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@Former Member posted:

Two items....

1. Focus on the topic for discussions, which is ...

" -- Mottley flummoxed by discarding of votes by CEO -- "

2. Mitwah has been advised for his inappropriate action on this thread.

Why are you ignoring the other personal attacks?

@Former Member posted:

Two items....

1. Focus on the topic for discussions, which is ...

" -- Mottley flummoxed by discarding of votes by CEO -- "

2. Mitwah has been advised for his inappropriate action on this thread.

D_G, you are biased in your decision. Others and Dave whose reply reports you must have received,  have  infringed on the rules and you conveniently ignored their actions. You are not fair in your deliberation and should be shameful of your actions.  

@Mitwah posted:

You have been pelting a lot of shit and hope that they stick. You are a fullah man and will not shit idle by allow you to post your shit about Hindus.

Admin, please deal with the personal attack or I will respond appropriately.


Image may contain: text that says 'Rubio, Risch, Menendez, Cardin Encourage Guyanese Authorities to Begin Democratic Transition of Power JUN 26 2020 Miami, FL U.S. Senator Marco Rubio [R- FL) joined Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee Foreign Relations, as well as Ben (D-MD) in releasing the following statement encouraging Guyanese authorities to begin a democratic transition of power that reflects the results 2nd general and regional elections:'

Miami, FL — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, as well as Ben Cardin (D-MD) in releasing the following statement encouraging Guyanese authorities to begin a democratic transition of power that reflects the results of the March 2ndgeneral and regional elections:
“Nearly four months since their national election, the Guyanese people are still waiting for an official result following the general and regional elections in their nation. This is unacceptable.
“We share in the frustration expressed by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Organization of American States (OAS), and other international stakeholders, and call on the Guyanese authorities to issue an official election declaration that reflects the results of the March 2nd election which were confirmed in the official recount by CARICOM’s observer mission.
“Recent reports suggest questionable maneuvers by interested parties designed to continue forestalling a final declaration of results, which members of the press say indicates a defeat for the incumbent government. President Granger should honor the will of the Guyanese people and concede.
“We extend our support and solidarity to the people of Guyana, who have borne more than their fair share of patience during this process. For their sake, the future of democracy and the rule of law in our hemisphere, the ongoing uncertainty and gamesmanship must end.”
Rubio is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women’s Issues.

@Former Member posted:

Where are the APNU/PNC/ AFC supporters, prove your case. the Indians were like puppets to Burnham the religious leaders will line up to deliver seven curry at Belfield as they slave at Hope Coconut estate.

What's there to prove ?

Indo Guyanese from all religious beliefs supported Forbes Burnham ,same goes for Cheddi Jagan . Thankfully there are no religious animosity between the people of Guyana . People need to seek guidance from Guyana History.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

What's there to prove ?

Indo Guyanese from all religious beliefs supported Forbes Burnham ,same goes for Cheddi Jagan . Thankfully there are no religious animosity between the people of Guyana . People need to seek guidance from Guyana History.

You know that is a lie.  Indo_Guyanese did not support Forbes Burnham.  They were blackmailed into becoming members of the PNC to get jobs. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

You know that is a lie.  Indo_Guyanese did not support Forbes Burnham.  They were blackmailed into becoming members of the PNC to get jobs. 

I don't think it is a lie. Perhaps many stayed away from the polls but they were forced to support him financially. 

@Django posted:

What's there to prove ?

Indo Guyanese from all religious beliefs supported Forbes Burnham ,same goes for Cheddi Jagan . Thankfully there are no religious animosity between the people of Guyana . People need to seek guidance from Guyana History.

Prove this!! they were in sequence but you select the later 😊

I challenge GNI members produce 5 cases of the dead voting,where the counter foil can verify that someone actually voted for that dead.. a opportunity to provide evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

You know that is a lie.  Indo_Guyanese did not support Forbes Burnham.  They were blackmailed into becoming members of the PNC to get jobs. 

There was lots of Indo Guyanese supporting Burnham ,religious groups ,businessmen..etc. Nothing can erase the facts.

@Mitwah posted:

I don't think it is a lie. Perhaps many stayed away from the polls but they were forced to support him financially. 

Those were the rich Indians who were blackmailed.  Burnham would have canceled their licenses to do business. He threatened to take away the hire cars' licenses when they went on a strike. Buses licenses were all canceled.  Indians were forced to toe the line or else.    UG graduates had to go to National service before they received their Degrees.

Blacks were kicking Indians asses all over the country and the police did nothing.   I can go on and on....

@Former Member posted:

Prove this!! they were in sequence but you select the later 😊

I challenge GNI members produce 5 cases of the dead voting,where the counter foil can verify that someone actually voted for that dead.. a opportunity to provide evidence of Fraud in the 2020 election

There was FRAUD in March 2 ,2020 elections  ,review the live tabulations of the recount.

Can you tell what happened here ,there are numerous irregularities of such occurrences.



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Lowenfield discarded the PPP votes and added them to the APNU/AFC tally. He cheated for the PNC coalition. He manipulated the numbers. Every week he gave a different tally in favour of the Coalition.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Django posted:

There was FRAUD in March 2 ,2020 elections  ,review the live tabulations of the recount.

Can you tell what happened here ,there are numerous irregularities of such occurrences.


I went to school only on Sunday, is that   your method of evidence. Please review my challenge. 


It's a stupid request to prove that the dead voted. This is the job for the commission to investigate including the other anomalies from the audited recount.

Why did the PPP not have the list cleansed during their 23 years in power?

@Former Member posted:

I went to school only on Sunday, is that   your method of evidence. Please review my challenge. 

 Proof of FRAUD is provided .

Why do you think there isn't an awareness of your request challenging members of the forum  whom are all overseas to provide the dead voted ,which will be a dead end to gather the information. The dead voting can happen ,not too difficult for persons to impersonate the dead.

Last edited by Django

CARICOM observer team says recount reflects will of the people, enables declaration

The CARICOM observer team at the recount of votes from the March 2nd general elections says it reflects the will of the people and provides a basis for the declaration of a result.


View the full report at the end of this article.

In a key section the report says:

“Overall, while we acknowledge that there were some defects in the recount of the March 02, 2020 votes cast for the General and Regional elections in Guyana, the Team did not witness anything which would render the recount and by extension the casting of the ballot on March 02,  so grievously deficient procedurally or technically, (despite some irregularities), or sufficiently deficient to have thwarted the will of the people and consequently preventing the election results and its declaration by GECOM from reflecting the will of the voters. The actual count of the vote was indeed transparent”.


@Django posted:

 Proof of FRAUD is provided .

Why do you think there isn't an awareness of your request challenging members of the forum  whom are all overseas to provide the dead voted ,which will be a dead end to gather the information. The dead voting can happen ,not too difficult for persons to impersonate the dead.

Each polling station has 4 GECOM staff, each political parties has their OWN agents, observers, police officers out side the polling station AND APNU SUPPORTERS OUTSIDE  AT EVERY POLLING STATION.. For 1 1/2 month, not a single person came forward claiming they were bribe and the election was rigged. In fact Granger claimed the election was FREE & FAIR ... now  Please explain to me in your own words how a person can impersonate the death... this will be interesting.

@Former Member posted:

Each polling station has 4 GECOM staff, each political parties has their OWN agents, observers, police officers out side the polling station AND APNU SUPPORTERS OUTSIDE  AT EVERY POLLING STATION.. For 1 1/2 month, not a single person came forward claiming they were bribe and the election was rigged. In fact Granger claimed the election was FREE & FAIR ... now  Please explain to me in your own words how a person can impersonate the death... this will be interesting.

This is not Dave's form of expression or phraseology.

@Mitwah posted:

It's a stupid request to prove that the dead voted. This is the job for the commission to investigate including the other anomalies from the audited recount.

Why did the PPP not have the list cleansed during their 23 years in power?

The Police Commissioner and Immigration Office did confirm to GECOM that certain persons that voted were actually out of the country, and that those who died were also voting. 

Like I said - next election, clean list.

@Rochelle posted:

The Police Commissioner and Immigration Office did confirm to GECOM that certain persons that voted were actually out of the country, and that those who died were also voting. 

Like I said - next election, clean list.


Top Cop gives false information to Claudette Singh – Three persons already contradict info

click to read full article

@Rochelle posted:

The Police Commissioner and Immigration Office did confirm to GECOM that certain persons that voted were actually out of the country, and that those who died were also voting. 

Like I said - next election, clean list.

Lolo-bai see 115 thousand jumbie which probably include you...what make you think a new list would change what lolobai see as jumbie?

@sachin_05 posted:

Lolo-bai see 115 thousand jumbie which probably include you...what make you think a new list would change what lolobai see as jumbie?

What's with the name calling ?  Why do you people always reach into the gutter, when you run out of proper names to use, especially to a woman.  Is it an intellectual handicap ? 

@Tola posted:

What's with the name calling ?  Why do you people always reach into the gutter, when you run out of proper names to use, especially to a woman.  Is it an intellectual handicap ? 

Not sure where you see name family was listed as jumbie vote as well...

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Lolo-bai see 115 thousand jumbie which probably include you...what make you think a new list would change what lolobai see as jumbie?

You used it twice here. Don't  the person have a correct name ? 

@Former Member posted:

His sleep mask is still on. 

@ Django...I will review your reply later... I man gone for the day.

You gone for the day must mean 'just-now' . Go tek you dog for  a walk.

@Django posted:

There was lots of Indo Guyanese supporting Burnham ,religious groups ,businessmen..etc. Nothing can erase the facts.

Ostensibly "lots of" Indos supported Burnham.

Privately many of the "lots of" didn't like Burnham and his PNC.

As a PPP activist in those times I got confidential assurance by some of those people. They wanted to survive in their jobs and small businesses and farming.

Remember that Burnham eventually controlled 80% of the economy with Guythis, Guythat and Guytheother. I know that Cheddi Jagan understood those folks' dilemmas and didn't condemn them as they were discreetly supporting the PPP financially and otherwise. They didn't attack the PPP.

But there were some Indo PNCites who openly badmouthed Jagan and the PPP. Those fortunately were in a minority. 

If the entire "lots of" professed PNC Indos had voted for the PNC in 1992, Jagan couldn't have won the elections. Many voted in the privacy of the polling booths for the PPP and rushed to Freedom House to offer congratulations.

@Former Member posted:

Ostensibly "lots of" Indos supported Burnham.

Privately many of the "lots of" didn't like Burnham and his PNC.

As a PPP activist in those times I got confidential assurance by some of those people. They wanted to survive in their jobs and small businesses and farming.

Remember that Burnham eventually controlled 80% of the economy with Guythis, Guythat and Guytheother. I know that Cheddi Jagan understood those folks' dilemmas and didn't condemn them as they were discreetly supporting the PPP financially and otherwise. They didn't attack the PPP.

But there were some Indo PNCites who openly badmouthed Jagan and the PPP. Those fortunately were in a minority. 

If the entire "lots of" professed PNC Indos had voted for the PNC in 1992, Jagan couldn't have won the elections. Many voted in the privacy of the polling booths for the PPP and rushed to Freedom House to offer congratulations.

The rich, capitalistic parasites play both sides.  I was there in 1992 and witnessed their moves.  They are scum of the earth and are now part and parcel of a supposedly communist PPP.  

@Totaram posted:

The rich, capitalistic parasites play both sides.  I was there in 1992 and witnessed their moves.  They are scum of the earth and are now part and parcel of a supposedly communist PPP.  

In most developing countries, there are similar scenarios  of rich, capitalistic parasites.  


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