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That is utter rubbish that you posted. Do you really understand what you write.  Man a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  Where was this aparthied that you speak of?  I did know that we had Mashonland and pass laws in guyana.The worst reign of terror occured under the PPP.  There were over 200 extra judicial killings.  You have the state use of phantoms to kill it's own citizens, the worse mass murders in the history of guyana.  It all happened underthe PPP watch. 

Originally Posted by FC:

That is utter rubbish that you posted. Do you really understand what you write.  Man a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  Where was this aparthied that you speak of?  I did know that we had Mashonland and pass laws in guyana.The worst reign of terror occured under the PPP.  There were over 200 extra judicial killings.  You have the state use of phantoms to kill it's own citizens, the worse mass murders in the history of guyana.  It all happened underthe PPP watch. 


Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

the false choice dilemma of scamps, murderers, tiefmen and racists . . . scheming to TRAP Indian voters on the PPP plantation by promoting existential fear of blackman


PPP smartman logic . . . AFC is their worst nightmare

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

the false choice dilemma of scamps, murderers, tiefmen and racists . . . scheming to TRAP Indian voters on the PPP plantation by promoting existential fear of blackman


PPP smartman logic . . . AFC is their worst nightmare

Haha, boy, you're as predictable as a hoorie getting nest tickled.  You are as AFC as Burnham was for UF.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

the false choice dilemma of scamps, murderers, tiefmen and racists . . . scheming to TRAP Indian voters on the PPP plantation by promoting existential fear of blackman


PPP smartman logic . . . AFC is their worst nightmare

Haha, boy, you're as predictable as a hoorie getting nest tickled.  You are as AFC as Burnham was for UF.

as a (multiple voting) member of the not-so-smart Jagdeoite club on GNI, your 'opinion' of me is properly filed away with the pinched droppings of other desperate PPP antimen like drug_b, conscience, albert, [your other 'radical' nics], etc . . . u get the picture


i suggest that u don't run away like you did on the other thread . . . druggie has THAT honed to a fine art; don't copy . . . its unmanly.


and aahmmm, u do know what "False Choice Dilemma" means, rite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

. . . The garland was reserved for Indians and members of the PPP party only.

that's an interesting vision of Guyana u have there Mein Herr . . .


i wonder what PM Sam Hinds thinks about this

Bwaaaaaaaaaa!!!!  The PPP invented the garland tarasssssssss!!! BWAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!  Even the po ole garland dem boy wan tief....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!


Cotton Tree farmers lose millions from floods



Cotton Tree, West Bank Berbice farmers are claiming losses into the millions of dollars owing to neglect from the authorities in draining their farmlands of excess water.

More than a dozen farmers, on Wednesday, travelled to the city to air their concerns at the head office of the Alliance for Change. The party’s chairman, Nigel Hughes, had earlier in the weekend travelled to the community to see the losses first hand.



AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes and Cotton Tree farmers in Georgetown, Wednesday.

Farmers claimed that they tried to get both the Region Five administration and the MMA Agricultural Development Association to pump water out of the land, but they were told that no pump was available.  


Sahiboodeen Khan said that in the first place, the pump station at Cotton Tree was β€œlocked off” due to repair works which they later found out about. He said that when farmers asked for a pump there was none available. He said that it was only recently that the pump station was re-opened to let the water out. But by then, he said, all of his crops were already destroyed. β€œThis is not politics…This is about my livelihood, my daily bread,” Khan told reporters at a press conference hosted by the AFC yesterday. 


Another farmer, Gowkarran Seenarine, said that he has been farming crops such as watermelons and squash for the past six years. He said that at least two times a year his farmland is flooded due to mismanagement by the authorities and no compensation is ever forthcoming. Young farmer, Krishna Rampersaud, who plants bora, sweet peppers and others crops with his father, was among those who travelled to Georgetown and had the same story to tell.

AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that it was a β€œlie” for the government to claim that the farmers were not compensated because of the budget cuts. He said that no such monies came for approval in the House. Ramjattan said that he didn’t think any party in the National Assembly would have a problem with compensation for farmers.

Since the visit of the AFC Chairman to the village, farmers claim that activists of the ruling PPP started to swarm the area β€œlike bees” questioning them why they took the AFC to the area and telling them not to attend the press conference. β€œThey don’t help me. First thing we go to the region, they don’t have a pump,” Khan stated. He said that activists of the ruling party have promised that they will β€œlook after them” but the farmers say that they don’t have faith in such promises after years of flooding.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

the false choice dilemma of scamps, murderers, tiefmen and racists . . . scheming to TRAP Indian voters on the PPP plantation by promoting existential fear of blackman


PPP smartman logic . . . AFC is their worst nightmare

Haha, boy, you're as predictable as a hoorie getting nest tickled.  You are as AFC as Burnham was for UF.

Indeed, redux.  baseman's issue is not about the PNC coming back.  His issue is that he only wants an Indian Gov't.  Since the PPP is an unashamedly Indian party, that is where his support lies.  His "support" for the AFC during the last campaign only had to do with his desire for the PPP to reform itself so that it will not be wiped off the political map.  He is an unashamed racist (ethnocentrist).


Just as I stated, the farmers only used the AFC to get the attention of the PPP. The PPP will have to pull up their socks and not regress into complacency. Competition is a good thing, they can't take these folks for granted as gmoney and his boys are shopping for votes even if they have to prostitute their own mother. hahahaha

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by FC:

Banna we know all about you and your assault on President Obama and black people.  I see you shelved the Rev AL handle to hide the shame and the ass you made of yourself.  The PPP is corrupt, racist and inept and must be replaced. 

The PPP does have problems, some not too serious, some serious however, replacing with the PNC is not an option.  This is where the plan falls apart.  You see, for the AFC to rise, it means accepting a huge risk that the PNC will slip in and shut the door on anyone else for the net 50 years.  This is too big a risk, the PPP must, and will, change.  The PNC back in power will never.  This time around, they will ensure a shift in the ethnic balance, by any means.  This was the message to their constituency last time around.

the false choice dilemma of scamps, murderers, tiefmen and racists . . . scheming to TRAP Indian voters on the PPP plantation by promoting existential fear of blackman


PPP smartman logic . . . AFC is their worst nightmare

Haha, boy, you're as predictable as a hoorie getting nest tickled.  You are as AFC as Burnham was for UF.

Indeed, redux.  baseman's issue is not about the PNC coming back.  His issue is that he only wants an Indian Gov't.  Since the PPP is an unashamedly Indian party, that is where his support lies.  His "support" for the AFC during the last campaign only had to do with his desire for the PPP to reform itself so that it will not be wiped off the political map.  He is an unashamed racist (ethnocentrist).

Nonsense, simplistic bordering on illiterate.  What is my longtime biggest criticism of Jagan and the PPP since coming to power.  I criticize Jagan for not championing some of the things he touted in opposition, National Patriotic Front Govt.  But you, your cheap politics self, just scavenge for a position with the lowest common denominator.  But surprise us nah!


GR started out on GNI as a Priest Assistant but could not help revealing himself as a SHAMELESS SNAKEOIL Salesman. These are People you have to have both EYES on at all time. There great lust for Power, Status and Wealth will make them say and do anything.  The funny thing is this lust has cause them to think that the rest of the World is Naive and does not see their motives. Well, it is like a drunk saying "Who me, I am not drunk" despite him staggering along.


"There [sic] great lust for Power, Status and Wealth will make them say and do anything."


This is all the PPP and its supporters like Nehru know, and so they will project this on all other politicians.  It is understandable, and it makes no sense arguing against it until there is a change in the leadership of our country that demonstrates servant-leadership - as it should be.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

"There [sic] great lust for Power, Status and Wealth will make them say and do anything."


This is all the PPP and its supporters like Nehru know, and so they will project this on all other politicians.  It is understandable, and it makes no sense arguing against it until there is a change in the leadership of our country that demonstrates servant-leadership - as it should be.

Bannas, You have proven to be a snake in the Grass. You started here by crying about the POOR and other compassionate statements hoping People will fall for your "PLAN" to get them on your side and then you can Shaft them. YOU DONT CARE A DAMN ABOUT THE POOR, YOU CARE ABOUT YOURSELF, POWER, WEALTH AND STATUS. YOU ARE NOT FOOLING THE GUYANESE PEOPLE.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

"There [sic] great lust for Power, Status and Wealth will make them say and do anything."


This is all the PPP and its supporters like Nehru know, and so they will project this on all other politicians.  It is understandable, and it makes no sense arguing against it until there is a change in the leadership of our country that demonstrates servant-leadership - as it should be.

Gerhard, this is key to understanding the psyche of today's PPP animal; their motivation . . . their desperation . . . their fear


The opposition especially theAFC is creating lots of Transparancy in the PPP,the vultures of the PPP(The Magnificient 7 Thieves).i love those representative Nigel and Gerard and the others from our AFC A-Team what positive contribution they are given to the people especially the farmers who suffered all these losses.With the AFC presence/pressure there would be better days ahead for ALL Guyana.Let us support the AFC and let they lead Guyana to a sucessful and bless Country.AFC for Changes.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

The truth hurts, doesn't it, baseman?  Whenever you go ballistic and get personal it only tells me I am spot on.

Wow, you really think so, don't you.  Why don't you dispute my facts rather than taking cheap shots.  I know you are good at it (cheap shots), but come up once in a while and take some fresh air, it does good for your thinking.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

"There [sic] great lust for Power, Status and Wealth will make them say and do anything."


This is all the PPP and its supporters like Nehru know, and so they will project this on all other politicians.  It is understandable, and it makes no sense arguing against it until there is a change in the leadership of our country that demonstrates servant-leadership - as it should be.

Gerhard, this is key to understanding the psyche of today's PPP animal; their motivation . . . their desperation . . . their fear

Afraid of CUNUMUNU ROBBER BARRONS like you???? Desperation?? Al YUh MO FIAH SLO FIAH is the height of desperation. So think before you open your mouth. My Bad, you did think but that is the best you can come up with.

Originally Posted by creative:

The opposition especially theAFC is creating lots of Transparancy in the PPP,the vultures of the PPP(The Magnificient 7 Thieves).i love those representative Nigel and Gerard and the others from our AFC A-Team what positive contribution they are given to the people especially the farmers who suffered all these losses.With the AFC presence/pressure there would be better days ahead for ALL Guyana.Let us support the AFC and let they lead Guyana to a sucessful and bless Country.AFC for Changes.

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side.


The AFC could have become a real lasting positive force however, they were torpedoed from inside and took on an unbalanced and personally hateful tone against PPP personalities.  After the elections, instead of taking a step back and recollect thoughts, they have lapsed further into hate and divisiveness and beat the PNC drum.  Some of the messages are very valid and worth pursuing but the tone and messengers are a major drag, damaging the message.


In the end, the PNC constituency and the AFC stylus have ensured Guyana's continued race-based politics.  This has been a gift to the PPP.  Personally, I trust some of the AFCites even if not always agree, but I question their judgement of the political facts.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side.

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt 

Yes, I know what I said.  I don't mean they should not govern the 100%, but they have neglected their constituency causing some to defect to the AFC in anger.  They were too assured now they know, their constituency have tolerance limits and, regardless what they do, the other side will never come over.  The PPP needs to get back on even keel and treat all equally.


I would not support them becoming like the PNC who catered primarily for their constituency and left the others to scrape by.  I believe Caribj will agree with me as he is angry that LFSB did not do more for his and Obama doing the same.  Caribj is pretty upset at this.  I disagree with him on this as they need(ed) to govern for the 100%.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?


Gerhard, beautiful photo shot of Nigel with a bunch of Indians, this was staged.So ,what , let there be an election those Indians will vote PPP, of the 14 farmers shown, they are from four families, after the meeting they were given free food and transportation back home.Where was Nigel, when the problems occur at Agricola and Linden, he and the gang were too busy creating the disturbance. Gerhard,you were taught by a master, but that cannot work today, politics has changed, it is no longer divide and rule.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?

Ok, admittedly there was an issue, they have taken measures to correct, now you say "window dressing".  I'm sure those talented and able Afros who have been given the opportunity to serve their beloved nation would have some issue being dismissed as "window-dressings".  Are you a jerk or just plain dysfunctional?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?

Ok, admittedly there was an issue, they have taken measures to correct, now you say "window dressing".  I'm sure those talented and able Afros who have been given the opportunity to serve their beloved nation would have some issue being dismissed as "window-dressings".  Are you a jerk or just plain dysfunctional?

actually, "window dressing" references YOUR lament . . . your instructive concern about 'visibility' . . . as if the foreign service situation was some weird anomaly

Originally Posted by kp:

Gerhard, beautiful photo shot of Nigel with a bunch of Indians, this was staged.So ,what , let there be an election those Indians will vote PPP, of the 14 farmers shown, they are from four families, after the meeting they were given free food and transportation back home.Where was Nigel, when the problems occur at Agricola and Linden, he and the gang were too busy creating the disturbance. Gerhard,you were taught by a master, but that cannot work today, politics has changed, it is no longer divide and rule.

An agenda driven by bitterness and hatred soon collapse into aimless mutter and mindless rants.  As I said, and felt so pre-election, some of the messengers have become a liability, tainting a valid message with punctuation of irrational and senseless rants.  The AFC has/had a solid intellectual platform but hidden agendas, personal bias and internal leadership issues relegated that to the bookshelf.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?

Ok, admittedly there was an issue, they have taken measures to correct, now you say "window dressing".  I'm sure those talented and able Afros who have been given the opportunity to serve their beloved nation would have some issue being dismissed as "window-dressings".  Are you a jerk or just plain dysfunctional?

actually, "window dressing" references YOUR lament . . . your instructive concern about 'visibility' . . . as if the foreign service situation was some weird anomaly

You wiggling bai.  I think there were more than just foreign service addressed.  "Visibility" is an issue as anyone going to any Govt office knows where the ethnic balance stands.


I understand, for you and others like you, only a PNC government will suffice as "fair-play" in your mind.  I say, change your mind.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The AFC factor have created a better sense of accountability and send a message to the PPP that they do need to take care of their constituency, which they have neglected trying to woo the other side . . .

awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt


lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm


Got it!

Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile.  I actually had hope in unity under the AFC.  Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions.  It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.

yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?

Ok, admittedly there was an issue, they have taken measures to correct, now you say "window dressing".  I'm sure those talented and able Afros who have been given the opportunity to serve their beloved nation would have some issue being dismissed as "window-dressings".  Are you a jerk or just plain dysfunctional?

actually, "window dressing" references YOUR lament . . . your instructive concern about 'visibility' . . . as if the foreign service situation was some weird anomaly

You wiggling bai.  I think there were more than just foreign service addressed.  "Visibility" is an issue as anyone going to any Govt office knows where the ethnic balance stands . . .

pay attention . . . i know of NOTHING else YOU spoke to other than "visible" positions in the foreign services that needed 'correcting' in this context.


I challenge you to show me otherwise, and i will retract . . .!


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