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Tola posted:

PPP ah one man show. Bush rum maker and mansion builder.        Post some new pitcha na.  

When is Jagdeo sending de memo, so Berbicians  will  protest against the Berbice bridge toll increase .

Here is all you AFC LIAR Moses regarding the bridge:

Another false promise, other act of deception.
The APNU+AFC promised to reduce the Berbice Bridge toll by half, instead it is moving to increase it by 400%.


And all you Clueless cark eye AFC bai:


Deal with all you liars and clowns. We love we PPP and people love Jaggy. 


We 2020 Presidential Candidate will be announced be the third week of November.

All you AFC can only offer dead meat to Granger.

PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!! PPP PPP PPP PPP !!!!!!!

Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 12.51.42 PM

To all the haters: Burn in Envy, Burn.



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  • Screen Shot 2018-10-23 at 12.51.42 PM
Last edited by Former Member

More Lies from Moses:

Compare what Moses Nagamootoo said on salary increases on the ...
While campaigning for the APNU+AFC in the run-up to the May 11th elections Moses Nagamootoo declared that he'd never take a salary increase unless the government could pay more to Nurses and Teachers. Nurses and Teachers have been given a 5% increase by the APNU+AFC government whilst Nagamootoo's salary is now more than what former Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo, Donald Ramotar and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds received after serving for just four months.

Last edited by Former Member

PPP taking us to the moon. We will first take the Local Election Victory and then the Big Victory in 2020. 

To the PPP and Jagdeo haters: 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

PPP has the most diverse list of Candidates for Local Elections.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

All of this excitement and more ahead of the PPP presidential candidate announcement in November.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

PPP has the most energized base. The party with the most energized base wins. 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji, you just susu on the PPP with all them PPPPPP's. Bhai, you embarrassing you party by treading on nonsense old garbage. I believe Tola asked you to post something new and refreshing about the 3P's. Stat with Granger old, unfit and improper GECOM appointee who will legally run things for your black brothers. lol

Gilbakka posted:

Good luck to the PPP and best wishes for large turnout at its public meetings during this election campaign.

Big turn out at public  meetings in 2015, did not make the PPP  win the election. Some people at the massive meeting at Albion, walked away during speeches. Maybe not enough chicken fry rice to go around. 

Doing the same thing with the same leader and expecting a different result, don't seem to achieve the required result. Plus Mutt and Jeff, trained by Jagdeo,  pissed off too many Indians in Berbice.

Why is Jagdeo the only bottle washer in the PPP ?

I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo. He is too power hungry and vindictive. But he make himself stay, that is negative for the PPP.

The PNC will accommodate the AFC, as their solution to stay in power, other than rigging.  

yuji22 posted:

PPP taking us to the moon. We will first take the Local Election Victory and then the Big Victory in 2020. 

To the PPP and Jagdeo haters: 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

PPP has the most diverse list of Candidates for Local Elections.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

All of this excitement and more ahead of the PPP presidential candidate announcement in November.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

PPP has the most energized base. The party with the most energized base wins. 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

Looks like the words to a song.....or a cadence.

Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bai, DJ you better buy a blanket to wipe your tears after the AFC is wiped off the face of the earth. I will be throwing a massive party for the AFC funeral. 

I might even invite Mitwah to sing a few dead songs at the AFC funeral

Burn in Envy Burn.


Welcome Back Mits. Someone said that you were in that Caravan headed to the U.S. Border. Did they turn you back ?

Anyway, I am extending an invitation to a Mansion in Vaughan to celebrate the AFC funeral. Please bring along your Harmonium, Paul and Co. Brand Only Allowed.


Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP taking us to the moon. We will first take the Local Election Victory and then the Big Victory in 2020. 

To the PPP and Jagdeo haters: 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

PPP has the most diverse list of Candidates for Local Elections.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

All of this excitement and more ahead of the PPP presidential candidate announcement in November.

Burn in Envy, Burn.

PPP has the most energized base. The party with the most energized base wins. 

Burn in Envy, Burn. 

Looks like the words to a song.....or a cadence.

That is a PPP Local Election song. They will have to come up with their own in 2020.

yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good luck to the PPP and best wishes for large turnout at its public meetings during this election campaign.


I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo.

Welcome back to the PPP. Jagdeo is not running in 2020. This is his PPP farewell.

Ramjattan says to go haul you ass so. lol 

Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good luck to the PPP and best wishes for large turnout at its public meetings during this election campaign.


I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo.

Welcome back to the PPP. Jagdeo is not running in 2020. This is his PPP farewell.

Ramjattan says to go haul you ass so. lol 

Ramjattan ? Dat banna is so confused. He admitted that he is clueless and needs help. The mental institution in Berbice eagerly awaits him. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Prince posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good luck to the PPP and best wishes for large turnout at its public meetings during this election campaign.


I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo.

Welcome back to the PPP. Jagdeo is not running in 2020. This is his PPP farewell.

Ramjattan says to go haul you ass so. lol 

Ramjattan ? Dat banna is so confused. He admitted that he clueless and needs help. The mental institution in Berbice eagerly awaits him. 

Prakash Ramjattan got class,outshines his predecessors as Minister of Security,he says it as it is, no lending institution giving money to build prison, so Guyana got to find the money.Also he has compassion worrying about the prisoners unforeseen condition due to the destruction of Camp Street Prison.

Five star coming soon at Mazaruni Prison.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

Some of dem black peeple prappa like Jagdeo. Come election time though, they go straight for the PNC.

No they do not like him which is why they don't vote for him.  Getting a few people to pose for pictures proves nothing.  Both Burnham and Hoyte had loads of pics with Indians but I doubt you would agree that this was something worthy of comment.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Some of dem black peeple prappa like Jagdeo. Come election time though, they go straight for the PNC.

No they do not like him which is why they don't vote for him.  Getting a few people to pose for pictures proves nothing.  Both Burnham and Hoyte had loads of pics with Indians but I doubt you would agree that this was something worthy of comment.

He was called Desmond Persaud, for opening up the economy.Anyway change was needed,the rest is history.

yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Good luck to the PPP and best wishes for large turnout at its public meetings during this election campaign.


I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo.

Welcome back to the PPP. Jagdeo is not running in 2020. This is his PPP farewell.

Who said I am  back with the PPP ??   

Twisting people words like Jagdeo does, will not win  another  election. He does not care who get hurt in the process, as long as he gets his vindictive way.

My grandparents at Port Mourant supported the PPP and so was my family, but no longer under Jagdeo watch.   

The PPP might never win another election, with Jagdeo as the main bottle washer and self promoter.  Not after what his people did to the youth in Berbice and their parents are still pissed at Jagdeo, for allowing it.  These rass did not care what happened to other people pickney, even though they had their own.

Jagdeo is not only bad for the PPP, he is totally bad for Indians in Guyana.

Get another promoter, without Jagdeo as the PPP director   and see de PPP winning elections afta election.

Me see an old man cry at Albion in 2010, whose political banner I photographed in 1963.  When I gave him a copy of the picture,  he said, 'look at dem PPP leaders living in mansions, while abie life na change. Who benefit fa abie  struggle bhai'. I had a British soldier bayonet stab would on my stomach,  while photographing this protest.

And you want to tell me that Jagdeo is you PPP god and saviour.          

Tola posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:



I would also like the PPP to win, but not with Jagdeo.

Welcome back to the PPP. Jagdeo is not running in 2020. This is his PPP farewell.

Who said I am  back with the PPP ??   

Twisting people words like Jagdeo does, will not win  another  election. He does not care who get hurt in the process, as long as he gets his vindictive way.

My grandparents at Port Mourant supported the PPP and so was my family, but no longer under Jagdeo watch.   

The PPP might never win another election, with Jagdeo as the main bottle washer and self promoter.  Not after what his people did to the youth in Berbice and their parents are still pissed at Jagdeo, for allowing it.  These rass did not care what happened to other people pickney, even though they had their own.

Jagdeo is not only bad for the PPP, he is totally bad for Indians in Guyana.

Get another promoter, without Jagdeo as the PPP director   and see de PPP winning elections afta election.

Me see an old man cry at Albion in 2010, whose political banner I photographed in 1963.  When I gave him a copy of the picture,  he said, 'look at dem PPP leaders living in mansions, while abie life na change. Who benefit fa abie  struggle bhai'. I had a British soldier bayonet stab would on my stomach,  while photographing this protest.

And you want to tell me that Jagdeo is you PPP god and saviour.          

Sir, please be respectful to Dr Jagdeo. He is our leader and hero and yes, or savior and demigod. 

Also, that person cry 😭 over the mansions, you need to teach him about karma.  Our leaders have good karma and it’s karma which is responsible.  They must have been good people in the previous life.  

Tell the unfortunate soul to not complain what they have.  He should be happy for them and honor them.  Throw mala and dhar and bow in their presence. Blessings will be transferred to him and he will get lucky next life.  He must have the faith in our leaders.

Django posted:

Looking at some of the leaders in pitcha lika pictcha, i can envision a bunch of losers,one of the lot who can't attain office parading as if he the best thing since slice bread, the only job available is pupeteering.Image result for pupeteering

Make sense! Who is a loser? If you are referring to Jagdeo? I thought he won two national elections. Also, if he is such a loser, why did the PNC fight so hard to prevent him running a third time? I think that they would have been encouraging him. Your partisan leanings are so evident.


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