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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



What you just wrote is a lot of theoretical bullshit--typical of you academics---you are good at posting meaningless drivel!


You mentioned Gorton questioning "why the convergence did not occur as fact as LTCM expected ?


Pay attention and learn TK--the LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex computer models, that the long and short portions in their portfolio were highly correlated and so the NET RISK was small.


What LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


Remember after the Russian crisis--there was a massive flight to quality--investors bolted out of all risky markets and into more secure instruments---and the ultimate result was a huge liquidity crisis--and it was this flight to quality that dealt a severe blow to LTCM portfolio.


Are you following me TK ?


Remember I said earlier that what LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


You see with liquidity becoming more valuable--it always does following a crisis--the short positions in LTCM's portfolio increased in price relative to the long positions---and that was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor--LIQUIDITY---and so LTCM's portfolio took a humongous hit---in the end LTCM had to be rescued---14 wall street firms put up 3.5 billion in exchange for 90% of LTCM.



Once again TK--you are trying to impress by posting meaningless academic drivel and fancy talk.


Listen, what causes trouble in many instances is the complexity of the system the mathematics is intended to model--Numbers have power--but when you depend on a theoretical equation too seriously and over-reach its assumptions---you get into trouble---the LTCM partners had great confidence in their models.


You wrote, "a probability parameter needs better representation."---


That's meaningless, nonsensical, fancy academic talk.


What portfolio managers learned after the LTCM debacle is models must be stressed tested and judgment is paramount---the mathematical models are only as good as the assumptions that are fed into the models---in situations like a market crisis---TROUBLE---firms learned you can take liquidity bets but you cannot leverage them too much.


Like most academics TK you can write a million words about LTCM---but you are clearly at sea to explain why LTCM failed---keep posting your nonsensical theoretical bullshit---that's what you professors are good at doing---most of you.








Stormborn: That is itself a load of crap. The models failed. Their algorithms spat  out bilge, their supercomputer crumbled and the economy went downhill.



The bunk, the baloney, the hogwash and the total balderdash you post on this forum is absolutely stunning!


You are totally clueless about the LTCM situation---but there you are posting away---pretending that you know what you are writing about---but I'll give you credit stormy-- you are an even bigger bullshitter than that 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd TK/redux.



By the way storm read this sentence you wrote in your post above:


"The point is as TK suggested, they could not get to the reason for their being a Truth their mathematical models insisted existed. There reality is there was no truth to be gotten." Stormborn


In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful.


In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.







The Rev has exposed stormborn and TK as consumate and categorical bullshitters.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:



What you just wrote is a lot of theoretical bullshit--typical of you academics---you are good at posting meaningless drivel!


You mentioned Gorton questioning "why the convergence did not occur as fact as LTCM expected ?


Pay attention and learn TK--the LTCM partners believed on the basis of their complex computer models, that the long and short portions in their portfolio were highly correlated and so the NET RISK was small.


What LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


Remember after the Russian crisis--there was a massive flight to quality--investors bolted out of all risky markets and into more secure instruments---and the ultimate result was a huge liquidity crisis--and it was this flight to quality that dealt a severe blow to LTCM portfolio.


Are you following me TK ?


Remember I said earlier that what LTCM failed to account for was that a substantial portion of their balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the price of liquidity.


You see with liquidity becoming more valuable--it always does following a crisis--the short positions in LTCM's portfolio increased in price relative to the long positions---and that was essentially a massive, unhedged exposure to a single risk factor--LIQUIDITY---and so LTCM's portfolio took a humongous hit---in the end LTCM had to be rescued---14 wall street firms put up 3.5 billion in exchange for 90% of LTCM.



Once again TK--you are trying to impress by posting meaningless academic drivel and fancy talk.


Listen, what causes trouble in many instances is the complexity of the system the mathematics is intended to model--Numbers have power--but when you depend on a theoretical equation too seriously and over-reach its assumptions---you get into trouble---the LTCM partners had great confidence in their models.


You wrote, "a probability parameter needs better representation."---


That's meaningless, nonsensical, fancy academic talk.


What portfolio managers learned after the LTCM debacle is models must be stressed tested and judgment is paramount---the mathematical models are only as good as the assumptions that are fed into the models---in situations like a market crisis---TROUBLE---firms learned you can take liquidity bets but you cannot leverage them too much.


Like most academics TK you can write a million words about LTCM---but you are clearly at sea to explain why LTCM failed---keep posting your nonsensical theoretical bullshit---that's what you professors are good at doing---most of you.








Stormborn: That is itself a load of crap. The models failed. Their algorithms spat  out bilge, their supercomputer crumbled and the economy went downhill.



The bunk, the baloney, the hogwash and the total balderdash you post on this forum is absolutely stunning!


You are totally clueless about the LTCM situation---but there you are posting away---pretending that you know what you are writing about---but I'll give you credit stormy-- you are an even bigger bullshitter than that 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd TK/redux.



By the way storm read this sentence you wrote in your post above:


"The point is as TK suggested, they could not get to the reason for their being a Truth their mathematical models insisted existed. There reality is there was no truth to be gotten." Stormborn


In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful.


In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.







The Rev has exposed stormborn and TK as consumate and categorical bullshitters.




You dream you are an intellectual giant. These financial behemoths fell because they payed poker with other people's money. They had air for their foundation and in the end they had air in their coffers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


The Rev has exposed stormborn and TK as consumate and categorical bullshitters.


Stormborn: You dream you are an intellectual giant. These financial behemoths fell because they payed poker with other people's money. They had air for their foundation and in the end they had air in their coffers.



Once again you are displaying your complete cluelessness about LTCM!




* LTCM was set up as a hedge fund---initially 80 investors put up 10 million dollars each---by the end of year 1 LTCM had an equity capitalization of 1.3 billion dollars.


* LTCM made it clear to their investors that their main strategy was to make convergence trades.


* In its first 2 years of operation LTCM returned close to 40%


* By the 3rd year LTCM returned only 27%---it had 7 billion under management---and LTCM partners returned 2.7 billion to investors---because "investment opportunities" were not large and attractive enough.


* By 1998 LTCM had become a major supplier of index volatility to investment banks---was active in mortgage backed securities--and was dabbling in emerging markets such as Russia.


* When Russia devalued the rubble and declared a moratorium on its bonds---there was a flight to quality---a serious liquidity crisis ensued---and the LTCM portfolio was dealt a huge blow.



The Rev stated that what LTCM had failed to account for was that a substantial portion of its balance sheet---LTCM had 125 billion in debt---130 billion in assets--a substantial portion of its balance sheet was exposed to a general change in the "price" of liquidity.




Storm--Care to help out your fellow clueless partner TK ? Birds of a feather flock together.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


The Rev has exposed stormborn and TK as consumate and categorical bullshitters.


Stormborn: You dream you are an intellectual giant. These financial behemoths fell because they payed poker with other people's money. They had air for their foundation and in the end they had air in their coffers.



Once again you are displaying your complete cluelessness about LTCM!

* LTCM was set up as a hedge fund

* LTCM made it clear to their investors that their main strategy was to make convergence trades.



* By the 3rd year LTCM returned only 27%---it had 7 billion under management-- because "investment opportunities" were not large and attractive enough.


* By 1998 LTCM had become a major supplier of index volatility 


* When Russia devalued the rubble and declared a moratorium on its bonds---there was a flight to quality---a serious liquidity crisis ensued---and the LTCM portfolio was dealt a huge blow.



..was exposed to a general change in the "price" of liquidity.




Storm--Care to help out your fellow clueless partner TK ? Birds of a feather flock together.



 Dude I do not need to help him. He understands what you do not understand that this was casino capitalism.  All of the language above was to sell air.


They marketed and sold a concept they believe was a mathematical elixer that was able to price volatility of financial products. All the fancy lexicon was build around this magical process that can plot a finite path to profits if they trade often and fast and in  specific volumes so as to get a probability convergence that means they win. 


Why they lost is irrelevant to me since it all reduces to a failure of their alpha code to come up with the necessary truths. I do not doubt many made money. The result is the nation lost a lot.

Originally Posted by TK:

BTW Rev...we have profiled you given your style. 


1. You are 5ft 2 inches. 

2. You told me once face to face when we met that you have a Mercedes Benz for each suit you wear?

3. Shall we discuss your fake PhD?   







Now that you have been exposed in this thread as a STRAW MAN, who is woefully inadequate and severely lacking in the field of finance, you are now choosing to engage in childish, juvenile, sophomoric, and infantile behavior.






TK you better hope and pray your fellow AFCites don't read this message board--they'd be astonished and appalled by your shallowness and deficiency in the field of finance--the Rev has exposed you as a consumate and categorical bullshitter.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Rev trying real hard to brazen it out . . . unfortunately, in his desperate attempt to 'de-contextualize' and smokescreen his ignorance, the fool didn't bother to read the fine print in the caption to the "straw man" image he carelessly copied from some random site


rev bai, it seh "your argument did not address my own, but nice try". . . ahmmm, do you get IT now?


talk about being hoist by your own petard . . . har de har har har!

Originally Posted by TK:

BTW Rev...we have profiled you given your style. 


1. You are 5ft 2 inches. 

2. You told me once face to face when we met that you have a Mercedes Benz for each suit you wear?

3. Shall we discuss your fake PhD?   

1. His nose is about 5ft 2in for the liared he is.

2. Mercedes Benz is a brand name for a bukta and he does drive a Vauxhall Viva..Here's the suit, one underwear.

3. Fake, no doubt.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

BTW Rev...we have profiled you given your style. 


1. You are 5ft 2 inches. 

2. You told me once face to face when we met that you have a Mercedes Benz for each suit you wear?

3. Shall we discuss your fake PhD?   







Now that you have been exposed in this thread as a STRAW MAN, who is woefully inadequate and severely lacking in the field of finance, you are now choosing to engage in childish, juvenile, sophomoric, and infantile behavior.






TK you better hope and pray your fellow AFCites don't read this message board--they'd be astonished and appalled by your shallowness and deficiency in the field of finance--the Rev has exposed you as a consumate and categorical bullshitter.









Dude you will never have another role to play in AFC. I have actually been the one talking in your favor. I will be calling your Doc friend soon. We now understand your hate for Moses. Did you buy the airplane you were going to keep in Ocala? Do you still store your wines with Donald Trump? Now that I picked you up I actually feel sorry for you...little man's syndrome is what got the best of you.  

Rev .... I think you should stop the personal attacks on TK. I myself don't agree with his approach sometimes, but he has put in the time and effort to honestly make guyana a better place. If the PPP is your choice politically, get engaged ... Lobby them to improve accountability, justice and engage in big thinking. Old school cuss outs don't make a difference anymore. If you continue with personal attacks... You will only perpetuate the stereotype that the supporters of the ppp are mud heads. I don't myself have a phd but it doesn't prevent me from challenging the man's ideas in a civil way if and when I disagree with them.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
Rev .... I think you should stop the personal attacks on TK. I myself don't agree with his approach sometimes, but he has put in the time and effort to honestly make guyana a better place. If the PPP is your choice politically, get engaged ... Lobby them to improve accountability, justice and engage in big thinking. Old school cuss outs don't make a difference anymore. If you continue with personal attacks... You will only perpetuate the stereotype that the supporters of the ppp are mud heads. I don't myself have a phd but it doesn't prevent me from challenging the man's ideas in a civil way if and when I disagree with them.


You know dude,


People like Al and Co. actually do great injury to your cause. What your comrades are doing is inspiring hatred and contempt for them. A political party should never seek to inspire hatred or contempt.


I would be happy to engage a PPPite in a civil and honest manner. Its just so sad that I suspect you're the only one among your partisans that truly understand how a mature governing party should conduct themselves.


And for that alone, I doff my cap to you.

Originally Posted by TK:



Dude you will never have another role to play in AFC. ...little man's syndrome is what got the best of you.  

Good morning STRAW MAN TK!


It's 16 degrees F in New York city---that -9 degrees C!


But the Rev is warm and happy.




After being exposed as a categorical bullshitter and a STRAW MAN---you TK have become a desperate man--you are trying all the tricks in the book to get even with the Rev---you have now become a great pretender---pretending to know the man behind the Rev---you have been whipped DUNCY TK---the Rev has exposed you---anyway, keep posting--keep pretending to know who the Rev is.


By the way TK---please share with the forum---who is the little man you are talking about---the 5ft 2 dwarf who has a mercedes for every suit he has---that bloke is a bigger braggart than you TK bai.hahahahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



Dude you will never have another role to play in AFC. ...little man's syndrome is what got the best of you.  

Good morning STRAW MAN TK!


It's 16 degrees F in New York city---that -9 degrees C!


But the Rev is warm and happy.




After being exposed as a categorical bullshitter and a STRAW MAN---you TK have become a desperate man--you are trying all the tricks in the book to get even with the Rev---you have now become a great pretender---pretending to know the man behind the Rev---you have been whipped DUNCY TK---the Rev has exposed you---anyway, keep posting--keep pretending to know who the Rev is.


By the way TK---please share with the forum---who is the little man you are talking about---the 5ft 2 dwarf who has a mercedes for every suit he has---that bloke is a bigger braggart than you TK bai.hahahahahahaha





Dude there is no way you can get under my skin. You are a Google search expert, which stems from the fact that you have a fake online PhD. That said, you are never getting another chance to be PPP mole in the AFC. I don't have to tell this board who you are. Little man...I just need to raise your name in a private meeting and you are out like south.  

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Good morning STRAW MAN TK!


It's 16 degrees F in New York city---that -9 degrees C!


But the Rev is warm and happy.




After being exposed as a categorical bullshitter and a STRAW MAN---you TK have become a desperate man--you are trying all the tricks in the book to get even with the Rev---you have now become a great pretender---pretending to know the man behind the Rev---you have been whipped DUNCY TK---the Rev has exposed you---anyway, keep posting--keep pretending to know who the Rev is.


By the way TK---please share with the forum---who is the little man you are talking about---the 5ft 2 dwarf who has a mercedes for every suit he has---that bloke is a bigger braggart than you TK bai.hahahahahahaha



what is left to "share" lil man? . . . de man done seh that the stupidy "dwarf" is YOU


BTW, "straw man" references an argument not a person u illiterate donkey


heh heh heh heh

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Good morning STRAW MAN TK!


It's 16 degrees F in New York city---that -9 degrees C!


But the Rev is warm and happy.




After being exposed as a categorical bullshitter and a STRAW MAN---you TK have become a desperate man--you are trying all the tricks in the book to get even with the Rev---you have now become a great pretender---pretending to know the man behind the Rev---you have been whipped DUNCY TK---the Rev has exposed you---anyway, keep posting--keep pretending to know who the Rev is.


By the way TK---please share with the forum---who is the little man you are talking about---the 5ft 2 dwarf who has a mercedes for every suit he has---that bloke is a bigger braggart than you TK bai.hahahahahahaha



what is left to "share" lil man? . . . de man done seh that the stupidy "dwarf" is YOU


BTW, "straw man" references an argument not a person u illiterate donkey


heh heh heh heh


How dare you insult such a great intellect with several academish degrees! This man is a proud graduate of Where's Waldo University

Originally Posted by TK:


Little man...I just need to raise your name in a private meeting and you are out like south.  





You are clutching at straws young man--you have become desperate--and don't lie--the Rev has gotten to you.


By the way, I am still curious to know who the little man is---the 5ft 2 pipsqueak who says he has a Benz for every suit he has---what a pathetic soul---and a boast man like you TK.hahahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


Little man...I just need to raise your name in a private meeting and you are out like south.  





You are clutching at straws young man--you have become desperate--and don't lie--the Rev has gotten to you.


By the way, I am still curious to know who the little man is---the 5ft 2 pipsqueak who says he has a Benz for every suit he has---what a pathetic soul---and a boast man like you TK.hahahahaha




You know Shamir,


Its still very very illegal in this country to claim to have a Medal of Freedom, right?


So, which President awarded you your Medal of Freedom?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:





You are clutching at straws young man--you have become desperate--and don't lie--the Rev has gotten to you.


By the way, I am still curious to know who the little man is---the 5ft 2 pipsqueak who says he has a Benz for every suit he has---what a pathetic soul---and a boast man like you TK. hahahahaha



i see u ketch sense and switching up the metaphors . . . good boy


muuch better than doubling down on ignorance  . . . that pitiful defensive technique u copied from drugb


now, go get fitted for a nice collar so that i can attach my leash

I am not a PPP member and also not a supporter, however given our constitutional and ethnic boondoggle they are a political force to reckon with. This may fall on deaf ears but the supporters of that part must demand better leadership. It shudders to think that the filth that sometimes appears here permeates to the top.
Originally Posted by Brutus:
I am not a PPP member and also not a supporter---It shudders to think that the filth that sometimes appears here permeates to the top.



If you are going the criticize the PPP and their supporters, then you open yourself to being counter attacked!


First of all Brutus, you need to work on your language skills.


After you are done with that, we can talk about how Guyana has progressed under the PPP.








You have exposed TK's many weaknesses. It now time to start a new thread and let the AFC gang expose their many weaknesses on this blog.


I see that Despite Admin's warning, Joker refuses to listen and has made a personal threat against you that should not be taken lightly. This should be reported to admin And the police Or the army.  Do not take a personal threat lightly.


Many have expresses a need for posters to be civil and we all should attempt to usher in a new era of fierce political debate while keeping it civil. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:



You know Shamir,


Is that the man TK is talking about--the 5ft 2 pipsqueak who claims he has a Benz for every suit he wears ? Looks like he is well loved by the losers in the AFC.hahahahahaha




Oh Dear Jesus,


I could do so many many bad things to you bai. Please please, I'm on vacation. Let me not have have to butcher you up like its Bakra Eid.


Please don't tempt me bai.

Here is the threat that I am referring to.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

It now time to start a new thread . . .

naah . . . i like dis waan

So in effect, you are endorsing a personal threat made by Joker ?

bai doan tempt meh . . . i mek a promise to me better half dat i not gon use the term "antiman" no mo


I do not care who the rev is in real life; in this place he is the quintessential, shallow racist scumbag.  The fact that he will contest what is a reality; the failure of the gods of mathematics on wall street to create perfect code to manage the ingredients in their  mathematically soup bowl of  derivatives does not bother me.  That he pretends that he has demonstrated beyond all doubt we do not understand his superior with and wisdom is the only place of our agreement. He does indeed live somewhere I cannot visit sand that and that is not upper east side. Call it Oz, Fantasia, never never land or what ever. It is some place similar to that.


I am done with this thread.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

It now time to start a new thread . . .

naah . . . i like dis waan

So in effect, you are endorsing a personal threat made by Joker ?

bai doan tempt meh . . . i mek a promise to me better half dat i not gon use the term "antiman" no mo

I leave it up to Rev to decide what he will do with the threat made by Joker. This will be interesting.


Let us usher in the new era of civilized debate that the general public is asking for.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

It now time to start a new thread . . .

naah . . . i like dis waan

So in effect, you are endorsing a personal threat made by Joker ?

bai doan tempt meh . . . i mek a promise to me better half dat i not gon use the term "antiman" no mo

I leave it up to Rev to decide what he will do with the threat made by Joker. This will be interesting.


Let us usher in the new era of civilized debate that the general public is asking for.

the "threat" exists only in your head . . . read again


dumb or desperate . . . which waan?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

It now time to start a new thread . . .

naah . . . i like dis waan

So in effect, you are endorsing a personal threat made by Joker ?

bai doan tempt meh . . . i mek a promise to me better half dat i not gon use the term "antiman" no mo

I leave it up to Rev to decide what he will do with the threat made by Joker. This will be interesting.


Let us usher in the new era of civilized debate that the general public is asking for.

the "threat" exists only in your head . . . read again


dumb or desperate . . . which waan?

You are a product of intense hate. 


I am done with this thread. Rev will have to decide what course of action that he must take.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev You have exposed TK's many weaknesses.



What the Rev exposed was TK/redux DUNCENESS!


The man has a 3rd rate/ 3 cents economics Phd and deludes himself into believing that he is a superior intellect---he comes on this forum and regularly questions the intelligence and IQ of fellow posters.


Well, the Rev called him out in this thread and exposed him as a categorical bullshitter and a straw man.





He starts numerous threads on this forum and hardly anyone responds---Mr. Amral warned him about his behavior but yet he persists---listen Farouk Samaroo went to Afghanistan----he likely maimed and murdered innocent Afghan women and children---that explains his mentally instability---no wonder the Democrat party in Queens NY rejected him---he took them to court and the Judge told him to get loss---so he is here on gni making threats and posting nonsense.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev You have exposed TK's many weaknesses.



What the Rev exposed was TK/redux DUNCENESS!


The man has a 3rd rate/ 3 cents economics Phd and deludes himself into believing that he is a superior intellect---he comes on this forum and regularly questions the intelligence and IQ of fellow posters.


Well, the Rev called him out in this thread and exposed him as a categorical bullshitter and a straw man.





He starts numerous threads on this forum and hardly anyone responds---Mr. Amral warned him about his behavior but yet he persists---listen Farouk Samaroo went to Afghanistan----he likely maimed and murdered innocent Afghan women and children---that explains his mentally instability---no wonder the Democrat party in Queens NY rejected him---he took them to court and the Judge told him to get loss---so he is here on gni making threats and posting nonsense.







 Hey...I have a real have to deal with the Dr Walden. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev You have exposed TK's many weaknesses.



What the Rev exposed was TK/redux DUNCENESS!


The man has a 3rd rate/ 3 cents economics Phd and deludes himself into believing that he is a superior intellect---he comes on this forum and regularly questions the intelligence and IQ of fellow posters.


Well, the Rev called him out in this thread and exposed him as a categorical bullshitter and a straw man.





He starts numerous threads on this forum and hardly anyone responds---Mr. Amral warned him about his behavior but yet he persists---listen Farouk Samaroo went to Afghanistan----he likely maimed and murdered innocent Afghan women and children---that explains his mentally instability---no wonder the Democrat party in Queens NY rejected him---he took them to court and the Judge told him to get loss---so he is here on gni making threats and posting nonsense.





poor rev . . . repeating himself stupidly . . . nothing useful to say


he shame

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Well said Rev.


It is better to leave the vile and indecent folks to self destruct and not demean ourselves or stoop to their level. The demons cannot hide. 


Despite admin's call for civil behavior some here do not have the intelligence to comply. Admin will now have to make the call.

didn't u just run away from this thread?


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