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@seignet: Call new elections or blessed be the biggest baddest bullier.

What makes you think the PNC government will not use the police and army to disenfranchise the PPP voters so they can win?  PNC Terror will be unleashed regardless of the observers. Remember that these people will refuse to relinquish power at all costs, even if it means sacrificing innocent people.


@Former Member

Don't waste time with Tota the PNC mole, she came just in time for the election to draw confusion with the facts. The SOP that Jagdeo has is the same document  that all the other opposition parties have, exactly the same numbers.  GECOM has the correct untampered figures, but with every day goes by chances are GECOM figures will change.

 I think the PPP should invite all the opposition parties and all the observers and do their own swearing in, then instruct Gecom to show the correct figures.

 Presently Parliament is dissolved, so there is no government. That woman Karen Cummings should never hold a press meeting with observers., also Rumjaat should not be passing orders.


Bai kp, that Cummings pos walked mightily into her own shit and everyone in that room gave her a mighty ass whooping. I never see a politician want to run away so fast. Serves she skont right. 

Btw, it is common knowledge that politicians love the camera more than anything else. That said, what the hell has happened to Singh, Lowenfield and Mingo. Never see people disappear out of sight like those three. Is there a Bermuda triangle in that building? 


Ksaz, the ACDA has always been a PNC outfit that fought for the PNC followers only. They only see the black population as being marginalized. As of today and since Tuesday, they turned a blind eye as to the elections and the massive fraud being perpetrated on the rest of the population. I would not be surprised that some of their members are posting here.


@Seignet: the sea of red that you saw during the campaign and yesterday should justify the 34 seats. 

Why would PPP rigg a Election which was control by APNU, and Shuman was inside the Amerindian base on the day of election, he acknowledges that PPP win. 

It puzzles me how you guys comes up with these conclusion when social media was live and kicking for the world to see. Do you believe the Russians hands was in the boxes . 


Skelly, that is why the should not be taken seriously. Everyone and their uncle knows that the PPP won. Heck, Granger and his Cabal also know that the PPP won so nothing is wrong with anyone pointing out the nonsense going on at GECOM where all the major officers have gone AWOL. No one can tell where are those people right now. It seems that they are not fit and proper at all because all three of them have complaints of illnesses since the elections. Meanwhile Totaram is misguidedly obsessed with Jagdeo. 


GECOM has the final say. Not the political party. Not even the court of law. And Mr. Jagdeo himself acknowledged this fact. Once the injunction is lifted, the GECOM can finalize the count for Region 4 and put this to an end. But the injunction must be lifted.

Please see below video of Jagdeo acknowledging GECOM's liberty to decide on how they wish to verify all votes:


While the verification process was ongoing GECOM was overrun by PPP officials.  They were all over the place.  Apparently at one point there were 22 PPP operatives in the building when the rules allowed only 4.  GECOM employees claim they were intimidated. What I don't understand is why in this so called totalitarian state the police didn't just move in and take the PPP people back to Pradoville?

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