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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Nah, I personally feel blacks are hard working when assigned tasks.  Very loyal and hard working.  I have no doubt.

ahhhhh . . . the condescension


abe pan tap

After condemning Lindeners as a bunch of welfare seeking crybabies he now says this.

Hey batty and po, I said alot more in context in the earlier post.  My commentary on the Linden situation and people's reaction was alot more than your simplified statement.  Now, why did you not comment on the other aspects rather that pulling out one line and taking it totally out of context.  YOU are a microcosm of a bigger issue.

Originally Posted by caribny:
I asked you how come the blacks who were murdered by the PPP in 1964 are not considered martyrs when you demand that we consider Indians killed by the PNC do be.




(a) Deaths

When one considers the number of East Indians evacuated, the large number of Africans in the area and the negligible opposition which the attackers encountered, the number of fatalities was indeed very small.

There were two East Indians who died on the 25th May, 1964. Richard Khan, aged about 18 years, died at the Mackenzie Hospital two hours after admission. He had been attending high school in Georgetown. The other, Pau1 Mirgin, who operated a tug, was married and lived with his wife and four sons in the Valley of Tears.

Gussie English* an African was shot on the 25th May, 1964. He died the same day.

On the 28th May, 1964, Isaac Bridgewater was killed. He was the father of Senator Christina Ramjattan and lived at Section C, Christianburg.

On the 27th May, 1964, Byron Wharton*, an African, died because of extensive burns suffered when he was trapped in a burning building.

Following the Sun Chapman disaster the bodies of 35 persons were taken to Mackenzie and 12 others were listed as missing or unidentified. All of these were Africans. The Sun Chapman incident resulted in five East Indians being murdered at Mackenzie.

There are no official records of the deaths of these persons as no entry has been made in the Register of Births and Deaths. The dispenser who is also the Sub-Registrar for Births and Deaths left for Georgetown on the 24th May and never returned. His place was looted. The present dispenser did not even prepare a temporary list of deaths from the Police record pending the report from the coroner. He did not attend at the Inquiry in order to be of some assistance to the Commissioners. The Assistant District Commissioner who supervises the Sub-Registrar has done nothing to regularise the position. Up to the time when evidence was being taken at the Inquiry the coroner's court had not started to enquire into these deaths.

[Editor's Note: * Gussie English and Byron Wharton met their deaths while they were involved in looting.]

Source --



You know whats interesting. Two of the Indian haters here refuse to acknowledge that there were many deaths, injuries and destruction of propertyy committed by Indians against Africans in 1964.


One ignores that.  The other pretends as if the only violence which occurred was in Linden.  Forgetting of course that Lindeners, opresumably blacks, but not exclusively, wewre murdered when a bomb was placed in a boat headed to McKenzie.  The foolishness that bomb material, less easily available in G/twn than it was in McK, was being carried to that latter town and it blew up by accident, is laughable.  The PYO goons deliberately ut these materials on that boat, knowing that most who would die would be blacks.


Sugrim and DG the two of you join the ranks of the other black haters on GNI.  The lives and property of AfroGuyanese meen NOTHING to you.


You are talking nonsense. The lives of every Guyanese, black blue or white mean lot to me. Indians were killed in Wismar and so were blacks and Amerindians and people of mixed ancestry and others. That is horrible. Were they all martyrs? Yes they were/are in my opinion. And we should all work to ensure that our dear land is free from racism and the other ills. So what is your point?  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You are talking nonsense. The lives of every Guyanese, black blue or white mean lot to me. Indians were killed in Wismar and so were blacks and Amerindians and people of mixed ancestry and others. That is horrible. Were they all martyrs? Yes they were/are in my opinion. And we should all work to ensure that our dear land is free from racism and the other ills. So what is your point?  

You are chatting nonsence.  You screamed that we should recognize the Indians who were killed by PNC supporters in 1964 be recognized as martyrs and lambasted us for not doing so, even though NO ONE said that they ought not to be.  YOU SAID NOTHING ABOUT OTHER GUYANESE!!!!




I know that your clannish upbringing and you die hard PPP support leads you to a very narrow type of thinking but once I am around you arent going to get away with peddling half truths on GNI.


BOTH the PNC and the PPP committed atrocities in 1964.  Any attempts by you and others to suggest that it was only the PNC shows what contempt that you have for the Africans, mixed and Portuguese Guyanese who lost their lives, were injured or suffered property damage at the hands of the PYO which was every bit as monstrous as was the YSM.


Banna you getting too emotional. First you said I am a black hater. You don't know my ancestry but you make that conclusion. You also said that I refuse to acknowledge that Indians killed, maimed, destroyed blacks in 1964. How could anyone deny this? We gad a racial war? What does this mean?  One race killing itself?  It was blacks and Indians fighting and killing each other. This is well documented.

    You said you know my clannish upbringing etc. I will leave that as is but did the PYO and the YSM peddle stuff that led to mayhem in 1964? Of course they did. Now what is your next point?   

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Banna you getting too emotional. First you said I am a black hater. You don't know my ancestry but you make that conclusion. You also said that I refuse to acknowledge that Indians killed, maimed, destroyed blacks in 1964. How could anyone deny this? We gad a racial war? What does this mean?  One race killing itself?  It was blacks and Indians fighting and killing each other. This is well documented.

    You said you know my clannish upbringing etc. I will leave that as is but did the PYO and the YSM peddle stuff that led to mayhem in 1964? Of course they did. Now what is your next point?   

You are an Indian identified person who has contempt for the rights of AfroGuyanese, bhut denies it when your narrow mindedness is exposed. 


You NEVER said anything about the non Indian victims of PPP violence in 1964 until I forced it out of you, so quit while you are ahead.


So I ask you.  Do you admit that the PPP was as guilty of racial violence as was the PNC? 


So what do you say to those who place all the blame on the PNC, continue to talk about McKenzie, ignoring the Sun Chapman and atrocities by PYO supporters in coastal areas,who invent a lie that 3,000 Indians were killed and raped?  All in a plot to malign AfroGuyanese as violent thugs with no redeaming qualities.


It is only me backing you up against a wall which is forcing you to acknowledge that not only Indians were victims. Your posts on the subject did NOTHING about non Indians similarly victimized.


Your ethnic identification is quite obvious so dont even go there.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You have forced nothing out of me. I am not beholden to you or any one else. I have given you my opinion. Now you can form whatever opinion you like, that's up to you.

ahmmm, Sugrim bai . . . your 3000 "martyrs" . . . is that your "opinion" or a 'fact' u pulled out of your ass?


take your time

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You have forced nothing out of me. I am not beholden to you or any one else. I have given you my opinion. Now you can form whatever opinion you like, that's up to you.

So I see that you are unable to condemn attacks of blacks by PPP supporters during the 1960s.  This after spending a lot of time on atytacks of Indians by PNC supporters.


You also refuse to comment on why after 19 years of rule the PPP is rejected by 95% of the African/mixed voters and that you do not think that this issue is important...even though every one else who is honest will admit that the ethnic tensions embedded within our politics underly our failure as a nation.  This is most recently indicated in Linden, which the PPP views as hostile territory so proceeds to demonize its residents rather than trying to ease its problems.  Of course Lindeners equally view the PPP as being hostile to them in this majority black town.


This of course after the main PPP paper, The Chronicle, had an extremely bigotted editorial about AfroGuyanese.  And of course after that court case where the PPP was unable to refute allegations of systematic marginalization of AfroGuyanese from decision making positionsin Guyana.


I remain confirmed that you disrespect AfroGuyanese.  Because if you had any respect you would consider a discussion on these issues to be worthy.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

try getting in touch with all the writings of Ronald and you will learn something.

Oh I did and you are cornered.  Your screams of 3,000 INDIAN martyrs. No mention of the similar numbers of Africans who were similarly displaced.  Not until I backed you into a corner and forced you to admit this.


Noteworthy though is your refusal to admit that PPP supporters were as responsible for murders, injuries, displacement of people, and property destruction of those who they considered the enemy by virtue of race, as the PNC supporters were.  And that not only was Wismar not the only place where inter ethnic violence occurred, but also not the first place to see this violence.


So Ronald you are part of the same black hating bigoted crew as are many of the posters on GNI.  No wonder this site is seen in several quarters as one where people who hate blacks feel comfortable.


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