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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen TK, why don't you send your alter ego redux to post on this thread--he'll start blabbering about antimen, homos, stink panties, etc, etc



u miss me nuh bai . . . dem lash does mek u feel nice, eh?

 ah spending lil quality time with the fambly . . . dat OK with U?



Good to see you release your alter ego redux onto this thread.



Dude...I have always written since 1998 all my letters to the press under my real identity. Scums are those who attack others with made up names (hint, hint,...). I am willing to bear the burden of my words. I do not write as Redux...Redux and I share comment positions politically...but we are different people. If I want to attack you I do it under my real identity...I only attack when being attacked...

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

I am not convinced you have yet reached that elevation so as to understand the mathematics behind the convergence trades



The Rev has exposed you as a bullshitter!


You said you wanted to discuss the technical issues regarding Long Term Capital Management and its demise--the Rev called you on it---and now you are all over the friggin place:


* You are now talking about eradicating darkness from the PPP line up.


* You said you cannot analyze LTCM in isolation of the work done by Minsky.


* You're telling me that I would be better positioned to make Guyana better and improve the lives of Guyanese.


* You said I have not reached the elevation to understand the mathematics behind the convergnce trades.


You are an absolute bullshitter Tarron Khemraj, and by the way you need to stop with your condescending nonsense---you are just a 3rd rate/ 3cents economics Phd--you are absolutely not qualified to discuss LTCM---and so you resort to bullshitting and obfuscation--you are a friggin braggart TK--and I have called you out--now you are hiding--and making all the excuses you see fit.





TK, this is another attempt of bullshitting by you.


Listen TK! LTCM's main strategy, when initially founded, was to make CONVERGENCE TRADES. These trades involved finding securities that were mispriced relative to one another---LTCM took long positions in the cheap ones and short positions in the rich ones.


Now, there were 4 main types of CONVERGENCE TRADES LTCM focused on----you ought to know what they were back in 1998.





Pay attention TK--because the differences in values of the convergence trades were tiny, LTCM needed to take large and highly leveraged positions inorder to make a significant profit---that explains LTCM having 125 billion in debt with only 5 billion in equity at the start of 1998.


So TK--what crap are you talking about the mathematics behind convergence trades---who are you trying to impress ? of course the LTCM quantitative models involved complex mathematics---what you could not explain TK was the ultimate cause for LTCM failure---what they failed to account for in their models---and how the liquidity crisis dealt a severe blow to LTCM's portfolio.


YOU ARE A BIG FRAUD TK! I wont call you a dunce--but you are a show off and a braggart who has been exposed--you don't know as much as you think you know. The Rev called you out regarding LTCM and you ducked--you chose to engage in obfuscation---you are a friggin bullshitter TK.


Listen TK, why don't you send your alter ego redux to post on this thread--he'll start blabbering about antimen, homos, stink panties, etc, etc









I see you took several hours and read Google but you have not yet understood convergence trading.





You have been exposed as a big-talking fraud! You cannot converse with the Rev regarding the LTCM debacle and so you are reduced to posting nonsense and drivel.


From henceforth you can go ahead and do what you do best TK---brag and boast and talk about your favorite topics--intelligence and IQ. As far as the Rev is concerned you are just an insecure blowhard and egotist.


Are you really the economic and finance advisor to the AFC ? Thank God the AFC will forever be the 10% party---losers forever.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

You have been exposed as a big-talking fraud! You cannot converse with the Rev regarding the LTCM debacle and so you are reduced to posting nonsense and drivel. From henceforth you can go ahead and do what you do best TK---brag and boast and talk about your favorite topics--intelligence and IQ. As far as the Rev is concerned you are just an insecure bragger and egotist. Are you really the economic and finance advisor to the AFC ? Thank God the AFC will forever be the 10% party---losers forever.





You are having a hard night eh bai? See dem bais bring up the numbers thread with all yuh bigotry. Tek it light bai...shouting don't mean yuh making sense. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

You have been exposed as a big-talking fraud! You cannot converse with the Rev regarding the LTCM debacle and so you are reduced to posting nonsense and drivel. From henceforth you can go ahead and do what you do best TK---brag and boast and talk about your favorite topics--intelligence and IQ. As far as the Rev is concerned you are just an insecure bragger and egotist. Are you really the economic and finance advisor to the AFC ? Thank God the AFC will forever be the 10% party---losers forever.





You are having a hard night eh bai? See dem bais bring up the numbers thread with all yuh bigotry. Tek it light bai...shouting don't mean yuh making sense. 


TK bai:


This conversation is over--finito! No more talk about finance. Have alter ego redux take over---he loves to discuss antimen, homosexuality, stink panties, etc, etc, etc---you have bizarre fantasies and tastes TK.hahahahaha




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


You are having a hard night eh bai? See dem bais bring up the numbers thread with all yuh bigotry. Tek it light bai...shouting don't mean yuh making sense. 


TK bai:


This conversation is over--finito! No more talk about finance. Have alter ego redux take over---he loves to discuss antimen, homosexuality, stink panties, etc, etc, etc---you have bizarre fantasies and tastes TK.hahahahaha






As they say...what rain cyant full dew cyant other words Google search will never fill you in on issues like LCTM and financial econ. You will need to undertake years of reading. That's life. I am not a scum...I always write under my real identity. Can't bear to attack you with a made up name. 

Originally Posted by TK:


You will need to undertake years of reading.



I have noticed you have a tendency to be patronizing--you have this snobbish and disdainful habit of questioning the intelligence and IQ of fellow posters.


Well now I understand the reason for your condescention--you are an insecure braggart---this is typical of 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate colleges---they are deeply insecure and resort to boasting and berating others to cover up their insecurities.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


You will need to undertake years of reading.



I have noticed you have a tendency to be patronizing--you have this snobbish and disdainful habit of questioning the intelligence and IQ of fellow posters.


Well now I understand the reason for your condescention--you are an insecure braggart---this is typical of 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate colleges---they are deeply insecure and resort to boasting and berating others to cover up their insecurities.





The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 

Originally Posted by TK:


The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 



The problem with you TK is you come on this forum, filled with false pride and self importance, pretending to know about finance, and you have been exposed as a hollow, empty suit.hahahahaha






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 



The problem with you TK is you come on this forum, filled with false pride and self importance, pretending to know about finance, and you have been exposed as a hollow, empty suit.hahahahaha






Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 



The problem with you TK is you come on this forum, filled with false pride and self importance, pretending to know about finance, and you have been exposed as a hollow, empty suit.hahahahaha






Straw man TK/redux ran away an is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.

deer yugee and rev,

pleese, for the love of gawd, educate yourself about the "straw man" fallacy/argument before you bray again . . . what u are posting is illiterate!


i can't believe all this time i've been using this terminology on GNI, the true meaning was passing clear over the head of you 2 morons



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 



The problem with you TK is you come on this forum, filled with false pride and self importance, pretending to know about finance, and you have been exposed as a hollow, empty suit.hahahahaha






Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.



Oh the perils of a low IQ.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


The problem you face is you don't know you don't know. 



The problem with you TK is you come on this forum, filled with false pride and self importance, pretending to know about finance, and you have been exposed as a hollow, empty suit.hahahahaha






Straw man TK/redux ran away an is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.

deer yugee and rev,

pleese, for the love of gawd, educate yourself about the "straw man" fallacy/argument before you bray again . . . what u are posting is illiterate!


i can't believe all this time i've been using this terminology on GNI, the true meaning was passing clear over the head of you 2 morons



TK's alter ego redux shows up, it was only a matter of time......

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 


I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  You insult people about their low IQs. Do feel a sense of satisfaction when you stoop to their level to indulge in this type of activity? Do you exhibit this type of behaviour when you disagree with your colleauges on your faculty? I am sure that those of us who went to colleges never saw professors who exhibited this type of immature behaviour.

Don't misunderstand me; most of your postings are constructive.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 


I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  You insult people about their low IQs. Do feel a sense of satisfaction when you stoop to their level to indulge in this type of activity? Do you exhibit this type of behaviour when you disagree with your colleauges on your faculty? I am sure that those of us who went to colleges never saw professors who exhibited this type of immature behaviour.

Don't misunderstand me; most of your postings are constructive.



How many people have I called low IQers here? Two. Have you observed why?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 


I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  You insult people about their low IQs. Do feel a sense of satisfaction when you stoop to their level to indulge in this type of activity? Do you exhibit this type of behaviour when you disagree with your colleauges on your faculty? I am sure that those of us who went to colleges never saw professors who exhibited this type of immature behaviour.

Don't misunderstand me; most of your postings are constructive.



How many people have I called low IQers here? Two. Have you observed why?

TK, my point though, as a professor you should not be engaging in the name calling. How about some advice? Your students look up to you with respect and I am sure as a professor, you demand that respect. Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class? 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 


I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  You insult people about their low IQs. Do feel a sense of satisfaction when you stoop to their level to indulge in this type of activity? Do you exhibit this type of behaviour when you disagree with your colleauges on your faculty? I am sure that those of us who went to colleges never saw professors who exhibited this type of immature behaviour.

Don't misunderstand me; most of your postings are constructive.



How many people have I called low IQers here? Two. Have you observed why?

TK, my point though, as a professor you should not be engaging in the name calling. How about some advice? Your students look up to you with respect and I am sure as a professor, you demand that respect. Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class? 


Please do not shed crocodile tears for me. I have seen some of the nasty posts you have made here about me. My job is a different world from Guyana's politics. I have never encountered a buffoon in my work in spite of healthy disagreements.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
TK, I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  

-->dont put TK/redux on a pedestal skeldon


Skeldon bhai:


You are making the egregious mistake of putting Tarron Khemaj aka TK/redux on a pedestal based on nothing more than his title(professor) and credentials(phd).


Listen Skeldon, neither TK's title nor his credentials say anything about the kind of person he really is.


As this thread clearly revealed--TK/redux is a:


==that's right! TK is a

straw man who is also a braggart--the man is deeply insecure---because he has a 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd--he feels he belongs on a pedestal and he harbors a false sense of superiority---this thread exposed Tk/redux as woefully lacking--he is a STRAW MAN.





Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Straw man TK/redux ran away and is consulting with professors since he does not have the intelligence to debate with Rev. Funny to watch as Storm rushes to TK/redux's rescue. Good job Rev.
=TK/redux the classic STRAW-MAN



What does it say about the AFC, when their chief financial and economic advisor, TK/redux, is a quintessential STRAW MAN ?hahahaha





Mr. MALE MENOPAUSE, Stormborn, was busy with the inauguration yesterday---what a basket case---why isn't stormy in a nuthouse ?hahahahaha



===== are dedicating much time and effort to color fonts etc but are saying little. 


I do have respect for your achievement as a doctor. However, I wonder why you as a Phd scholar, sit on this board and indulge in the juvenile behaviour of name calling and insults?  Isn't this below your dignity?  You insult people about their low IQs. Do feel a sense of satisfaction when you stoop to their level to indulge in this type of activity? Do you exhibit this type of behaviour when you disagree with your colleauges on your faculty? I am sure that those of us who went to colleges never saw professors who exhibited this type of immature behaviour.

Don't misunderstand me; most of your postings are constructive.



How many people have I called low IQers here? Two. Have you observed why?

TK, my point though, as a professor you should not be engaging in the name calling. How about some advice? Your students look up to you with respect and I am sure as a professor, you demand that respect. Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class? 


Please do not shed crocodile tears for me. I have seen some of the nasty posts you have made here about me. My job is a different world from Guyana's politics. I have never encountered a buffoon in my work in spite of healthy disagreements.  

I am not shedding any crocodile tears for you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that your job is different from Guyana politics. I just asked how you would handle you one hypothetical question. "Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class?".  And your answer is?????

We all on this board share insults at the expense of one another.


I strongly believe that you have no desire to enter into Guyana politics..the money is not there.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man: 

"Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class?".  And your answer is?????

We all on this board share insults at the expense of one another.


I strongly believe that you have no desire to enter into Guyana politics..the money is not there.


I am proud to be in Guyana's politics...we are not motivated by money but spend our own to win the battle of 2011. It is now time to push on to win the war. I don't disrespect anyone. You may want to direct that line of questioning to Nehru, Rev Al and Yugi. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man: 

"Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class?".  And your answer is?????

We all on this board share insults at the expense of one another.


I strongly believe that you have no desire to enter into Guyana politics..the money is not there.


I am proud to be in Guyana's politics...we are not motivated by money but spend our own to win the battle of 2011. It is now time to push on to win the war. I don't disrespect anyone. You may want to direct that line of questioning to Nehru, Rev Al and Yugi. 

There will be no war. The only war is inside you and members of the AFC/PNC/APNU...street violence against the indians. In the next election,the AFC share of the votes will be severely reduced. PPP will always rule Guyana in the forseeable future. The AFC will be a thing of the past. Do you remember the Justice Party, Gump, Gail and the rest including the UF? Where are they now? The AFC will see the same fate; give them time.

They may display good intentions to the Guyanese people, however, the folks now know who they are dealing with...milk and honey takers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
There will be no war. The only war is inside you and members of the AFC/PNC/APNU...street violence against the indians. 



It's amazing! The leaders of Alliance for Change(AFC) are the ones inciting violence and riots in Guyana today---Linden, Agricola, etc--it used to be the PNC years ago.





Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man: 

"Will you ask anyone who shows disrespect for you to leave your class?".  And your answer is?????

We all on this board share insults at the expense of one another.


I strongly believe that you have no desire to enter into Guyana politics..the money is not there.


I am proud to be in Guyana's politics...we are not motivated by money but spend our own to win the battle of 2011. It is now time to push on to win the war. I don't disrespect anyone. You may want to direct that line of questioning to Nehru, Rev Al and Yugi. 

Wha deh Rass yuh ah call nehru name fah. Nehru ah Canecutter but he nah ignorant, illiterate and stupid like you.!!!

Originally Posted by TK:


He(Forbes Burnham) had a great command of language and had a pure accent. But he did not understand finance. You don't ever default on debt. They add everything to capital and make your debt grow while you are not getting new disbursements. Everything broke up because he had no money. Financial markets don't care how big and bad you are. The nationalization, supported by Cheddi, also chased out capital and brought on foreign exchange shortages; it also caused a strain on human capital as managers could have been deployed elsewhere and allow the people to continue. 




The Rev had a good laugh reading your comment: "But he(Burnham) did not understand finance."


If Burnham were alive today he'd likely remind you of the old proverb:






Seriously, Burnham was like you TK---a TALKER---he talked a good talk and was good at it---but the man was an abject failure as a leader---and you are right TK---Burnham like did not understand finance---just like you







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


He(Forbes Burnham) had a great command of language and had a pure accent. But he did not understand finance. You don't ever default on debt. They add everything to capital and make your debt grow while you are not getting new disbursements. Everything broke up because he had no money. Financial markets don't care how big and bad you are. The nationalization, supported by Cheddi, also chased out capital and brought on foreign exchange shortages; it also caused a strain on human capital as managers could have been deployed elsewhere and allow the people to continue. 




The Rev had a good laugh reading your comment: "But he(Burnham) did not understand finance."


If Burnham were alive today he'd likely remind you of the old proverb:






Seriously, Burnham was like you TK---a TALKER---he talked a good talk and was good at it---but the man was an abject failure as a leader---and you are right TK---Burnham like did not understand finance---just like you







why do you not stop broadcasting that you are a moron? Here you are no less than you was in assuming the persona of a "numbers man", insisting that you are a "financial guru". If then you succeeded in demonstrating profound innumeracy, why not the the same likely outcome in this new claim?


Simply saying you are a doer on this board does not make you so. Saying just "talking". Even there you need help. T he idiocy of cartoons or pilfered images as representations of your ideas do not make it real. They are just cartoons and pilfered images. The sad part is you do not get that they make you look scatter brained.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


why do you not stop broadcasting that you are a moron?



You and kari must be identical twins--you share the same trait! Both of you hang onto anger and resentment against others for dear life--you absolutely refuse to let go!




The laughter and the lightness in your life is gone storm--you have become a miserable, gloomy, depressed man.


You need to take a leaf out of the Rev's book--always be joyful, happy, merry, and easy going.


Hope Jesus, Lord Krishna and Prophet Mohamed bless you with the strength of character to overcome the deep resentment you harbor for those who have mentally tortured you Stormborn.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You  could only parse opinions in terms of petty jealousies as that is your frame of reference. The man is a nut. He is not here to discuss the mathematical strategies used or the fact this company lost its shareholders assets while its execs prospered. The company was one of those that made no goods performed no services and  functioned merely as a betting pool with its odds being directives and their "product".


Indeed if he and TK see this as worthy "financial" discussion ,so be it. I believe money should be made on products and services and its value should be based on the value of those. The US economy is surely going to tank if casino financial schemes are what drive market "value"

When you are left out of intellectual discussion you tend to sulk. In this case Rev chose to exclude you because of your recent irrational behavior, screaming and shouting about PPP criminals and the like without any rational reason.

Dude, what is intellectual about the knowledge of the financial strategy of one firm? That firm represented a class of behavior  on wall street that were atrocious, greed-driven,  excesses which  sent us into a depression.


As I said, they made nothing, bought no real product, sold or no services of a tangible sort, and  the millions of trades per second on super computers were simply, a mathematical chasing turtles and rabbits on the stock market scrounging up dimes and nickles here and there into vast wealth . Yes, they were fundamental agnostics as one writer puts it and played poker with the economy. Note one does not even get to count cards in Vegas. These people get to gamble with no restraint using their mathematical models


They did not care if their leeching funds from real companies doing good work  ruins is or if it pilfers the retirement funds of hard working people etc...plainly put they are market parasites and not until the US is able to control these abhorrent creatures, they will remain a sore on the nation's backsides and parasitic class feeding on others.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You  could only parse opinions in terms of petty jealousies as that is your frame of reference. The man is a nut. He is not here to discuss the mathematical strategies used or the fact this company lost its shareholders assets while its execs prospered. The company was one of those that made no goods performed no services and  functioned merely as a betting pool with its odds being directives and their "product".


Indeed if he and TK see this as worthy "financial" discussion ,so be it. I believe money should be made on products and services and its value should be based on the value of those. The US economy is surely going to tank if casino financial schemes are what drive market "value"

When you are left out of intellectual discussion you tend to sulk. In this case Rev chose to exclude you because of your recent irrational behavior, screaming and shouting about PPP criminals and the like without any rational reason.

Dude, what is intellectual about the knowledge of the financial strategy of one firm? That firm represented a class of behavior  on wall street that werre atrocious greed driven excesses  sent us into a depression. As Is aid, the made nothing, bought no real product, sold or no services of a tangible sort, the millions of trades per second on super computers simply chasing turtles and rabbits on the stock market. Yes, they were fundamental agnostics. They did not care bout simply leeching funds from real companies doing good work or the retirement funds of hard working people etc...plainly put they are market parasites and not until the US is able to control these abhorrent creatures the will remain a parasitic class feeding on others.



There are some interesting aspects of the failure of LTCM that could be generalized. I was hoping Rev Al would see that but his mind is not up to scratch for that task. All he does is Google search and match definitions and believe he can do analysis. Two very interesting aspects: (i) can Minsky's framework of instability be applicable. In recent times scholars have published on the connection between leverage and liquidity. Gary Gorton wrote a lot on this. (ii) why the convergence did not occur as fast as LTCM expected? The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation. Failure to converge meant they lost capital and hence bankruptcy. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 You  could only parse opinions in terms of petty jealousies as that is your frame of reference. The man is a nut. He is not here to discuss the mathematical strategies used or the fact this company lost its shareholders assets while its execs prospered. The company was one of those that made no goods performed no services and  functioned merely as a betting pool with its odds being directives and their "product".


Indeed if he and TK see this as worthy "financial" discussion ,so be it. I believe money should be made on products and services and its value should be based on the value of those. The US economy is surely going to tank if casino financial schemes are what drive market "value"

When you are left out of intellectual discussion you tend to sulk. In this case Rev chose to exclude you because of your recent irrational behavior, screaming and shouting about PPP criminals and the like without any rational reason.

Dude, what is intellectual about the knowledge of the financial strategy of one firm? That firm represented a class of behavior  on wall street that werre atrocious greed driven excesses  sent us into a depression. As Is aid, the made nothing, bought no real product, sold or no services of a tangible sort, the millions of trades per second on super computers simply chasing turtles and rabbits on the stock market. Yes, they were fundamental agnostics. They did not care bout simply leeching funds from real companies doing good work or the retirement funds of hard working people etc...plainly put they are market parasites and not until the US is able to control these abhorrent creatures the will remain a parasitic class feeding on others.



There are some interesting aspects of the failure of LTCM that could be generalized. I was hoping Rev Al would see that but his mind is not up to scratch for that task. All he does is Google search and match definitions and believe he can do analysis. Two very interesting aspects: (i) can Minsky's framework of instability be applicable. In recent times scholars have published on the connection between leverage and liquidity. Gary Gorton wrote a lot on this. (ii) why the convergence did not occur as fast as LTCM expected? The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation. Failure to converge meant they lost capital and hence bankruptcy. 

 I really cannot precisely say what they did since their supposed alpha code was always secret and it was on that they built their algorithmic trading structures. I do know they were mathematical whizzes that used these nuances in the market solely to game the system. Usually the alphas like Asness, Griffin, Enhorn, Muller, Minsky always came out ahead in the end since they played with other peoples money.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:



In recent times scholars have published on the connection between leverage and liquidity. Gary Gorton wrote a lot on this. (ii) why the convergence did not occur as fast as LTCM expected? The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation. Failure to converge meant they lost capital and hence bankruptcy. 



What you just wrote is a lot of theoretical bullshit--typical of you academics---you are good at posting meaningless drivel!


You mentioned Gorton questioning "why the convergence did not occur as fact as LTCM expected ?


Pay attention and learn TK--the LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex computer models, that the long and short portions in their portfolio were highly correlated and so the NET RISK was small.


What LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


Remember after the Russian crisis--there was a massive flight to quality--investors bolted out of all risky markets and into more secure instruments---and the ultimate result was a huge liquidity crisis--and it was this flight to quality that dealt a severe blow to LTCM portfolio.


Are you following me TK ?


Remember I said earlier that what LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


You see with liquidity becoming more valuable--it always does following a crisis--the short positions in LTCM's portfolio increased in price relative to the long positions---and that was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor--LIQUIDITY---and so LTCM's portfolio took a humongous hit---in the end LTCM had to be rescued---14 wall street firms put up 3.5 billion in exchange for 90% of LTCM.





TK: The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation


Once again TK--you are trying to impress by posting meaningless academic drivel and fancy talk.


Listen, what causes trouble in many instances is the complexity of the system the mathematics is intended to model--Numbers have power--but when you depend on a theoretical equation too seriously and over-reach its assumptions---you get into trouble---the LTCM partners had great confidence in their models.


You wrote, "a probability parameter needs better representation."---


That's meaningless, nonsensical, fancy academic talk.


What portfolio managers learned after the LTCM debacle is models must be stressed tested and judgment is paramount---the mathematical models are only as good as the assumptions that are fed into the models---in situations like a market crisis---TROUBLE---firms learned you can take liquidity bets but you cannot leverage them too much.


Like most academics TK you can write a million words about LTCM---but you are clearly at sea to explain why LTCM failed---keep posting your nonsensical theoretical bullshit---that's what you professors are good at doing---most of you.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



In recent times scholars have published on the connection between leverage and liquidity. Gary Gorton wrote a lot on this. (ii) why the convergence did not occur as fast as LTCM expected? The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation. Failure to converge meant they lost capital and hence bankruptcy. 



What you just wrote is a lot of theoretical bullshit--typical of you academics---you are good at posting meaningless drivel!


You mentioned Gorton questioning "why the convergence did not occur as fact as LTCM expected ?


Pay attention and learn TK--the LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex computer models, that the long and short portions in their portfolio were highly correlated and so the NET RISK was small.


What LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


Remember after the Russian crisis--there was a massive flight to quality--investors bolted out of all risky markets and into more secure instruments---and the ultimate result was a huge liquidity crisis--and it was this flight to quality that dealt a severe blow to LTCM portfolio.


Are you following me TK ?


Remember I said earlier that what LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


You see with liquidity becoming more valuable--it always does following a crisis--the short positions in LTCM's portfolio increased in price relative to the long positions---and that was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor--LIQUIDITY---and so LTCM's portfolio took a humongous hit---in the end LTCM had to be rescued---14 wall street firms put up 3.5 billion in exchange for 90% of LTCM.





TK: The geometric Brownian motion - which is what the quants program into computers - should give convergence. The fact that it took a long time to converge means a probability parameter needs a better representation


Once again TK--you are trying to impress by posting meaningless academic drivel and fancy talk.


Listen, what causes trouble in many instances is the complexity of the system the mathematics is intended to model--Numbers have power--but when you depend on a theoretical equation too seriously and over-reach its assumptions---you get into trouble---the LTCM partners had great confidence in their models.


You wrote, "a probability parameter needs better representation."---


That's meaningless, nonsensical, fancy academic talk.


What portfolio managers learned after the LTCM debacle is models must be stressed tested and judgment is paramount---the mathematical models are only as good as the assumptions that are fed into the models---in situations like a market crisis---TROUBLE---firms learned you can take liquidity bets but you cannot leverage them too much.


Like most academics TK you can write a million words about LTCM---but you are clearly at sea to explain why LTCM failed---keep posting your nonsensical theoretical bullshit---that's what you professors are good at doing---most of you.









Haha...this is a good bluff Rev. Many words I have made you used but you have not said much beef. Theory is reality and reality is theory. Now let me give you a pop quiz...well it can't be pop because you will search Google. Nevertheless, what is liquidity and what is the price of liquidity? 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



What you just wrote is a lot of theoretical bullshit--typical of you academics---you are good at posting meaningless drivel!


You mentioned Gorton questioning "why the convergence did not occur as fact as LTCM expected ?


Pay attention and learn TK--the LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex computer models, that the long and short portions in their portfolio were highly correlated and so the NET RISK was small.


What LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


Remember after the Russian crisis--there was a massive flight to quality--investors bolted out of all risky markets and into more secure instruments---and the ultimate result was a huge liquidity crisis--and it was this flight to quality that dealt a severe blow to LTCM portfolio.


Are you following me TK ?


Remember I said earlier that what LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


You see with liquidity becoming more valuable--it always does following a crisis--the short positions in LTCM's portfolio increased in price relative to the long positions---and that was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor--LIQUIDITY---and so LTCM's portfolio took a humongous hit---in the end LTCM had to be rescued---14 wall street firms put up 3.5 billion in exchange for 90% of LTCM.



Once again TK--you are trying to impress by posting meaningless academic drivel and fancy talk.


Listen, what causes trouble in many instances is the complexity of the system the mathematics is intended to model--Numbers have power--but when you depend on a theoretical equation too seriously and over-reach its assumptions---you get into trouble---the LTCM partners had great confidence in their models.


You wrote, "a probability parameter needs better representation."---


That's meaningless, nonsensical, fancy academic talk.


What portfolio managers learned after the LTCM debacle is models must be stressed tested and judgment is paramount---the mathematical models are only as good as the assumptions that are fed into the models---in situations like a market crisis---TROUBLE---firms learned you can take liquidity bets but you cannot leverage them too much.


Like most academics TK you can write a million words about LTCM---but you are clearly at sea to explain why LTCM failed---keep posting your nonsensical theoretical bullshit---that's what you professors are good at doing---most of you.







That is itself a load of crap. The models failed. These mega machines crunching numbers and spitting out truths that evens out ripples in the economy that was envisioned (and stated by Bernanke) as a Goldilocks economy crumbled. Their algorithms spat  out bilge, their supercomputer buckled and the economy went downhill. The point is as TK suggested, they could not get to the reason for their being, a Truth their mathematical models insisted, existed. The reality is there was no truth to be gotten.  



That you have a bias against intellectuals and is defending purely intellectual models of how specific areas of the market worked is quite astounding. The Quants were all PhDs in the hard science and mathematics.  These were academicians that primed the bomb that blew up our economy.


The bomb was their arrogance. You are after fool’s gold in trying to tell us that you know what any of these fools did. You do not. Nobody does. We only know the consequence of their workâ€Ķfailure of the economy.

Originally Posted by TK:


 Nevertheless, what is liquidity and what is the price of liquidity? 



You said Salih Neftci was your finance professor---give him a call---tell him a former Wall Street investment banker who now runs his own business and posts as Rev Al on gni has exposed you as a confounded dunce and a bullshitter--ask him for help in explaining to you the real reason LTCM exploded--but then again--he is a professor--so he may be another woefully lacking fraud and empty suit like you TK.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


 Nevertheless, what is liquidity and what is the price of liquidity? 



You said Salih Neftci was your finance professor---give him a call---tell him a former Wall Street investment banker who now runs his own business and posts as Rev Al on gni has exposed you as a confounded dunce and a bullshitter--ask him for help in explaining to you the real reason LTCM exploded--but then again--he is a professor--so he may be another woefully lacking fraud and empty suit like you TK.





Dude I know why LTCM failed. I am just trying to get you to take my pop quiz. Wait you are a former investment banker and can't rattle off at the top of your head what's liquidity and its price? We look forward to seeing your answer.  

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



Haha...this is a good bluff Rev.










 You are the dunce. The point is they all failed en mass. They could not anticipate the collapse of their perfect economy.  You pretending you know something the rest of us do not is a laugh. What ever you say would be grounded in jargon to rationalize the nonsense of algorithm driven markets.  To quote a writer on the subject " Isaac Newton. After losing ÂĢ20,000 on a vast Ponzi scheme known as the South Sea Bubble in 1720, Newton observed: “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.”

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



Haha...this is a good bluff Rev.










 You are the dunce. The point is they all failed en mass. They could not anticipate the collapse of their perfect economy.  You pretending you know something the rest of us do not is a laugh. What ever you say would be grounded in jargon to rationalize the nonsense of algorithm driven markets.  To quote a writer on the subject " Isaac Newton. After losing ÂĢ20,000 on a vast Ponzi scheme known as the South Sea Bubble in 1720, Newton observed: “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.”



Keynes also made lots of money and lost it in the markets. That's why he wrote about markets as casino in The General Theory. 


PS: Rev Al...I am still waiting for you to rattle off the answer to: what's liquidity and what is its price? 


If you can't answer my pop quiz we shall forever call you an insecure back office worker at an investment bank...hence your source of hate for the quants who got the sexy jobs and bonuses. 


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