That is a very strong statement. If Mingo and Lowenfield rig, PNC and Granger are frigged.
@ Sean ...
All external organizations are unified plus are being very pointed with their views for credible results for Region 4 in compliance with the Statement of Polls - SOPs.
Bye bye, OAS. Don't let the door hit you on your way out!
If that fool had one ounce of brain, she would not say bye bye to the OAS. The OAS do not need any thing from Guyana you fool. The water will stop flow you arss hole.
Interesting to see who will get hit by the door, if Region 4 results do not confirm to the proper legal process and adhere to the SOPs.
I left the Courtroom of Hon. Chief Justice Roxane George about half an hour ago, with a clear understanding!
She stated, quite firmly, that the Returning Officer was required to display, for the benefit of persons present during the ascertaining process, the copies of the Statements of Poll upon which he was relying.
This was made clear to all present, including the RO Mingo and Justice Claudette Singh, Chairman of the Elections Commission.
I hurriedly returned to the RO4 office.
To my utter shock, officers are ploughing on with the opaque âcalling outâ process AND RO Mingo is nowhere to be seen.
The show is being directed by DCEO, Roxane Myers.
Iâm also attaching a video of comments made by Justice Claudette Singh, as she left the courtroom
@Former Member: That imbecile fool parading as Rochelle is a PNC supporter who encourages fraud and violence upon the country. He/She believes that Guyana belongs to the PNC and its supporters and none else and they should suppress the people at all costs. Granger has created a Western Mugabe.
I can't believe that APNU/AFC is this dotish enuff to rigg in place view.
Its the OAS Electoral Observation Mission that is leaving. Interestingly they admitted relying on PPP statements of poll. Moreover, the press statement does not give a release time as there have been recent developments. GECOM will use its SOPs to tabulate the results. Surely, the OAS observation mission doesn't want GECOM to use PPP supplied SOPs.
Roxanne George is to be blamed for this also. Anil and Mendes asked for further detailed instructions realizing this will happen. She refused and went into the lecture.
The Statements of Poll - SOPs - are documents/information available to all organizations, individuals, etc..
Statements of Poll - SOPs - are NOT generated by the PPPC --- they are prepared by and distributed by GECOM.
In these tense times in Guyana, the postings of shitabatty Sean, Nehru and Princess Swampwater calling for invasion by America and on Trump for assistance are amusing. All 3 are supporters of a communist cabal in Guyana that hates America.
Nehru cusses America and Trump daily. Calls Americans "pigs" and "dogs". Now he wants America and Trump to help he po lil communist band to regain power.
Shitabatty sean screaming for invasion. America got Corona to worry about. Trump couldn't care less about y'all. America got cheap oil now, got their own reserves and the world is overflowing in oil, rice, bananas etc.
50+ years of sheer incompetence and being unable to run your own damn country. Look at the degradation of Guyana from colonial times to today presided over by both these parties. Massive FAIL.
Suh stop your antiman screams for "invasion" and always relying on the white man to solve your problems while simultaneously cussing he and lavishing in he country.
Let the people count the votes and see what happens.
@Former Member: I was in the car driving home and could not listen to all the goings-on. Can you tell if there are any legal proceedings going on to stop the process or the process of counting continues or ???. Thanks
TotaramNew Member
Its the OAS Electoral Observation Mission that is leaving. Interestingly they admitted relying on PPP statements of poll. Moreover, the press statement does not give a release time as there have been recent developments. GECOM will use its SOPs to tabulate the results. Surely, the OAS observation mission doesn't want GECOM to use PPP supplied SOPs.
You are still at this shi.t? Who do you think believes you? GECOM's sop is the nations sop is the sop that was carbon copied and available to all on elections day.