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@Sheik101 posted:

Jango, u ever sit down pon  dis famous bench bai? Talk de truth.

Never went to Barbados ,don't think will go there. Heard Guyanese American are getting the same treatment. My friend from St.Lucia said they are also disrespected.

There was a thread on the Forum discussing how Guyanese are treated.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

It is not for the Caribbean Court of Justice - CCJ - to undo anything Keith Lowenfield or others have done.

CCJ is to make decisions on the matter before them.

The country in question needs to follow the decision, as the CCJ is the final step in the legal process.

I understand what you wrote here. But,  D_G previously wrote ...Guyana's Chief Elections Officer has made his personal decision on the election.

Whose decision will he choose, if its not his own, based on his job title ? I read it as your  negative statement. 

Also, if the CCJ is the final step, what is the value of the Guyana constitution stating that the Guyana CoA is the final decision and cannot be appealed ?  Can another court override the Guyana constitution  ?

If a party  don't like the CCJ decision,  could  they take  this matter to  the world court and continue to ignore the Guyana constitution ?  


The constitution of Guyana and that of the Caribbean Court of Justice are separate and distinct statutes.

With the formation in 2005, the CCJ is the final step in the legal process to hear cases from the named countries and make its decision.

@Former Member posted:

The constitution of Guyana and that of the Caribbean Court of Justice are separate and distinct statutes.

With the formation in 2005, the CCJ is the final step in the legal process to hear cases from the named countries and make its decision.

Too much speculation, we'll wait and see.  

@Django posted:

Never went to Barbados ,don't think will go there. Heard Guyanese American are getting the same treatment. My friend from St.Lucia said they are also disrespected.

There was a thread on the Forum discussing how Guyanese are treated.

From what I was told growing up, it all started when Guyanese began  flocking to these countries during Burnham time. Back then, it was any port in a storm.  Produce or perish. Cut an run or.. stay an bun  were the words  of the day, Trinidad, Barbados, Suriname to name a few; we became an invasive specie. Throughout the Caribbean when u identify yourself as Guyanese, you're looked at differently. It's a sad reality, but a true reality. Now, with all that's happening in the homeland, we've once again dropped a few notches down on the respect pole.

@Nehru posted:

I have a colleague from Barbados, she tells me in my face Guyanese, especially women are dirt. She claims Guyanese women go there and take their men

And now the men are sanctimonious gangsters...

@Nehru posted:

I have a colleague from Barbados, she tells me in my face Guyanese, especially women are dirt. She claims Guyanese women go there and take their men

I can only say is like dem Barbadian women not giving their fellas..ahem...any,  so dem horny men gravitate toward dem hot Guyanese women.

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

Never went to Barbados ,don't think will go there. Heard Guyanese American are getting the same treatment. My friend from St.Lucia said they are also disrespected.

There was a thread on the Forum discussing how Guyanese are treated.

I went to Barbados and was welcomed with respect.  Maybe because they had wanted foreign currency. Their gift shops were awesome.  While the ladies were shopping, their husbands were sampling Pina Coladas.

@cain posted:

I can only say is like dem Barbadian women not giving their fellas..ahem...any,  so dem horny men gravitate toward dem hot Guyanese women.

Perhaps. And we are better cooks, lol. 

Cook up rice, anyone? 

Ah gone. 

@Tola posted:

We [the CCJ] CANNOT UNDO what was done by the chief election officer [Keith Lowenfiled]. The guy did something and they say they cannot change it.

Was he not supposed to file a report based on his personal knowledge,[whose knowledge it its, if its  not his own] by following the evidence and required guidelines. Was this not a requirement of his job. But how it is accepted, is another matter.  

Could it be that President of the CCJ Mr. Saunders is talking about Lolofeel declaration of the recount with the SORs giving the PPP over 15,000 votes, thereby declaring them the winner? There are three scenarios here. He cannot undo his first declaration.


CCJ offers parties in Guyana pathway to rule of law

Sir Ronald Sanders

There have been unhelpful and destructive attacks by leading members and zealous supporters of the APNU-AFC caretaker government in Guyana against all with whose position they disagree. The targets are international organisations, CARICOM heads of government, other governments that have been major partners with Guyana and their diplomatic representatives.

All these institutions, governments and their representatives have urged that the political parties in Guyana accept an undertaking they solemnly gave. That undertaking was to accept a national recount of the votes cast at the March 2 general elections as the basis for the election result.

Apart from its paid lobbyist in Washington, DC, Bart Fisher, who succeeded in printing an opinion in the obscure publication, Washington Examiner, research has not revealed any credible supporters of the belligerent stand that APNU-AFC has adopted of rejecting the national recount which president David Granger helped to initiate and to which he said he would be bound.

The APNU-AFC stand is unfortunate. The party, or at least its two main components, the Peoples National Congress and the Working Peoples Alliance, have legitimate places in the political life of Guyana. These are places that should be preserved because every country needs political parties that offer ideas for good governance and hold themselves ready to form a government at the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box. These parties also need the recognition of the Caribbean and international community that they are democratic entities, prepared to advance their ideas vigorously and ready to accept the judgement of the electorates.

They squander the respect and the encouragement of the regional and international community when they resort to slurs and calumny against heads of government and institutions as the only defence for refusing to accept a transparent and fully supervised recount that does not suit them.

The recent assaults on Barbados’ prime minister, Mia Mottley, as chair of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is loathsome. Mottley carried out her duty to member states of CARICOM, including the nation of Guyana and to the Charter of Civil Society of which Guyana is a signatory. She expressed “sadness” over events in Guyana that have caused the result of an election, held on March 2, not to be declared more than three months later, and she repeated that the report of the CARICOM scrutineers “reflects the result of the recount process as certified by the very staff of the Guyana Elections Commission and witnessed by representatives of political parties”.

Nothing prime minister Mottley said was untrue. Therefore, it is distressing that president Granger was encouraged to say that her statement “appears to be designed to exert undue pressure on the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ)”. To impute to prime minister Mottley such a disreputable motive is unacceptable and unjust.

The CCJ has been brought into this matter as Guyana’s final appellate Court. The opposition, Peoples Progressive Party (PPC/C) and others are appealing a decision of the Guyana Court of Appeal, which ordered an interpretation of the words ‘more valid votes are cast’ and a stay of its decision for three days. The applicants claim that the decision was wrong for many reasons, including that the Court of Appeal did not have the jurisdiction to hear and determine the Notice of Motion. The APNU-AFC has been adamant that the CCJ has no jurisdiction to hear the case, claiming that the Guyana Court of Appeal’s decision is final.

Not content with making legal arguments to the CCJ to establish their case, zealots of the APNU-AFC turned to broadening their attacks to include the president of the CCJ, Adrian Saunders. In a webpage constructed for political propaganda with an undisclosed writer, they claim that St Vincent and the Grenadines’ prime minister, Ralph Gonsalves, the longest-serving head of government in the region who led his country to election to a non-permanent seat of the UN Security Council, is biased against them and that Justice Saunders will be influenced by his friendship with Gonsalves to rule against the APNU-AFC surrogate in the case.

The attack on Justice Saunders is reprehensible as it is baseless. In the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Saunders twice found against cases in which Gonsalves was the lead attorney. Further, Saunders’ judicial independence is recognised internationally, including by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on whose advisory board he serves. Justice Saunders will also be accompanied in the hearing by at least five other distinguished judges whose reputations are equally untainted.

Fortunately, those who were convinced that the judges of the Guyana Court of Appeal were compromised by familial and other links, did not similarly indulge in casting aspersions on their judicial integrity.

Luis Almagro, the secretary-general of the Organisation of American States, summed up this sorry tale when he declared: “It is undeniable that this election has gone on long enough. The process in Guyana must be brought to an end, based on the results of the national recount, and with respect for the will of the majority of the electorate”.

The justices of the CCJ offer that conclusive opportunity. They held a lengthy case management session on June 25, with all the parties concerned except the chief elections officer, Keith Lowenfield, who discarded the CARICOM report of the recount and invalidated more than 115, 000 votes. He chose not to make a submission or be represented by counsel, and therefore not to be questioned by the court when the case is heard. They will begin hearings, after written submissions, on July 1.

The CCJ hearing and, eventual decision, will give the parties in Guyana a chance to adhere to the rule of law, behave lawfully and salvage their own and the country’s standing. They should take it.


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Could it be that President of the CCJ Mr. Saunders is talking about Lolofeel declaration of the recount with the SORs giving the PPP over 15,000 votes, thereby declaring them the winner? There are three scenarios here. He cannot undo his first declaration.

If you took the time to listen to the case management hearing, Mr. Mendes, counsel to PPP/C's cohorts, specifically referenced the latest report where he noted "Lowenfield disenfranchised more than 115,000 voters..." and as such, the report should be thrown out as it violated the CCJ's order.

CCJ Justice Winston Anderson then interjected to say that the report was submitted prior to the CCJ's order and subsequent to the Court of Appeal's decision.

CCJ Saunders then made the above comment that he did.

As I've said before, this is a case solely about jurisdiction and not the substance of what occurred up to this point.

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

If you took the time to listen to the case management hearing, Mr. Mendes, counsel to PPP/C's cohorts, specifically referenced the latest report where he noted "Lowenfield disenfranchised more than 115,000 voters..." and as such, the report should be thrown out as it violated the CCJ's order.

CCJ Justice Winston Anderson then interjected to say that the report was submitted prior to the CCJ's order and subsequent to the Court of Appeal's decision.

CCJ Saunders then made the above comment that he did.

As I've said before, this is a case solely about jurisdiction and not the substance of what occurred up to this point.

You did not address all three scenarios. How do you know which one he is talking about? The CoA decision is not binding because it is being appealed. As an attorney, I thought you might have known this. As a kane kuttah, I is no dis.


I challenge GNI members produce 5 cases of the dead voting,where the counter foil can verify that someone actually voted for that dead.. a opportunity to provide evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election.


Where are the APNU/PNC/ AFC supporters, prove your case. the Indians were like puppets to Burnham the religious leaders will line up to deliver seven curry at Belfield as they slave at Hope Coconut estate.


@Former Member posted:

Where are the APNU/PNC/ AFC supporters, prove your case. the Indians were like puppets to Burnham the religious leaders will line up to deliver seven curry at Belfield as they slave at Hope Coconut estate.


Heard that your father was a stable hand there. 


Be careful before Django ban you for unnecessary personal attacks on posters.

That's not a personal attack. Hindus are obliged to defend and protect their Religious leaders. Dave is a Fullah.

Gone are days when you would get Ray to suspend me when you can't take it.

Got some photos from my Nephew Bhagwandin. Will upload them later showing his Cougar in a red dress and unmatched flip flops. 

Last edited by Mitwah
@kp posted:

Only if you were the Jackass.  Would you like posters talk of your Mother, Father, Wives and Children??

My father was a Religious Leader.  What else would you like to know?


Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

That's not a personal attack. Hindus are obliged to defend and protect their Religious leaders. Dave is a Fullah.

Gone are days when you would get Ray to suspend me when you can't take it.

Got some photos from my Nephew Bhagwandin. Will upload them later showing his Cougar in a red dress and unmatched flip flops. 

It's too early to be Drunk, I think you are going too far. Bear in mind, D-G can suspend your backside just for being ignorant.

@Former Member posted:

Where are the APNU/PNC/ AFC supporters, prove your case. the Indians were like puppets to Burnham the religious leaders will line up to deliver seven curry at Belfield as they slave at Hope Coconut estate.

@Mitwah posted:

Heard that your father was a stable hand there. 

Mitwah ...

Bringing parents into conversations, as you have done for this one is absolutely wrong.

You have been advised of your uncalled-for references in the past.

Should you continue with this attitude, administrative actions will be taken against you.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

@Tola posted:

Moderator - Why are some Report Reply addressed in a public manner, but others are conveniently ignored ?

Twenty five minutes later and  I believe the moderator has fallen asleep, how convenient.  

@Former Member posted:

Mitwah ...

Bringing parents into conversations, as you have done for this one is absolutely wrong.

You have been advised of your uncalled-for references in the past.

Should you continue with this attitude, administrative actions will be taken against you.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

Why are you allowing Dave to pelt his shit about Hindu Religious leaders? 

As a Hindu, I will not sit idle by and allow a Fullah Man to do that to my Hindu Religious Leaders.

I know both you and Ray have discriminated against me in the past. 


@Mitwah posted:

Why are you allowing Dave to pelt his shit about Hindu Religious leaders? 

As a Hindu, I will not sit idle by and allow a Fullah Man to do that to my Hindu Religious Leaders.

I know both you and Ray have discriminated against me in the past. 


This site was not only race based from the beginning, there is also religious discrimination by moderators.

@Mitwah posted:

Why are you allowing Dave to pelt his shit about Hindu Religious leaders? 

As a Hindu, I will not sit idle by and allow a Fullah Man to do that to my Hindu Religious Leaders.

I know both you and Ray have discriminated against me in the past. 


You Fck don’t know my religious belief so cut the personal attack and deal with the poster comment. 

@Former Member posted:

Where are the APNU/PNC/ AFC supporters, prove your case. the Indians were like puppets to Burnham the religious leaders will line up to deliver seven curry at Belfield as they slave at Hope Coconut estate.

@Mitwah posted:

Heard that your father was a stable hand there. 

@Former Member posted:

Mitwah ...

Bringing parents into conversations, as you have done for this one is absolutely wrong.

You have been advised of your uncalled-for references in the past.

Should you continue with this attitude, administrative actions will be taken against you.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator

@Mitwah posted:

Why are you allowing Dave to pelt his shit about Hindu Religious leaders? 

As a Hindu, I will not sit idle by and allow a Fullah Man to do that to my Hindu Religious Leaders.

I know both you and Ray have discriminated against me in the past.

Mitwah ...

The specific issue relates to the re-posted items.

Again, I am restating ---

Should you continue with this attitude, administrative actions will be taken against you.

Be advised. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Demerara_Guy = Moderator


Two items....

1. Focus on the topic for discussions, which is ...

" -- Mottley flummoxed by discarding of votes by CEO -- "

2. Mitwah has been advised for his inappropriate action on this thread.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I will let this one go, but not the next. 

You have been pelting a lot of shit and hope that they stick. You are a fullah man and will not shit idle by allow you to post your shit about Hindus.


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