The International community already stated, regardless of any ruling, the verification much be credibly and transparently verified before any announcement. A dictatorship is being formed right before everyone's eyes. No one is being fooled. Norway already stated all funds granted will need to be refunded.
@Amral YES, if the Gov't is deemed unconstitutional, all aid will dry up, monies from Exxon goes into escrow, sanctions, embargo, withdraw of diplomatic credentials, and legally a case for intervention.
Rochelle is all over the place with her comments. Maybe quite confused.
@Ksazma, that's what happens when you making it up along the way!
@Bibi Haniffa, an election cannot be stolen if the final votes have yet to be declared. GECOM cannot declare its final votes as PPP/C has issued an injunction against GECOM's ability to continue its efforts to finalize the tally.
Jagdeo and PPP/C released its own tally of SOPs, going against the process of GECOM. This resulted in smokes and mirrors and violence outbursts as those SOPs were considered authentic. Is there any evidence that it is in fact authentic? And if so, what exactly is that litmus test?
Irrespective of whether some may think GECOM is a compromised regulatory body, PPP/C violated the rules by releasing SOPs and tallies that were not themselves declared as final by GECOM.
Today the court decides first and foremost, whether it has the jurisdiction to block GECOM's declaration of the 2020 general and regional election results. If it does not, Granger will likely be sworn in. If the court does have jurisdiction, proceedings will continue to determine whether the declaration process was in fact compromised.
This will be a long arduous fight that does not end this week, next week or a month from now.
Now that Guyana has a lot to lose, hopefully the PNC come to their senses and understand that they can't get away with any more lawlessness.
They watched the International community do little after the NCV toward the run up to the elections and because of their silly thinking miscalculated as Saddam Hussein did in 1991 that they can do anything and get away with it. Even some posters here boasted that the Coalition has the support of the International community because they don't like Jagdeo. They too failed to consider that it is not about Jagdeo but rather about everyone and most importantly oil.
I think Justice George will allow the injunction to go forward but we will see if she also has a price.
Maybe Rochelle was not following the events as they unfolded on Wednesday and Thursday prior to Jagdeo releasing his SOPs. But more importantly, GECOM has the greatest ability to dispute Jagdeo's numbers but refuse to do so. Furthermore, the injunction doe not prevent the RO from continuing validating the SOPs. It just instructs GECOM from declaring any unverified numbers.
PNC will stretch this out all the way to the CCJ and do what he did after the NCM. I hope not. I also hope the Justice George is aware that the world is watching and will judge her impartiality.
So assuming that this is stretched out.
What happens now with the annual budget, with Parliament sittings etc.
We welcome Rochelle views.
Amral, we will see what the PNC has been doing. They are going to run Guyana like Putin's Russia or Kim Jung's North Korea with a full military display.
Quite frankly, the international community is only involved in this ordeal due to the oil. ExxonMobil has invested too much in Guyana to turn back now. If the United States issues any sanctions against Guyana, ExxonMobil must pull out. This is highly unlikely.
Separately, the international community only called for the process of verification to continue. This can be done with or without representatives of various political parties who may wish to not be present in the verification process. Additionally, there is nothing is law that mandates ascertaining the votes with Statements of Poll in the possession of any of the persons required to be present pursuant to section 86(1), including PPP/C representatives.
Until there is a new government sworn in, parliament is effective dissolved. The Coalition is still a caretaker government. However, now that oil is being pumped out of the sea, that caretaker government will be wondering how come no money is showing up in that account since it is all frozen like how Iran's money had been frozen since 1979. No amount of global warming can unfrozen any assets that America has frozen. America is king.
They are making it up along the way. They claimed the Opposition stormed GECOM and stopped the count. What they did not say, it was when word of a major deviation from verification procedure was detected, that's when the opposition went in.
They claiming the PPP issued results of the SOPs. My understanding these are public documents and I saw the PPP listing only of the verified counts. Only much later did the include the SOP numbers from Region 4. In the end, the verification for Region 4 is what is the issue at hand.
You can't get to 86 without covering 84. Simple mathematics.
Bai, Base, they think everyone is blind. Even those Caribbean who usually are silent to PNC rogue behavior are condemning what took place on Thursday. The PNC has become a pariah of their own evil making.
@Rochelle As you are finding out , most of the people posting here are extremely biased. The fact is that GECOM was prevented form completing its job because the PPP people basically stormed the commission's building. If you look at what they are saying now it is basically that if the CJ rules in their favor she is fair but if she doesn't she was bought. Behind these sentiments are deep racial biases. From time to time they surface in stark terms. Moreover, you would notice that even those who could barely write English are experts on the constitution. They don't really understand how the law works. This is why they accept everything thrown at them by Jagdeo and his crew.
Ksaz, PNC might try to prove you wrong. They use the absolute value in their warped math (mis)calculations.
@Totaram The fact is that GECOM was prevented form completing its job because the PPP people basically stormed the commission's building.
Dude, are you that ignorant and dense? Did you not read what KSazma just wrote and explained what transpired before the PPP tried to march in and find out what was transpiring? Are you a paid PNC propaganda manure spreader?
Anybody find Django yet? I heard he is hiding in the Congress Place bunker with Claudette.
@Former Member Ksazma is hardly an independent authority. In fact, he has made racist statements about black people on this forum. PNC paid propagandist? You rass head good?