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They are APNU/ AFC supporters who was trying to gain access to the command ctr. The guy rite behind the police man is a know PNC activist, he is the one who came out urging the supporters to come inside and see Jagdeo and his ministers were breaking down the door to Cladette Singh. ( that video was live streaming on newsroom on Friday)

For their own reasons, they don't want anyone to gain access to her. 

Note: she hides from all the observers and media. Even Jason Carter from Carter center commented about this. 


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When I saw her appointed and granger so happy, I got cautious. I still remember back in 2011 when a PNC operative told an AFC member once they gain power they will use every avenue to remain even calling out the military. 

I knew it would likely come to this. PNC will lay waste Guyana rather than give up.  This is getting much worse before a resolution. Guyana lurching toward a decisive civil war.  It will never be the same!


@Former Member  Incendiary statements like yours and those from some others on this forum are actually representative of PPP supporters. Such statements are reflective of a mindset that is responsible for the current crisis in Guyana.  You are now threatening me with violence.   Be assured that I can defend myself.  















@Totaram: You are now threatening me with violence.   Be assured that I can defend myself.  

Bro, where did I threaten you with violence? Look, I am a peaceful man. I have said before that I may say stuff here (all in good intent), but if I ever met anyone on this site, I will gladly shake his hand and give him a big hug when the covid-19 is not around. Can you please post where I threatened you with violence?

If you call shoving you in Canje Mad House a violent attack, then that's your prerogative.

Last edited by Former Member
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