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Good morning, my fellow Guyanese. I am also waiting to see what will occur today and in the next coming days. It is my hope everyone remains safe and calm during the entire process. Amral, thank you for providing an opportunity for us to congregate and discuss the current events occurring in our beloved country. I also get my news from News Room.

Last edited by Former Member

Yes, this is how abie Guyanese does role...since 1997 (except 2011 and 2015). Fuss PPP win. Den abie deny dem win. Den abie get court orda. Now de shoe pon de ada feet. PPP get de court arda in spite dem win. Den abie get protest. Den coolie peopkle get attack. Den de police and army do nothin. Den de violence and robbery start--nuff Indos get attack and kill. Den abie get two private peopkle foh pay dem bais foh get hire guns. Abie do de dutty wuk foh PPP cause dem doan want balance military and address blackman economic concern. PPP go seh how dem is blackman party too...hey hey hey.

But dem gaffo allow abie hustlers and pushas foh push lil dope and smuggle fuel, evade tax and suh...hey hey hey. Abie also sell de coke and dope to abie mattie coolies who go mix am wid lil rum in dem rural village. Den PPP staan back and mek two family and fren get rich as well as wan group of Lumumba blackman. But abie mek sure abie chase dem coolies like daag when dem come abie affice foh complain...hey hey hey. Den blackman get kill extra judicial. Den blackman kick up storm how 400 a dem get kill when at least half pon de liss is Indos...hey hey hey. Same ole some ole...hey hey hey. 

Ayoo carry on...


@Labba the current election is incomplete. You are presenting Apple and oranges to your arguments. 

The international community has agreed the election is incomplete, I did not see the international community say such conclusion between 1992-2015 election. 

Why did Gecom refused  a recount of Region 4, but proceed with Region 5 and 6. 


Sure the Burnham Constitution must be the worst document ever compiled. However, that is the same Constitution in use since 1980 and has not been the cause of any post elections issues. It is the PNC refusal to respect the will of the electorate that has caused all kinds of problems every time. So lets not insert the problems with the Constitution as that will do nothing other than create a unnecessary deflection.


@Bibi Haniffa it is only proper for the APNUAFC attorneys to see all affidavits in scope that the PPP/C wish to include as part of its evidence. 

This way, another injunction request cannot be made to delay the recounting any further.

At the end of the day, the injunction prevents GECOM from finalizing Region 4 counts with any evidence of its statement of polls. What I find fascinating was the Region 4 statement of polls issued by PPP/C is now somewhat considered the final tally. It is not. In fact, the SOPs provided by PPP/C was dated 2/29, yet, no one wish to acknowledge or address that oversight. 


ACDA urges international community to back down from “irresponsible and unhelpful” statements


The African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) on Friday called on key western nations and international observers to be cautious about the statements they have been issuing on the electoral situation in Guyana following the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections.

ACDA noted that their statements were not contributing to a lowering of tensions in a country whose population is made mainly of Guyanese of African and East Indian descent.

“ACDA views the statements made on the current election controversy by the International Observers and some of the Foreign Missions here in Guyana as irresponsible and unhelpful to the best interest of the Nation and only aids in fueling discord in an already ethnically cleaved society,” the organisation said.

The United States government and three members of the U.S. Congress, as well as joint statements by the U.S., Britain, Canada and the European Union also called for the Region Four election results to be tabulated and verified in keeping with legal procedures before results of the 2020 general elections are declared and a government is sworn in.

Similar calls were issued by election observer missions of the Carter Centre, Commonwealth, European Union and the Organisation of American States for the verification process to be conducted in accordance with set procedures.

ACDA said it has noted and condemns the rise in derogatory racial slurs and threats being made in social media and publicly against people of African Descent.

The organisation called on “all sides to demonstrate restraint and for a speedy resolution to the current impasse.”

David Granger’s A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) continues to claim victory in Monday’s general election which polling came in for high praise by the international observers.


Region 4 2020 SoPs

District #4 - Demerara - Mahaica




The People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) invites everyone to view the tabulated Statements of Poll (SoPs) for Region # 4.
The SoPs are public documents that should be made available for public scrutiny by everyone. We must protect the will of the people against the rogue elements within GECOM, who are attempting to manipulate the tabulation of the Region 4 votes using fake spreadsheets.
The links below show our tabulation of the signed SoPs by sub-districts: East Bank Demerara, South Georgetown, North Georgetown & East Coast Demerara.
Click on the links below to view our tabulation and the signed SoPs.

Download Entire Region 4 Tabulation Sheet

 Download Entire Region 4 SOPS 

 Access Individual Areas

 East Bank Demerara

 South Georgetown

 North Georgetown

 East Coast Demerara

Last edited by Former Member

@Totaram: It is odd that so many people are taking a document produced by Jagdeo as the gospel truth.

I haven't seen any international observer rejected this document. Do you have any document to prove that his copy is counterfeit? Why did you not address the "make my own results" spreadsheet copy produced by the riggers of your PNC? Why don't you address the disappearance of the PNC election officers and GECOM Chairwoman Singh? If you know so much, can you give us an insight as to where YOU hid them and the decision of the high court?


Stop the pus$yfooting and delaying tactics.  Since Monday night Granger knew he lost the election.  It’s impossible to rig as all the observers and political candidates have the SOPs which have been tallied. Both Shuman and Timothy Jonas as well as others have publicly acknowledged that the PPP won the election.

SOP final count give PPP 34 seats.  APNU 30 seats. Joinder parties 1 seat.

End of story. Stop wasting people time. You cannot steal an election with the whole world watching on. It’s stupid. Just plain stupid.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

@seignet: Call new elections or blessed be the biggest baddest bullier.

What makes you think the PNC government will not use the police and army to disenfranchise the PPP voters so they can win?  PNC Terror will be unleashed regardless of the observers. Remember that these people will refuse to relinquish power at all costs, even if it means sacrificing innocent people.


@Former Member

Don't waste time with Tota the PNC mole, she came just in time for the election to draw confusion with the facts. The SOP that Jagdeo has is the same document  that all the other opposition parties have, exactly the same numbers.  GECOM has the correct untampered figures, but with every day goes by chances are GECOM figures will change.

 I think the PPP should invite all the opposition parties and all the observers and do their own swearing in, then instruct Gecom to show the correct figures.

 Presently Parliament is dissolved, so there is no government. That woman Karen Cummings should never hold a press meeting with observers., also Rumjaat should not be passing orders.


Bai kp, that Cummings pos walked mightily into her own shit and everyone in that room gave her a mighty ass whooping. I never see a politician want to run away so fast. Serves she skont right. 

Btw, it is common knowledge that politicians love the camera more than anything else. That said, what the hell has happened to Singh, Lowenfield and Mingo. Never see people disappear out of sight like those three. Is there a Bermuda triangle in that building? 


Ksaz, the ACDA has always been a PNC outfit that fought for the PNC followers only. They only see the black population as being marginalized. As of today and since Tuesday, they turned a blind eye as to the elections and the massive fraud being perpetrated on the rest of the population. I would not be surprised that some of their members are posting here.


@Seignet: the sea of red that you saw during the campaign and yesterday should justify the 34 seats. 

Why would PPP rigg a Election which was control by APNU, and Shuman was inside the Amerindian base on the day of election, he acknowledges that PPP win. 

It puzzles me how you guys comes up with these conclusion when social media was live and kicking for the world to see. Do you believe the Russians hands was in the boxes . 


Skelly, that is why the should not be taken seriously. Everyone and their uncle knows that the PPP won. Heck, Granger and his Cabal also know that the PPP won so nothing is wrong with anyone pointing out the nonsense going on at GECOM where all the major officers have gone AWOL. No one can tell where are those people right now. It seems that they are not fit and proper at all because all three of them have complaints of illnesses since the elections. Meanwhile Totaram is misguidedly obsessed with Jagdeo. 


GECOM has the final say. Not the political party. Not even the court of law. And Mr. Jagdeo himself acknowledged this fact. Once the injunction is lifted, the GECOM can finalize the count for Region 4 and put this to an end. But the injunction must be lifted.

Please see below video of Jagdeo acknowledging GECOM's liberty to decide on how they wish to verify all votes:


While the verification process was ongoing GECOM was overrun by PPP officials.  They were all over the place.  Apparently at one point there were 22 PPP operatives in the building when the rules allowed only 4.  GECOM employees claim they were intimidated. What I don't understand is why in this so called totalitarian state the police didn't just move in and take the PPP people back to Pradoville?


@Former Member...doh is wan likely but illigetimate outcome. remember who control de army control powah. Dem PNC vagabonds go string it along foh 5 year. Hey hey hey...dem PPP bais goh move to CCJ...hey hey hey. At least meh gat meh big cyar, big house and loud music...hey hey hey. 

Balram Singh Rai deh know dis. 


Coalition supporter Surpriya Singh says ‘there is no winner if electoral process is flawed


See below a full statement issued by Supriya Singh-Bodden, C.C.H., which was issued on the Facebook page of the Guyana Foundation.

Singh is the Founder/Trustee of Foundation. She was recently awarded one of Guyana’s highest national honors – the Cacique’s Crown of Honor (C.C.H.):

There Is No Winner if the Electoral process is flawed.

The present impasse with the recent elections process where stakeholders were unable to verify the results will have dire consequences for Guyana. There is no winner.

I personally and publicly endorsed Mr. David Granger at the 2015 General Elections. I was not involved in any way with the present elections or the APNU AFC government over their term in office.

It was my view then that they were committed to putting Guyana first to lead the country to prosperity and betterment for all. I proudly accepted one of Guyana’s highest honors from him. Pledging to always serve my country.

I would like to use this platform to say now with absolute conviction that the recent events surrounding the electoral process are wrong.

The credibility of GECOM is seriously questioned, a cloud has descended over the organization. It is with great disappointment that Retired Justice Claudette Singh who is an inspiration to many with her career achievements, has let Guyana down with her silence.

It is an insult to the nation that the first direct utterance on the results of the recent elections was delivered by a APNU AFC party operative. The Chairperson of GECOM and David Granger owes it to the people to face them directly and truthfully to explain the present position, any other course of action is reckless.

If the APNU AFC or any other stakeholder has objections or suspicions about the process they must go through the legal channels to register their concerns.

I do not support or condone a situation where David Granger and his party wins and Guyana looses.
In the interest of all of the people of Guyana we are calling for an urgent move by all to be guided by the rule of law and nothing else. In so doing they will represent and protect the will of the people of Guyana.
This organization deals daily with the very poor people of Guyana.

We deal with people who are suffering with severe mental health challenges with suicide. We have been struggling to lift them up, give them hope that there will be a better future.

We would like to sound a serious warning that the present state of political mayhem does not make things easier. It will have far reaching negative effects deep into every village of Guyana.

The people of Guyana do not have the coping skills to live through more political turmoil.
If we know not to which port, we are sailing no wind is favorable, the only safe ship in a storm is Leadership. Is that too much to ask for?

There can be no way forward under the present conditions.


Statement by the following Governments :
United States of America, UK, Canada, EU
6th March 2020
“We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency”
The effects of SANCTIONS on Guyana should David Granger be sworn in -
1. Putting all oil revenues in an escrow account (Venezuela Part 2)
2. All donor assistance to finance projects will be suspended
3. Individuals sanctions including visa revocation, freezing of bank accounts may be imposed (Iran, Russia etc are examples)
4. Freezing of Guyana foreign reserves in international central banks could be imposed
5. With limited financial resources, essential and critical imports like drugs, food, spare parts would become a common place thing
6. Guyana could easily become another Venezuela
7. Increase in poverty, frustration and hopelessness could create more problems for the ordinary man
8. Of course, there will be more demonstrations and country will tear itself apart
9. Guyana could be expelled from major organizations including the Commonwealth, OAS, CARICOM to mention a few
10. Guyana will become a pariah state


Hon Mia Amor Mottley Q.C., M.P., Chairman of the Caribbean Community.

The Caribbean Community
calls on the electoral officials in Guyana and the representative political parties to work together to achieve a peaceful and lawful completion of the electoral process in Guyana by ensuring the tabulation of the results in all Regions using the Statement of Polls in a transparent manner in the presence of the representatives of the political parties and the electoral observers.

Indeed, CARICOM issued a statement on Thursday night and one was also issued yesterday from the Chief of the independent Caricom Electoral observation team. Both statements called on GECOM to complete the electoral process.

We are very clear, every vote must be made to count; and transparently so.

We have noted that all sides have been making serious allegations against each other.

It is critical that good sense prevail.The Preservation of law and order is paramount and All parties must work hard to ensure that there is peace on the roads and in the communities across Guyana. There has already been 1 death reported overnight. That is 1 death too many.

In simple language, we ask the parties to recognise that the primary consideration must not only be who will be President but, moreso, who will be alive come next week or next month, for there cannot be a tolerance for any further loss of life.

I have spoken to both the President and the Leader of the Opposition and indicated that CARICOM stands ready to be able to be there to facilitate further dialogue and any actions that are necessary.

We have done this on many occasions in the past, including in Guyana, when elections have been highly contentious and when social order and the rule of law has been threatened across the region.

We are family and this is what happens when they are disputes in families.
We will work together to create the space for dialogue and resolution once there is an acceptance of the part of all parties that there is a higher interest beyond simply the result in this election.



U.S. State Department says no candidate should be sworn in until Region Four issues resolved


The U.S. Department of State has urged that no candidate be sworn in until issues are resolved surrounding the declaration of unverified results for the country’s largest voting district.

“At this juncture, preparations to install officials without resolving the serious issues identified in the vote counting process would create a climate of uncertainty for the citizens of Guyana, Guyana’s international partners, and businesses looking to invest in Guyana,” said Ambassador Michael Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

Mr Mortimer Mingo, the Returning Officer for the Region Four Electoral District, on Thursday signed off on a declaration that put the APNU+AFC in the lead to take the seat of government, but the opposition say if a verification of the statements of poll are verified, it would show the PPP winning.

The opposition PPP and international and local observers want to see the verification process completed before any declaration of the overall results of the elections are made.

Michael Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of State

In a statement to the News Room, Kozak stated: “We urge that no further results be announced and that no candidate take an oath of office until the vote count is complete and all questions have been resolved according to the process established under Guyanese law.”

According to Kozak, the Department of State is tracking the vote count after Guyana’s March 2 elections, and we share the concerns expressed by OAS and other electoral observers about the credibility of the counting process,”

He said that a resolution of the issues in accordance in law is what will ensure the ability of the Guyanese people to choose their leadership. He noted that independent electoral observation missions are on the ground to verify that the votes are counted accurately and transparently.




Breaking News!â€ĶCourt hearing to block Granger’s swearing in briefly deferred

Mar 07, 2020 News, Source - Kaieteur News Online --

The hearing into the application filed in the High Court to determine whether blocking the swearing in of President David Granger over the unverified Region Four elections results is lawful, has been scheduled to resume at 13:30 hours today.

The hearing commence this morning before Chief Justice Roxane George in the Georgetown High Court.

Attorney at Law, Neil Boston S.C,  who is representing the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in the matter, requested time to study the affidavits in relation to the challenge presented by the Opposition, People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C’)s legal team led by Trinidad-based Senior Counsel, Douglas Mendes.

Mendes, who was present in Court this morning, told the Chief Justice Roxane George that his team was only able to file and serve one of four affidavits to parties representing the other side. He also said that team would need time to file the three additional affidavits. Taking the factors into consideration, the Chief Justice granted time for the parties to file and serve the supplementary affidavits.

The Chief Justice also gave a commitment that she will try to work assiduously to address the matter as “the nation is waiting.”

Justice George appealed for the cooperation of both the legal teams to have the matter hashed out as soon as possible.

Attorney at Law, Neil Boston S.C


@Former Member dat loud mout lameta TK lass year seh those who control de military can bend and twiss dem own constitution of dem lord Burnham (and coolie crabdaag Shahab) constitution. Dem gat real powah. Dem mek de constitution and dem cyan bruck and bend it up when dem want. Why? Because dem control de military and de public sector. Is de Tanzania constitution wah Shahab use foh dem god Burnham...hey hey hey. PPP is caretaker and can use de constitution but dem cyant bruck it and bend it. Dem try in 2015 but dem bais give dem de marchin order...hey hey hey. Now dat is what yuh call Guyana blackman privilage. Hey hey hey...dem one lovers...hey hey hey.  

Last edited by Former Member


People are dying, people are being wounded, children are being traumatized, property is being destroyed, the nation is gripped in fear. This is much too high a cost for a national election and for a nation at any time. There are no words strong enough to express the gravity of the situation and the urgency for it to end.

To all accounts the way forward for the restoration of peace and hope rests with a small group of persons who have been tasked with managing the whole election process.

I add my voice to the many others in making strong appeal to the Guyana Elections Commission to expeditiously complete the verification process towards the transparent, formal and lawful declaration of results.

Meanwhile, let us keep our heads above the fray and not let the words of our national pledge fall empty “ â€Ķ to be loyal to my country, to be obedient to the laws of Guyana, to love my fellow citizens and to dedicate my energies towards the happiness and prosperity of Guyana”. This is something that we can all do.

May God Bless Guyana.

Francis Alleyne OSB
Bishop of Georgetown

Received from the Catholic standard â™Ī


France warns against swearing-in of President until Region 4 votes are verified


See full statement from French Ambassador to Guyana, Antoine Joly:

France wishes to express its deep concern at the situation in Guyana after the elections which had taken place in good conditions until the results of region 4 were announced without completing the tabulation.

It calls, on behalf of excellent bilateral relations, for a spirit of conciliation and a sense of general interest in favor of all Guyanese.

It supports the unanimous request of the electoral observation missions, including EU, which request a resumption of the counting process verified from the statements of polling.

France warns against any hasty initiative aiming for the president to be sworn in until this verified count has been completed.

Only this procedure will ensure a legitimate, democratically acceptable process and avoid the clashes which unfortunately have already started in different places in Guyana.

Antoine Joly

French Ambassador in Guyana and Suriname




The country Bleeds And Weep While This SOB is Happily Celebrating Birthday.


Granger attends 75th birthday celebration of ERC Chairman


President David Granger on Saturday morning attended the 75th birth anniversary celebration for Bishop John Smith, CCH of the Central Assembly of God Church, a brief statement from the Ministry of the Presidency noted.

The event was held at the Ramada Princess Hotel, Providence, East Bank Demerara.

Bishop Smith is also the Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC).


President Granger greets this little girl who was eager to meet him [MOTP photo]
Some attendees at the 75th birth anniversary celebration for Bishop John Smith, CCH. [Photo: MOTP]




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