That’s the line of those PNC, sovereign nation. They believe it means the law of the jungle applies. I remember years ago the Haitian generals invoked that argument, until several Hercules planes entered their airspace. Also Noriega said same. If they want to see how sovereign they are, harm any of those observers! If Venezuela decides to jump on their ass, see how quickly the squeal for help. Just a pompous bunch of wrang and strang bullies!
The PPP operatives are the real bullies. Guyana is a sovereign nation and GECOM is an independent body. What aspect of this don't you understand? It is time to declare the results.
No nation is sovereign when their GDP is based of the size of their begging bowl. The first version of the PNC turned Guyana into the second poorest country in the western hemisphere where they only better Haiti where their inhabitants exist on mud cakes. That is where y'all will take Guyana again because y'all have no idea how to progress and worse yet, y'all are so arrogant to even ask for help and appreciate it.
Some people still behave like they are in the jungle.
@Former Member Sovereignty is not based on GDP.
Wait and see nuh.
OK we'll wait and see.
Have you guys who are so stout in your support of the PPP taken a good look at the people in control of that party? My God they ooze dishonesty.
Desperately clutching at straws.
And you are desperately clutching on to crooks.
Rochelle posted:If only GECOM can be allowed to do its work. Once declared, any objectors can take it up in court.
Unbelievable for PPP/C to hold a conference announcing the numbers for all regions, including Region 4.
The definition of a bully and insanity.
Its work is to transparently count not input fabricated numbers.
Take heed of the below, which means the process will continue as it was done today. Any objections, take it to the high court.
Everyone and their uncle is putting pressure on the PNC hoping that they will for once do the right thing. This is the same kind of shit that Guyanese had to endure prior to 1992. Jeez, we have entered a new millennium, why wouldn't the PNC do also?
@Billy Ram BalgobinGuyana is a sovereign nation and GECOM is an independent body. GECOM will declare the results when it is ready. The PPP is being afforded extraordinary accommodation as they seek to disrupt a process that is now in the hands of GECOM.
Sovereignty resides with a people. It extended to a government in so far as the government is legitimately appointed by t he people. It is not something anyone can use as a tool to demand autonomy of action. Only legitimate authority can do so.
At the moment, The PNC does not have that since they are standing in the way of that which would make them legitimate or not...elections result. You are straight up lying to say the PPP is disrupting the count. They are legitimately protesting an legitimate count that is in defiance of a court directive.
Get ready for Mr. Granger's second swearing in, everyone!
@Totaram, so when all else fails you invoke sovereign status. You can be sovereign and still be a pariah, no trade, govt not allowed in the UN, officials unable to travel, no access to international institutions. And when Venezuela decides to kick your ass, defend your sovereign self.
Sovereignty does not mean you violate your own constitution and oppress the citizens, the vast majority which has rejected you at a free and fair elections.
So play with the international community and mess with Jagdeo. He ain’t Jagan!
Take heed of the below, which means the process will continue as it was done today. Any objections, take it to the high court.
If they chose to once again resume cheating I am sure there would be objections. It does not matter how long they continue with their obstruction. They will lost in the end.