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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

There is little or no trust of Indo-Guyanese in the PNC.  Carib's distrust of Kari's call for an apology clearly reflects how Africans in the PNC feel about Indians and the PPP. We have come a long but we still have long journey to get to the point of trust. Getting over the PNC syndrome is hard for Indos. There is even mistrust for anti-PPP Indians in the PNC as is clearly the case here with Kari. 



Billy you know what you need to do to get me to begin to trust you?  Concede as I do that BOTH races have discriminated against each other, when given a chance, and BOTH have suffered, and so BOTH hang on to useless parties in a desperate attempt to protect themselves against each other.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JB:

I am hoping to read the wise Mr Gilbakka comment on this article. 

I have read this article. Before I comment on its content I wish to share some background facts.
David Granger retired from the Guyana Defence Force in 1992. While in the army he had studied at the University of Guyana and graduated with a History major.
After Granger retired as a soldier he founded a news magazine, GUYANA REVIEW. That publication was highly and widely respected for its professionalism. No other than a leading PPP comrade, whom I shall not name, mailed me individual issues of Guyana Review to my Toronto address from time to time. The publication impressed me too, as did David Granger the historian.
Now, to the article itself, which I read with an open mind with due regard to Granger's expertise in history. Please note that this article was originally published in the Guyana Review in 2009, one year before Granger became PNC leader and two years before he became Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly.
In terms of space, Mr Granger's article covers large ground with detailed facts and information on Indian immigration, working and living as indentured labourers, Indian activities after indentureship, their accomplishments in varied fields, etc.
No doubt, he researched the subject well and acknowledged his professional indebtedness to Indo-Guyanese historians like Basdeo Mangru and Tota Mangar as sources.
Granger writes: "The Indian presence has immeasureably enriched the Guyanese nation. Descendants of indentured labourers continue to contribute to the cultural, economic and political life of the country."
Regarding the political aspect, Granger notes that the PPP "is still the dominant force in the Indian community and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future." That's a fair statement.
Overall, I readily recommend this article to anyone who wants to know about Indo-Guyanese and their history. They have nothing to lose.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You see if the PNC aplogizes to Indians and blacks dont also receive an apology it then becomes the belief, that you Chief Kishan B, Kaz and Kari, have that black people have no more need to feel abused by the PPP than Indians have becomes enshrined.  And this is exactly why large numbers of blacks will object, and might take their ran=ge out against Granger in the polls.


If both are sinners than BOTH need to repent.


Hey maybe my views about the PPP might change too?  Did you ever think of that?  With the black/mixed vote almost equal to the Indian vote its not only Indian voters who matter.  The main issue is that many mixed Guyanese are too young to vote, but the trend has been for mixed people to support the PNC.  With Africans at 32% of the voters clearly they pull mixed voters to reach their consistent 41%.


We both know that both the PPP and PNC are incompetent and corrupt.  So a swing vote on BOTH sides will be need to keep them "honest".


CribMan, I believe you have a problem with English Comprehension as this excerpted post continues to flail away (Don Quixote-esque) that somehow others like myself want the PNC to apologize and the PPP to get off scotch-free like Angels.


It is simple: the "Apology" was stated as a technique to pry away a disaffected PPP base in some numbers that would make them a true minority party (and I hear echoes of that other English Comprehension failure D2/Stubborn about 1 seat under 50% being a minority already). We don't care to have the PPP apologize.


When another government is in power and the PPP continues to lose and have a changed party and continues to not gain votes THEN we would be telling them about apologizing for the drug-runnings, the extra-judicial killings and not advancing the Guyana economy. Comprehension anyone?

As I stated two times earlier, 50% minus 1 percent means minority. It is pure mathematical ignorance to state you know of a "truer" minority status.


If you the "apology" is a strategy to seek the Indian vote it is a poor one. You have heaps of PPP corrupt practices to display before them; you have constitution reform, you have numerous policy initiatives but these are not helpful to you. Only an apology is!


Carib is suspicious of Kari's proposal of an apology by the PNC to Indians for the wrongs of the past. He thinks it's a clever attempt to trick the PNC into alienating its traditional supporters which would give the PPP a comfortable win at the polls. Kari is arguing that an apology by the PNC would weaken the PPP and send them packing perhaps even wither away as a political force. I don't know what Kari sees as an "another gov't" to replace the current one that would do this great favor to those who has a viscereal hate of the PPP. The Granger led opposition has refused to accept that the PNC rigged elections, carried out political assassinations, emptied the treasury, alienated the middle-class, sent Guyana's skillful workers running to foreign lands, reduced the Indians to a status of second class citizens, and whole lot of other horrible things. How can Indians in Guyana suddenly put their trust in a man who has no intention of acknowledging the terrible past of the PNC.  On the contrary, he glorified those soldies who executed PPP political activists on the Courantyne and charged Indo-Guyanese for carrying out, in his words, the worst terrorist attack in Latin America's history. Granger sounds like an old PNC dinosaur.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Please read.


Another ā€˜leadership qualityā€™ of the Brigadier is his unique revisionism/sanitising of Guyanaā€™s history.  For example, in October 2003, in Santiago, Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper titled, ā€œCivil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security In Guyana, 1953-2003,ā€ at a conference organised by the Centre for Hemispheric Defence Studies. In his presentation, Granger deliberately omitted the PNC orchestrated, May 25-26, 1964, Wismar Massacre of East Indians, but was effusive about the Sun Chapman tragedy, lamenting, ā€œā€¦the most alarming slaughterā€¦of 40 Africans on 6th Julyā€¦in the Demerara River on a motor launch to Mackenzie.ā€

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please read.


Another ā€˜leadership qualityā€™ of the Brigadier is his unique revisionism/sanitising of Guyanaā€™s history.  For example, in October 2003, in Santiago, Chile, Mr. Granger presented a paper titled, ā€œCivil Violence, Domestic Terrorism and Internal Security In Guyana, 1953-2003,ā€ at a conference organised by the Centre for Hemispheric Defence Studies. In his presentation, Granger deliberately omitted the PNC orchestrated, May 25-26, 1964, Wismar Massacre of East Indians, but was effusive about the Sun Chapman tragedy, lamenting, ā€œā€¦the most alarming slaughterā€¦of 40 Africans on 6th Julyā€¦in the Demerara River on a motor launch to Mackenzie.ā€

ok, all very interesting . . . albeit sumbady like u talking bout a paper, but


where is the part about Guyanese East Indians collectively guilty of the terror bombing?


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Granger deliberately omitted the PNC orchestrated, May 25-26, 1964, Wismar Massacre of East Indians, but was effusive about the Sun Chapman tragedy, lamenting, ā€œā€¦the most alarming slaughterā€¦of 40 Africans on 6th Julyā€¦in the Demerara River on a motor launch to Mackenzie.ā€



And the PPP either ignores the Sun Chapman bombing or invents the foolishness that people would actually transport explosives from G/twn to McKenzie when that town was full of explosives easily available to any one.


Plus why would the PNC transport bombs to McK when it was a PNC town?


This is exactly why either the PNC does NOT apologize of BOTH the PPP and the PNC apologize together.  Only a small % of Indians are willing to accept the role of the PPP in Guyana's ethnic distrust.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Politics aside. Nice read.

Do you think that it is a fair account?  It seems to have been well researched.




You will disagree with me on this but if Granger offers an apology on behalf of the Burnham and Hoyte dictatorship then Guyana will start to heal. 


My resentment is towards a PNC dictatorship. I experienced the discrimination and to leave assets worth millions to flee from a PNC dictatorship was not an easy thing.


As Ray said, take some fresh air.  Then think about the suffering that Indos experienced under the PNC and you will understand what I am speaking about.


Does Afro Guyanese need an even playing field ? Yes. The best minds in the PNC and PPP hold the key to Guyana's racial unity. Some day you and I can have a maubey and red bread (salara) together.

Very nice article and well researched.


Granger does not have to offer an apology, which seems somewhat humiliating.  What he has to do is put forward a plan to the nation to push for targeted constitutional reforms to block any future alliance between any ruling party and the national military/security services.  As an ex-military guy, he will have tremendous credibility and build good-faith with the Indian community.  If he does that, he will surpass the heroics of those we now view as heroes.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Granger deliberately omitted the PNC orchestrated, May 25-26, 1964, Wismar Massacre of East Indians, but was effusive about the Sun Chapman tragedy, lamenting, ā€œā€¦the most alarming slaughterā€¦of 40 Africans on 6th Julyā€¦in the Demerara River on a motor launch to Mackenzie.ā€



And the PPP either ignores the Sun Chapman bombing or invents the foolishness that people would actually transport explosives from G/twn to McKenzie when that town was full of explosives easily available to any one.


Plus why would the PNC transport bombs to McK when it was a PNC town?


This is exactly why either the PNC does NOT apologize of BOTH the PPP and the PNC apologize together.  Only a small % of Indians are willing to accept the role of the PPP in Guyana's ethnic distrust.

The Brits investigated and concluded it was an internal explosion, likely caused by explosives being transported and was stored to close to the engine.  The Afro terrorists were transporting explosives to use against the Indians in McKenzie/Wismar.


Given the atmosphere of distrust at that time, how did any Indian get through to plant significant explosives on this boat filled with Afros?


Factually and logically, that's the truth and you know it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Granger presented a paper in Santiago, Chile charging that Indians in Guyana carried out the bombing of the Sun Chapman

Well this did happen, much as people wish to deny it.



There were threats made to blow up the boat which were investigated by the police. Those seeking to rewrite history will try to peddle this nonsense story that it was an accident.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is a very good academic peice that will do well in a University.


What has he done in reality for the East Indians?


Very little!




Mr Kishan why you throwing cheap shot? Dont be jelous of Mr Granger who increase PNC votes to 41%. The article was in Stabrioek News. Stabroek is not academic textbook. Don't be angry becase you cant do like that. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Carib is suspicious of Kari's proposal of an apology by the PNC to Indians for the wrongs of the past. He thinks it's a clever attempt to trick the PNC into alienating its traditional supporters which would give the PPP a comfortable win at the polls. Kari is arguing that an apology by the PNC would weaken the PPP and send them packing perhaps even wither away as a political force. I don't know what Kari sees as an "another gov't" to replace the current one that would do this great favor to those who has a viscereal hate of the PPP. The Granger led opposition has refused to accept that the PNC rigged elections, carried out political assassinations, emptied the treasury, alienated the middle-class, sent Guyana's skillful workers running to foreign lands, reduced the Indians to a status of second class citizens, and whole lot of other horrible things. How can Indians in Guyana suddenly put their trust in a man who has no intention of acknowledging the terrible past of the PNC.  On the contrary, he glorified those soldies who executed PPP political activists on the Courantyne and charged Indo-Guyanese for carrying out, in his words, the worst terrorist attack in Latin America's history. Granger sounds like an old PNC dinosaur.


PNC and PPP have to APOLOGISE at the SAME TIME. No propaganda. Look how ya'll prostitute the Rodney enquiry? 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by JB:

I am hoping to read the wise Mr Gilbakka comment on this article. 

I have read this article. Before I comment on its content I wish to share some background facts.
David Granger retired from the Guyana Defence Force in 1992. While in the army he had studied at the University of Guyana and graduated with a History major.
After Granger retired as a soldier he founded a news magazine, GUYANA REVIEW. That publication was highly and widely respected for its professionalism. No other than a leading PPP comrade, whom I shall not name, mailed me individual issues of Guyana Review to my Toronto address from time to time. The publication impressed me too, as did David Granger the historian.
Now, to the article itself, which I read with an open mind with due regard to Granger's expertise in history. Please note that this article was originally published in the Guyana Review in 2009, one year before Granger became PNC leader and two years before he became Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly.
In terms of space, Mr Granger's article covers large ground with detailed facts and information on Indian immigration, working and living as indentured labourers, Indian activities after indentureship, their accomplishments in varied fields, etc.
No doubt, he researched the subject well and acknowledged his professional indebtedness to Indo-Guyanese historians like Basdeo Mangru and Tota Mangar as sources.
Granger writes: "The Indian presence has immeasureably enriched the Guyanese nation. Descendants of indentured labourers continue to contribute to the cultural, economic and political life of the country."
Regarding the political aspect, Granger notes that the PPP "is still the dominant force in the Indian community and is likely to remain so in the foreseeable future." That's a fair statement.
Overall, I readily recommend this article to anyone who wants to know about Indo-Guyanese and their history. They have nothing to lose.



Mr Gilbakka thank you one million time for that valuable and wise thought. I will share it with my father and mamoo. 



I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.

Originally Posted by Chief:


I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.


PROPAGANDA and I born in 1989. We don't care for Mr Burnham. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.


PROPAGANDA and I born in 1989. We don't care for Mr Burnham. 

People take lessons from history.  Today's Jews/Europeans are vigilant about Hitler-likes persons and beliefs.


The issue goes beyond and single individual as after Granger, who knows who will rise.  The dream and aspiration of most Afros for a re-establishment of the old "Burnham order" by any means necessary is alive and very well.  We need to guard against that.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I still cannot comprehend why an apology by the PNC has to be tied TO one from the PPP.


The PPP was elected over and over since 1992, they are not in office by the barrel of a gun. I agree that there is massive corruption and the Government is not that transparent but to link a call for them to apologize, I ask apologize for what? Some of them will need to be jailed but not an apology.


PROPAGANDA and I born in 1989. We don't care for Mr Burnham. 

People take lessons from history.  Today's Jews/Europeans are vigilant about Hitler-likes persons and beliefs.


The issue goes beyond and single individual as after Granger, who knows who will rise.  The dream and aspiration of most Afros for a re-establishment of the old "Burnham order" by any means necessary is alive and very well.  We need to guard against that.

The argument must also be made for reforms.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The Granger led opposition has refused to accept that the PNC rigged elections, carried out political assassinations, emptied the treasury, alienated the middle-class, sent Guyana's skillful workers running to foreign lands, reduced the Indians to a status of second class citizens, and whole lot of other horrible things. How can Indians in Guyana suddenly put their trust in a man who has no intention of acknowledging the terrible past of the PNC.  On the contrary, he glorified those soldies who executed PPP political activists on the Courantyne and charged Indo-Guyanese for carrying out, in his words, the worst terrorist attack in Latin America's history. Granger sounds like an old PNC dinosaur.

Billy, this is brilliant. I mean it - no sarcasm here. You've put what I was saying in a more succinct manner. As long as Granger is a Dinosaur, and by extension the PNC, APNU has no way of dislodging the PPP. The AFC can't and a combined APNU/AFC is iffy, then the PPP continues to rule Guyana forever. MAaybe that's what CaribJ and Redux secretly want.


We have to be very, very careful of staunch RACIST like Caribj who believe he can rewrite History. The PPP had no way of importing Explosives, Dr Jagan did not believe in Violence. He was an ardent Student of Mahatma Ghandi. For this deep seated RACIST to come here and try to tell us what happened with Sun Chapman is more than enough proof that Guyana has it's own version of PW Botha!!!!

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is a very good academic peice that will do well in a University.


What has he done in reality for the East Indians?


Very little!




Mr Kishan why you throwing cheap shot? Dont be jelous of Mr Granger who increase PNC votes to 41%. The article was in Stabrioek News. Stabroek is not academic textbook. Don't be angry becase you cant do like that. 

Why does it always have to be about people.  I said clearly it was a well written article, but I ask the hard question?



WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?




These horse running with blinkers and cannot see the big picture.


Can you understand why DANALD will be the President again in 2017?


The PNC Team wuss than the PPP, they do not want to take accountability and do what needs to be done.


They are only interested in power for power sake.

Originally Posted by KishanB:


WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?


Can you understand why DANALD will be the President again in 2017?


The PNC Team wuss than the PPP, they do not want to take accountability and do what needs to be done.




Excellent questions for JB, and one prescient comment.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

In all my years on GNI, this is one of the MOST direct and intelligent Post I have seen.!!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

In all my years on GNI, this is one of the MOST direct and intelligent Post I have seen.!!!

'tanks' bai . . . i am overwhelmed wid all dis 'affection'

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

It actual will be progress to shut your arse up permanently since you have nothing to add to civilization.  

u lookin fuh a piece of me too? . . . suh u can tell yuh chirren dat yuh is not really a PUNK and does actually fite and get beat up by big man


is dat rite?



What CHLIDREN have to do with this?


Why don't you go and fkck yourself you demented imbicile REDUX.


You operate like you know everything, yet you know so little.  


For your information, I do not have children in my home.  All my children are in your home because your wife made them for me and you minding them.





That is to tell you, when you get into a verbal debate, leave family out.  If you have nothing else to say Mr. TK, shut yu rass.


Only an antiman who cannot stand for his own principles, attack children.  You are a coward and a cheap low class slime.


Look gwan suh you low life crab who hungry fuh power and getting fustrated that the PPP shutting you rass out.


I am saying again Mr. David Arthur Granger (Brig rtd) will NEVER ever be PRESIDENT of Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?

har de har har har har har har harrr!


[dignifying the absurd with comment would be a crime against reason]

In all my years on GNI, this is one of the MOST direct and intelligent Post I have seen.!!!

'tanks' bai . . . i am overwhelmed wid all dis 'affection'

At least you see sarcasm when it rears its head.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

This is a very good academic peice that will do well in a University.


What has he done in reality for the East Indians?


Very little!




Mr Kishan why you throwing cheap shot? Dont be jelous of Mr Granger who increase PNC votes to 41%. The article was in Stabrioek News. Stabroek is not academic textbook. Don't be angry becase you cant do like that. 

Why does it always have to be about people.  I said clearly it was a well written article, but I ask the hard question?



WHAT has GRANJA done for EAST Indians since he got power since 2011?




These horse running with blinkers and cannot see the big picture.


Can you understand why DANALD will be the President again in 2017?


The PNC Team wuss than the PPP, they do not want to take accountability and do what needs to be done.


They are only interested in power for power sake.


What the AFC and PPP do for East Indians? At least APNU stop the biggest rip off of ALL Guyanese Amaila hydro choke and rob. I see Indians benefit too from less high class choke and rob. You live in race bait all the time. 



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