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My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Mits Bhai posted the contact Info for UN Human Rights Watch, that is a good start. Also, upload and send to BBc, CNN  and others. These savages must be exposed!!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

So the parents and relatives of the abused don’t know how to use a cutlass?

You know how that will end.  This is what I witnessed under the old PNC and it’s back with a vengeance.  Its a tool for ethnic cleansing.  My article several years ago “behind the Indian psyche” highlighted these abuses which occurred under the PNC!

This is Burnhamism back in full glory!

Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

And then black people will do the same showing abuse of blacks by Indians.

Like when Yuji or Skeldon scream all kinds of filth about blacks, calling us nasty and smelly and screaming that they would never tolerate one of them into their family.

Already Tola's Asian students are calling you Indos racist.

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Mits Bhai posted the contact Info for UN Human Rights Watch, that is a good start. Also, upload and send to BBc, CNN  and others. These savages must be exposed!!!!

We need a central repository that is protected from deletion.  

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

And then black people will do the same showing abuse of blacks by Indians.

Like when Yuji or Skeldon scream all kinds of filth about blacks, calling us nasty and smelly and screaming that they would never tolerate one of them into their family.

Already Tola's Asian students are calling you Indos racist.

Go ahead.  We don’t care.  Why you seem apprehensive at the thought.  

Let Tola and his Asian students solve their national sores.  We will address ours!!  They can go suck themselves!!

Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Mits Bhai posted the contact Info for UN Human Rights Watch, that is a good start. Also, upload and send to BBc, CNN  and others. These savages must be exposed!!!!

We need a central repository that is protected from deletion.  

Black man ah kill ahbe.  Interesting that when the shoe was on the other foot and you all sent black people to starve or languish in menial jobs and black people complained you all screamed that we were a bunch of racists who wanted to dominate Guyana.

Get into tit for tat and all we will prove is that both races have been abusive to the other.  No one traveling to Guyana and seeing Indo domination of that country is going to buy your screams and cries.  Its so bad that even APNU is selling out blacks because they want bribes from rich Indos.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Mits Bhai posted the contact Info for UN Human Rights Watch, that is a good start. Also, upload and send to BBc, CNN  and others. These savages must be exposed!!!!

We need a central repository that is protected from deletion.  

Black man ah kill ahbe.  Interesting that when the shoe was on the other foot and you all sent black people to starve or languish in menial jobs and black people complained you all screamed that we were a bunch of racists who wanted to dominate Guyana.

Get into tit for tat and all we will prove is that both races have been abusive to the other.  No one traveling to Guyana and seeing Indo domination of that country is going to buy your screams and cries.  Its so bad that even APNU is selling out blacks because they want bribes from rich Indos.

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Unfortunately, We have to take matters into our own hands when law enforcement and the international community don’t care. 

Law enforcement in Guyana is ethnic-cleansing compliant!   Don’t expect protection there.  

And yet you all had the Commander in Chief whose man ran the GDF.  How come he didn't get Indos to be worshipped in the GDF and the GPF.  Before that infamous lover's fight when they broke up after a loud argument Jagdeo could have gotten that done.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:

My suggestion is we create a website or a dedicated thread on GNI and collect all these abuses against Indians in Guyana and globalize it.  We make sure it’s spread to international human rights agencies, to foreign govts, to everyone in the world.  

Everyone sees what happens in big countries, Guyana flies under the radar screen. 

Give it a catchy name that would be noticed by the world.  I have some ideas for names but want to hear other ideas. 

Mits Bhai posted the contact Info for UN Human Rights Watch, that is a good start. Also, upload and send to BBc, CNN  and others. These savages must be exposed!!!!

We need a central repository that is protected from deletion.  

Black man ah kill ahbe.  Interesting that when the shoe was on the other foot and you all sent black people to starve or languish in menial jobs and black people complained you all screamed that we were a bunch of racists who wanted to dominate Guyana.

Get into tit for tat and all we will prove is that both races have been abusive to the other.  No one traveling to Guyana and seeing Indo domination of that country is going to buy your screams and cries.  Its so bad that even APNU is selling out blacks because they want bribes from rich Indos.

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

people with your ideas should stay away from Guyana...

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

think through this carefully and ask yourself if mounting a tribal war makes sense for those Indos who cannot afford a private militia.  This when a large % of Indo men flee if a black woman barks at them. 

With people like Yuji, Skeldon, Nehru,prashad and druggie leading this tribal war you all will be in serious trouble as they "frikken black PNC woman baad".

Ray posted:

..I have seen this been condemned by both blacks and indians on facebook...

I aint know bout ethnic cleansing, looks like total bullyism

We need more than that. One off here and there does not show the pattern which seem centrally planned and directed, just like the Buxton terrorists!

This need to be tied into the government practice of racial discrimination at every level, not only the dramatics!

Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

..I have seen this been condemned by both blacks and indians on facebook...

I aint know bout ethnic cleansing, looks like total bullyism

We need more than that. One off here and there does not show the pattern which seem centrally planned and directed, just like the Buxton terrorists!

This need to be tied into the government practice of racial discrimination at every level, not only the dramatics!

so you think this action was planned by the Govt?


caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:

We take care of ours, you take care of yours.

think through this carefully and ask yourself if mounting a tribal war makes sense for those Indos who cannot afford a private militia.  This when a large % of Indo men flee if a black woman barks at them. 

With people like Yuji, Skeldon, Nehru,prashad and druggie leading this tribal war you all will be in serious trouble as they "frikken black PNC woman baad".

Think of what?   it’s been happening for 60 years.  So what you threatening?  if we speak up you will give us the Hutu solution?

Ray posted:

people with your ideas should stay away from Guyana...

yes.  Folks too young to remember the early 60s and who live far away in North America hiding behind their devices can play big hero and wage tribal war.

I suggest that a better use of their time will be to foster a discussion as to where institutional racism and implicit bias exists, whether it is in the private or public sectors or the armed forces, and discuss ways t reduce this.

But screaming " we gun beat up dem black man" seems fun if one is a coward hiding behind a PC.

Baseman posted:


Think of what?   it’s been happening for 60 years.  So what you threatening?  if we speak up you will give us the Hutu solution?

Last time we had  tribal war I don't recall Indos, or Afros, having a good time of it.  THOUSANDS were killed or maimed and even more lost their property and had their lives disrupted.

Guyana is a nation where two groups have great capacity to seriously damage each other.  Why you think that this is good baffles.

And yes baseman loads of blacks have the same grievances against Indos that you have against Afros, and can be coerced into destructive behavior.  So keep throwing gas on an open flame and see what happens.

Ray posted:
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

..I have seen this been condemned by both blacks and indians on facebook...

I aint know bout ethnic cleansing, looks like total bullyism

We need more than that. One off here and there does not show the pattern which seem centrally planned and directed, just like the Buxton terrorists!

This need to be tied into the government practice of racial discrimination at every level, not only the dramatics!

so you think this action was planned by the Govt?

It’s a campaign from deep within the bowels of the PNC extremists.  Study mass society and herd mentality.  Not everything needs to be explicitly directed. It’s creep!  Do you think the Hutus were all called and told what to to?  No the police and military set the stage and sentiment with the government. The dominos eventually then fell into place. And What, do you think, the Buxton terrorists were some idle ragtag dejects?  Think again!

Some of you have no clue what’s already happening in Guyana since 2015. Anti-Indian sentiment can be felt the minute you walk into the airport!


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