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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Dear Caribj, INDOS have been sending messages by ballots and bullets to blacks and the PPP since the 60's. In 1964 Indos fire dtheir own guns,  Now they pay Afro criminals to do so.  Stop having selective amnesia.


On Haiti, you know the history and what the French, in cohoots with the "White" powers, did to Haiti after they were kicked out.  This has more to do with today's Haiti than anything else.

Haiti has had a greedy mulato elite who raped the country and treated black masses like animals.  That excuse about the Frencxh is quite old as they have had 200 years to fix it.  Even with massive aid Haiti does nothing.  You ought to have seen those mulatos living it up on the earthquake aid in the bars, and then tossing poor people from any where near them.  Yes as in Guyana an unscrupulous and racist elite uses corrupt and violent blacks to oppress their own people too.

I don't think you know what I'm talking about and the massive reparation which was being paid to France for generations.



If France paid reparations it would have fallen into the hands of the greedy mulato buisness elites and their black army henchmen.  I am glad that this didnt happen.



You ought to see how, in the midst of distress, these mulatos were chasing away poor people because they prevented them from playing golf.  And yes much of the funds that many of us sent for the earthquake relief ended up in the hands of bar and restaurant owners.


This has NOTHING to do with France.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

True deh, those pretty dougla and Indian straight hair Guyanese gurls are a tourist attraction in of itself.

Yes as sex slaves.  I wouldnt be so proud of it if I were you.


Imagine PPP supporters flocking to be sex slaves in a black man's country!

it is a cosmopolitan country and not a 'black man's country.' Why do you see race in everything?

 I wonder why dont you address the question of race to druggie, skeldon, rev, baseman and other Indians?  NEVER seen you do this.  Why?



Originally Posted by caribny:

The jobs are in Barbados and if Barbados was a corrupt island with extensive bribery and power cuts as the govt was as inefficient as it is in Guyana no foreigner would open up a hotel when other islands offered beaches as well.


Druggie understand something.  Countries with efficient govts are usually countries with a very healthy privcate sector as no business men is going where officials are corrupt and infrastructure is poor.


Haiti has beaches and no tourists.  That ough to tell you something.

Barbados has been able to avoid the scourge of corruption as they exported their corrupt citizens to Guyana, Burnham being the most well known. It is funny that you credit Barbados with having low corruption when people of Barbadian descent were the cause of corruption in Guyana. 


The comparison to Haiti is illogical as this country has a population of 10 million in a mere 27,000 sq kilometer. The overpopulation and other factors contribute to its political instability. Meanwhile Barbados is relatively sparsely populated and has a White upper class that takes care of the needs of the Blacks but economically and otherwise. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 It is funny that you credit Barbados with having low corruption when people of Barbadian descent were the cause of corruption in Guyana. 



So druggie what is 10% of 43%.  Have you figured that it isnt 10%?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. Meanwhile Barbados is relatively sparsely populated. 

166 square miles and 300K, when illegals are included.  ANd you think that this is sparce?  Barbados has no resources and yet must find work for 125k people!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Dear Caribj, INDOS have been sending messages by ballots and bullets to blacks and the PPP since the 60's. In 1964 Indos fire dtheir own guns,  Now they pay Afro criminals to do so.  Stop having selective amnesia.


On Haiti, you know the history and what the French, in cohoots with the "White" powers, did to Haiti after they were kicked out.  This has more to do with today's Haiti than anything else.

Haiti has had a greedy mulato elite who raped the country and treated black masses like animals.  That excuse about the Frencxh is quite old as they have had 200 years to fix it.  Even with massive aid Haiti does nothing.  You ought to have seen those mulatos living it up on the earthquake aid in the bars, and then tossing poor people from any where near them.  Yes as in Guyana an unscrupulous and racist elite uses corrupt and violent blacks to oppress their own people too.

I don't think you know what I'm talking about and the massive reparation which was being paid to France for generations.



If France paid reparations it would have fallen into the hands of the greedy mulato buisness elites and their black army henchmen.  I am glad that this didnt happen.



You ought to see how, in the midst of distress, these mulatos were chasing away poor people because they prevented them from playing golf.  And yes much of the funds that many of us sent for the earthquake relief ended up in the hands of bar and restaurant owners.


This has NOTHING to do with France.

Bai, you don't know squat.  France got the other colonial powers to assess reparations against Haiti and legalize it thru the League of Nations and strung Haiti with a century of debts.  As the first and only black island nation, they ensured no investments and whatever Haiti earned, a portion went to France to pay reparations.  This left Haiti an impoverish wasteland for most of it's history.

Originally Posted by caribny:

166 square miles and 300K, when illegals are included.  ANd you think that this is sparce?  Barbados has no resources and yet must find work for 125k people!!!

Even this extrapolation is ficticious, Barbados has 10% unemployment and their citizens look for jobs overseas as care givers and other low level work in the service industry. I already posted the links. You come on this forum and try to paint a pretty picture of opulence and wealth in Barbados(Ancient Mali of the Caribbean), however the evidence exist to show that Bajans are not as well off as you suggest. Why else would they flee to the western world to take up common baby sitting jobs?


Even the # of bajans living below the poverty line has increased:

Barbados Country Assessment of Living Conditions Report (CALC)  “persons living below the poverty line in Barbados has double, since the last study on living conditions and poverty was undertaken over a decade ago”? Pertinent in the report is that 19.3% of Barbadian individuals in 15% of  households earn income below the poverty line – 9.1% of individuals 7% of households were living below the indigence line at the time the survey was carried out. An easy conclusion to make, anecdotally though it is, these numbers with the prevailing economic hardships must be trending upward.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Bai, you don't know squat.  France got the other colonial powers to assess reparations against Haiti and legalize it thru the League of Nations and strung Haiti with a century of debts.  As the first and only black island nation, they ensured no investments and whatever Haiti earned, a portion went to France to pay reparations.  This left Haiti an impoverish wasteland for most of it's history.

So let us go ahead and blame Burnham's squandermania, incompetence and racism because of British colonial rule.   Oh yes you will sing a different tune.  Every Caribbean country started life in a mess becasue of our history of exploitative colonialism.  This does not give license to the locals who replaced to be equally rapacious.


The diffrence between Barbados and Haiti/Guyana is that in Bdos the existing elites and the new black elites who arose after independence had a more enlightenment than did the equivalent groups in Guyana and Haiti.  This being the reason why Barbados, which has much less going for it, significantly outperforms these larger nations, leaving both behind in the dust with the standard of living and quality of life which it offers the majority of its citizens. 


And now an estimated 10,000 Guyanese have flocked to that tiny coral reef for a better life.  Leaving Bajans worried that a people who are so incompetent that they allowed their nation, packed with ample and very valuable resources (certainly of more value than grains of sand) now arrive in their tiny island, which has loads of problems due to its small size, and its very high population density, and a limited reource base.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

166 square miles and 300K, when illegals are included.  ANd you think that this is sparce?  Barbados has no resources and yet must find work for 125k people!!!

Even this extrapolation is ficticious, Barbados has 10% unemployment and their citizens look for jobs overseas as care givers and other low level work in the service industry. I already posted the links. You come on this forum and try to paint a pretty picture of opulence and wealth in Barbados(Ancient Mali of the Caribbean), however the evidence exist to show that Bajans are not as well off as you suggest. Why else would they flee to the western world to take up common baby sitting jobs?


Even the # of bajans living below the poverty line has increased:

Barbados Country Assessment of Living Conditions Report (CALC)  “persons living below the poverty line in Barbados has double, since the last study on living conditions and poverty was undertaken over a decade ago”? Pertinent in the report is that 19.3% of Barbadian individuals in 15% of  households earn income below the poverty line – 9.1% of individuals 7% of households were living below the indigence line at the time the survey was carried out. An easy conclusion to make, anecdotally though it is, these numbers with the prevailing economic hardships must be trending upward.

Druggie in 2007 99% of Bajans had access to indoor plumbing.  Only around 40% of Guyanese did.  Bajans also in 2012 had greater access to phones and internet access than did Guyanese.


Druggie how ever loudly you might scream and wail that Bajans defy your notion of blacks being a group unable to accomplish anything, a BLACK govt, run 100% by BLACKS, has delivered a quality of life that Guyanese dream for, and indeed at least 10,000 have rushed to enjoy by living on that island.


Druggie alos tell us why the PPP refusesto disclose what the unemployment rate in Guyana is?  Its surely higher than the 11% cited for Barbados.


tell you what Druggie if Bdos was worse off than Guyana than Bajans would flock there.  Instead Guyanese flock to Bdos.


So in the midst of its worst slump Bdos is still BETTER than Guyana.


So continue your posts which merely indicate what we know.  Bdos has a recession.  But what you cannot show is that they are now worse off than Guyanese.


Our poverty rate is 35% by the way. 


Druggie between 2003 and 2012 71k Guyanese were legally admitted into the USA.  6,200 Bajans were admitted.  Note that Guyana has a population roughly 3X that of Bdos, but yet  had 11X the migration to the USA.  So our migration rate to the USA is almost 4X as high.


Note that Bajan migration is confined to the USA and Canada.  Guyanese not only migrate to those countries, but also to most of the Caribbean and to Brazil and Venezuela.


Note also that Bajans do NOT require visas to visit the UK or Canada whereas as Guyanese do.  Clearly Guyanese are more likely to attempt to overstay their visits to the UK and Canada than are Guyanese.


Note that this period encompasses the 2009-2012 when Bdos was in  economic difficulties.


Clearly Guyanese are more desperate to flee Guyanam even in 2012 than were Bajans. 


A program that discusses sex trafficking in Tdad says that the women trafficked are the usual suspects, Colombians, Brazilians, Venezuelans, Dominicans and GUYANESE. Why Guyanese?  They are ethnically the same as Trinis, so command lower rates than the Latin girls who are seen as more exotic?  Yet they flee to Tdad and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie in 2007 99% of Bajans had access to indoor plumbing.  Only around 40% of Guyanese did.  Bajans also in 2012 had greater access to phones and internet access than did Guyanese.


Druggie how ever loudly you might scream and wail that Bajans defy your notion of blacks being a group unable to accomplish anything, a BLACK govt, run 100% by BLACKS, has delivered a quality of life that Guyanese dream for, and indeed at least 10,000 have rushed to enjoy by living on that island.

During the mo fiah slow fiah years Guyana did indeed languish as you fully know that if there is political unrest a nation will suffer. In Barbados the people are like sheep and don't burn and riot like their offspring in Guyana, that is the main reason for foreign investors sinking money into the island and the subsequent trickle down economic effect to the Afro masses. 


The difference in Barbados is that the Afros running the government have not been corrupted by the PNc cousins in Guyana, they didn't embrace communism and ruin the nation like Burnham and Jagan did. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie alos tell us why the PPP refusesto disclose what the unemployment rate in Guyana is?  Its surely higher than the 11% cited for Barbados.


tell you what Druggie if Bdos was worse off than Guyana than Bajans would flock there.  Instead Guyanese flock to Bdos.


So in the midst of its worst slump Bdos is still BETTER than Guyana.


So continue your posts which merely indicate what we know.  Bdos has a recession.  But what you cannot show is that they are now worse off than Guyanese.


Our poverty rate is 35% by the way. 

The unemployment rate is zero percent in Guyana, those who don't have work, choose not to have work as we see businesses and govt have to bring in foreign workers to meet the labor demands. 

Guyana's poverty rate will be higher than Barbados as we have nomadic people living in the jungle and other remote areas who are counted. Those who choose to get a skill can earn a handsome living. Instead many choose to collect remittance, another scourge on the Guyanese populace. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie alos tell us why the PPP refusesto disclose what the unemployment rate in Guyana is?  Its surely higher than the 11% cited for Barbados.


tell you what Druggie if Bdos was worse off than Guyana than Bajans would flock there.  Instead Guyanese flock to Bdos.


So in the midst of its worst slump Bdos is still BETTER than Guyana.


So continue your posts which merely indicate what we know.  Bdos has a recession.  But what you cannot show is that they are now worse off than Guyanese.


Our poverty rate is 35% by the way. 

The unemployment rate is zero percent in Guyana, those who don't have work, choose not to have work as we see businesses and govt have to bring in foreign workers to meet the labor demands. 

Guyana's poverty rate will be higher than Barbados as we have nomadic people living in the jungle and other remote areas who are counted. Those who choose to get a skill can earn a handsome living. Instead many choose to collect remittance, another scourge on the Guyanese populace. 

The hilited shows that you have lied yet again. Your corrupt PPP Govt give away the work that the Guyanese people needed, they (PPP) are scum and so are all those who still believe in them.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie between 2003 and 2012 71k Guyanese were legally admitted into the USA.  6,200 Bajans were admitted.  Note that Guyana has a population roughly 3X that of Bdos, but yet  had 11X the migration to the USA.  So our migration rate to the USA is almost 4X as high.


Note that Bajan migration is confined to the USA and Canada.  Guyanese not only migrate to those countries, but also to most of the Caribbean and to Brazil and Venezuela.


Note also that Bajans do NOT require visas to visit the UK or Canada whereas as Guyanese do.  Clearly Guyanese are more likely to attempt to overstay their visits to the UK and Canada than are Guyanese.


Note that this period encompasses the 2009-2012 when Bdos was in  economic difficulties.


Clearly Guyanese are more desperate to flee Guyanam even in 2012 than were Bajans. 


A program that discusses sex trafficking in Tdad says that the women trafficked are the usual suspects, Colombians, Brazilians, Venezuelans, Dominicans and GUYANESE. Why Guyanese?  They are ethnically the same as Trinis, so command lower rates than the Latin girls who are seen as more exotic?  Yet they flee to Tdad and elsewhere in the Caribbean.

 I don't trust the voracity of the numbers you post as you have been known to be a liar and referencer of the famous survey that you created yourself. 

In any case one would logically expect more Guyanese immigrants than Barbados due to Guyana's larger population and lower economic stature. I am not claiming that Guyana at this juncture of its development is better than Barbados given the natural resource of that nation that attracts tourists galore. Meanwhile Guyana have to produce or perish while Bajans kick back and reap the rewards of the foreign investors in the tourist industry. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

 I don't trust the voracity of the numbers you post as you have been known to be a liar and referencer of the famous survey that you created yourself. 

In any case one would logically expect more Guyanese immigrants than Barbados due to Guyana's larger population and lower economic stature. I am not claiming that Guyana at this juncture of its development is better than Barbados given the natural resource of that nation that attracts tourists galore. Meanwhile Guyana have to produce or perish while Bajans kick back and reap the rewards of the foreign investors in the tourist industry. 

The immigration data which I got came from the US govt.  Guyana has 3X as many people as Bdos so logic will suggest, taht if it was better off that around 18K Guyanese would have migrated to the USA. Instead 4X that number did. 


And this doesnt even take into account the vast numbers of Guyanese living in the Caribbean, Venezuela, Brazil and Suriname, where few Bajans live.


I really do not care what you think or do not think because you are  a man who thinks that 10% of 43% is 10%.


I also wonder why you think that Bajans can sit back and kick out their legs when they are in the worst recession in a long time.  Will you go to an island where the hoetl workers lime and ignore you?  Or will you go back when you get the service that you paid for?  Will you go to an island if the entire trip you were in ablack out, and had to fetch water from outside/  No you will go to one that offers modern amenities?  Will you go to a country where the govt officials that yopu meet demand a briobe for the slightest task?  Or will you go where govt functions efficiently and with minimal corruption.


So druggie go and figure out that 10% of 43% is not 10%, before you try to handle issues beyond your ability to comprehend.


Barbados operates in a very competitive world.  There is nothing about that island which forces people to visit, or to have their back office transactions performed there (that is Bdos' #2 source of earnings).  So they better work and work hard.


Guyanese can pick up gold and sell it to eager buyers, a task way easier then pleasing grumpy tourists and then getting them to return if not happy with their trip.  And getting gold must be easy because you sit down in NJ and scream that Guyanese in the Islands are lazy if they dont pick up gold.

Originally Posted by caribny:

The immigration data which I got came from the US govt.  Guyana has 3X as many people as Bdos so logic will suggest, taht if it was better off that around 18K Guyanese would have migrated to the USA. Instead 4X that number did. 


And this doesnt even take into account the vast numbers of Guyanese living in the Caribbean, Venezuela, Brazil and Suriname, where few Bajans live.


I really do not care what you think or do not think because you are  a man who thinks that 10% of 43% is 10%.


I also wonder why you think that Bajans can sit back and kick out their legs when they are in the worst recession in a long time.  Will you go to an island where the hoetl workers lime and ignore you?  Or will you go back when you get the service that you paid for?  Will you go to an island if the entire trip you were in ablack out, and had to fetch water from outside/  No you will go to one that offers modern amenities?  Will you go to a country where the govt officials that yopu meet demand a briobe for the slightest task?  Or will you go where govt functions efficiently and with minimal corruption.


So druggie go and figure out that 10% of 43% is not 10%, before you try to handle issues beyond your ability to comprehend.


Barbados operates in a very competitive world.  There is nothing about that island which forces people to visit, or to have their back office transactions performed there (that is Bdos' #2 source of earnings).  So they better work and work hard.


Guyanese can pick up gold and sell it to eager buyers, a task way easier then pleasing grumpy tourists and then getting them to return if not happy with their trip.  And getting gold must be easy because you sit down in NJ and scream that Guyanese in the Islands are lazy if they dont pick up gold.

I don't trust you numbers as you are rather vague about them, regardless I have negated whatever points you were attempting to score with you fictitious numbers by acknowledging that Bajan economy due to foreign and White investors, is better off than Guyana's at the moment. I don't know why you got the impression where I thought otherwise. However I provided evidence that Bajans are second class citizens in their own nation and seek out menial baby sitting jobs in the US and other nations. 


Hire Barbadian NanniesBabysittersAu Pairs andCaregivers Available for Part-time or Full-Time Service Work.

Barbadian Nannies, Babysitters, Au Pairs and Caregivers available for hire.

Hire trustworthy Barbadian Caregivers with confidence. Free Caregiver background checks available to all subscribed parents. GreatAupair Caregiver Agency offers the easiest, most direct way to find Caregivers in Barbadian. Safe. Secure. Privacy Assured. Start now! In search of caregiver jobs?


The bajan govt even advertise to Barbadians to be Canadian seasonal farm workers just like the Mexicans in the US:


No qualifications are required for this programme. However, experience in agriculture and mechanical maintenance would be an asset.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Hire trustworthy Barbadian Caregivers with confidence. Free Caregiver background checks available to all subscribed parents. GreatAupair Caregiver Agency offers the easiest, most direct way to find Caregivers in Barbadian. Safe. Secure. Privacy Assured. Start now! In search of caregiver jobs?


The bajan govt even advertise to Barbadians to be Canadian seasonal farm workers just like the Mexicans in the US:


No qualifications are required for this programme. However, experience in agriculture and mechanical maintenance would be an asset.


Druggie I understsnd your problem.  You are illterate and also cannot interpret data.  And you really think that posting a message board replaces immigration data provided by the US govt.


Druggie 11X as many Guyanese flocked to the USA as did Bajans, despite having only 3X the population.  This means that the rate of migration of Guyanese to the US is 4X that of Bajans.



That info is easier to get than this ads, so why dont you go and find it.  You dont because you know what you will find.



I can only ponder what you will find if you went to go look at Guyanese begging work in the USA.   They might even offer their employers their bodies free of charge and might accept US$300/month just to get to the USA.  Indeed I see loads of Guyanese women (black and Indian) minding little white kids in NYC.  See Jcans and Trinis.  Very few Bajans and those tend to be old women.


BTW the Bajan govt has to ADVERTISE to Bajans for those farming jobs in Canada.  They do so in order to reduce unemployment on that island.


Did the Guyana govt have to advertise in Guyana for farming jobs in BARBADOS?  NO! Guyanese fled helter skelter to Barbados, even without knowing who thse employers are. If Guyanese didnt cfuit cane in Bdos it would remain right there, as Bajans dont want that. The result being that some have ended up as SLAVES!!


The same way that Bdos got foreigners to invest in their counytry so could Guyana have done.  But you see 56 years of PPP/PNC rule and Guyana is so bad off that we are left to flee to little mountain tops and coral reefs, riosking abuse and even slavery.


Its embarrassing to read articles about deportations from thse places.  Guyanese almost always lead the pack, many being in the sex trade.  Indeedd there was a scandal with Guyanese women in Bdos being paid in BDS $ 10 to sleep with Bajan men.  The people who were arrested were black Bajans. This is what Guyanese have descended to.  Yes 56 years of PPP/PNC rule.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie I understsnd your problem.  You are illterate and also cannot interpret data.  And you really think that posting a message board replaces immigration data provided by the US govt.


Druggie 11X as many Guyanese flocked to the USA as did Bajans, despite having only 3X the population.  This means that the rate of migration of Guyanese to the US is 4X that of Bajans.



That info is easier to get than this ads, so why dont you go and find it.  You dont because you know what you will find.



I can only ponder what you will find if you went to go look at Guyanese begging work in the USA.   They might even offer their employers their bodies free of charge and might accept US$300/month just to get to the USA.  Indeed I see loads of Guyanese women (black and Indian) minding little white kids in NYC.  See Jcans and Trinis.  Very few Bajans and those tend to be old women.


BTW the Bajan govt has to ADVERTISE to Bajans for those farming jobs in Canada.  They do so in order to reduce unemployment on that island.


Did the Guyana govt have to advertise in Guyana for farming jobs in BARBADOS?  NO! Guyanese fled helter skelter to Barbados, even without knowing who thse employers are. If Guyanese didnt cfuit cane in Bdos it would remain right there, as Bajans dont want that. The result being that some have ended up as SLAVES!!


The same way that Bdos got foreigners to invest in their counytry so could Guyana have done.  But you see 56 years of PPP/PNC rule and Guyana is so bad off that we are left to flee to little mountain tops and coral reefs, riosking abuse and even slavery.


Its embarrassing to read articles about deportations from thse places.  Guyanese almost always lead the pack, many being in the sex trade.  Indeedd there was a scandal with Guyanese women in Bdos being paid in BDS $ 10 to sleep with Bajan men.  The people who were arrested were black Bajans. This is what Guyanese have descended to.  Yes 56 years of PPP/PNC rule.

I never claimed that Guyana was better off than Barbados but the gap is definitely narrowing. In 10 years Guyana should be on par with Barbados or at least close. Its tough competing with a tourist nation with beautiful beaches and foreign investors with deep pockets running things. However the pretty picture you are painting about Black Barbadians is just not true. They basically sit back while the Whites and foreigners control the tourist industry. They many go overseas to rob and perpetuate scams:


US authorities set to extradite Barbadian woman

Monday, February 6, 2006

by Dawne Bennett
Caribbean Net News Barbados Correspondent

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados: US Federal authorities are set to extradite a Barbadian woman to face charges stemming from her alleged involvement in a pirate group's internet theft of movies, computer software and games.

The officials say the cyberpirates' "massive" theft was not for profit, but Linda Waldron, a 57-year-old radio programme manager with the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); an Australian; and 17 Americans have been charged by a federal grand jury.

Ms. Waldron has declined comment on the matter, saying that while she has seen a news report about the indictment, she has no further information regarding the allegations.

A similar stance has been taken by her employer, which issued a statement indicating: "We are aware of the allegation, but we're not in a position to comment."

The 15-count indictment, in which Ms. Waldron's name is mentioned, outlines the alleged plot to illegally distribute newly-released movies, like 'The Incredibles' and 'The Aviator', and games like 'Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005'.

The pirated works also included graphics, desktop publishing programs and spreadsheet applications.

The defendants who allegedly tapped into tightly-controlled computer servers loaded with stolen merchandise that would fill 23,000 compact discs and was valued at US$6.5 million, were charged after federal law enforcement authorities carried out an undercover investigation in Chicago, Charlotte in North Carolina and San Jose in California.

According to the indictment, they were allegedly members of an underground group known as 'RISCISO' founded in 1993. 'RISC' was an acronym for Rise in Superior Couriering, and 'ISO' referred to a file format used for storing and transferring pirated software, authorities said.

An unnamed witness who cooperated with the Chicago investigation gave FBI agents access to RISCISO's server and allowed them to track the group's alleged illegal activities, which included uploading and downloading more than 19,000 gigabytes on one server alone.

If convicted, the defendants face up to five years in prison and a US$250,000 fine for the conspiracy charge, and up to three years in prison and a US$250,000 fine for the copyright infringement charge.

In a statement announcing the indictment, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald warned: "Online thieves who steal merchandise that companies work hard to produce and protect might think that cyberspace cloaks them in anonymity and makes them invulnerable to prosecution, but we have the ability to infiltrate their secret networks and hold them accountable for their criminal conduct." "

This was not someone illegally downloading a song," he added. "These were copyright violations on a massive scale.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie I understsnd your problem.  You are illterate and also cannot interpret data.  And you really think that posting a message board replaces immigration data provided by the US govt.


Druggie 11X as many Guyanese flocked to the USA as did Bajans, despite having only 3X the population.  This means that the rate of migration of Guyanese to the US is 4X that of Bajans.



That info is easier to get than this ads, so why dont you go and find it.  You dont because you know what you will find.



I can only ponder what you will find if you went to go look at Guyanese begging work in the USA.   They might even offer their employers their bodies free of charge and might accept US$300/month just to get to the USA.  Indeed I see loads of Guyanese women (black and Indian) minding little white kids in NYC.  See Jcans and Trinis.  Very few Bajans and those tend to be old women.


BTW the Bajan govt has to ADVERTISE to Bajans for those farming jobs in Canada.  They do so in order to reduce unemployment on that island.


Did the Guyana govt have to advertise in Guyana for farming jobs in BARBADOS?  NO! Guyanese fled helter skelter to Barbados, even without knowing who thse employers are. If Guyanese didnt cfuit cane in Bdos it would remain right there, as Bajans dont want that. The result being that some have ended up as SLAVES!!


The same way that Bdos got foreigners to invest in their counytry so could Guyana have done.  But you see 56 years of PPP/PNC rule and Guyana is so bad off that we are left to flee to little mountain tops and coral reefs, riosking abuse and even slavery.


Its embarrassing to read articles about deportations from thse places.  Guyanese almost always lead the pack, many being in the sex trade.  Indeedd there was a scandal with Guyanese women in Bdos being paid in BDS $ 10 to sleep with Bajan men.  The people who were arrested were black Bajans. This is what Guyanese have descended to.  Yes 56 years of PPP/PNC rule.

I never claimed that Guyana was better off than Barbados but the gap is definitely narrowing. In 10 years Guyana should be on par with Barbados or at least close. Its tough competing with a tourist nation with beautiful beaches and foreign investors with deep pockets running things. However the pretty picture you are painting about Black Barbadians is just not true. They basically sit back while the Whites and foreigners control the tourist industry. They many go overseas to rob and perpetuate scams:


US authorities set to extradite Barbadian woman

Monday, February 6, 2006

by Dawne Bennett
Caribbean Net News Barbados Correspondent

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados: US Federal authorities are set to extradite a Barbadian woman to face charges stemming from her alleged involvement in a pirate group's internet theft of movies, computer software and games.

The officials say the cyberpirates' "massive" theft was not for profit, but Linda Waldron, a 57-year-old radio programme manager with the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC); an Australian; and 17 Americans have been charged by a federal grand jury.

Ms. Waldron has declined comment on the matter, saying that while she has seen a news report about the indictment, she has no further information regarding the allegations.

A similar stance has been taken by her employer, which issued a statement indicating: "We are aware of the allegation, but we're not in a position to comment."

The 15-count indictment, in which Ms. Waldron's name is mentioned, outlines the alleged plot to illegally distribute newly-released movies, like 'The Incredibles' and 'The Aviator', and games like 'Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005'.

The pirated works also included graphics, desktop publishing programs and spreadsheet applications.

The defendants who allegedly tapped into tightly-controlled computer servers loaded with stolen merchandise that would fill 23,000 compact discs and was valued at US$6.5 million, were charged after federal law enforcement authorities carried out an undercover investigation in Chicago, Charlotte in North Carolina and San Jose in California.

According to the indictment, they were allegedly members of an underground group known as 'RISCISO' founded in 1993. 'RISC' was an acronym for Rise in Superior Couriering, and 'ISO' referred to a file format used for storing and transferring pirated software, authorities said.

An unnamed witness who cooperated with the Chicago investigation gave FBI agents access to RISCISO's server and allowed them to track the group's alleged illegal activities, which included uploading and downloading more than 19,000 gigabytes on one server alone.

If convicted, the defendants face up to five years in prison and a US$250,000 fine for the conspiracy charge, and up to three years in prison and a US$250,000 fine for the copyright infringement charge.

In a statement announcing the indictment, U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald warned: "Online thieves who steal merchandise that companies work hard to produce and protect might think that cyberspace cloaks them in anonymity and makes them invulnerable to prosecution, but we have the ability to infiltrate their secret networks and hold them accountable for their criminal conduct." "

This was not someone illegally downloading a song," he added. "These were copyright violations on a massive scale.

Druggie with every post you display how stupid you are.  I am sure that the USA has issues with Canadians, UK citizens etc, so what does it prove if there is an issue with ONE Bajan?



FACT.  Over 71,000 Guyanese migrated to the USA over the past 10 years.  FACT.  Fewer than 7,000 Bajans did.


FACT.  The population of Bdos (excluding the illegals, most of whom are Guyanese) is around 270k.  Guyana 3X that.  But yet more than 10X the number of Guyanese migrated to the USA.


Listen Druggie when we add all of those Caribbean and South American countries to which Guyanese flock to and Bajans do not it gets WORSE.


Indeed every thing that you say about Bajans seeking to live in the USA can be said about Guyanese seeking to live in BARBADOS.  Do you not think it odd that Guyanese will do the same thing to get to Bdos as Bajans MIGHT to to get to the USA.


Druggie your hero Roger Khan was wanted for robberies and trafficking guns and drugs.  It seems like that is worse than illegally down loading music.

Dont bring up crime and Guyanese in comparison to Bajans because you will get very embarrassed.



I mean look at the litany of Guyanese crooks like Ed Ahmad.


As to tourism.  When I see a white foreigner in Barbados providing services to me as a visitor then I will accept your argument that blacks just sit back and do no work. 


Hotels like the Hilton are staffed mainly by blacks.  If those blacks dont perform their task there are thousands of Guyanese who will do it for HALF the pay.   You think very poorly of these investors if you suggest that will keep unproductive people on their pay rolls.


I also wonder why do these investors not go to Haiti.  Better beachjes.  Nearer to the USA. Richer culture. But yet they go to Bdos.  I am sure that efficiency and minimal corruption has lots to do with it.


Druggie I know that it enrages you that black Bajans can manage their country to the point where they attract investors and visitors and thousands of Guyanese seeking a better life.  You must be bald with all the hair you have pulled out in your manic rage.


Druggie of Bdos was dirt poor you would hail it as an example of why blacks cant do anything. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie with every post you display how stupid you are.  I am sure that the USA has issues with Canadians, UK citizens etc, so what does it prove if there is an issue with ONE Bajan?



FACT.  Over 71,000 Guyanese migrated to the USA over the past 10 years.  FACT.  Fewer than 7,000 Bajans did.


FACT.  The population of Bdos (excluding the illegals, most of whom are Guyanese) is around 270k.  Guyana 3X that.  But yet more than 10X the number of Guyanese migrated to the USA.


Listen Druggie when we add all of those Caribbean and South American countries to which Guyanese flock to and Bajans do not it gets WORSE.


Indeed every thing that you say about Bajans seeking to live in the USA can be said about Guyanese seeking to live in BARBADOS.  Do you not think it odd that Guyanese will do the same thing to get to Bdos as Bajans MIGHT to to get to the USA.

You don't want to hear the truth about your hero nation, Barbados(the ancient Mali of the Caribbean). The fact is, this country is no ancient Mali as almost all significant development was due to Whites and foreign investors while the old Mali was developed by purely Blacks. 


If Bajans were running Guyana from independence we would end up even worse as they are known to be lazy people. In fact they did run Guyana for 28 years via their native son Burnham. Many black Guyanese have Barbadian ancestry hence was it not for the White and foreign intervention in the economy, Barbados would be barren. 


Why don't you dig up statistics about your wonderful Bajans living in the US and tell us if they are nothing but the Mexicans of the Caribbean taking menial jobs as baby sitters and common farm laborers.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie your hero Roger Khan was wanted for robberies and trafficking guns and drugs.  It seems like that is worse than illegally down loading music.

Dont bring up crime and Guyanese in comparison to Bajans because you will get very embarrassed.



I mean look at the litany of Guyanese crooks like Ed Ahmad.


As to tourism.  When I see a white foreigner in Barbados providing services to me as a visitor then I will accept your argument that blacks just sit back and do no work. 


Hotels like the Hilton are staffed mainly by blacks.  If those blacks dont perform their task there are thousands of Guyanese who will do it for HALF the pay.   You think very poorly of these investors if you suggest that will keep unproductive people on their pay rolls.


I also wonder why do these investors not go to Haiti.  Better beachjes.  Nearer to the USA. Richer culture. But yet they go to Bdos.  I am sure that efficiency and minimal corruption has lots to do with it.


Druggie I know that it enrages you that black Bajans can manage their country to the point where they attract investors and visitors and thousands of Guyanese seeking a better life.  You must be bald with all the hair you have pulled out in your manic rage.


Druggie of Bdos was dirt poor you would hail it as an example of why blacks cant do anything. 

You are incorrect, RK was never my hero, just a means to an end, neutralizing the evil PNC/AFC bandits. Why don't you just pretend to be a Bajan? Maybe you have Bajan roots which is why you are so proud to put them on a pedestal and credit them for accomplishments that was done by the Whites and foreign investors. 

You were once peddling the lies that Barbados had a growing manufacturing and computer services/banking services sector, which I debunked with statistics gathered by the world bank. Now what is left but for you to holler and scream about non existent statistics that you make up yourself. 


Barbados is an isolated nation without the porous borders on all sides like Guyana, so they are less exposed to the crimes that we have in South America. But that does not seem to stop them with the scams in the US.


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