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@Former Member posted:

God made all of us. If he /she did not want gays, he would not have created that class of people. We are all one people. What happens if you woke up tomorrow morning and all the gay people became heterosexuals and all heterosexuals became gays?

I'll have the water tested. 

@Mitwah posted:

You boasted about being an ex PNC goon. You don't scare me. Why don't you ask Gilibaka about mockingly talking about my wife?

You and Glda put a spin on my  question to Dave and D-G was prodded by Miss Glda to flex his muscle. 

I am not tight with Django. He can suspend me anytime and I may not hold it against him. With D-G it different. We have a history going back to when I was very active on the Bollywood forum. D_G should recuse himself when dealing with complaints against me. 

Did you not post about your Daughter? Did you not post about your son?  So how is it against the rules for anyone to make reference to your family? 


I will ask Gilbakka about your wife, if you want me to do so.

Can you POST when and where I boasted That I was /am an X-  PNC GOON. If you can't then I will haunt you and your family for lying. I take that accusation VERY serious.

 Yes, I did say I have a Wife, Son and Daughter, don't we have a family? But it doesn't give you the right to post about them, Hope you understand!

 Further more STOP!!! PM me on this forum, talking about other posters and refer to people I don't know. as I said before I am not who you think I am, my private life will AMAZE  you, if you really know who I am.


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