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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


yes the minimum wage in Bdos is $600 and you think that $175 is great.


No wonder Guyanese are still flocking there as the recent fiasco with Guyanese sex slaves on that island reveals.

No, you clown, what is the per capita GDP of Barbados?  Let me help you, Barbados = USD 25k, Guyana = USD 8k.

So baseman why does an island of 166 square miles and 300k people, not especially talented, produce a GDP of US$ 4.5 Billion vs Guyana, packed with gold a mere US$2.5B?


When you find the answer you will then learn why in 2013, after 5 years of recession in Barbados, Guyanese are still being lured to that island with a promise of better work than what is available to them in Guyana.

Well, certainly a nice deflection from your idiotic post.  You see my man, Bbados and Guyana have two very different political history and very different economies.  Barbados primarily has tourist economy directly hinged to the USA and other Western economies.  The tourists infrastructure was built up and in place before independence.  Apart from their short lived trisk with Socialism under Tom Adams, Barbados continued with a tourist-friendly development.  Western interest owns and controls most of these assets and ensure profitability by channeling tourists into the island.


When Tom Adams experimented, the economy turned up-side-down overnight.  Another important difference, Bdos does not have an ethnic chasm like Guyana, it's mostly Afros who understand a safe and clean country is paramount to their economic survival, so they don't mess with it.


Guyana, as you are aware, has a product-oriented economy, it produces tangible goods and export.  This is Guyana.  Guyana's production assets were nationalized, raped and plundered into uselessness by the PNC.  This is a fact you cannot dispute, it was all destroyed over a 20-year period.


When the PPP took over in 1992, they took a skeleton of a nation with little functioning, absolutely debilitated,  I mean everything, even schools were gutted.  Compounding this was a massive debt taken and looted by the PNC. Being a producing economy, the GoG had to slowly rebuild from the bottom-up, attract investors and get the nation out from the stifling debt burden.


I and you, know Bdos never suffered this trauma and the effects of Tom Adam's trist were quickly reversed.


Now, do I need to go into the ethnic issues which have strangled the nation?  I will do so within the context of the graph below.  The graph plots Guyana and Surinam.  Take a look at the PNC performance to 1992.  You see a clear lift from 1992-1997, then a tapering off.  This begins the era of slo fiah mo fiah, once again a PNC undertaking.  You also see Surinam's economy rocketed from 2001/2001 and never looked back.


Guyana's was deferred until 2005/2006 by the onslaught of your PNC Buxton/Agricola FF terrorists.  2005/2006 the "phantomization" initiative was successfully undertaken and the economy rocketed on the same trajectory of Surinam.  Taking all that into consideration, one can only induct that, even ignoring the destruction wreaked by the PNC which continued until 2005/2006, Guyana would have been comfortably with the realm of $4-5 Bil GDP.

WEll Bhai, YUh gun wait long for the Racist Dunce to respond.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So baseman why does an island of 166 square miles and 300k people, not especially talented, produce a GDP of US$ 4.5 Billion vs Guyana, packed with gold a mere US$2.5B?


When you find the answer you will then learn why in 2013, after 5 years of recession in Barbados, Guyanese are still being lured to that island with a promise of better work than what is available to them in Guyana.

We have explained this to you many times before, the Whites and other foreigners invest in Barbados in the tourist industry due to blue water and white sand beaches. But now they have competition from the other islands and business looking down. hahahah

Druggie when you convince me that a grain of sand is worth more than a grain of gold then you begin to make sense.  Guyana has gold.  Barbados as sand that is available in Haiti, and yet Haiti is poor.


Clearly sand alone doesnt explain why Bdos is successful.  And you have conceded that Bdos does not have a monopoly of this.  What you forgot druggie is that it NEVER had a monopoly and it has always had tremendous competition from other islands.  Yet beats them all, using any measure of socio economic development.  Indeed Jamaica is as pathetic as Guyana is.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Caribny...needs to take a course in basic economics, one can't expect better from him, Guyana inherited a debt from the present administration that the country is still serving

Almost all of that debt has been written off. Come up with another excuse.


Because Barbados is rich, not only did it not benefit from debt forgivess, but it is forced to borrow in high cost commercial markets, while impoverished Guyana can raise funds from sources with lower rates and less onerous debt service schedules.



Originally Posted by baseman:

Well, certainly a nice deflection from your idiotic post.  You see my man, Bbados and Guyana have two very different political history and very different economies.  Barbados primarily has tourist economy directly hinged to the USA and other Western economies.  The tourists infrastructure was built up and in place before independence.

While you are entitled to your opinions you arent to your version of the facts.


1.  Prior to independence Barbados was so poor that many Bajans flocked to Guyana.


2.  Prior to independence Bdos was a decaying sugar plantation.  Its tourism began to develop in the late 60s and accelerated through the 70s through to the late 90s.


3.  Poverty was a severe problem in Bdos prior to 1966.  So much so that Bajans were reknowned for migrating, finding themselves in every corner of the globe.  Since independence, and especially since the 1980s, not only have Bajans reduced their rate of migration but Bdos has attracted larfge numbers of other CARICOM citizens, with Guyanese leading the way.


Yes Barbados does well becasue it has a very healthy system of governance, and a very effective and minimal corrupt government, which placed heaVy emphasis on ensuring that its social and physical infrastructure works.


But in 1966 many saw gloom for that island, not knowing how a tiny island, one so poor that Eric Williams promptly withdrew from the Federationm, fearing that it would be burdened with the Little Eight (Barbados not being one) with Jamaica leaving, and Guyana refusing to be involved.  You will note that all of this occurred in the late 50s before the PPP govt would have had much impact, and even as late as 1961 Cheddi decried how backward British Guiana was, this as quoted in his book of lies AKA "the West on Trial".


yet Barbados was even poorer.


Give BLACK Bajans credit.  The run an efficient island that has done much better for its citizens than either PPP or PNC govts have.  So much so that as many as 15K Guyanese have flocked there.


As we can see from Haiti (which also had a decent tourist industry in the late 50s) if a country is poorly governed its resources do not benefit its people.  Haiti has BETTER beaches than Bdos and is NEARER to the main markets (a scant 600 miles from the USA) and yet we all agree on how the two compare, and why.

Originally Posted by baseman:

 Another important difference, Bdos does not have an ethnic chasm like Guyana, it's mostly Afros who understand a safe and clean country is paramount to their economic survival, so they don't mess with it.



Clearly you know NOTHING about Barbados.  In 1966 it was an island with about 85% black, 5% white and the rest mixed.  It was an island that was so racist that racial segregation was defacto even if not based on law.  It was one where the white plantocracy controlled just about every aspect of life in Barbados, grinding an impoverished black majority into poverty and dependency, being forced to migrate if they wished to better themselves.  And an island where skin color and family name determined how far one can go, not education or personal effort.


Do you know that black Bajans could have set it to avenage white Barbados for all the abuse that they suffered between 1626 and 1966.  And do you know why this didnt happen?  Because unlike Guyana the non blacks realized that they had to ensure the INCLUSION of blacks in all aspects of life and to give them a stake in the system.  Indeed there have been many occasions when small black owned businesses have recieved substantial help from the white BAJAN corporations.  Not out of charity.  But out of a notion that the continued success of WHITE Barbados was based on the EMERGENCE of a black property owning class.


Now to Guyana.  Your Indian elite feels that the best way to control blacks is to shoot them down.  This while they also exclude Indo non elites, knowing that the latter will tolerate this once they can scream "ahbe pan tap". Non elite Indos remain silent while they endure abuse from Indo elites, when they will be better served by forming CLASS alliances with non elite Africans then race alliances with Indo elites, who do nothing for them.


Then you wonder why the difference.


BTW by the time the PPP is done Guyana will be just as Chinese controlled as Barbados is controlled by North American and European interests.  I sub,it to you that no one in Barbados is screaming that Euros bring Euro workers to take jobs away from workers.  Note that the PPP encourages Chinese to ensure that Guyanese remain jobless, and do nothing to train Guyanese where there are skill shortages.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie when you convince me that a grain of sand is worth more than a grain of gold then you begin to make sense.  Guyana has gold.  Barbados as sand that is available in Haiti, and yet Haiti is poor.


Clearly sand alone doesnt explain why Bdos is successful.  And you have conceded that Bdos does not have a monopoly of this.  What you forgot druggie is that it NEVER had a monopoly and it has always had tremendous competition from other islands.  Yet beats them all, using any measure of socio economic development.  Indeed Jamaica is as pathetic as Guyana is.

You make an excellent point about the grain of sand, it is worth more than gold as it is resold over and over again, the tourists don't take it with them, they come back to enjoy it and the pristine ocean. Not like the mud water and crocodile infested rivers of Guyana. 


The Barbadians are lucky that their population is very small compared to the Haitians and the 5% white population and foreign investors take care of the economy and provide them with jobs. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You make an excellent point about the grain of sand, it is worth more than gold as it is resold over and over again, the tourists don't take it with them, they come back to enjoy it and the pristine ocean. Not like the mud water and crocodile infested rivers of Guyana. 


The Barbadians are lucky that their population is very small compared to the Haitians and the 5% white population and foreign investors take care of the economy and provide them with jobs. 


Druggie the only people who rely on tourism are those who cant do better.  Tourism generates low paying jobs and putting poor people next to rich tourists leads to all sorts of ills.


So quit trying to convince yourself that an island which has tourism is better off than a country which ha sample mining,forestry and agricultural resources.


Guyana has been cursed with the PPP and the PNC and we need to ask ourselves why we have tolerated these disgraces to make us so poor that we flee to Nevis and degrade ourselves to get jobs that the locals didnt want until times got bad.



Indeed it is so bad that Guyanese risk death from volcanic ash in Montserrat in their haste to flee Guyana.  Note that over 90% of the locals have fled that unfortunate land that hundreds of Guyanese have run least one caught their death in one of the volcanic eruptions.


Funny so Haiti has more sand than Bdos so ought to be much richer.  But its not.   So clearly having sand is worth much less than having gold as people go into the most dangerous places to get it.  They will never risk that for sandy beaches.


Why do foreign investors go to Bdos and not to Haiti? I bet that its because the Bajan govt is efficient, minimally corrupt, and that Bajan workers are well educated and productive in mid level positions.


If having a small population was all that counted then Guyana would be better off than T&T.  Clearly the huge numbers of Guyanese flocking to that island indiactes otherwise.  Especially when we consider that most Trinis are no more likely to visit Guyana, much less work there, than they will to Haiti.


And yes T&T has every bit the potential to have the ethnic strife and polarized voting that Guyana has.  So they have oil you say.  You are wrong as T&T makes money from LNG and petrochemicals, both of which have seen significant price drops in their major markets.



So continue to explain to us why Guyana is the poorest country in the English speaking Caribbean, when it ought to be as wealthy as T&T.


By the way druggie loads of white Bajans fled that island after independence fearing that black rule would turn that island into another Haiti.


Many returned in the 70s once they saw that Bdos was doing fine without them.


So if black Bajans ran an incompetent and corrupt govt the whites who left would have stayed away and others would have joined them.  You will note what happened in Zimbabwe.


So give black Bajans the credit for running an island acceptable to both the local and foreign investors.  Note that many of your Indo elites have assets in Bdos as they dont trust the PPP.   Seeing how corrupt, and incompetent they are.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

 Another important difference, Bdos does not have an ethnic chasm like Guyana, it's mostly Afros who understand a safe and clean country is paramount to their economic survival, so they don't mess with it.



Clearly you know NOTHING about Barbados.  In 1966 it was an island with about 85% black, 5% white and the rest mixed.  It was an island that was so racist that racial segregation was defacto even if not based on law.

Banna, the more you talk, the more clownish you look.  Every colony had a White elite that was a small % of the population.  The difference, in a popular democracy there is no vying for power.  In Guyana there IS.  Guyana also had a White elite and they used you Afros against the Indian population to protect their power.


If Guyana was 85% Afros or 85% Indian, the race relations would have been different and better.  You have made a clown of yourself arguing this matter. Banna face it, PNC (I don't mean Blacks as a people) have brought little to the development of Guyana, in or out of power.  The graphs speak for themselves.  Now run along and lick your wounds.

Originally Posted by caribny:


So continue to explain to us why Guyana is the poorest country in the English speaking Caribbean, when it ought to be as wealthy as T&T.

Mo fiah slow fiah drive away investors and businesses. We all know that when the PNC riot, they investors head for the exit. Barbados on the other hand do not riot as they are homogeneous with the White 5% being the "massas" over the non white masses who are content to work in govt jobs financed by the tourist industry. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

By the way druggie loads of white Bajans fled that island after independence fearing that black rule would turn that island into another Haiti.


Many returned in the 70s once they saw that Bdos was doing fine without them.


So if black Bajans ran an incompetent and corrupt govt the whites who left would have stayed away and others would have joined them.  You will note what happened in Zimbabwe.


So give black Bajans the credit for running an island acceptable to both the local and foreign investors.  Note that many of your Indo elites have assets in Bdos as they dont trust the PPP.   Seeing how corrupt, and incompetent they are.

I would give the Black bajans credit if they owned/controlled more of the tourist industry. Instead they settle for being mere workers while foreigners are the bosses. So you want me to give the Bajans a prize for not rioting and killing like the PNc bais?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

By the way druggie loads of white Bajans fled that island after independence fearing that black rule would turn that island into another Haiti.


Many returned in the 70s once they saw that Bdos was doing fine without them.


So if black Bajans ran an incompetent and corrupt govt the whites who left would have stayed away and others would have joined them.  You will note what happened in Zimbabwe.


So give black Bajans the credit for running an island acceptable to both the local and foreign investors.  Note that many of your Indo elites have assets in Bdos as they dont trust the PPP.   Seeing how corrupt, and incompetent they are.

I would give the Black bajans credit if they owned/controlled more of the tourist industry. Instead they settle for being mere workers while foreigners are the bosses. So you want me to give the Bajans a prize for not rioting and killing like the PNc bais?

I doubt a locally owned industry would thrive as it does in Barbados.  You see the industry there depends on tourists being channeled to the resorts.  If US investors don't have capital at risk, it will struggle to compete.  This is why Barbados economy turned up-side-down in a jiffy under Tom Adams while it took longer for Guyana's to collapse.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I doubt a locally owned industry would thrive as it does in Barbados.  You see the industry there depends on tourists being channeled to the resorts.  If US investors don't have capital at risk, it will struggle to compete.  This is why Barbados economy turned up-side-down in a jiffy under Tom Adams while it took longer for Guyana's to collapse.

What you fail to understand is that loads of countries have sndy beaches so why do people visit Bdos in large numbers?  Why has Bdos built up a back office sector catering to the financial services?


Fisrt of all there is almost no US investment in Bdos.  Secondly there is agood deal more investment by Bajans white AND BLACK, than you give that island credit for.


Thirdly the fact that Bajans have more purchasing power is because they have had govts which have done agood job in promoting the almost non existent resources of that island, creating a safe and minimally corrupt environment that is attractive to LOCAL and foreign investors as well as to visitors. 


Ask any one who knows Bdos what that island has going for it.  The answer will be that all aspects of life on that island are as convenient a sthat of a small developed nation.  The black outs and wter problems that Guyana has are non existent.  And this is a BLACK govt...a point that angers you all Indo Nazis.


So if Bdos can do it, why cant Guyana, a nation much more endowed with resources?


You all need to stop finding excuses and realize that as bad as Tom Adams might have been he is agood deal better than  Burnham Cheddi, Jgadeo or Ramotar.  There is aboslutely no way that Bajans would have tolerated the petty dictators that we in Guyana have.


Also why are Trinis investing in Bdos and not in Guyana, even though Guyana ha smore to offer, cheaper labopr, and ample and cheap land and natural resources.  Yet a corrupt and incompetent govt keeps them away so they go to Costa Rica and the DR instead!  And they source produce from Brazil and elsewhere for their agro industries.

Last edited by Former Member

By the way druggie the 2006 household survey indiactes that 53% of Guyanese use latrines, 5% use the bush, which means that only 40% have access to toilets, some of which are outside.


Now 99% of Bajans have INDOOR plumbing.


No wonder the Guyanese there have no intention of leaving.


Poor Baseman getting schooled by a black man.  Don't be a cop out display your superior intellect that you claim to posess over blacks by posting something substantive other than resorting to calling Carib a clown.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I doubt a locally owned industry would thrive as it does in Barbados.  You see the industry there depends on tourists being channeled to the resorts.  If US investors don't have capital at risk, it will struggle to compete.  This is why Barbados economy turned up-side-down in a jiffy under Tom Adams while it took longer for Guyana's to collapse.

What you fail to understand is that loads of countries have sndy beaches so why do people visit Bdos in large numbers?  Why has Bdos built up a back office sector catering to the financial services?


Fisrt of all there is almost no US investment in Bdos.  Secondly there is agood deal more investment by Bajans white AND BLACK, than you give that island credit for.


Thirdly the fact that Bajans have more purchasing power is because they have had govts which have done agood job in promoting the almost non existent resources of that island, creating a safe and minimally corrupt environment that is attractive to LOCAL and foreign investors as well as to visitors. 


Ask any one who knows Bdos what that island has going for it.  The answer will be that all aspects of life on that island are as convenient a sthat of a small developed nation.  The black outs and wter problems that Guyana has are non existent.  And this is a BLACK govt...a point that angers you all Indo Nazis.


So if Bdos can do it, why cant Guyana, a nation much more endowed with resources?


You all need to stop finding excuses and realize that as bad as Tom Adams might have been he is agood deal better than  Burnham Cheddi, Jgadeo or Ramotar.  There is aboslutely no way that Bajans would have tolerated the petty dictators that we in Guyana have.


Also why are Trinis investing in Bdos and not in Guyana, even though Guyana ha smore to offer, cheaper labopr, and ample and cheap land and natural resources.  Yet a corrupt and incompetent govt keeps them away so they go to Costa Rica and the DR instead!  And they source produce from Brazil and elsewhere for their agro industries.

Follow that Chart I posted earlier, it shows Guyana's economic development under the PNC and under the PPP.  It also shows the impact of PNC destabilizing actions during the PPP term


In the end Caribj, the graph proves that Guyana has been held back by the PNC/Afros wanting powers and are willing to lay the nation to waste to get their way.  It also shows clearly, after "phantomization", the rocket trajectory the economy has taken.  Surinaam took this trajectory 2001/2002 but Guyana's was deferred until 2006.


You can get into a lot of nitty-gritty details parsing this and that, in the end this was the major impediment to development in Guyana.  The PPP must remain strong and resolute in its stance and take whatever action necessary to maintain stability and ensure development continues.  It is the way it has to be.

Originally Posted by caribny:

By the way druggie the 2006 household survey indiactes that 53% of Guyanese use latrines, 5% use the bush, which means that only 40% have access to toilets, some of which are outside.


Now 99% of Bajans have INDOOR plumbing.


No wonder the Guyanese there have no intention of leaving.

Of course Barbados would have better indoor plumbing percentages. It is only 431 square kilometers while Guyana is 214,970 square kilometers. The infrastructure put in by the Whites in Barbados is no feat that should be attributed to the Afros there. Meanwhile with Guyana vast expanse of land and spread out population, it is near impossible to supply everyone with indoor plumbing even though in 2013 the % is now 88% with the Amerindian villages lagging behind. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
on law.

Banna, the more you talk, the more clownish you look.  Every colony had a White elite that was a small % of the population.  The difference, in a popular democracy there is no vying for power.  In Guyana there IS.  Guyana also had a White elite and they used you Afros against the Indian population to protect their power.


If Guyana was 85% Afros or 85% Indian, the race relations would have been different and better.  You have made a clown of yourself arguing this matter. Banna face it, PNC (I don't mean Blacks as a people) have brought little to the development of Guyana, in or out of power.  The graphs speak for themselves.  Now run along and lick your wounds.


What white elite did Guyana have?  By the time the 50s rolled around nost of them had left, and the Portuguese certainly lacked the clout that whites in Bdos, or Trinidad had. Indeed many of the remaining white Guyanese flocked to those two islands where the local white elites wedre agood deal stronger than they were in British Guiana.


Guyana was run by two foreign companies, who realized that they had to adapt if they planned to stay, and indeed both Bookers and Demba began to include more locals in management and professional positions. 


Bdos was led by an  indigenous white planter class who had every bit of the seige mentaility that the Afrikaners in South Africa had.  While they lacked numbers they certainly had the economic clout to control that island.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Of course Barbados would have better indoor plumbing percentages. It is only 431 square kilometers while Guyana is 214,970 square kilometers. The infrastructure put in by the Whites in Barbados is no feat that should be attributed to the Afros there. Meanwhile with Guyana vast expanse of land and spread out population, it is near impossible to supply everyone with indoor plumbing even though in 2013 the % is now 88% with the Amerindian villages lagging behind. 


 Druggie the 88% is toilets and latrines.  The PPP feels that using a latrine is no different from indoor plumbing.



Druggie when whites ran Bdos their amenities were as bad as they are today in Guyana, maybe even worse, given that most lived in chattel houses, designe dto be moved at a moments notice, when  ever the local white planter wanted some recalcitrant black man off his land.


Why would Bajans flee Bdos if it was this paradise under white rule, and floock to Guyana, which they did up to the late 50s?  Druggie as bad off as BG was in the late 50s (Cheddi provides details in his rag called West on TRial) Bdos was WORSE!!!


Progess was made in the late 60s through to the 90s.  The govt of Barbados was BLACK.  Now I feel yoiur pain as you are ripped with rage that a black govt of Bdos accomlished more between 1966 and 1986 than has your Indo govt since 1992.


Druggie 85% of Guyanese live in coastal towns or along villages striung along one road.  It is just as easy to provide amenities to 85% of the population as it is in Bdos.


Here is the deal.  Your PPP is perfectly happy to have their supporters defecating in latrines.  Indeed in coastal Guyana Indos are way more likely to be doing that than Afros.  I do believe some of you even use your fingers when finshed.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by FC:

Poor Baseman getting schooled by a black man.  Don't be a cop out display your superior intellect that you claim to posess over blacks by posting something substantive other than resorting to calling Carib a clown.  

Baseman's problem is that most AfroGuyanese are Bajan descendants. So all things being equal, would have done as effective a job in Guyana as their cousins in Bdos did with that island.


Indeed would have done better, given that Guyana has way more resources than Bdos.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


 Druggie the 88% is toilets and latrines.  The PPP feels that using a latrine is no different from indoor plumbing.



Druggie when whites ran Bdos their amenities were as bad as they are today in Guyana, maybe even worse, given that most lived in chattel houses, designe dto be moved at a moments notice, when  ever the local white planter wanted some recalcitrant black man off his land.


Why would Bajans flee Bdos if it was this paradise under white rule, and floock to Guyana, which they did up to the late 50s?  Druggie as bad off as BG was in the late 50s (Cheddi provides details in his rag called West on TRial) Bdos was WORSE!!!


Progess was made in the late 60s through to the 90s.  The govt of Barbados was BLACK.  Now I feel yoiur pain as you are ripped with rage that a black govt of Bdos accomlished more between 1966 and 1986 than has your Indo govt since 1992.


Druggie 85% of Guyanese live in coastal towns or along villages striung along one road.  It is just as easy to provide amenities to 85% of the population as it is in Bdos.


Here is the deal.  Your PPP is perfectly happy to have their supporters defecating in latrines.  Indeed in coastal Guyana Indos are way more likely to be doing that than Afros.  I do believe some of you even use your fingers when finshed.

What does the PPP have to do with latrines? The way the system works in all nations, is that there must be a population density in order to justify a central sewage system, otherwise the recommendations is private Cartesian wells and a septic system. Right here in the US this is the norm in sparsely populated areas.

Do you even know the cost of laying pipes all the way up the coast lines what what it would cost customers as such a system has to pay for itself.  You lack the basic understanding to comment on this subject. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


So continue to explain to us why Guyana is the poorest country in the English speaking Caribbean, when it ought to be as wealthy as T&T.

Mo fiah slow fiah drive away investors and businesses. We all know that when the PNC riot, they investors head for the exit. Barbados on the other hand do not riot as they are homogeneous with the White 5% being the "massas" over the non white masses who are content to work in govt jobs financed by the tourist industry. 

Druggie 80% of Bajans work in the private sector.  80% OUTSIDE of the tourist industry (as measure dby accommodations and restaurant and transportation).


Clearly Bajans are a good deal more content than their AfroGuyanese cousins so why should they riot?   White Bajan business people are a good deal more enlightened than their IndoGuyanese elite counterpart.  You see white Bajan elites know that if the black middle class is included and the black working class is treated properly then every thing works.



Put it this way Bajans have it so good that even Guyanese flock there.  How many Bajans do you see flocking to Guyana except to work at CARICOM Secretariat?

IndoGuyanese elites think that hiring criminals (some being uniformed police) to shoot and kill blacks will guarantee them peace.


Well we can see that Bdos has a strong economy, even now, and a repuation for good governance and minimal corruption.


Guyana is seen as a wild west place where rich people can have their enemies killed and get away with it.   RK killing Sat Sawh and only the USA jails him.  Do yopu not see how it impacts in Guyana's image.  A friend of the President kills a govt minister!  That smacks of Haiti.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie 80% of Bajans work in the private sector.  60% OUTSIDE of the tourist industry.


Clearly Bajans are a good deal more content than their AfroGuyanese cousins so why should they riot?   White Bajan business people are a good deal more enlightened than their IndoGuyanese elite counterpart.  You see white Bajan elites know that if the black middle class is included and the black working class is treated properly then every thing works.



Put it this way Bajans have it so good that even Guyanese flock there.  How many Bajans do you see flocking to Guyana except to work at CARICOM Secretariat?

IndoGuyanese elites think that hiring criminals (some being uniformed police) to shoot and kill blacks will guarantee them peace.


Well we can see that Bdos has a strong economy, even now, and a repuation for good governance and minimal corruption.


Guyana is seen as a wild west place where rich people can have their enemies killed and get away with it.   RK killing Sat Sawh and only the USA jails him.  Do yopu not see how it impacts in Guyana's image.  A friend of the President kills a govt minister!  That smacks of Haiti.

Not true you sell lies, there is actually unrest among the Barbadian natives as they take positions even lower than Guyanese:

Almond Resorts says not one Barbadian is good enough for any of these positions

UPDATED: March 8, 2011

Barbadians “suitable” to clean toilets, mind babies at Almond Resorts, but not good enough for management!

How is it possible that no Barbadian is “suitable” to work as Executive Chef, Director of Food & Beverage, Executive Assistant Manager or Director of Hotel Operations at Almond Resorts?

This story from last September is front and center again and we do not and will not accept Almond Resorts’ claim that no “suitable” candidates can be found in Barbados in this downturn and with so many begging for work.

Oh, we smiling Bajans are suitable enough to clean toilets, roll out deck chairs, bring drinks to the wandering hands tourists and to mind their babies while our own children wait alone at home for mum to return. We’re just not good enough to supervise. Not trained enough, not experienced enough – just plain not qualified. Not one of us is good enough.

We won’t have any more of that nonsense from Almond Resorts, thank you very much. What about their in-house training and “career path” that they promise when they hire? They can hire or promote a Bajan or shut down for all I care. We’ve had enough of this nonsense.

Prime Minister Stuart… ARE YOU LISTENING?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

UPDATED: March 8, 2011

Barbadians “suitable” to clean toilets, mind babies at Almond Resorts, but not good enough for management!

How is it possible that no Barbadian is “suitable” to work as Executive Chef, Director of Food & Beverage, Executive Assistant Manager or Director of Hotel Operations at Almond Resorts?

This story from last September is front and center again and we do not and will not accept Almond Resorts’ claim that no “suitable” candidates can be found in Barbados in this downturn and with so many begging for work.

Oh, we smiling Bajans are suitable enough to clean toilets, roll out deck chairs, bring drinks to the wandering hands tourists and to mind their babies while our own children wait alone at home for mum to return. We’re just not good enough to supervise. Not trained enough, not experienced enough – just plain not qualified. Not one of us is good enough.

We won’t have any more of that nonsense from Almond Resorts, thank you very much. What about their in-house training and “career path” that they promise when they hire? They can hire or promote a Bajan or shut down for all I care. We’ve had enough of this nonsense.

Prime Minister Stuart… ARE YOU LISTENING?

Druggie 60% of Bajans work in neither tourism nor in govt.


Note that Almond was owned by Bajans and now by TRinis.  Many caribbean people look down on work in hotels and so do not enter hotel management, and they think that a chef is a mere cook.


Why will a Caribbean owned hotel employ Europeans or North Americans at very high salaries when locals would be much cheaper, of qualified candidates were available.


If highly qualified locals arent available, because they look down on working in hotels and kitchens, then why are people complaining about it.  Indeed many govts complain about this.


Indeed its likely that many of those who wash dishes or change bed sheets are Guyanese.


The question I would ask the writer is did they study being a chef or try to obtain skills in managing catering facilities within a hotel? Or are they just complaining, but then will ridicule any of their kids who told them that they want to study cooking.  How many college educated Caribbean people want to work in a hotel in any capacity?


Almond is NOT owned by whites.  It was owned by Black Bajans who sold it to a Trini corporation which is publicly traded and which has the full range of Trinis within its management structure.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by FC:

Poor Baseman getting schooled by a black man.  Don't be a cop out display your superior intellect that you claim to posess over blacks by posting something substantive other than resorting to calling Carib a clown.  

Baseman's problem is that most AfroGuyanese are Bajan descendants. So all things being equal, would have done as effective a job in Guyana as their cousins in Bdos did with that island.


Indeed would have done better, given that Guyana has way more resources than Bdos.


Caribj, I said had Guyana been 85% Afros or 85% Indians, you would not have a race issue so protracted to hold the country back for over 50 years.  Caribj, it's not only a matter of resources, if it was then the DRC should have been the most developed country in Africa.  The problem, Afros want to rule Guyana at all costs and are willing to lay the nation to waste to get their way.


Please take a look at the graph below plotting Guyana and Surinaam.  Look at the period from the 60's to 1992 (PNC era), then 1992 to 1997 (1997 - initiation of PNC Mo Fiah, Buxton terrorist era), then from 2005/6 to present (post phantomization).  Don't let's mix up too many things and make irrelevant comparisons.


Cut to the chase and explain to us the PNC contribution and its impact on the development of Guyana.


Look banna, I cannot get the image to show, so follow the link.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie 60% of Bajans work in neither tourism nor in govt.


Note that Almond was owned by Bajans and now by TRinis.  Many caribbean people look down on work in hotels and so do not enter hotel management, and they think that a chef is a mere cook.


Why will a Caribbean owned hotel employ Europeans or North Americans at very high salaries when locals would be much cheaper, of qualified candidates were available.


If highly qualified locals arent available, because they look down on working in hotels and kitchens, then why are people complaining about it.  Indeed many govts complain about this.


Indeed its likely that many of those who wash dishes or change bed sheets are Guyanese.


The question I would ask the writer is did they study being a chef or try to obtain skills in managing catering facilities within a hotel? Or are they just complaining, but then will ridicule any of their kids who told them that they want to study cooking.  How many college educated Caribbean people want to work in a hotel in any capacity?


Almond is NOT owned by whites.  It was owned by Black Bajans who sold it to a Trini corporation which is publicly traded and which has the full range of Trinis within its management structure.

Your figures are incorrect, if life was good for them in their own country why would they run overseas to work as nannies?

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Originally Posted by baseman:

   The problem, Afros want to rule Guyana at all costs and are willing to lay the nation to waste to get their way.



And this is oiur problem.  You do not think that the PPP is aggressive in excluding Afros from having any involvement in running Guyana?


So when Afros protest youy scream that inferior babboons ought to know their place and show gratitude.



Barbados could have gone down a bad road.  White Bajans holding on to all thatr they had, and excluding blacks.  Black Bajans intent on gettoing revenge for past abuse.


You know what.  What Bajans learnt that, despite their wealth, they needed to include Black Bajans, and to not yelp that "blacks waNt every thing", the way that you and other Indo racists do.


If you want a country where a minority controls and excludes and a nation suffers look at Haiti.  Its mulato elite excluded the majority of blacks, and blacks protested.  And we see the results of that.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hire Barbadian NanniesBabysittersAu Pairs andCaregivers Available for Part-time or Full-Time Service Work.

Barbadian Nannies, Babysitters, Au Pairs and Caregivers available for hire.

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Druggie if you think that a Guyanese is in Bdos illegally they are going to advertise Guyanese baby sitter.  No they fear being deported.


Many Guyanese women can be found as sex slaves and in domestic work in Bdos.


And the stats that I gave you came from the Govt of Barbados.  I suggest that you go fight with them if you think that they are wrong.



By the way do you still think that if 10% of Indians voted AFC, that means that 33% of the voters were PPP voting Indians?   Until you figure out your error you have no right to opine on any topic.


As fpr those who might take an au pair job in North America.  Hmmmm.  I suspect that you do not know that many of them are merely seeking a way to get to these countries, and will disappear from their employers as soon as they can.


Any way according to the CIA FACt book  Barbados has a net migratioin rate of .3/1000, Guyana has 11.21/1000.  These are estimates for 2012.


Indeed much of the out migration of Bajans is offset by the INmigration of Guyanese.  Bajans leave and Guyanese replace them.


Barbados is a better country to earn a living than Guyana is.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

   The problem, Afros want to rule Guyana at all costs and are willing to lay the nation to waste to get their way.



And this is oiur problem.  You do not think that the PPP is aggressive in excluding Afros from having any involvement in running Guyana?


So when Afros protest youy scream that inferior babboons ought to know their place and show gratitude.



Barbados could have gone down a bad road.  White Bajans holding on to all thatr they had, and excluding blacks.  Black Bajans intent on gettoing revenge for past abuse.


You know what.  What Bajans learnt that, despite their wealth, they needed to include Black Bajans, and to not yelp that "blacks waNt every thing", the way that you and other Indo racists do.


If you want a country where a minority controls and excludes and a nation suffers look at Haiti.  Its mulato elite excluded the majority of blacks, and blacks protested.  And we see the results of that.

You prove my point.  Had Guyana had one overwhelming race, the situation would have been different.


BTW  Lots of Afros are very involved in Guyana's development and affairs, but there is that longing to "rule" as that is all what matters to many.

Originally Posted by baseman:


You prove my point.  Had Guyana had one overwhelming race, the situation would have been different.


BTW  Lots of Afros are very involved in Guyana's development and affairs, but there is that longing to "rule" as that is all what matters to many.

Haiti has a mulato 5% and a black 95%.  A country deeply conflicted in struggles between the powerful minority and the dominant majority.  So why did Bdos avoid what happened to Haiti?


Baseman Africans sent a message to the PPP in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011.  The PPP is a racist black hating group intent to ensure 100% domination of Guyana by Indians.  You will understand why most blacks do not find this appealing.  Baseman these votes matter, because as you know, and frequently satted in 2011, it is not that they think highly of the PNC.



The difference between Guyana and Bdos isnt that blacks are dominat in the latter.  Its that Bajans understood that excluding any group on the basis of race will hurt BOTH groups.


Indian elites in Guyana still think that they can use brute force to keep down blacks by paying some blacks to shoot them down like stray dogs.

I assume that you think that black policemen who shoot black protesters are "involved" in running Guyana.  They do so at the behest of an Indo dictatorship.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


You prove my point.  Had Guyana had one overwhelming race, the situation would have been different.


BTW  Lots of Afros are very involved in Guyana's development and affairs, but there is that longing to "rule" as that is all what matters to many.

Haiti has a mulato 5% and a black 95%.  A country deeply conflicted in struggles between the powerful minority and the dominant majority.  So why did Bdos avoid what happened to Haiti?


Baseman Africans sent a message to the PPP in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011.  The PPP is a racist black hating group intent to ensure 100% domination of Guyana by Indians.  You will understand why most blacks do not find this appealing.  Baseman these votes matter, because as you know, and frequently satted in 2011, it is not that they think highly of the PNC.

Dear Caribj, Afros have been sending messages by ballots and bullets to Indians and the PPP since the 60's.  Stop having selective amnesia.


On Haiti, you know the history and what the French, in cohoots with the "White" powers, did to Haiti after they were kicked out.  This has more to do with today's Haiti than anything else.

Originally Posted by caribny:



Druggie if you think that a Guyanese is in Bdos illegally they are going to advertise Guyanese baby sitter.  No they fear being deported.


Many Guyanese women can be found as sex slaves and in domestic work in Bdos.


And the stats that I gave you came from the Govt of Barbados.  I suggest that you go fight with them if you think that they are wrong.



By the way do you still think that if 10% of Indians voted AFC, that means that 33% of the voters were PPP voting Indians?   Until you figure out your error you have no right to opine on any topic.


As fpr those who might take an au pair job in North America.  Hmmmm.  I suspect that you do not know that many of them are merely seeking a way to get to these countries, and will disappear from their employers as soon as they can.


Any way according to the CIA FACt book  Barbados has a net migratioin rate of .3/1000, Guyana has 11.21/1000.  These are estimates for 2012.


Indeed much of the out migration of Bajans is offset by the INmigration of Guyanese.  Bajans leave and Guyanese replace them.


Barbados is a better country to earn a living than Guyana is.

We all know your numbers are fictitious, as you derive these figures from your own survey hidden under your bed and to which only you have access.

So let us examine some real numbers.

The world bank sees a contraction in the Bajan economy, the tourist sector is falling, the manufacturing and agricultural sector are contracting:



Tourism value-added contracted by an estimated 3.5 per cent. There were reductions of 8.8 per cent and 9.0 per cent in [American] and [British] visitors, respectively.

The closure of the Almond Resorts represented an estimated loss, on average, of about one-fifth of visitors preferring an all-inclusive vacation. This, coupled with [Britain’s] Air Passenger Duty which increased by over eight per cent and the decrease in the number of flights out of [the United States] and[Britain] by two major carriers, were the main contributing factors to this outturn.

In addition, the cessation of flights by REDjet earlier in the year contributed to the reduction in regional visitors. Travellers from Trinidad and Tobago rose by almost 50 per cent between January and April but subsequently slowed to 1.5 per cent for the year as a whole, while visitors from other regional economies contracted by 8.1 per cent.

The decline of 15 per cent in cruise passenger arrivals over the January to December period stemmed largely from the shift of some cruise ships to other destinationsand a renewed focus on the Mediterranean region by some of the major cruise companies.

The downturn in cruise activity was evident particularly during the summer period (April to December), when cruise ship calls fell by 29.5 per cent.

Manufacturing and agriculture

The share of manufacturing in GDP over the past two decades declined from about nine per cent in the 1990s to about five per cent at the end of 2012. During the last five years some improvement in the level of production was observed, mainly in food processing, electronic components, chemicals and beverages, and tobacco.

These areas, however, recorded lower output levels during 2012, with the exception of food processing, which improved by one per cent.

During 2012, output in the agricultural sector is estimated to have contracted by about two per cent, although sugar production increased by 4.4 per cent due to higher yields and favourable weather conditions.

Non-sugar agriculture was down four per cent, the third consecutive year of decline. In spite of uncertainty surrounding the quota system for farmers, the production of fresh milk rose by about five per cent for the year.

In contrast, chicken and fish production were lower by an average 23.4 per cent. Fish landings were significantly affected by the presence of decaying seaweed during the first half of the year.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Dear Caribj, INDOS have been sending messages by ballots and bullets to blacks and the PPP since the 60's. In 1964 Indos fire dtheir own guns,  Now they pay Afro criminals to do so.  Stop having selective amnesia.



Haiti has had a greedy mulato elite who raped the country and treated black masses like animals.  That excuse about the Frencxh is quite old as they have had 200 years to fix it.  Even with massive aid Haiti does nothing.  You ought to have seen those mulatos living it up on the earthquake aid in the bars, and then tossing poor people from any where near them.  Yes as in Guyana an unscrupulous and racist elite uses corrupt and violent blacks to oppress their own people too.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Dear Caribj, INDOS have been sending messages by ballots and bullets to blacks and the PPP since the 60's. In 1964 Indos fire dtheir own guns,  Now they pay Afro criminals to do so.  Stop having selective amnesia.


On Haiti, you know the history and what the French, in cohoots with the "White" powers, did to Haiti after they were kicked out.  This has more to do with today's Haiti than anything else.

Haiti has had a greedy mulato elite who raped the country and treated black masses like animals.  That excuse about the Frencxh is quite old as they have had 200 years to fix it.  Even with massive aid Haiti does nothing.  You ought to have seen those mulatos living it up on the earthquake aid in the bars, and then tossing poor people from any where near them.  Yes as in Guyana an unscrupulous and racist elite uses corrupt and violent blacks to oppress their own people too.

I don't think you know what I'm talking about and the massive reparation which was being paid to France for generations.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:



Druggie if you think that a Guyanese is in Bdos illegally they are going to advertise Guyanese baby sitter.  No they fear being deported.


Many Guyanese women can be found as sex slaves and in domestic work in Bdos.


And the stats that I gave you came from the Govt of Barbados.  I suggest that you go fight with them if you think that they are wrong.



By the way do you still think that if 10% of Indians voted AFC, that means that 33% of the voters were PPP voting Indians?   Until you figure out your error you have no right to opine on any topic.


As fpr those who might take an au pair job in North America.  Hmmmm.  I suspect that you do not know that many of them are merely seeking a way to get to these countries, and will disappear from their employers as soon as they can.


Any way according to the CIA FACt book  Barbados has a net migratioin rate of .3/1000, Guyana has 11.21/1000.  These are estimates for 2012.


Indeed much of the out migration of Bajans is offset by the INmigration of Guyanese.  Bajans leave and Guyanese replace them.


Barbados is a better country to earn a living than Guyana is.

We all know your numbers are fictitious, as you derive these figures from your own survey hidden under your bed and to which only you have access.

So let us examine some real numbers.

The world bank sees a contraction in the Bajan economy, the tourist sector is falling, the manufacturing and agricultural sector are contracting:



Tourism value-added contracted by an estimated 3.5 per cent. There were reductions of 8.8 per cent and 9.0 per cent in [American] and [British] visitors, respectively.

The closure of the Almond Resorts represented an estimated loss, on average, of about one-fifth of visitors preferring an all-inclusive vacation. This, coupled with [Britain’s] Air Passenger Duty which increased by over eight per cent and the decrease in the number of flights out of [the United States] and[Britain] by two major carriers, were the main contributing factors to this outturn.

In addition, the cessation of flights by REDjet earlier in the year contributed to the reduction in regional visitors. Travellers from Trinidad and Tobago rose by almost 50 per cent between January and April but subsequently slowed to 1.5 per cent for the year as a whole, while visitors from other regional economies contracted by 8.1 per cent.

The decline of 15 per cent in cruise passenger arrivals over the January to December period stemmed largely from the shift of some cruise ships to other destinationsand a renewed focus on the Mediterranean region by some of the major cruise companies.

The downturn in cruise activity was evident particularly during the summer period (April to December), when cruise ship calls fell by 29.5 per cent.

Manufacturing and agriculture

The share of manufacturing in GDP over the past two decades declined from about nine per cent in the 1990s to about five per cent at the end of 2012. During the last five years some improvement in the level of production was observed, mainly in food processing, electronic components, chemicals and beverages, and tobacco.

These areas, however, recorded lower output levels during 2012, with the exception of food processing, which improved by one per cent.

During 2012, output in the agricultural sector is estimated to have contracted by about two per cent, although sugar production increased by 4.4 per cent due to higher yields and favourable weather conditions.

Non-sugar agriculture was down four per cent, the third consecutive year of decline. In spite of uncertainty surrounding the quota system for farmers, the production of fresh milk rose by about five per cent for the year.

In contrast, chicken and fish production were lower by an average 23.4 per cent. Fish landings were significantly affected by the presence of decaying seaweed during the first half of the year.

And yet Guyanese flock to Barbados.  Druggie even in a slump Bdos is better than Guyana and thousands of Guyanese know this.  No wonder so many Guyanese women get trapped in sex slavery as they flee to that island all starry eyed about their prospects.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet Guyanese flock to Barbados.  Druggie even in a slump Bdos is better than Guyana and thousands of Guyanese know this.  No wonder so many Guyanese women get trapped in sex slavery as they flee to that island all starry eyed about their prospects.

Make no mistake, they are not fleeing to Barbados because of jobs that the Bajans are providing, in fact it is the tourism dollars that they are after. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet Guyanese flock to Barbados.  Druggie even in a slump Bdos is better than Guyana and thousands of Guyanese know this.  No wonder so many Guyanese women get trapped in sex slavery as they flee to that island all starry eyed about their prospects.

Make no mistake, they are not fleeing to Barbados because of jobs that the Bajans are providing, in fact it is the tourism dollars that they are after. 

True deh, those pretty dougla and Indian straight hair Guyanese gurls are a tourist attraction in of itself.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Make no mistake, they are not fleeing to Barbados because of jobs that the Bajans are providing, in fact it is the tourism dollars that they are after. 

The jobs are in Barbados and if Barbados was a corrupt island with extensive bribery and power cuts as the govt was as inefficient as it is in Guyana no foreigner would open up a hotel when other islands offered beaches as well.


Druggie understand something.  Countries with efficient govts are usually countries with a very healthy privcate sector as no business men is going where officials are corrupt and infrastructure is poor.


Haiti has beaches and no tourists.  That ough to tell you something.

Originally Posted by baseman:

True deh, those pretty dougla and Indian straight hair Guyanese gurls are a tourist attraction in of itself.

Yes as sex slaves.  I wouldnt be so proud of it if I were you.


Imagine PPP supporters flocking to be sex slaves in a black man's country!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

True deh, those pretty dougla and Indian straight hair Guyanese gurls are a tourist attraction in of itself.

Yes as sex slaves.  I wouldnt be so proud of it if I were you.


Imagine PPP supporters flocking to be sex slaves in a black man's country!

it is a cosmopolitan country and not a 'black man's country.' Why do you see race in everything?


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