Jesus had little time for politicians and the wealthy but he cared dearly for the Oppressed and Truth. Let truth Prevail.
Guyana is once again fvcked.
GECOM sounds like it is in the jungle.
PNC jungle. Thats what Granger gave us as a nation.
I could have never conjure up the level of difficulty it is for the PNC to behave like civilized human beings. This is surprising even to me who has no good expectations from them.
Dad, I had an accident today. As much as you warned me not to speed, I was speeding and couldn't control the car as I went around the turn and ended up running into a tree.
Son, with all the times that I have talked to you about that and with all the accidents you see on the news, you should have known better.
PNC jungle. Thats what Granger gave us as a nation
Granger did not give the nation that. He simply participated in what was our common thinking. That is his sin. Failure to make a difference and be a difference
O rass. GECOM woke up !
It took the US one serious warning to wake them up. They are also warned not to commit fraud.
Step 2 to yet to be seen.
APNU is acting like they will get away with seizing the election. Their heads are buried in the sand. Stay tuned for Act 2. Scene 1 of this movie.
Bibi, what's your prediction of Scene 1, Act 2 ?
Remember Burnham telling the Americans to go mine their own farm. This while he was taking Guyana into starvation. I see Granger doing the same.
Kzas. Where we at bai. I ain't able read everything. Any projection??
APNU has its back against the wall. There is resignation that they must comply with the count per the standards. The may yet have another card to play. We do not know what happened to those boxes in those 11 days. As I see it, they cannot cheat sufficiently to win if t he PPP' numbers are correct. We will see.
Reports coming out of GECOM, each box now stuffed with additional Votes ranging from 50-150 in favor of APNU. Biggest rigging in election History. 2 big courts closed to prevent a filing for a recount.
Time for an INVASION.
Hopefully that PR does not imply that there will be no brokering of protests if falsified data is being presented. Going back to day one means they they can steal smaller bits to make up the 18, 000 by which the PPP is ahead. It would mean hundreds of errors have to go uncontested. I do not think they are bold enough to do this unless they plan to contaminate t he system so much that Granger stays in power another few months until they settle for new elections. That is my morbid view of this since the PNC has shown no desire to give in.