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Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?



What CHLIDREN have to do with this?


Why don't you go and fkck yourself you demented imbicile REDUX.


You operate like you know everything, yet you know so little.  


For your information, I do not have children in my home.  All my children are in your home because your wife made them for me and you minding them.





That is to tell you, when you get into a verbal debate, leave family out.  If you have nothing else to say Mr. TK, shut yu rass.


Only an antiman who cannot stand for his own principles, attack children.  You are a coward and a cheap low class slime.


Look gwan suh you low life crab who hungry fuh power and getting fustrated that the PPP shutting you rass out.


I am saying again Mr. David Arthur Granger (Brig rtd) will NEVER ever be PRESIDENT of Guyana.



sumbady juss buss a blood vessel


har de har har har har har har har harrrr

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?



What CHLIDREN have to do with this?


Why don't you go and fkck yourself you demented imbicile REDUX.


You operate like you know everything, yet you know so little.  


For your information, I do not have children in my home.  All my children are in your home because your wife made them for me and you minding them.





That is to tell you, when you get into a verbal debate, leave family out.  If you have nothing else to say Mr. TK, shut yu rass.


Only an antiman who cannot stand for his own principles, attack children.  You are a coward and a cheap low class slime.


Look gwan suh you low life crab who hungry fuh power and getting fustrated that the PPP shutting you rass out.


I am saying again Mr. David Arthur Granger (Brig rtd) will NEVER ever be PRESIDENT of Guyana.




Hey hey Hey. Sase/Harish/Rev Al...why yuh bitta bai?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?



What CHLIDREN have to do with this?


Why don't you go and fkck yourself you demented imbicile REDUX.


You operate like you know everything, yet you know so little.  


For your information, I do not have children in my home.  All my children are in your home because your wife made them for me and you minding them.





That is to tell you, when you get into a verbal debate, leave family out.  If you have nothing else to say Mr. TK, shut yu rass.


Only an antiman who cannot stand for his own principles, attack children.  You are a coward and a cheap low class slime.


Look gwan suh you low life crab who hungry fuh power and getting fustrated that the PPP shutting you rass out.


I am saying again Mr. David Arthur Granger (Brig rtd) will NEVER ever be PRESIDENT of Guyana.




Hey hey Hey. Sase/Harish/Rev Al...why yuh bitta bai?

and the alter ego of REDUX/TK turn up.  Welcome Kapidilla.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?



What CHLIDREN have to do with this?


Why don't you go and fkck yourself you demented imbicile REDUX.


You operate like you know everything, yet you know so little.  


For your information, I do not have children in my home.  All my children are in your home because your wife made them for me and you minding them.





That is to tell you, when you get into a verbal debate, leave family out.  If you have nothing else to say Mr. TK, shut yu rass.


Only an antiman who cannot stand for his own principles, attack children.  You are a coward and a cheap low class slime.


Look gwan suh you low life crab who hungry fuh power and getting fustrated that the PPP shutting you rass out.


I am saying again Mr. David Arthur Granger (Brig rtd) will NEVER ever be PRESIDENT of Guyana.




Hey hey Hey. Sase/Harish/Rev Al...why yuh bitta bai?

and the alter ego of REDUX/TK turn up.  Welcome Kapidilla.

Hey Hey...Rev Al how tings bai?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

Well written academic article.


Does it have relevance to the real politics?  


What you see as real politics?


Gurl real palitics foh dem bais mean bun down de town and send innocent black peopkle foh get shoot wid PPP bullet lika Linden. Set a Azzzes.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

Well written academic article.


Does it have relevance to the real politics?  


What you see as real politics?

My Dear JB:


I see Granja can go into Enmore and explain the nitigriity to the people.


Talk to the East Indians directly.


But he hides from the East Indian villages.


END results - NO VOTES for APNU!

Originally Posted by Chief:


I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.


A known drug dealer say he work for the PPP to kill people. We need enquiry to find out how much innocent people get kill. We need to know why the police fail to do the job. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.


PROPAGANDA and I born in 1989. We don't care for Mr Burnham. 

People take lessons from history.  Today's Jews/Europeans are vigilant about Hitler-likes persons and beliefs.


The issue goes beyond and single individual as after Granger, who knows who will rise.  The dream and aspiration of most Afros for a re-establishment of the old "Burnham order" by any means necessary is alive and very well.  We need to guard against that.

The argument must also be made for reforms.


When I speak of reforms, I mean comprehensive.  No party should be able to use national institutions or legal loopholes to hijack the will of the people.  The will of the people should be pure, simple and unadulterated.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Very nice article and well researched.


Granger does not have to offer an apology, which seems somewhat humiliating.  What he has to do is put forward a plan to the nation to push for targeted constitutional reforms to block any future alliance between any ruling party and the national military/security services.  As an ex-military guy, he will have tremendous credibility and build good-faith with the Indian community.  If he does that, he will surpass the heroics of those we now view as heroes.

Now you are talking, of course ironically the police and the GDF are being accused of being abusive to blacks and Amerindians now.


The history of Guyana is that the armed forces always do as they are told. They did so under the British, under the PNC, and now under the PPP.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


WOW! You gat wan sick mine.

You so dumb you cannot understand the colloquial language. It is not sex, it is Guyanese talk.  But you so foreign to Guyana, you cannot udnerstand.




You mind show the metaphor. 

JB, is whah yuh setting yuself up for?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Very nice article and well researched.


Granger does not have to offer an apology, which seems somewhat humiliating.  What he has to do is put forward a plan to the nation to push for targeted constitutional reforms to block any future alliance between any ruling party and the national military/security services.  As an ex-military guy, he will have tremendous credibility and build good-faith with the Indian community.  If he does that, he will surpass the heroics of those we now view as heroes.

Now you are talking, of course ironically the police and the GDF are being accused of being abusive to blacks and Amerindians now.


The history of Guyana is that the armed forces always do as they are told. They did so under the British, under the PNC, and now under the PPP.

I doubt the PPP can call the GDF to administer elections, replace ballot boxes and burn the others.  I doubt that.


All the other stuff you talk, well it's debatable if it is the proper use of force.  Was it to maintain order or suppress the will of the people?  The people express their will at the ballot, if some don't accept and try to create mayhem, then the use of the police is well justified.  In the case of the Buxton terrorists, the use of the military may be justified, but this is debatable.  The GDF should be reserved for national security or extreme internal security challenges.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Very nice article and well researched.


Granger does not have to offer an apology, which seems somewhat humiliating.  What he has to do is put forward a plan to the nation to push for targeted constitutional reforms to block any future alliance between any ruling party and the national military/security services.  As an ex-military guy, he will have tremendous credibility and build good-faith with the Indian community.  If he does that, he will surpass the heroics of those we now view as heroes.

Now you are talking, of course ironically the police and the GDF are being accused of being abusive to blacks and Amerindians now.


The history of Guyana is that the armed forces always do as they are told. They did so under the British, under the PNC, and now under the PPP.

I doubt the PPP can call the GDF to administer elections, replace ballot boxes and burn the others.  I doubt that.


All the other stuff you talk, well it's debatable if it is the proper use of force.  Was it to maintain order or suppress the will of the people?  The people express their will at the ballot, if some don't accept and try to create mayhem, then the use of the police is well justified.  In the case of the Buxton terrorists, the use of the military may be justified, but this is debatable.  The GDF should be reserved for national security or extreme internal security challenges.

GDF voted against the PPP.


Who do you think is the Chief Elections Officer - Keith Lowenfield, ex Major in the GDF.


PPP will definitely lose the 50 percent again in 2016.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Very nice article and well researched.


Granger does not have to offer an apology, which seems somewhat humiliating.  What he has to do is put forward a plan to the nation to push for targeted constitutional reforms to block any future alliance between any ruling party and the national military/security services.  As an ex-military guy, he will have tremendous credibility and build good-faith with the Indian community.  If he does that, he will surpass the heroics of those we now view as heroes.

Now you are talking, of course ironically the police and the GDF are being accused of being abusive to blacks and Amerindians now.


The history of Guyana is that the armed forces always do as they are told. They did so under the British, under the PNC, and now under the PPP.

I doubt the PPP can call the GDF to administer elections, replace ballot boxes and burn the others.  I doubt that.


All the other stuff you talk, well it's debatable if it is the proper use of force.  Was it to maintain order or suppress the will of the people?  The people express their will at the ballot, if some don't accept and try to create mayhem, then the use of the police is well justified.  In the case of the Buxton terrorists, the use of the military may be justified, but this is debatable.  The GDF should be reserved for national security or extreme internal security challenges.

GDF voted against the PPP.


Who do you think is the Chief Elections Officer - Keith Lowenfield, ex Major in the GDF.


PPP will definitely lose the 50 percent again in 2016.

Exactly how this relates to what I posted???

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

An estimated 80 percent of the joint services' 8,000 members cast votes.


1,200 from the GDF, 400 from the Fire and Prisons respectively and the 6,000 from the police.


PNC/APNU got more than 60 percent.

Are you a retard, how does that relate to the point of my post stupid.

You are the retard.  Did I respond to your dumb point or did I start a new point.  You really got much social issues Baseman.  The drugs eating your brains out to the point you cannot pick sense from nonsense anymore.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

An estimated 80 percent of the joint services' 8,000 members cast votes.


1,200 from the GDF, 400 from the Fire and Prisons respectively and the 6,000 from the police.


PNC/APNU got more than 60 percent.

Are you a retard, how does that relate to the point of my post stupid.

You are the retard.  Did I respond to your dumb point or did I start a new point.  You really got much social issues Baseman.  The drugs eating your brains out to the point you cannot pick sense from nonsense anymore.

You missed the point clown and trying to derail to hide your folly.  Carry on.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

An estimated 80 percent of the joint services' 8,000 members cast votes.


1,200 from the GDF, 400 from the Fire and Prisons respectively and the 6,000 from the police.


PNC/APNU got more than 60 percent.

Are you a retard, how does that relate to the point of my post stupid.

You are the retard.  Did I respond to your dumb point or did I start a new point.  You really got much social issues Baseman.  The drugs eating your brains out to the point you cannot pick sense from nonsense anymore.

You missed the point clown and trying to derail to hide your folly.  Carry on.

OK PPP carrion crow.  You still hustling fuh the PPP?


Hustle, I know how much you miss the little black boy from North West.  He nah want yu no more, he has rejected your BT.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

An estimated 80 percent of the joint services' 8,000 members cast votes.


1,200 from the GDF, 400 from the Fire and Prisons respectively and the 6,000 from the police.


PNC/APNU got more than 60 percent.

Are you a retard, how does that relate to the point of my post stupid.

You are the retard.  Did I respond to your dumb point or did I start a new point.  You really got much social issues Baseman.  The drugs eating your brains out to the point you cannot pick sense from nonsense anymore.

You missed the point clown and trying to derail to hide your folly.  Carry on.

OK PPP carrion crow.  You still hustling fuh the PPP?


Hustle, I know how much you miss the little black boy from North West.  He nah want yu no more, he has rejected your BT.

You seem taken by black boys from North West, not sure I could help, I left there at 5 years old.  Try a direct hustle, I'm sure there is space for you.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and empathy with the botherations of the people.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and emphaty with the botherations of the people.

Good, seems you not doing too well at any, and your chip showing.  Managing Guyana don't need a degree?  I guess you think it's all about cutting cane and shying lil paddy.  Well, more power to you man.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and emphaty with the botherations of the people.

Good, seems you not doing too well at any, and your chip showing.  Managing Guyana don't need a degree?  I guess you think it's all about cutting cane and shying lil paddy.  Well, more power to you man.

Actually, I am observing the MODI model, a man without even a masters but well connected with the people.


He surrounds himself with brilliant people who have no connection to the real people.  He has a full PMO which is stacked with all these Harvard kind but they have no connectivity with the people; they are the hired hand.


Likewise, Granja has no connectivity with the people.  Ramutar has and Ramjattan has.


The PNC will get nuff lick in 2016.


The PNC needs a new leader.


Mike Persaud tell them they need an East Indian leader.  The very next day he was dumped from the PNC.


Now on the other side we have these chamars like Baseman hustling for East Indian supremacy and down talking an HONOURABLE instsitution like the GDF all because it is dominated by the Afro-Guyanese.


LOOK gwan suh you racist - BaseBoard.



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and emphaty with the botherations of the people.

Good, seems you not doing too well at any, and your chip showing.  Managing Guyana don't need a degree?  I guess you think it's all about cutting cane and shying lil paddy.  Well, more power to you man.

Actually, I am observing the MODI model, a man without even a masters but well connected with the people.


He surrounds himself with brilliant people who have no connection to the real people.  He has a full PMO which is stacked with all these Harvard kind but they have no connectivity with the people; they are the hired hand.


Likewise, Granja has no connectivity with the people.  Ramutar has and Ramjattan has.


The PNC will get nuff lick in 2016.


The PNC needs a new leader.


Mike Persaud tell them they need an East Indian leader.  The very next day he was dumped from the PNC.


Now on the other side we have these chamars like Baseman hustling for East Indian supremacy and down talking an HONOURABLE instsitution like the GDF all because it is dominated by the Afro-Guyanese.


LOOK gwan suh you racist - BaseBoard.



Good, stick to the MODI model, seems you are in discovery phase.  Now run along and play hide and seek.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and emphaty with the botherations of the people.

Good, seems you not doing too well at any, and your chip showing.  Managing Guyana don't need a degree?  I guess you think it's all about cutting cane and shying lil paddy.  Well, more power to you man.

Actually, I am observing the MODI model, a man without even a masters but well connected with the people.


He surrounds himself with brilliant people who have no connection to the real people.  He has a full PMO which is stacked with all these Harvard kind but they have no connectivity with the people; they are the hired hand.


Likewise, Granja has no connectivity with the people.  Ramutar has and Ramjattan has.


The PNC will get nuff lick in 2016.


The PNC needs a new leader.


Mike Persaud tell them they need an East Indian leader.  The very next day he was dumped from the PNC.


Now on the other side we have these chamars like Baseman hustling for East Indian supremacy and down talking an HONOURABLE instsitution like the GDF all because it is dominated by the Afro-Guyanese.


LOOK gwan suh you racist - BaseBoard.



Good, stick to the MODI model, seems you are in discovery phase.  Now run along and play hide and seek.

Ha Ha, the man in need of the black boy's willy trying to play authoritative when he is a BITCH for the black balata, NORTH WEST STYLE.

Originally Posted by baseman:
..  The GDF should be reserved for national security or extreme internal security challenges.

When the GDF and the GPF sodomize people who they haven't guilty, shoot a boy in his mouth who they haven't proven guilty, cooperate with a know drug lord in his reign of terror sanctioned by the PPP what is that?  Shooting into crowds TWICE since Ramotar took office.


It is called the GDF and the GPF following orders from above just as they have done in some shape or form for the past 200 + years.  So why confine your remarks only to the PNC era?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and empathy with the botherations of the people.


Hey Hey Hey...

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Hypocritical PPP trying to woo disciplined services votes.


They got their foot cloth Baseman trying his best on GNI.

But he is failing and he is really getting annoyed.  Tsk tsk!

Don't feel that important, just sipping a glass wine out in the Poconos playing with you clown killing time till the sun cools off. I rarely come here anymore except when i have time to kill. Tsk tsk.

What you think everyone else doing?


I am at the riverside sipping my red wine and laughing to myself how I got you all whined up.


This is my experiment at human interaction.  Which butttons to press and which not to.


I just realised that brillant men are idiots.  It is better to put a simple man with a vision in chrage rather than all these so called brite men like Baseman and TK and Granja.


Managing Guyana does not need a degree, it need COMMON SENSE and emphaty with the botherations of the people.

Good, seems you not doing too well at any, and your chip showing.  Managing Guyana don't need a degree?  I guess you think it's all about cutting cane and shying lil paddy.  Well, more power to you man.

Actually, I am observing the MODI model, a man without even a masters but well connected with the people.


He surrounds himself with brilliant people who have no connection to the real people.  He has a full PMO which is stacked with all these Harvard kind but they have no connectivity with the people; they are the hired hand.


Likewise, Granja has no connectivity with the people.  Ramutar has and Ramjattan has.


The PNC will get nuff lick in 2016.


The PNC needs a new leader.


Mike Persaud tell them they need an East Indian leader.  The very next day he was dumped from the PNC.


Now on the other side we have these chamars like Baseman hustling for East Indian supremacy and down talking an HONOURABLE instsitution like the GDF all because it is dominated by the Afro-Guyanese.


LOOK gwan suh you racist - BaseBoard.




Aye jackass...wah yu need foh go till to Modi. Juss look at de PPP. Nuff a dem na gat educatshan. Guyana is wan splendid place dem dese days. Hey Hey...


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