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Reports coming out of GECOM, each box now stuffed with additional Votes ranging from 50-150 in favor of APNU. Biggest rigging in election History. 2 big courts closed to prevent a filing for a recount.

Time for an INVASION.

Their last act. Expected. It is hard to rig that many. They have to go to places with low turn out and pad there. The cheating would  have to be really in your face...but that is their tropism

Last edited by Former Member

All in the presence of Int'l observers. How sweet. Mingo is gonna give APNU a resounding victory.

As I noted earlier, it will not work. The international observers can predict the changed data will correspond to every place there is and observable change of number and tampering with the boxes. It will also show unreasonable data spikes for all of those regions where the SOPS are padded. This is just another delaying tactic. The old snake came out with new skin last night claiming he will speak to his commissioners and advise he want a count. Unfortunately, if the PPP's additions are precise and they used a spreadsheet so they could not be far wrong; they have to steal more than 200 per box. If so they will barely win and the small party will gain a seat. 

Last edited by Former Member

Base, from what I understand from credible sources, GECOM and PNC are pushing ahead with fake numbers including numbers that exceed the number electors at polling stations !

This will end up in fraud and the courts have been closed to avoid any petitions or objections.

We are back to square now with PNC led GECOM tricks. Developing, Caricom is now siding with Granger as we predicted.

Go to your meeting and don't let these developments disturb you.

Last edited by Former Member
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