@Totaram, not sure of the relevance, he is a top official on the USG, so what you or anyone in the PNC thinks is irrelevant. BTW, what about the background of the head of the current PNC cabal trying to silence the peopleβs voice? Hint, Burnham era heist, 1973, deaths of innocents!
Bai Sparky,
This is unbelievable. Does it take 24 hours for a former judge to read a court order and have it executed ?
These actions by Claudette Singh is an insult to all judges in Guyana. Itβs a national disgrace.
I have very little reason ,if any, to like either the coalition or the PPP but this is no longer about politics. Anyway, it's a Friday so expect some other manufactured reason to delay the process.
You see this is how you are easily fooled, Dave showed a private security company and now you think he owns the company. Should he post the Parliament Building ,then according to your estimate he owns that building.
You don't know Dave, I know Dave , He owns a lot in Guyana and employs a lot like you, so stop speculating and stick to the subject,"PNC wants to ROB the Guyanese of a fair election" You are equal as them being a THIEF. FYI, I know who you are, other than a choke and robber, I know!
These people will not allow a fair count of the votes for region 4. They are prepared to stay in power until forcefully removed. That is what I see happening. Granger and PNC told themselves that nobody can remove them from office.
Reading and comprehension seems to be some people's conundrum. At no point have I said that I own this forum nor have I told anyone that they shouldn't be here. In fact, I intend to be out of here very soon as mentioned some time back.
They are using the sovereign state argument. I think Noreiga used the same, and so did the generals in Haiti! We know how those ended!
My take is that APNU/AFC and the man who holds the DEVILβs BIBLE are waiting until the clock runs out on March 16, (constitutional 15 day deadline date for making a decision) frustrating and pissing everyone off and without a declaration of the winner. What happens after that is mayhem or anyoneβs guess.
That is why Billy I am so harsh on the crabdaag coolies who helped the PNC get their hands on undeserved power. Any little child would have no trouble understanding that the PNC has not improved one iota since their violent and despotic beginning in the 60's so to be duped by the PNC in 2015 is grossly unforgiveable.
@kp Dave allows many people to post under his name : that is a fact. Which Dave do you know? The most "prevalent" Dave can't employ a lot like me. I don't give a sh.t if you know who I am and I don't give a sh.t who you are.
Brief Update!
RO Mingo has stated an intention to continue the ascertaining process instead of restarting.
However, he has refused to provide the accumulated total which reflects where the process stopped.
After strong objections, he has decided to restart the process.
From the top, here we go!
Here we go---GECOM has now produced its SOPs and the process is proceeding. The natural conclusion of this is the declaration of the results and the swearing in of the President.
GECOM is ready to declare. Let the process end today!
Correction, of A president.
Granger is not the President of Guyana. His government fell over a year ago.
COngrats to the Opposition
Stop your speculation Totaram. I have never and would never allowed anyone to post under my profile, for personal and security reasons.
You claimed to be a businessman, good for you. so i am surprise you will conclude i will have multiple person using my handle. NOT VERY SMART.
@Totaram Don't shit yourself, with all the shittings you might have COVID!19. If you were decent ,you would want GECOM to do the right thing, continue the tabulation of all the SOP in region4.