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Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not care who the rev is in real life; in this place he is the quintessential, shallow racist scumbag.  I am done with this thread.




The Rev will give you the same advice he gave to kari bai in the other thread----let go of the resentment---stop torturing yourself.


Listen! The Rev offended many of the good folks here in 2012 when he bludgeoned the president, but the elections are over--the Rev was dead wrong---he has congratulated Mr. Obama and wished him well.


You need to take a leaf from the Rev's book storm--MOVE ON---dont harbor grudges and resentments.


What is it about you losers supporting the AFC/PNC that makes you so angry, bitter and miserable ?




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not care who the rev is in real life; in this place he is the quintessential, shallow racist scumbag.  I am done with this thread.




The Rev will give you the same advice he gave to kari bai in the other thread----let go of the resentment---stop torturing yourself.


Listen! The Rev offended many of the good folks here in 2012 when he bludgeoned the president, but the elections are over--the Rev was dead wrong---he has congratulated Mr. Obama and wished him well.


You need to take a leaf from the Rev's book storm--MOVE ON---dont harbor grudges and resentments.


What is it about you losers supporting the AFC/PNC that makes you so angry, bitter and miserable ?




Please use dot dot dot ( Ellipses ) between sentences you truncated in quotes of my posts to indicate you have modified it. The above leaves the impression that is all I said.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Please use dot dot dot ( Ellipses ) between sentences you truncated in quotes of my posts to indicate you have modified it. The above leaves the impression that is all I said.




Don't forget!


It's very important that you pay heed to what the Rev said to you regarding harboring grudges and resentments---remember storm---those things only harm you.


Hopefully before the end of this life stormy you'll learn to be forgiving, agreeable, good-natured, friendly, happy and easy going like the Rev.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Please use dot dot dot ( Ellipses ) between sentences you truncated in quotes of my posts to indicate you have modified it. The above leaves the impression that is all I said.




Don't forget!


It's very important that you pay heed to what the Rev said to you regarding harboring grudges and resentments---remember storm---those things only harm you.


Hopefully before the end of this life stormy you'll learn to be forgiving, agreeable, good-natured, friendly, happy and easy going like the Rev.



 I do not harbor grudges against ants or bugs. Squashing them brings me no angst. I am a an avowed but urbane heathen  and  not a jain

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I do not harbor grudges against ants or bugs. Squashing them brings me no angst. I am a an avowed but urbane heathen  and  not a jain



Did you read that scientists have found that men, especially heathens, who harbor anger, grudges and resentments have a 90% chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction ?




Get rid of those resentments or ED





Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well said Rev.


It is better to leave the vile and indecent folks to self destruct and not demean ourselves or stoop to their level. The demons cannot hide. 


Despite admin's call for civil behavior some here do not have the intelligence to comply. Admin will now have to make the call.


I'm shocked. An impotent hindu finding something and someone new to be scared of.


Imagine that!

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I do not harbor grudges against ants or bugs. Squashing them brings me no angst. I am a an avowed but urbane heathen  and  not a jain



Did you read that scientists have found that men, especially heathens, who harbor anger, grudges and resentments have a 90% chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction ?




Get rid of those resentments or ED





I cannot read what you read. I do not visit never land.


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