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Dharmic Sabha asks GRA not to grant licences for alcohol to be sold at Hindu weddings

… says its Pandits will refuse to perform weddings where alcohol bars are set up

THE Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha has called on the Guyana Revenue Authority to desist from granting permits to persons to sell alcohol at Hindu weddings or in close proximity thereof at ad-hoc bars.

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

Dr. Vindhya Persaud

The Sabha said it is extremely disturbed by the increase in this trend which sees alcohol bars being set-up and run by the family of the bride and groom or neighbours, who do so in a bid to earn money from guests attending the weddings.
“Alcohol use at Hindu weddings is not sanctioned in our religion and we have asked our pandits to refuse to perform weddings where bars are set up,” the Sabha said in a statement yesterday.
The Sabha has also requested GRA to deny permission to persons who apply to operate ad-hoc bars on the days of Hindu/religious festivals or in close proximity to mandirs.
The Sabha said it would like the support of the police, Ministry of Home Affairs and GRA as it seeks to practice Hindu religious customs across the country in the prescribed manner, unimpeded by the repercussions which arise from alcohol consumption and abuse, violence, harassment, ridicule, disruption of observances and religious practices.
The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha has also noted the increasing number of liquor/alcohol bars and shops which have sprung up around the country. The deleterious effects of alcohol on families, relationships, the economy, youth, incidents of violence and accidents are well-known.
“There seems to be no reservation in granting the licenses and no attention is paid to the proximity of these places to houses of worship, schools, the increase in the number of rum shops in residential communities or the growing numbers per community,” the Sabha stated. It said the proliferation of liquor shops and bars facilitate the disturbing trend of large numbers of young people consuming and abusing alcohol and men spending much of their income there, depriving their families of necessities.
Further, many of the existing liquor places do not operate within the ambit of the law or their licences. Persons are allowed to drink on the premises and proprietors often sell alcohol to minors. The Sabha believes that increasing the accessibility to rum shops only adds to an already big problem and encourages these practices.
In addition, the Sabha is calling on the authorities to ensure that alcohol is not sold to minors at public events such as fairs, parties and concerts. Sanctions should be brought to bear on organisers and promoters who allow this to happen at their events.
President of the Sabha, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, is sure that the Sabha will get the unhesitating support of the public and the relevant authorities as the Dharmic Sabha works to curb the disturbing and reprehensible practices mentioned above.
“We of the Sabha ask you to encourage us as we work with communities and call on the various authorities to restore value systems in our beautiful country”, says Dr. Persaud.
Dr. Persaud has also discussed with other Hindu organisations and has gotten their support for the measures suggested above. As a Member of Parliament and President of the Sabha, she has raised the above issues in the Social Sector Committee in Parliament and with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Commissioner General of GRA.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

where was this women when the president was backballing

Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

I can't recall liquor being sold at wedding house in Guyana...this must be new

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

I can't recall liquor being sold at wedding house in Guyana...this must be new

Vindhya says that "we have asked our pandits to refuse to perform weddings". Pandits love dem likka. She should know that. 

Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

The weekend before the New Year I was at a wedding at Tuschen Essequibo and was surprised to see the same thing - drinks at a cash bar at a wedding. That's the way it is in Guyana.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

really now don't mek urself look schupidee by making stupid statements!

what does it have to do with the PPP?


The girl is a sitting member of parliament. Is she promoting hinduism and acessing government departments to carry her infringement of ppl's civil rights. Since when prohibition entered Guyana. Perhaps, we should all know why our foreparents left India. The Brahmin pandits controlled their livelihood-eventually famine was their portion. These Brahmin hindus are creating a class structure in Guyana that gives them privilizes that no one dared to question. It happening all again, this time in Guyana.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

really now don't mek urself look schupidee by making stupid statements!

what does it have to do with the PPP?


The PPP has not condemned it in Politics. That only happens when the PPP is getting a cut or are involved.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

really now don't mek urself look schupidee by making stupid statements!

what does it have to do with the PPP?


The PPP has not condemned it in Politics. That only happens when the PPP is getting a cut or are involved.

T, you ah taak like you get wan goady fuh brain.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

really now don't mek urself look schupidee by making stupid statements!

what does it have to do with the PPP?


He don't have to make himself so, he was born that way.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

The weekend before the New Year I was at a wedding at Tuschen Essequibo and was surprised to see the same thing - drinks at a cash bar at a wedding. That's the way it is in Guyana.

Yes, rather than going to the Rum Shop late at night, Likka is being sold at the place of Action. Daka Dale is FREE. Drink, dance then go home and put on yuh white pants and red shirt fuh guh ah Bharyaat.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

everybody know the PPP getting a cut from the cash bars

THis is one of the MOST SENSIBLE thing I ever read.

you're welcome

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by raymond:

everybody know the PPP getting a cut from the cash bars

THis is one of the MOST SENSIBLE thing I ever read.

you're welcome

THank you Bhai. Keep it coming. Karl Bernstein gat nothing like you.


How will this affect Nehru? He is known to be all in favour of someone else paying for the drinks, unless he is in the company of Bharat. Then he'll pay by card. But dem bais won't take card at weddings. So Nehru stuck for a drink.


The practice of stashing drinks in the car trunk is just as prevalent at funerals.  Drinking from the car trunk goes hand in hand with wakes and repast.  The cash bar idea has not yet caught on in this.   Give it some time though! 

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

I can't recall liquor being sold at wedding house in Guyana...this must be new

Tell that idiot Nehru.

Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

really now don't mek urself look schupidee by making stupid statements!

what does it have to do with the PPP?



Because under the PNC that never occur. 


 Was nuff freeness , one could have stop in at any wedding house lash up the seven curry and then on the Monday return and lash up the likka and meat.


Damm PPP! I hear they not allowing rum to be served at Muslim weddings anymore!  They only allowing the good stuff to Hindus! Bastards!

Vote PNC for equality in rum drinking!  



Originally Posted by TI:

Damm PPP! I hear they not allowing rum to be served at Muslim weddings anymore!  They only allowing the good stuff to Hindus! Bastards!

Vote PNC for equality in rum drinking!  



Bhai,Even noe Chief is only allowed to leave home to go buy Milk.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

I can't recall liquor being sold at wedding house in Guyana...this must be new

Vindhya says that "we have asked our pandits to refuse to perform weddings". Pandits love dem likka. She should know that. 

heck them pandit walk with they own rum

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

You is a bloody Kanta Guyanese. You ever went to a wedding House???

I guess you go to the Kanta weddings...ever think of that? I have not been to many weddings in the US but the few I went to never had bars where they sell drinks.


The licensing authority should not involve itself with this. The cannot pretend to be religious police. Let the pandits impose their will by refusing to perform the rite. I guess the council knows there are enough pandits who will perform these weddings so the need help imposing their orthodoxy. That should not happen.


What regulation you is yaking bout in Guyana you can send any youth 10, 11 years old in a rum shop and he can buy any liquor they selling and walk out the shop who knows if them taking it home fo the fada or fo them to drink in the back yadd

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This is the first time Iam hearing about the host charging thier guest for drinks.

Guyana and Guyanese gone to the dogs under the PPP.

The weekend before the New Year I was at a wedding at Tuschen Essequibo and was surprised to see the same thing - drinks at a cash bar at a wedding. That's the way it is in Guyana.

The reason you don't wan't free drinks at a wedding is that some people abuse this privelege and and start to misbehave.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.


How long did you say you lived in Guyana(#79 village)? How many cake shops you know sold liquor? If you don't know of any, then the people were very smart. They were afraid your relatives would turn the PNC dogs on them.

Originally Posted by ball:

Yes fill the rum in beer bottle or lemonade bottle and sell without liquor licenes

Normally you order brown coffee and you get rum & coke in a cup. Forget the ice.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.

In Canje, most of the rum shops were owned by Pundits back in the 70's and 80's.

Are Hindus allowed to drink alcohol, I have never heard of any restrictions.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.

In Canje, most of the rum shops were owned by Pundits back in the 70's and 80's.

Are Hindus allowed to drink alcohol, I have never heard of any restrictions.




The Vedic scriptures condemn and restrict the use of Alcohol. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.

In Canje, most of the rum shops were owned by Pundits back in the 70's and 80's.

Are Hindus allowed to drink alcohol, I have never heard of any restrictions.

Guyana is not Saudi Arabia.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.

In Canje, most of the rum shops were owned by Pundits back in the 70's and 80's.

Are Hindus allowed to drink alcohol, I have never heard of any restrictions.

Guyana is not Saudi Arabia.

Yeah but the Saudi go to England and America and drink the most expensive LIKKA by the Barrel.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Seeling of alcohol is regulated according to the laws of Guyana.

In Canje, most of the rum shops were owned by Pundits back in the 70's and 80's.

Are Hindus allowed to drink alcohol, I have never heard of any restrictions.




The Vedic scriptures condemn and restrict the use of Alcohol. 

Yugi thanks for sharing this information. You are a decent chap.





I see two chammars 


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