awesome . . . sometimes it IS better to let u do your dirty panty dance onstage and not interrupt
lemmee hazard a guess here . . . the AFC 'lost you' because they had the nerve to behave like Black people actually mattered in Guyana, hmmmm
Got it!
Nah, you dont "got-it", you missed a mile. I actually had hope in unity under the AFC. Baseman is on record criticizing the GoG for not having more Afros in visible key positions. It's great to see they have taken steps to correct this imbalance.
yesss, i understand you feel that the window dressing could have been better . . . "great" to see that they took your advice, eh?
Ok, admittedly there was an issue, they have taken measures to correct, now you say "window dressing". I'm sure those talented and able Afros who have been given the opportunity to serve their beloved nation would have some issue being dismissed as "window-dressings". Are you a jerk or just plain dysfunctional?
actually, "window dressing" references YOUR lament . . . your instructive concern about 'visibility' . . . as if the foreign service situation was some weird anomaly
You wiggling bai. I think there were more than just foreign service addressed. "Visibility" is an issue as anyone going to any Govt office knows where the ethnic balance stands . . .
pay attention . . . i know of NOTHING else YOU spoke to other than "visible" positions in the foreign services that needed 'correcting' in this context.
I challenge you to show me otherwise, and i will retract . . .!
You don't pay attention, YOU know NOTHING of what I spoke. Show me where I referenced or introduced "foreign services" in the thread. Run running amok, just stay of the bottle.