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Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

There are no winners in the latest debacle. Only losers. We are all losers. But this can be the start of the healing process if all parties work together and not fan the flame of violence. Let's hope that will happen.

You're full of shit! . . . in the same breath you shower hate and contempt on Black people [Nehru, re the "Emancipation Day" thread, that includes YOU].


Nothing is more despicable than an unabashed racist pivoting . . . pretending for tactical reasons that he cares about healing and reconciliation.


more 'honorable' to march openly with your sheet and hood

Since you have stated that I have 'showered hate and contempt on black people' you are invited to pull up the reference on this. If not hold your piece. 

You're not as 'clever' as you think. It's difficult to maintain 'discipline' when your heart's in a different place . . . it seeps out eventually.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I think what he meant to say that the only language that some of the the lazy black people of Linden understands is violent protest..

Baseman see what I mean.

He was responding to you provocative statement but I don't think he means that.  Personally, I interact and dealt with many hard working blacks and they are as hardworking as anyone else.  Guyanese blacks in the US work two jobs to get their house and send their kids to college.  I had blacks work for me and they are dedicated and committed workers.  Every now and then I rant when they take long coffee breaks.  But I found a solution, I built an incentive plan for the foreman so he now cracks the whip as every coffee break, he sees his bonus shrinking.  So now I take long coffee break and need not worry.


On the more serious side, I think the issue is one of a feeling of entitlement.  Then when you don't get what you want, you revert to bullyism.  You need to get over it and become problem solvers and not point fingers when the bottom falls out.  Cheap power gave Lindeners a competitive advantage over the rest of the nation.  However, they chose to squander it rather than exploiting it for commercial use.  Just look at you, you prefer loooooong-winded excuses for the inaction thus far.  You blame Burnham for the Afro "situation", then you blame the racist, clannish PPP and Indians.


An individual is a microcosm of its society and your rants are a clear reflection of something not totally correct.  Now, Indians have their problems too and it's reflected in the issues of Indian society.


If you don't change your attitude to go on a looting and destruction theme when you are angry, no businessman will take the risk of investing in your community.  This is something your community needs to address in real earnest.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Your writing in codes proves nothing about me 'showering hate and contempt on black people.' Where is the hateful and contemptuous language? Post it for all to see. Or forever hold your tongue in your mouth. 

Yes I reviewed the thread. So I am waiting with bated breath for you to show some spine and show where I 'showered hate and contempt on black people.' Now man up and post the offending passages for all to see.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Yes I reviewed the thread. So I am waiting with bated breath for you to show some spine and show where I 'showered hate and contempt on black people.' Now man up and post the offending passages for all to see.  

that's some real big talk bai . . . still trying to 'recover' from the humiliation(s) [on the other thread] of last night, eh?


Anyway, even though it is not my practice to indulge smokescreen requests that waste my time, I decided to make an example of you.


Now, contextualize your brazen [implied] lie here:

"Yes when those 3000 people will be classed as martyrs. What did they do wrong?"



"The Indians who were massacared in 1964 were martyrs but not those [Black people] that died a few weeks ago."


Your "hatred & contempt" is essentially THE SAME but more measured, and less 'out there' than that of your fellow tribals baseman, yugii, Nehru, drugb, dondadda, etc . . . Unfortunately for YOU, I'm paying attention.


see where I am going with all this . . .?


The term ' black people' is yours. And if I say that they were not martyrs how does that show hatred and contempt? You have made an example of no one but your own inability to prove your point. The term 'implied' is also yours. You can say and conclude what you want. If you have the spine then go to Admin and ask that I be removed or disbarred. I await and keep paying attention.      

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Man there is no pleasing you. You want 'an objective analysis of Guyana' How long will we live for this to be completed. And who will do this objective analysis? Guyanese or foreigners? And will we ever be satisfied with the results? Do talk some sense for a change. 

Clearly my demand for an abjective analysis enrages you.  Why?  Because you are scared about how it will make the PPP look?


FACT.  Guyana is a seriously polarized society.  Unless outsiders with no vested interests in Guyana do it under the auspices of the OAS/CARICOM/UN one side or the other will reject it.


You want a group gathered by Ramotar to come up with nonsense and then demand that the opposition accepts this.  When thyey dont you will wail that the oppoistion doesnt want to "cooperate"...tghe PPP notion of cooperation being when every one else does what the PPP demands that they do, and allow the PPP to steal and destroy, and now kill people.


Well In November 2011 51% of the population decided to deprive the PPP of control over parliament because they thought that the PPP does not like to listen to others and to accept their ideas when it makes sense. The PPP screams that their "mandate" to rule gives them carte blanche to ram down the throats of Guyanese what ever corrupt and incompetent fantasies that they can concoct.


Well no more.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Your writing in codes proves nothing about me 'showering hate and contempt on black people.' Where is the hateful and contemptuous language? Post it for all to see. Or forever hold your tongue in your mouth. 

So Sugrim why do 95% of the African and mixed voters hate the PPP?  last year they had experienced PPP rule for 19 years and yet APNU got 41% despite precious little support from either Indians or Amerindians...the black/mixed vote being around 45%, some of it going to the AFC...especially thye mixed segment.  So clearly the PPP gets very little support.




If you are so objective you will admit that there must be some valid reason for this.


The PPPs very failure to break into the black/mixed vote is now why they lost control of parliament and why APNU, a failure of a party if any, now has quite a bit of power to block the PPP whenever it cares to do so.


After the PNCs disastrous performance in 2006, including obtaining less than 50% of the votes from those who voted in 2001.  Yet last year they stomped the PPP causing it to lose its Linden seat....hence its rage against Lindeners and black people in general (that infamous Chronicle article which reflects what most PPPites think).


Surely an objective man like you can come up with rational reasons for the PPPs failure and the fact that it is seen by most non Indians in Guyana (and even by many Indians) as being an Indian party.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The term ' black people' is yours. And if I say that they were not martyrs how does that show hatred and contempt? You have made an example of no one but your own inability to prove your point. The term 'implied' is also yours. You can say and conclude what you want. If you have the spine then go to Admin and ask that I be removed or disbarred. I await and keep paying attention.      

yes, the bracketed terms are mine . . . that's why they are bracketed, fool.


Now, are you making a contention that they (the bracketed terms) are misleading?


If you feel so . . . state it clearly; and then explain HOW you did not mean that 3000 people were "martyred" (killed) in 1964.


Also, if you were not referencing the 2012 dead "Black people" in Linden, please tell us who . . .


Finally . . . why in heaven's name would I request that you be removed/disbarred from GNI? You're just not that important dude.


I have never, and would never make such a request regarding any member. I consider the lewd little bigot dances on this BB as educational . . . and sunlight the best disinfectant!


And Sugrim if you want an example mof your hatred for blacks.  Its your refusal to consider those blacks who were murdered in 1964 by Indians as martyrs. 


Yet you demand that we view as martyrs those Indians who were killed by blacks.  Now I have no problem with that, but apparently you are appalled that there were any black martyrs who died at the hands of PPP supporters in 1964...PYO operatives I should more accurately say.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The term ' black people' is yours. And if I say that they were not martyrs how does that show hatred and contempt? You have made an example of no one but your own inability to prove your point. The term 'implied' is also yours. You can say and conclude what you want. If you have the spine then go to Admin and ask that I be removed or disbarred. I await and keep paying attention.      

yes, the bracketed terms are mine . . . that's why they are bracketed, fool.


Now, are you making a contention that they (the bracketed terms) are misleading?


If you feel so . . . state it clearly; and then explain HOW you did not mean that 3000 people were "martyred" (killed) in 1964.


Also, if you were not referencing the 2012 dead "Black people" in Linden, please tell us who . . .


Finally . . . why in heaven's name would I request that you be removed/disbarred from GNI? You're not that important dude.


I have never, and would never make such a request regarding any member. I consider the lewd little bigot dances on this BB as educational . . . and sunlight the best disinfectant!

Silly old man there is something seriously wrong with your thinking. I ask you a question which is: the fact that I did not regard those who died in Linden in 2012 as martyrs ( which is MY opinion) how does this show that I am ' showering hate and contempt on black people?' Please address this question. Thanks.    

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The term ' black people' is yours. And if I say that they were not martyrs how does that show hatred and contempt? You have made an example of no one but your own inability to prove your point. The term 'implied' is also yours. You can say and conclude what you want. If you have the spine then go to Admin and ask that I be removed or disbarred. I await and keep paying attention.      

yes, the bracketed terms are mine . . . that's why they are bracketed, fool.


Now, are you making a contention that they (the bracketed terms) are misleading?


If you feel so . . . state it clearly; and then explain HOW you did not mean that 3000 people were "martyred" (killed) in 1964.


Also, if you were not referencing the 2012 dead "Black people" in Linden, please tell us who . . .


Finally . . . why in heaven's name would I request that you be removed/disbarred from GNI? You're not that important dude.


I have never, and would never make such a request regarding any member. I consider the lewd little bigot dances on this BB as educational . . . and sunlight the best disinfectant!

Silly old man there is something seriously wrong with your thinking. I ask you a question which is: the fact that I did not regard those who died in Linden in 2012 as martyrs ( which is MY opinion) how does this show that I am ' showering hate and contempt on black people?' Please address this question. Thanks.    

the key to understanding my post with the [requested] quotes is the term "contextualize" . . .


I know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer . . . but meditate on that awhile and, if you're still scratching your head, there are people on GNI you can PM for help.


There is no shame . . .

workers.  Every now and then I rant when they take long coffee breaks.  But I found a solution, I built an incentive plan for the foreman so he now cracks the whip as every coffee break, he sees his bonus shrinking.  So now I take long coffee break and need not worry.


On the more serious side, I think the issue is one of a feeling of entitlement.  Then when you don't get what you want, you revert to bullyism.  You need to get over it and become problem solvers and not point fingers when the bottom falls out. 


And there you have it.  Not noting that protests occur because the PPP listens to no one.  That daily AfroGuyanese face insults at the hands of the PPP and are tired of it and feel that the only recourse they have is to protest and when they do THEY ARE SHOT!!!!!


One can only be a problem solver when one is dealing with people who wish a solution to the problem.  When we see daily bigotted language about blacks on GNI, which would quite familiar to those who frequent white supremacist sites than tell me why do you think people will think that PPP supporters are serious? When the Chronicle prints something that the KKK wishes that they can do......imagine an article attacking African Americans the way that the Chronicle described AfroGuyanese.


When the PPP feels backed into a corner they babble about lets negotiate.  Soon as they no longer feel threatened its back to normal.


Well until the PPP informs the nation about what happened at Lindo Creek they are NOT being serious.


The PPP is NOT liked by 95% of the African and mixed population and when they honestly admit that, respect why people feel that way and SERIOUSLY begin to address that issue then we make progress.  Because as you well know today Linden and tomorrow some where else.


BTW given that no one knows the truth of the Linden electricity rates, only the POST ELECTION PPP version of it, how come all the insults of Lindeners, using typical racially code language?  Why dont people ask for the facts before they rush to condemn?  GPL does NOT supply Linden so why do rates paid by Lindeners automatically have anything to do with what other Guyanese pay?  If the PPP is paying BOSAI how much are they paying and on what basis?


But Guyanese view issues through the prism of race and most IndoGuyanese lie the notion of the "lazy and violently unreasonable and ungrateful black man".  So why will they ask these questions.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I might not be the 'sharpest knife in the drawer but you still have to answer the question I asked you. Please answer it. Thanks. 

ummmm, no . . . I already answered your question with the quotes you 'demanded'


your attempt/request to now divert into a never-ending, i seh, u seh exchange to smokescreen your advance to the rear is refused.


Commit to studying my posts [like Baseman did] and you might yet get an education from time spent on GNI.

Originally Posted by caribny:

But Guyanese view issues through the prism of race and most IndoGuyanese lie the notion of the "lazy and violently unreasonable and ungrateful black man".  So why will they ask these questions.

Nah, I personally feel blacks are hard working when assigned tasks.  Very loyal and hard working.  I have no doubt.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, I personally feel blacks are hard working when assigned tasks.  Very loyal and hard working.  I have no doubt.

ahhhhh . . . the condescension


abe pan tap

Nah, you need to be more positive about Indians.  I actually do believe blacks are a hard working people.  But they allow themselves to be misguided by narrow interest.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, I personally feel blacks are hard working when assigned tasks.  Very loyal and hard working.  I have no doubt.

ahhhhh . . . the condescension


abe pan tap

Nah, you need to be more positive about Indians.  I actually do believe blacks are a hard working people.  But they allow themselves to be misguided by narrow interest.

Nothing to do with "Indians" . . . everything to do with YOU!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, I personally feel blacks are hard working when assigned tasks.  Very loyal and hard working.  I have no doubt.

ahhhhh . . . the condescension


abe pan tap

Nah, you need to be more positive about Indians.  I actually do believe blacks are a hard working people.  But they allow themselves to be misguided by narrow interest.

Nothing to do with "Indians" . . . everything to do with YOU!

Mr Wimp you said that ' I was showering hate and contempt on black people' but when you are called upon to prove it you run away with your tails between your legs. And you are supposed to be in the top shelf. Let me repeat Ronald's Rap for you and there is more coming. So give me a beat you'all


Yo Yo Yo 

Prattle Prattle Prattle

Wimp Wimp Wimp

now go in a corner

and play with your little limp



Better than anything JZ has written.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Mr Wimp you said that ' I was showering hate and contempt on black people' but when you are called upon to prove it you run away with your tails between your legs. And you are supposed to be in the top shelf. Let me repeat Ronald's Rap for you and there is more coming. So give me a beat you'all


Yo Yo Yo 

Prattle Prattle Prattle

Wimp Wimp Wimp

now go in a corner

and play with your little limp



Better than anything JZ has written.

bai, screaming "I win, I win" and acting up in your sandbox when faced with great shame is something that yugii used to do JUST before he would burst into tears and announce his exile from GNI.


Careful history doesn't repeat . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Mr Wimp you said that ' I was showering hate and contempt on black people' but when you are called upon to prove it you run away with your tails between your legs. And you are supposed to be in the top shelf. Let me repeat Ronald's Rap for you and there is more coming. So give me a beat you'all


Yo Yo Yo 

Prattle Prattle Prattle

Wimp Wimp Wimp

now go in a corner

and play with your little limp



Better than anything JZ has written.

bai, screaming "I win, I win" and acting up in your sandbox when faced with great shame is something that yugii used to do JUST before he would burst into tears and announce his exile from GNI.


Careful history doesn't repeat . . .

Bai we are waiting for you to prove your point by answering the question but you can't so keep playing with that limp. For the record you win!

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Mr Wimp you said that ' I was showering hate and contempt on black people' but when you are called upon to prove it you run away with your tails between your legs. And you are supposed to be in the top shelf. Let me repeat Ronald's Rap for you and there is more coming. So give me a beat you'all


Yo Yo Yo 

Prattle Prattle Prattle

Wimp Wimp Wimp

now go in a corner

and play with your little limp



Better than anything JZ has written.

bai, screaming "I win, I win" and acting up in your sandbox when faced with great shame is something that yugii used to do JUST before he would burst into tears and announce his exile from GNI.


Careful history doesn't repeat . . .

Bai we are waiting for you to prove your point by answering the question but you can't so keep playing with that limp. For the record you win!

like I said . . . careful

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I might not be the 'sharpest knife in the drawer but you still have to answer the question I asked you. Please answer it. Thanks. 

I gave you an example about you animosity to AfroGuyanese and you are unable to answer.


I also asked your opinion about why 95% of the black/mixed voters hate the PPP, your response indicating how much regard that you have for them and you seem unable to respond.


Clearly you feel that AfroGuyanese lack any rights that you feel compelled top respect.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Mr Wimp you said that ' I was showering hate and contempt on black people' but when you are called upon to prove it you run away with your tails between your legs. And you are supposed to be in the top shelf. Let me repeat Ronald's Rap for you and there is more coming. So give me a beat you'all


Yo Yo Yo 

Prattle Prattle Prattle

Wimp Wimp Wimp

now go in a corner

and play with your little limp



Better than anything JZ has written.

bai, screaming "I win, I win" and acting up in your sandbox when faced with great shame is something that yugii used to do JUST before he would burst into tears and announce his exile from GNI.


Careful history doesn't repeat . . .

Bai we are waiting for you to prove your point by answering the question but you can't so keep playing with that limp. For the record you win!

like I said . . . careful

Bai I am not faced with great shame. I have done nothing to be shameful about. You made certain statements about me, I asked you to prove them. I don't know what 'careful' from you means. And you refer to another poster here in that context. So I guess I have to be careful. Thanks for the advice. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:




Bai I am not faced with great shame. I have done nothing to be shameful about. You made certain statements about me, I asked you to prove them. I don't know what 'careful' from you means. And you refer to another poster here in that context. So I guess I have to be careful. Thanks for the advice. 

I also called you a black hater and told you excatly why and you seem afraid to respond.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I cannot recall this but please post it.

I asked you how come the blacks who were murdered by the PPP in 1964 are not considered martyrs when you demand that we consider Indians killed by the PNC do be.  I note your sole focus on Indian victims of the 60s violence and your lack of interest in those non Indians who were alos murdered.


In order to give you an opportunity to prove your objectivity I also asked you to explain wh the PPP support amongst black and mixed voters is DECLINING after 19 years of rule, as measured by the 2011 election.


Your contempt for AfroGuyanese is so deep that these questions dont even surface in your brain.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Bai I am not faced with great shame. I have done nothing to be shameful about. You made certain statements about me, I asked you to prove them. I don't know what 'careful' from you means. And you refer to another poster here in that context. So I guess I have to be careful. Thanks for the advice. 

It is not my job to break everything down to a 5th Grade level so that you can understand.


That you cannot follow what I post is your own (sad) affair.


My suggestions that you avail yourself of certain resources to bring your puny intellect up to scratch went unheeded ["contextualize" anyone] . . . as you contented yourself with a 'victory lap' celebrating your immense stupidity.


You're on your own dude


You keep using 'conceptualize' as if this is some magic potion. Ow man you said that I said certain things to mean that I 'was showering contempt and hatred on black people' How many times am I going to repeat this quote? But when asked to prove you start to speak in generalities and to refer me to the posts of others and for me to study your posts. I don't need all of that. Just answer the question.   Mek the thing easy, please.    

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You keep using 'conceptualize' as if this is some magic potion. Ow man you said that I said certain things to mean that I 'was showering contempt and hatred on black people' How many times am I going to repeat this quote? But when asked to prove you start to speak in generalities and to refer me to the posts of others and for me to study your posts. I don't need all of that. Just answer the question.   Mek the thing easy, please.    

What nonsense are you babbling about . . . I referred you ONLY to my post(s) [with the quotes] regarding your "hatred and contempt" for Black people.


Stop being foolish . . . you speak as if my urging you to "study" my post is illegitimate.


It's NOT my problem that you are slow


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