter,

Ralph fuh Beg.....

Roger Fuh Beg....

Gail fuh Cry

Jagdeo fuh apologise to Moses....


Moses listen to Janet

and came back and tried

to save the PPP & Jagan Name


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

59% did what reverse? The majority of the electorate voted against the PPP and that is in spite of the fact that Boodhoo and the PPP rigged the election.


That is in spite of election day violence perpetuated by the PPP in south georgetown with their Ex-PNC now PPP thugs. The PPP always recruits the ugliest from the PNC always remember that.


So no matter how you spin it and turn and twist it the PPP was a massive failure in 2011 and guess what they are not going to be able to turn around that ship anytime soon. The population has soured against these gangsters hustling to thief every penny from the poor in Guyana.

Your running over to the PNC won't help. You in Granger pants now and you can't move.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You all need to remember one thing. Moses is obsessed with the idea that one day he will be President. He thinks that he was born to be and this is playing on his mind all the time. That is why he left the PPP. He knew that he could not be President in the present PPP mix. But the AFC gives him the best chance to make deals with the PNC and Granger. So the plan is for TK to go over and soften the image of Granger. And then Moses will make a move. He could be either VP candidate for APNU or Presidential candidate. But most likely VP candidate. 

No we need to remember more than one thing.

Moses walk out and left Freedom House

just after Jagdeo Became President and the thiefing Start...

Donald was Quick to thank him for being clean and leaving...

But Janet Quickly beg him to come back

and save Cheddi name and Reputation....

Dem send Sam Hinds fuh Beg,

Reep fuh Beg,

Donald to withdraw eee thank You Letter,

Ralph fuh Beg.....Roger Fuh Beg....Gail fuh Cry

Jagdeo fuh apologise to Moses....

Moses tried to save the PPP & Jagan Name


And you know why? Moses wants to be pressy. At all costs. So when he jump to the PNC who gon stop him. You? 



The Rev has banned Mitwah and jalil and will never respond to them directly on GNI again.


My posts on gni political have been controversial at times---some in the past have been deemed racist---by the way, I have now chosen to stop the race baiting.


Now, I see nothing wrong with folks attacking my ideas or opinions, but when they start taking personal shots at me and attacking my family----I draw the line---recently the vulgar and boorish Mitwah attacked my mother.


I reported him to admin, but I guess it is OK on GNI for posters to attack the mothers of other posters. So I have taken action.









Last edited by Former Member

yawn some old PPP bruk record being repeated year after year. No new ideas.


This is demonstrated in Guyana as well where the PPP has to dustoff the PNC playbook and talk about diversification at Guysuco and in the economy. 


PPP now talking about farming to feed the caribbean, ok forbes thx.


PPP now talking about grow more or less food. Again forbes you were fantastic.


Meanwhile the migration rate out of Guyana is at a staggering pace, never has the Americans exported this many Guyanese in a year. PPP donuts like yous 2 here though fully believe PPP gonna win. Why? because dem always bin a win.


U donuts are clueless.

Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev has banned Mitwah and jalil and will never respond to them directly on GNI again.


My posts on gni political have been controversial at times---some have been deemed racist---by the way, I have now chosen to stop the race baiting.


Now, I see nothing wrong with folks attacking my ideas or opinions, but when they start taking personal shots at me and attacking my family----I draw the line---recently the vulgar and boorish Mitwah attacked my mother.


I reported him to admin, but I guess it is OK on GNI for posters to attack the mothers of other posters. So I have taken action.









You should reconsider cause they don't know better. Jalil talks a lot but where is his TV show on that channel? He can't give Moses any publicity like he used to because the TV show gone, according to the New York folks.  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

yawn some old PPP bruk record being repeated year after year. No new ideas.


This is demonstrated in Guyana as well where the PPP has to dustoff the PNC playbook and talk about diversification at Guysuco and in the economy. 


PPP now talking about farming to feed the caribbean, ok forbes thx.


PPP now talking about grow more or less food. Again forbes you were fantastic.


Meanwhile the migration rate out of Guyana is at a staggering pace, never has the Americans exported this many Guyanese in a year. PPP donuts like yous 2 here though fully believe PPP gonna win. Why? because dem always bin a win.


U donuts are clueless.

More Yawn at your rant. Your guru Forbes was a good talker but he was also a rigger. Remember those elections. Did your folks vote for the mouse or the house? 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


 So no matter how you spin it and turn and twist it the PPP was a massive failure in 2011

Donald Rabindranauth Ramotar won the presidency in 2011, and you come here claiming that the PPP was a massive failure in 2011 ?


Only a severely delusional, neurotic and paranoid individual would come to such a conclusion---the PPP was a massive failure despite winning 48.6% of the votes and the presidency in 2011.


Listen redux! You are backing a proven failure and loser in David Granger. APNU is guaranteed to lose in 2016. But keep on trucking---enjoy your delusions.





Ronald McDonald, Jagdeo and Ramotar have been proven to be riggers ask Boodhoo and surujbally. This is not up for debate so what you hollering about forbes who died over a decade ago. 


No matter how bad forbes was the facts are after 20 years forbes was hands down better for Guyana than the PPP.


Forbes saved us from the communist PPP. Lets not forget that. Jagan is equally responsible for destroying Guyana by supporting forbes to nationalize private businesses in Guyana. You have to be eating too many Big Mac which freeze up the brain to not realize that.


The Rev has banned Mitwah and jalil and will never respond to them directly on GNI again.{Rev yuh know I will always respond to your lies or what others call dishonesty}


My posts on gni political have been controversial at times---some have been deemed racist---by the way, I have now chosen to stop the race baiting.{Good move Rev....yuh need fuh stop climbing da Race Tree all de time}


Now, I see nothing wrong with folks attacking my ideas or opinions, but when they start taking personal shots at me and attacking my family----I draw the line---recently the vulgar and boorish Mitwah attacked my mother.

{Rev I did not notice that....but if Mitwah did that he is wrong....and he should apologize....just as you should for trying fuh discuss AFC officials Panty....Left dat fuh them Pantyman like Kwame}


I reported him to admin, but I guess it is OK on GNI for posters to attack the mothers of other posters. So I have taken action.{Again is wrong to attack another poster mother ......or to change what the say because of love for De Pantyman Kwame}


I WILL NEVER RESPOND DIRECTLY TO MITWAH OR JALIL AGAIN.{I am sorry you had to back down....but I will continue to correct the Lies whenever I see them....Kool}





Originally Posted by Jalil:

The Rev has banned Mitwah and jalil and will never respond to them directly on GNI again.{Rev yuh know I will always respond to your lies or what others call dishonesty}


My posts on gni political have been controversial at times---some have been deemed racist---by the way, I have now chosen to stop the race baiting.{Good move Rev....yuh need fuh stop climbing da Race Tree all de time}


Now, I see nothing wrong with folks attacking my ideas or opinions, but when they start taking personal shots at me and attacking my family----I draw the line---recently the vulgar and boorish Mitwah attacked my mother.

{Rev I did not notice that....but if Mitwah did that he is wrong....and he should apologize....just as you should for trying fuh discuss AFC officials Panty....Left dat fuh them Pantyman like Kwame}


I reported him to admin, but I guess it is OK on GNI for posters to attack the mothers of other posters. So I have taken action.{Again is wrong to attack another poster mother ......or to change what the say because of love for De Pantyman Kwame}


I WILL NEVER RESPOND DIRECTLY TO MITWAH OR JALIL AGAIN.{I am sorry you had to back down....but I will continue to correct the Lies whenever I see them....Kool}





Put all of it on your TV show, it makes for good reporting.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ronald McDonald, Jagdeo and Ramotar have been proven to be riggers ask Boodhoo and surujbally. This is not up for debate so what you hollering about forbes who died over a decade ago. 


No matter how bad forbes was the facts are after 20 years forbes was hands down better for Guyana than the PPP.


Forbes saved us from the communist PPP. Lets not forget that. Jagan is equally responsible for destroying Guyana by supporting forbes to nationalize private businesses in Guyana. You have to be eating too many Big Mac which freeze up the brain to not realize that.

Wonderful bai. Twisting the truth. What a propaganda machine you are. Now telling us that Forbes was a good man.


You should reconsider cause they don't know better. Jalil talks a lot but where is his TV show on that channel? He can't give Moses any publicity like he used to because the TV show gone, according to the New York folks.


When yuh want see the lates about Moses let me know.

Ok....what about if we creat a Program called...

"Sugrim....Live and Direct from Guyana"....

mi know yuh cant afford it...that's ok...yuh na got to pay a penny...can we go ahead with ....."Sugrim....Live and Direct from Guyana"....


I will put you on TV

Originally Posted by Jalil:

You should reconsider cause they don't know better. Jalil talks a lot but where is his TV show on that channel? He can't give Moses any publicity like he used to because the TV show gone, according to the New York folks.


When yuh want see the lates about Moses let me know.

Ok....what about if we creat a Program called...

"Sugrim....Live and Direct from Guyana"....

mi know yuh cant afford it...that's ok...yuh na got to pay a penny...can we go ahead with ....."Sugrim....Live and Direct from Guyana"....


I will put you on TV

You can't put me on TV, it's called paying one's massive debt first. So says those New York folks that know you.  

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What a combination Reverse and Ronald McDonald - Backwards and clownsuit.

You have made some reasonable and intelligent posts using the HM_Redux handle---why do you now resort to name calling and cheap shots ? I guess that is your way of responding to solid arguments---cheap attacks and cheap shots!




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