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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I hope that he do rebound. I think he should fire some of his advisors and coaches.

You cannot be coached out of your record.

Obama has no experience at anything-I am not belittling him in any way. It is always good to have some experience for whatever job one is applying for.


Romney spoke with confidence-he did not have to be coached. Obama needs coahing because he lacks the experience.


Romney's plan is putting Americans back to work. The question is, what is his strategy for China and reshoring work back to America.




The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Then expect America to go broke. Vote those two back in, then it is over for America-they doan have a clue what to do. Atleast Romney have a plan. The debt is there and unemployment in rising again, Obama cunning words will not ease the burden of Americans.


Perhaps, the world needs an adjustment. America goes down then high expectations of universal America values wll wither as well.

Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Rev commented on the thread "Obama will lose by a landside". Of course he is flying as high as a kite. I give Willard a victory last night; however, this is a relay and we have 2 more to come. I don't think Biden will be as passive as the president.


Barack has a disdain for Mitt, shit even the Republican base has serious doubts about Mitt and Ryan. However, Obama's casualness last night helped a little to make Mitt appear a little more acceptable to the Republican base because Obama did not go into this debate to slam dunk Mitt , not to say he did not have opportunities because Mitt gave him many opportunities with his flip flops and lack of specificity. I am quite sure Axlerod must have cut Barack backside last night because the Obama campaign is always aggressive and last nite Barack was everything but aggressive . Last night Barack was supposed to have decimated Mitt and he did not. But, I still hold that Barack will beat Mitt by about 5% because many Republicans do not like Mitt so they may not vote and many women republicans are beginning to swing as Obama legislation proves he is better for woman than Republicans. Of course Obama's campaign has so far advanced to unprecedented levels with the use of technology which Republicans are still grappling with.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Then expect America to go broke. Vote those two back in, then it is over for America-they doan have a clue what to do. Atleast Romney have a plan. The debt is there and unemployment in rising again, Obama cunning words will not ease the burden of Americans.


Perhaps, the world needs an adjustment. America goes down then high expectations of universal America values wll wither as well.

What's Romney's clue? I can go to the mountain (my name is Mohamed ) and I can shout I will cause peace on earth! Then I will come down and people will ask "how can you make peace?" And I will say....just vote me in and I'll show you. I'll show you how I'll make blacks and whites love each other and make Arabs and Israelis kiss each other. Does that make me a man with a clue? Romney couldn't put the paper on which he wrote some stuff down during last night's debate and had to give his son to keep it for him. You know why? All his plans were in that jacket pocket, and we didn't get to hear any of it. We have shitheads on this board who knows that Republicans bowed down to Obama and cooperated and Obama failed to deliver. They don't know what it takes to get America back on track - politically and institutionally - and yet they claim Obama failed. Look around - are you better off now than 2008 when jobs were disappearing at 3/4 million a month? When your 401K plans were being decimated? When your house values were being flushed down the toilet? And all caused by the same palliatives suggested by Romney with no specifics on how the maths add up to give his buddies more tax breaks and pull the rug from under people that this country made a compact with decades ago.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Obama's record was made to look pretty bad by Romney. 900billion in subsidies blown on green jobs that saw companies producing solar panels going bust due to dumping by China. That money could have gone to fund schools and infrastructure. The highest deficit ever. And Obama did not respond. 

90 billlion druggie,  not $900B.


Obama has had his groupies around him so is ill prepared to debate. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and is more alert next time.


The issue is that Romney said NOTHING and still won the debate.


The point is that we still do not know what romney plans to do as president.  Is it that he doesnt know? Or knows but also knows that we will not like it.


Romney speaks with the sense of a Businessman. Obama has no plans of debt reduction-he cites Bill Clinton's record of creating 23 million jobs, without paying much attention the Reagan years. In the first place, Clinton consider less skilled jobs in America was not of much value to Americans. He gave China most favored nation trading status along with the low skilled jobs. Those same scarps from America tables turned into Trillions the Democrat are borrowing from.


And u still want Obama to listen to the Clintons. Hilary got the Mid-East all messed up. America better pray that Assad survives, otherwise the jihadist will have free reins world wide.


Obama was never suited for the Presidency - he is lacking in so many ways.

Originally Posted by seignet:


Romney's plan is putting Americans back to work. The question is, what is his strategy for China and reshoring work back to America.



Romney does not have a plan.  He has a desire.  He has yet to tell us what his plans are.


Income and capital gains taxes in the Reagan and Clinton eras were much higher and we have never seen as robust economic performance as we had in those eras.


So cutting taxes....ooops Romney said he isnt going to cut taxes....but then he said he is.....Oh what is Romney going to do?????


We still dont know.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Obama's record was made to look pretty bad by Romney. 900billion in subsidies blown on green jobs that saw companies producing solar panels going bust due to dumping by China. That money could have gone to fund schools and infrastructure. The highest deficit ever. And Obama did not respond. 

90 billlion druggie,  not $900B.


Obama has had his groupies around him so is ill prepared to debate. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and is more alert next time.


The issue is that Romney said NOTHING and still won the debate.


The point is that we still do not know what romney plans to do as president.  Is it that he doesnt know? Or knows but also knows that we will not like it.

Communication is a funny thing. Maybe u tuned out. The man explained his plans to create employment and let the tax base reduce the debt. Were u listening?


That is the problem, 47% of the people doan care-they have nothing to loose. So they support Obama.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Then expect America to go broke. Vote those two back in, then it is over for America-they doan have a clue what to do. Atleast Romney have a plan. The debt is there and unemployment in rising again, Obama cunning words will not ease the burden of Americans.


Perhaps, the world needs an adjustment. America goes down then high expectations of universal America values wll wither as well.

What's Romney's clue? I can go to the mountain (my name is Mohamed ) and I can shout I will cause peace on earth! Then I will come down and people will ask "how can you make peace?" And I will say....just vote me in and I'll show you. I'll show you how I'll make blacks and whites love each other and make Arabs and Israelis kiss each other. Does that make me a man with a clue? Romney couldn't put the paper on which he wrote some stuff down during last night's debate and had to give his son to keep it for him. You know why? All his plans were in that jacket pocket, and we didn't get to hear any of it. We have shitheads on this board who knows that Republicans bowed down to Obama and cooperated and Obama failed to deliver. They don't know what it takes to get America back on track - politically and institutionally - and yet they claim Obama failed. Look around - are you better off now than 2008 when jobs were disappearing at 3/4 million a month? When your 401K plans were being decimated? When your house values were being flushed down the toilet? And all caused by the same palliatives suggested by Romney with no specifics on how the maths add up to give his buddies more tax breaks and pull the rug from under people that this country made a compact with decades ago.

Kari Obama had a terribel debate last night.  We are still in a recession 4 years later.


While Romney doesnt impress please do not pretend that Obama did well in making his case.

Originally Posted by caribny:


 While Romney doesnt impress...



You are a darkie---and Romney will never impress 80% of the darkies(95% blacks, 99% muslims, 70% hispanics, 80% Guyanese) in this country.




the loser--he was publicly flogged


Thankfully America doesn't have to endure 4 more years of hapless, feckless, non leadership. Mitt Romney demonstrated last night what presidential leadership can look like again.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Obama's record was made to look pretty bad by Romney. 900billion in subsidies blown on green jobs that saw companies producing solar panels going bust due to dumping by China. That money could have gone to fund schools and infrastructure. The highest deficit ever. And Obama did not respond. 

90 billlion druggie,  not $900B.


Obama has had his groupies around him so is ill prepared to debate. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and is more alert next time.


The issue is that Romney said NOTHING and still won the debate.


The point is that we still do not know what romney plans to do as president.  Is it that he doesnt know? Or knows but also knows that we will not like it.

Regardless, it is all about perception, whether Romney is full of hot air or not. In fact Barak did the same thing against MCain when he won the presidency, he claimed that he would do this and do that and work with the republicans and none of it came to fruition.  But that is the burden of an incumbent, he now has a record whilst in 2004 he didn't when he got elected.  

Originally Posted by kidmost:

 the Obama campaign is always aggressive and last nite Barack was everything but aggressive ..

I have come to the conclusion that Obama's "aggressiveness" is confined to fiery speeches and not the cut and thrust of a debate when he has to decimate the competition and blocking their every move, while still appearing cool and in control.


Last time he had a disastrous economy and a weak opponent (an ageing man and a bimbo).  Now he still has a weak economy which few blame him for, but many wonder if he is up to resolving its problems, and he has an opponent who he seems to be afraid of.


Even Jon Stewart had to chuckle and say that "dont you have to laugh when you hear 'Hope and Change'"?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Regardless, it is all about perception, whether Romney is full of hot air or not. In fact Barak did the same thing against MCain when he won the presidency, he claimed that he would do this and do that and work with the republicans and none of it came to fruition.  But that is the burden of an incumbent, he now has a record whilst in 2004 he didn't when he got elected.  

It is about perception and the Democrats must ensure that America remembers that they dont trust romney becausde he has not furnished any details and even after a strong debate performance, they remain as ignorant of his plans as they were before.


Barack bent over backwards to compromise, even lifting his Obamacare plan from the GOP play book of the New Gringrich days, and of course even Romney cant tell us how Romneycare differs from Obamacare.


Romney is a cluster of confusion without a clue, which makes Obama look really pathetic if he acts as he is afraid of him.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Communication is a funny thing. Maybe u tuned out. The man explained his plans to create employment and let the tax base reduce the debt. Were u listening?



So tell us.  Not taxes because Bush cut taxes and look at where we ended up. In fact but for Americans running up debt we would never have ahd a "recovery" under Bush. Recall that taxes under Reagan and Clinton were much higher than they are today and yet the economy wa smuch stronger.


Romney waves his magic wand and says "abracadabra" the economy will grow and 12 million jobs will suddenly appear...and then I will grow revenues while still cutting taxes.


Unfortunately the real world doesnt work that way.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:


 While Romney doesnt impress...



You are a darkie---and Romney will never impress 80% of the darkies(95% blacks, 99% muslims, 70% hispanics, 80% Guyanese) in this country.




the loser--he was publicly flogged


Thankfully America doesn't have to endure 4 more years of hapless, feckless, non leadership. Mitt Romney demonstrated last night what presidential leadership can look like again.



Obama doesn't have the threat of Perjury hanging over his head as Romney does..

Nor does he have to hang his head in shame because of lying, as Romney does.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

The two candidates have different philosophies.


Obama was cool, calm, collected and very Presidential.  Romney was like Muhammad Ali throwing punches and he was definitely well coached for the big event.      Obama and Biden will certainly do better in the next debates.  Where's that Rev guy?       

Then expect America to go broke. Vote those two back in, then it is over for America-they doan have a clue what to do. Atleast Romney have a plan. The debt is there and unemployment in rising again, Obama cunning words will not ease the burden of Americans.


Perhaps, the world needs an adjustment. America goes down then high expectations of universal America values wll wither as well.

What's Romney's clue? I can go to the mountain (my name is Mohamed ) and I can shout I will cause peace on earth! Then I will come down and people will ask "how can you make peace?" And I will say....just vote me in and I'll show you. I'll show you how I'll make blacks and whites love each other and make Arabs and Israelis kiss each other. Does that make me a man with a clue? Romney couldn't put the paper on which he wrote some stuff down during last night's debate and had to give his son to keep it for him. You know why? All his plans were in that jacket pocket, and we didn't get to hear any of it. We have shitheads on this board who knows that Republicans bowed down to Obama and cooperated and Obama failed to deliver. They don't know what it takes to get America back on track - politically and institutionally - and yet they claim Obama failed. Look around - are you better off now than 2008 when jobs were disappearing at 3/4 million a month? When your 401K plans were being decimated? When your house values were being flushed down the toilet? And all caused by the same palliatives suggested by Romney with no specifics on how the maths add up to give his buddies more tax breaks and pull the rug from under people that this country made a compact with decades ago.

Kari Obama had a terribel debate last night.  We are still in a recession 4 years later.


While Romney doesnt impress please do not pretend that Obama did well in making his case.

Carib....where do you see I make the case that Obama did well last night? He was disinterested, lowered his gaze all night and has an evident disdain for Romney. What you're confusing is the notion that Obama has gotten this country into the rut it's in right now. Do you remember what was happening in the beginning of 2009? Do you remember how the filibusters in the Senate blocked a lot of Obama's programs, especially on job creation? Do you remember the 2010 elections wher3e the TEA Party hijacked the nation? Do you remember the Grover Norquist putsch and overtaking of the political process? If you have a problem with Obama's approach - fixing the fiscal house with a balanced approach, build education and infrastructure, grow exports, produce more oil, etc., then say so.


Obama did not make old people grow to the percentage of the population they are now. Obama did not pull up all those steel and glass over three decades and send them to Mexico, Guatemala, China, etc., and have the people whom you say Obama let down sitting at home to collect the unemployment Obama fought for and thus contribute to more deficits? Obama did not cause a lessening of government revenues that further to the govt deficit. Obama did not cause all the States budgets to go out of whack and thus cause them to lay off people.


What's your beef with Obama? Do you know the structural changes, no schisms, we're experiencing in these times? Do you know what the institutional limits on each branch of power?


You whine too much.

Originally Posted by seignet:

If Obama wins, just watch him implement Romney's ideas. Romney has a common sense approach. For the majority of Americans, they juss want to work.



Take it from the Rev--a man of numbers like Romney--Obama has zero chance of winning in November---ZERO!




And what they saw was this:


* Obama looked small.


* Romney ran rings around Obama.


* Romney dominated the exchanges with Obama.


* Romney relentlessly rebutted every jab the president threw at him.




What 60 million Americans saw was Romney looking like a genuine leader who could get this country back on track, while Obama looked like a guy scared $hit he's about to lose his job.






Yuh know Obama could win-not because he is better. Instead, his chances are in his charisma.


It is sort like the Biblical account of Israel. The God who guided the Israelites out of Eygpt was no longer good enough for the people of Israel. They demand from God that they wanted a king just like the other nations around them. So, God sent Saul to Samuel to be anointed as King of Israel. And Saul was like a yoke of burden around the necks of the Israelies. Saul was the tallest man in the land and very handsome as well. I would guess he was a sweet talker as well.

Originally Posted by Kari:
ease the burden of Americans.



Carib....where do you see I make the case that Obama did well last night? He was disinterested, lowered his gaze all night and has an evident disdain for Romney. What you're confusing is the notion that Obama has gotten this country into the rut it's in right now. Do you remember what was happening in the beginning of 2009? Do you remember how the filibusters in the Senate blocked a lot of Obama's programs, especially on job creation? Do you remember the 2010 elections wher3e the TEA Party hijacked the nation? Do you remember the Grover Norquist putsch and overtaking of the political process? If you have a problem with Obama's approach - fixing the fiscal house with a balanced approach, build education and infrastructure, grow exports, produce more oil, etc., then say so.


Obama did not make old people grow to the percentage of the population they are now. Obama did not pull up all those steel and glass over three decades and send them to Mexico, Guatemala, China, etc., and have the people whom you say Obama let down sitting at home to collect the unemployment Obama fought for and thus contribute to more deficits? Obama did not cause a lessening of government revenues that further to the govt deficit. Obama did not cause all the States budgets to go out of whack and thus cause them to lay off people.


What's your beef with Obama? Do you know the structural changes, no schisms, we're experiencing in these times? Do you know what the institutional limits on each branch of power?


You whine too much.



The "undecideds" want to hear about their respective plans and about who they feel gives them the confidence that they have the DESIRE and the ABILITY to repair Bush's mess.  Repeating that "its Bush's fault" doesnt fix the problem.


These are people who dont trust Romney and who feel that Obama is a nice, but ineffective guy.  So when he debates as he did last night, allowing Romney to push him around.  Allowing Romney to tell lies w/o effectively challenging him, and allowing Romney to get away w/o disclosing his plans, or revealing that he is not capable of anything other than bashing Obama, then he makes the case that he is a nice but ineffective  guy. 


And most dangerously, displaying a disinterest in being President by being apathetic and disinterested, and to some, looking bored.


So he risks losing these swing voters in these 8 states.


You can list 200 reasons why YOU think that Obama should win. However this 5% in these 8 states are NOT buying those reasons.  If they did they wouldnt be undecided.


Now you can demand that Obama does what it takes to increase his chances of winning in what even he says is a close election.


Or you can treat this as some intellectual exercise and curse out "stupid" Americans if his apathetic behavior causes many of them either not to vote, or to go for Romney. 


This is not an exercise about who has the moral high ground or is right. 


This is about who will win and who will lose, with the vision of the losing no longer having any relevance, especially if it is Obama. An Obama losss will remain teh Senate goes GOP and then here come the Christian Taliban and the Evil Rich. 


As a Muslim and a foreigner I would think that you would understand this.


Apparently you are comfortable with this GOP America.  Because this is what you will get if the next debate is as bad as this one was.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by seignet:

If Obama wins, just watch him implement Romney's ideas. Romney has a common sense approach. For the majority of Americans, they juss want to work.



Take it from the Rev--a man of numbers like Romney--Obama has zero chance of winning in November---ZERO!




And what they saw was this:


* Obama looked small.


* Romney ran rings around Obama.


* Romney dominated the exchanges with Obama.


* Romney relentlessly rebutted every jab the president threw at him.




What 60 million Americans saw was Romney looking like a genuine leader who could get this country back on track, while Obama looked like a guy scared $hit he's about to lose his job.





rev this is the idiot who you support.


Day One: I support tax cuts for the "job creators".  Those who do not pay federal incomes taxes are bums and losers.....but I want capital gains taxes and estate staxes to be abolished.  Oh it just turns out that I pay mainly capital gains taxes...So I guess I will NOT pay the Feds any taxes.  But I am not a bum or a loser.


Day two:  I mean I love the poor and the rich should continue to pay higher taxes, and if it means that the deficit increases well I will not cut taxes.


rev Al...who is the Romney who you are voting for??????

Originally Posted by caribny:

rev this is the idiot who you support.


Day One: I support tax cuts for the "job creators".  Those who do not pay federal incomes taxes are bums and losers.....but I want capital gains taxes and estate staxes to be abolished.  Oh it just turns out that I pay mainly capital gains taxes...So I guess I will NOT pay the Feds any taxes.  But I am not a bum or a loser.


Day two:  I mean I love the poor and the rich should continue to pay higher taxes, and if it means that the deficit increases well I will not cut taxes.


rev Al...who is the Romney who you are voting for??????


Well well, you should apply this reasoning to your brothers in Linden who want to leech off the rest of Guyanese society with their demand of free electric subsidies while Amerindian villages have to pay full rate. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Well well, you should apply this reasoning to your brothers in Linden who want to leech off the rest of Guyanese society with their demand of free electric subsidies while Amerindian villages have to pay full rate. 

Why dont you apply to this to your buddies who leech off tax payers who support Guysuco when Guymine was privatized and Lindeners punished as a result?


You know that if Guysuco is sold the next day 50% of those PPP cane cutters will be out of working and demanding all sorts of help and they will get it too, for fear that the AFC snags them the following election.


This is why the PPP keeps it even though they have proven to be totally incompetent at running it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Well well, you should apply this reasoning to your brothers in Linden who want to leech off the rest of Guyanese society with their demand of free electric subsidies while Amerindian villages have to pay full rate. 

Why dont you apply to this to your buddies who leech off tax payers who support Guysuco when Guymine was privatized and Lindeners punished as a result?


You know that if Guysuco is sold the next day 50% of those PPP cane cutters will be out of working and demanding all sorts of help and they will get it too, for fear that the AFC snags them the following election.


This is why the PPP keeps it even though they have proven to be totally incompetent at running it.

You are wrong again, cane cutting is a dying profession. Guysuco stated that they can hardly find workers as these former can cutters seek other more lucrative professions. Indos are leaving the sugar industry en masse. Keep up with the times instead of staying isolated in your section 8 apartment living off of the tax payers like me. hahahaha 

Originally Posted by caribny:

rev Al...who is the Romney who you are voting for??????



The Romney the Rev will be voting for is:


* The Romney who spoke in coherent sentences and paragraphs in the debates--something Obama can only do reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter.


* The Romney who stripped Obama of his intellectual pretensions and exposed him as a confounded dunce.


* The Romney who demonstrated superior intellectual artillery.





Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You are wrong again, cane cutting is a dying profession. Guysuco stated that they can hardly find workers as these former can cutters seek other more lucrative professions. Indos are leaving the sugar industry en masse.

So why dont they shut down Guysuco then.  POLITICS!!!!!!!


BTW some one is cutting the cane, because as pathetic the productions levels are it is not zero.  GAWU goes on strike.  So some one must be demanding better conditions from Guysuco.


Guysuco will not be privatized because the new owners will do like what those who run bauxite did. Should down unprofitable operations and reduce the workforce.


Those who do continue to depend on sugar for their livelihood will quickly abandon the PPP if they do to them what they did to Lindeners when thousands lost work in the bauxite industry.  The PPP knows this.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

rev Al...who is the Romney who you are voting for??????



The Romney the Rev will be voting for is:


* The Romney who spoke in coherent sentences and paragraphs in the debates--something Obama can only do reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter.


* The Romney who stripped Obama of his intellectual pretensions and exposed him as a confounded dunce.


* The Romney who demonstrated superior intellectual artillery.





Rev since you are a die hard Romney supporter.


Explain this.  Federal Expenditures $3.8T of which only $450 B is on non defense federal discretionary programs.  Deficit is $1.3T


So do you think that not funding PBS is going to balance the budget?


They will have to decimate social security and medicaid/medicare if they do not increase income taxes.


Figure this out. Its  simple arithmetic.


Romney says that he will not touch medicare  and social security.  Medicaid is used mainly for special needs kids and old people in nursing homes.  So he cant tough that either.


So do you now see that Romney is not telling you the truth? 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The Romney the Rev will be voting for is:


* The Romney who spoke in coherent sentences and paragraphs in the debates--something Obama can only do reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter.


* The Romney who stripped Obama of his intellectual pretensions and exposed him as a confounded dunce.


* The Romney who demonstrated superior intellectual artillery.





Rev since you are a die hard Romney supporter.


Explain this.  Federal Expenditures $3.8T of which only $450 B is on non defense federal discretionary programs.  Deficit is $1.3T


So do you think that not funding PBS is going to balance the budget?


They will have to decimate social security and medicaid/medicare if they do not increase income taxes.


Figure this out. Its  simple arithmetic.


Romney says that he will not touch medicare  and social security.  Medicaid is used mainly for special needs kids and old people in nursing homes.  So he cant tough that either.


So do you now see that Romney is not telling you the truth? 

Through growth, good tax policy, good spending, he will do it.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Yuh know Obama could win-not because he is better. Instead, his chances are in his charisma.


It is sort like the Biblical account of Israel. The God who guided the Israelites out of Eygpt was no longer good enough for the people of Israel. They demand from God that they wanted a king just like the other nations around them. So, God sent Saul to Samuel to be anointed as King of Israel. And Saul was like a yoke of burden around the necks of the Israelies. Saul was the tallest man in the land and very handsome as well. I would guess he was a sweet talker as well.

You been to school with Saul an' dem guys?


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