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Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I am convinced that the pnc/afc connived to kill the people to cause political unrest. The overseas authors financing them must be smiling and gmoney now had blood on his hands, he is no longer an innocent card board computer advocate running flower garden.

Soon you fools will be telling me that the victims took the guns from the police and shot themselves.  If this is the case then I am convinced that Jagdeo and Ramotaur are Burnhamite plants in the PPP party done by the PNC.

You idiots are eager to demonize the police, your cohorts were the ones that killed the people to incite unrest and claim political brownie points. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I am convinced that the pnc/afc connived to kill the people to cause political unrest. The overseas authors financing them must be smiling and gmoney now had blood on his hands, he is no longer an innocent card board computer advocate running flower garden.

Soon you fools will be telling me that the victims took the guns from the police and shot themselves.  If this is the case then I am convinced that Jagdeo and Ramotaur are Burnhamite plants in the PPP party done by the PNC.

You idiots are eager to demonize the police, your cohorts were the ones that killed the people to incite unrest and claim political brownie points. 

Blessed is the mother who did not bring you into this world.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I am convinced that the pnc/afc connived to kill the people to cause political unrest. The overseas authors financing them must be smiling and gmoney now had blood on his hands, he is no longer an innocent card board computer advocate running flower garden.

Soon you fools will be telling me that the victims took the guns from the police and shot themselves.  If this is the case then I am convinced that Jagdeo and Ramotaur are Burnhamite plants in the PPP party done by the PNC.

You idiots are eager to demonize the police, your cohorts were the ones that killed the people to incite unrest and claim political brownie points. 

Let wait for the report of the inquiry.  There are lot of question regarding the shootings, some things are still very puzzling.  I am keeping an open mind as, if this was police action, it was disproportionate.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Baseman I agree with you.


I actually agree with the PPP in increasing the Linden tariff but a sensible phase-in plan should be agreed.


On the surface, I do not agree with the type of force used against the protestors but as I said, i will wait for the report before passing judgement.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I actually agree with the PPP in increasing the Linden tariff but a sensible phase-in plan should be agreed.


On the surface, I do not agree with the type of force used against the protestors but as I said, i will wait for the report before passing judgement.

On what basis should this increase be made?  If BOSAI supplies electricity to them and GPL doesnt, and if BOSAI does so p[rofitably without support from the govt on what basis do you make your demand.


Now we see Digicel wishes to offer cheaper international calls and the govt is reventing them from doing so.  On what basis is this being taken and might it not be as bad as forcing Linden to pay more, when, unless the govt is paying BOSAI, there might be no need of this?


If BOSAi provides electricty more cheaply covering its costs than, given that we see no evidence that this is done under contract from the govt (I stand corrected if you show this, but after asking this question no one seems able to prove this) then any rationale based on Lindeners being forced to pay more because others in Guyana cant get cheap electricity seems like victimization.


On the surface, I do not agree with the type of force used against the protestors but as I said, i will wait for the report before passing judgement.

And you have yet to query how this report is being prepared.  If the police are behind it and then justify their behavior will you OPENLY support the results of PPP bloodshed?


I know you support the police actions because you hate are just looking for a way to do so to hide your bigotted nature.

Originally Posted by caribny:

On the surface, I do not agree with the type of force used against the protestors but as I said, i will wait for the report before passing judgement.

And you have yet to query how this report is being prepared.  If the police are behind it and then justify their behavior will you OPENLY support the results of PPP bloodshed?


I know you support the police actions because you hate are just looking for a way to do so to hide your bigotted nature.

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.


Baseman is not a bigot, as I said, I seek truth and justice.  Furthermore, at the risk of sounding presumptuous, I am slanting toward police excesses.


The cause of the protest was not justified neither was the police handling.  Baseman is very cognizant of the fact that today they shoot Lindeners, tomorrow they shoot sugar workers.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.



Oh. And who exactly are those people?


Just know something.  Grainger will do what he thinks.  He doesnt speak for Lindeners.  He only got their votes as a protest against PPP racism.  If he sits in G/twn and doesnt protect his constituents he loses control over them.


Also note something.  If the members of this committee arent made public and remain unknown to Lindeners, the same PNC who you THINK supports them, will quickly cover their shanks by speaking out against it.


Dont you think that a smarter thing for the PPP is to declare who are on this committee, outlining that its functioning is in the hands of some international human rights group, than to keep it quiet? You know full well that if the police are let off the hook people will claim it to be a PPP set up.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Let us not prejudge the work of the Commission. 

Why should we not?  Who is on the Commission? Waht assuranec has Ramotar given that these are not PPP plants and soup lickers?


Havent you all learnt that a not insignificant part of the AfroGuyanese poor are fed up of the PPP, are skeptical of the PNC's willingness/ability to represent them and feel that they are running out of options?


You all lost control of parliament because you failed to understand this.  You absorbed some of the worst elements of the Burnam regime and took on some soup lickers, wasted money on free food and T shirts and thought that this would win you significant support among AfroGuyanese.  You should know that it did not.  Your response has been to call them ungrateful.  Well they are 40% of the population and I dont see how you think you can ignore their views and expect not to have hiccups.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.



Oh. And who exactly are those people?


Just know something.  Grainger will do what he thinks.  He doesnt speak for Lindeners.

Wrong, you ask Granger and the PNC reps who signed off on the process.  Lindeners voted 90% for PNC as such, by default and accepted norm, made them their representative.  The AFC is not by a long shot speaking for anyone.  They need to go and explain to the people of Bbce what happened to their vote.  Other than that, wait for the report.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.



Oh. And who exactly are those people?


Just know something.  Grainger will do what he thinks.  He doesnt speak for Lindeners.

Wrong, you ask Granger and the PNC reps who signed off on the process.  Lindeners voted 90% for PNC as such, by default and accepted norm, made them their representative.  The AFC is not by a long shot speaking for anyone.  They need to go and explain to the people of Bbce what happened to their vote.  Other than that, wait for the report.

I think that I told you that if APNU signed off on a process which gives the PPP free hand to select the Commission, and how it works, and this body says that police actions are justified, or some other response which doesnt meet the needs of Lindeners, they will react and your very APNU will then step away from this process.


The PPP are the biggest group of azzes and fall into a trap of their own making every time.  The PNC is quite weak, knows full well that next time their supporters might stay home as they did in 2006, and so will feel forced to engage in populism every time they feel that their supporters accuse them of failing to represent their needs.


The AFC is like a little dog and so must bark loudly to be heard.  They know full well that their vote in 2011 came from disaffected PPPites upset with Jagdeo and not impressed with Ramotar.  Just as their 2006 vote came from PNCItes similarly upset with Corbin.


Again the PPP gives the AFC ammunition if they fail to tell the public who is on this Commission and what its terms of reference are.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.



Oh. And who exactly are those people?


Just know something.  Grainger will do what he thinks.  He doesnt speak for Lindeners.

Wrong, you ask Granger and the PNC reps who signed off on the process.  Lindeners voted 90% for PNC as such, by default and accepted norm, made them their representative.  The AFC is not by a long shot speaking for anyone.  They need to go and explain to the people of Bbce what happened to their vote.  Other than that, wait for the report.

The AFC is like a little dog and so must bark loudly....


Again the PPP gives the AFC ammunition if they fail to tell the public who is on this Commission and what its terms of reference are.

You got that right. They are the little dog hoping to take on the elephant in a frontal attack.  The AFC is too blinded by hatred of the PPP to be effective and sustainable.  The people who voted AFC never had this in mind.  Clearly they were conned.


The AFC don't need ammo, their are a lose cannon group loaded up with hatred.  They started the mess, something which even the PNC was more measured about.  Clearly, the PNC understand the art of governing and making the best for their constituency from the opposition bench.  Exactly who the AFC is serving, is a mystery.  The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The report is being compiled by a qualified team and the International community nor the PNC seem to have no problem.



Oh. And who exactly are those people?


Just know something.  Grainger will do what he thinks.  He doesnt speak for Lindeners.

Wrong, you ask Granger and the PNC reps who signed off on the process.  Lindeners voted 90% for PNC as such, by default and accepted norm, made them their representative.  The AFC is not by a long shot speaking for anyone.  They need to go and explain to the people of Bbce what happened to their vote.  Other than that, wait for the report.

The AFC is like a little dog and so must bark loudly....


Again the PPP gives the AFC ammunition if they fail to tell the public who is on this Commission and what its terms of reference are.

You got that right. They are the little dog hoping to take on the elephant in a frontal attack.  The AFC is too blinded by hatred of the PPP to be effective and sustainable.  The people who voted AFC never had this in mind.  Clearly they were conned.


The AFC don't need ammo, their are a lose cannon group loaded up with hatred.  They started the mess, something which even the PNC was more measured about.  Clearly, the PNC understand the art of governing and making the best for their constituency from the opposition bench.  Exactly who the AFC is serving, is a mystery.  The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.


Baseman, you speak the truth about the AFC. This is the most accurate description of the AFC. 


 what its terms of reference are.

You got that right. They are the little dog hoping to take on the elephant in a frontal attack.  The AFC is too blinded by hatred of the PPP to be effective and sustainable.  The people who voted AFC never had this in mind.  Clearly they were conned.


Be that as it may the PPP set themselves up.  They had no business aurhorizing a violent responses to protesters.  All the videos which PPP supporters have furnished to justify the slaughter showed a boisterous and yes vulgar crowd....but then this is standard for all protests.


Lindeners have always been less docile than coastlanders in protesting against govts which they dont like.  They did so under Burnham when the mismanagement of Guymine led to the deterioration of the bauxite industry.  Linden, together with Buxton, were two hotbeds of anti Burnam activity and this is what catapulted Sam Hinds into visibility to the point where Cheddi felt that selecting him to be PM would indicate an attempt to woo the African vote.  That failed because the PPP, as a racist black hating party, sidelined him from playing a meaningful role in shaping policy, or delivering real benefits to AfroGuyanese population centers.


So what happened?  Why has the PNC been able to re-establish itself in Linden?  As recently as 2006 they were only able to gain around 50% of the votes and this with a drastic drop in the numbers who bothered to vote?


Yet a mere 5 years later the voter turn out soared and the PNC romped home to victory, stomping both the AFC and the PPP in the process.

It is clear from comments made by many Lindeners that there is no blanket endorsement of APNU and that they will have to represent Lindeners...or else.


So stop bellyaching about the AFC.  They are a little dog running to bark when they see that the two leading parties have dropped the ball.


The PPP needs to understand that AfroGuyanese do NOT LIKE THEM, nor more than Indians like the PNC.  They need to understand that this based upon how they perceive that they have been treated.  Last years it was shown in court how racist the PPP is, and even the PPP was unable to respond.  This year the PPP prints a racist rant painting AfroGuyanese as savages.  This after screams about "how ungrateful black people are". 


What ought they to be grateful for?  The fact that the PPP has brought in the most violent elements of the Burnham regime within their midst...charlatans like Kwame McCoy who attacked black people before and during the election, or naive simpletons like Sam Hinds who are too powerless to help EVEN HIS OWN HOME TOWN.


Another govt would have said that Linden has/had the largest concentration of skilled workers, thanks to the bauxite industry, and now the cheapest electricity in Guyana, thanks to BOSAI. So that it should be recreated to be a manufacturing zone for Guyana, wi9th tax and othert incentives for investors, given its proximity to our airport and largest seaport and its access to the interior.


Instead the PPP offers stupid programs aimed at creating more petty "entrepreneurs" when few in the town have any purchasing power so those ventures and others are doomed to failure.  And I dont care who fools themselves into thinking that Linden is booming.  It has a high concentration of intense poverty, and malnutrition with many kids reduced to vagrancy.  This due to the sharp drop in employment in bauxite and the limited range of other opportunities in that town.



 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that the PPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.


What did they expect to happen after they killed 4 people and injured many others?  If Linden faced down Burnham's guns why will they not do the same to Ramotar who is way more of a coward?


The PPP needs to admit that their negotiating position became a whole lot weaker after this savage behavior that Rohee was fully aware of before it happened, despite his lies that he wasnt.  They have now fully  made themselves look like blackhaters, given that this comes just after that Chronicle fiasco, and there was no police presence when sugar workers blocked access to sugar factories and possibly severely damaging Guysuco, which is already suffering from unsustainable losses, even though sugar prices are high.  Indeed much higher than the original break even price that was calculated to justify the Skeldon plant. 

Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that the PPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that thePPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

I think what he meant to say that the only language that some of the the lazy black people of Linden understands is violent protest. It looks like the Churches down there giving them funding too. Where did the money come from? If it come from the plate, then the people of Linden rich like rass. They can pay the increase electricity rates. If the Churches are so rich they should pay up their followers light bill. They rass should go to Rwanda and protest and see how their black bretheren riddle de rass down with bullets.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that thePPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

I think what he meant to say that the only language that some of the the lazy black people of Linden understands is violent protest. It looks like the Churches down there giving them funding too. Where did the money come from? If it come from the plate, then the people of Linden rich like rass. They can pay the increase electricity rates. If the Churches are so rich they should pay up their followers light bill. They rass should go to Rwanda and protest and see how their black bretheren riddle de rass down with bullets.

Actually, if Lindeners rate triple and they then revert to using the national average, the individual budget impact is "0".

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You talking bullcrap and you know it. Those 2 coolies that died in 1973 when they held on to those rigged ballot boxes, now they are martyrs. How come you not saying that?

Yes they are.  But blacks killed by PYO savages in 1964 arent martyrs?  How come?  Why dont you speak of the black victims of 1964?


Dont make your racism so obvious.  Maybe one of your daughters has gone off with a black man and you are enraged...but such is life in a multi racial society.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that the PPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

And I say it again.  Now arent you saddened by this?  Why dont you demand that the PPP responds to peaceful overtures so that it doesnt get to this? 


The problem is that the more the PPP responds only to violence the more they make people think that they must be violent to get results.


Sad isnt it.



Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I think what he meant to say that the only language that some of the the lazy black people of Linden understands is violent protest..

Baseman see what I mean.  This is the PPP mentality.  They provoke people and then when they finally protest loudly they back off.  We saw this in 1998/99 2002/6 and apparently once again.


During the relatively peaceful years of 1993/98 and after 2006 the PPP ran righshod and arrogantly screaming that they can do what they want and nobody can stop them.  Indeed botgh Jagdeo and Luncheon were infamous for this.


Even now, rather than intelligently trying to dig themselves out of the hole that Rohee put them in they peddle the "lazy and violent black man".


You know one day they might will create the monster that they fear.  A quick trip to Trinidad and Jamaica will tell you that Guyanese protesters are very docile.  I shudder to think what will happen the day some govt in Jamaica or Trinidad shoots down protesters merely because they refused to follow orders.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that the PPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

And I say it again.  Now arent you saddened by this?  Why dont you demand that the PPP responds to peaceful overtures so that it doesnt get to this? 


The problem is that the more the PPP responds only to violence the more they make people think that they must be violent to get results.


Sad isnt it.



This is why I say let the independent report be issued and actions be initiated based on facts.  The GoG needs to seriously look into the way police handles civil disturbances.  I still "believe" these shootings were uncalled-for.




This is why I say let the independent report be issued and actions be initiated based on facts.  The GoG needs to seriously look into the way police handles civil disturbances.  I still "believe" these shootings were uncalled-for.

But your PPP doesnt like independent reports.  When not one but two UN consultants warned them about Guyana's ethnic polarization and its dangers they screamed sabotage.  The wailed that Guyana is that paradise of inter ethnic love,,,,until 2011 when the election results were announced and it became obvious even to them that they are hated by African and mixed voters.


Even the Carter Center has given up on the PPP claiming that they have no interest in true and honest dialogue.  The Commonwealth Secretariat came to the same conclusion.


Lindo Creek was supposed to be objectively assessed. What happened. NOTHING.  The PPP thinks that if they do nothing tempers will call off.


Yes until the NEXT time.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

There are no winners in the latest debacle. Only losers. We are all losers. But this can be the start of the healing process if all parties work together and not fan the flame of violence. Let's hope that will happen.

It will not be because you dont want it to be. If you really wanted it you would demand an objective analysis of what is wrong with Guyana.  Not some farcical group of soup lickers appointed by Ramotar.


But you dont.  You want people to accept the PPP version of life and that will NEVER work.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

There are no winners in the latest debacle. Only losers. We are all losers. But this can be the start of the healing process if all parties work together and not fan the flame of violence. Let's hope that will happen.

You're full of shit! . . . in the same breath you shower hate and contempt on Black people [Nehru, re the "Emancipation Day" thread, that includes YOU].


Nothing is more despicable than an unabashed racist pivoting . . . pretending for tactical reasons that he cares about healing and reconciliation.


more 'honorable' to march openly with your sheet and hood

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

There are no winners in the latest debacle. Only losers. We are all losers. But this can be the start of the healing process if all parties work together and not fan the flame of violence. Let's hope that will happen.

You're full of shit! . . . in the same breath you shower hate and contempt on Black people [Nehru, re the "Emancipation Day" thread, that includes YOU].


Nothing is more despicable than an unabashed racist pivoting . . . pretending for tactical reasons that he cares about healing and reconciliation.


more 'honorable' to march openly with your sheet and hood

Since you have stated that I have 'showered hate and contempt on black people' you are invited to pull up the reference on this. If not hold your piece. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 The PNC is allowing the AFC to be the agitator while they (PNC) get concessions out of the GoG.  They (AFC) will be unceremoniously kicked to the curb when their relevance is election.

The only language that thePPP understands is violent protest so they set themselves up for this.

I remember vividly you making this statement during the 2002-2006 PNC inspired reign of terror.  Remember, no one is without their means and options to protect themselves.  You should not go down this path again.

I think what he meant to say that the only language that some of the the lazy black people of Linden understands is violent protest. It looks like the Churches down there giving them funding too. Where did the money come from? If it come from the plate, then the people of Linden rich like rass. They can pay the increase electricity rates. If the Churches are so rich they should pay up their followers light bill. They rass should go to Rwanda and protest and see how their black bretheren riddle de rass down with bullets.

they say leave a man alone and in time he achieves his highest possible level of this case racist bilge.


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