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Have you guys who are so stout in your support of the PPP taken a good look at the people in control of that party? My God they ooze dishonesty.

My support for accuracy in counting votes is because I love my country. The PPP has nothing to do with this. The people went to the polls no less than they went when Granger won by 5000 votes. They were allowed their choice then they should be allowed their choice now. The dishonesty here resides in the brazen attempt to circumvent the people's choice and steal an election.


@Former Member@Former Member@Former Member 

I wonder why you all are engaging the likes of Totaram and Rochelle who are both professional liars that write things that are fake. I would suggest that you engage with those who are truthful and have something of value to the discourse. Nothing in your responses will convince them. Leave the to suffer in their own mess. These dirtbags are unpatriotic and should take a look in the mirror to see who is on the other side. Peace!


Bai Dond, these fools are pretending that the PNC which they are so strongly defending left Guyana as the second poorest country in the western hemisphere only slightly better off the Haiti where their inhabitants live on mud cakes. They can pretend as much as they wish but the history is clear of the deficiencies of the PNC.

Even as we speak, the Granger and his cronies are being recorded by the international community as a pariah and one just have to read the words of the US official today to appreciate how deep a hole Granger is digging for Guyana. They can continue to behave like idiots but there is not enough whitewash in the world to whitecoat the sins of the PNC.


@Former MemberPeace coming from you is like a plea for vegetarianism coming from Jeffrey Dahmer.  You began you stupid post with an attack on mine and Rochelle's character.  Do you know me?  If you don't on what basis can you call me a professional liar. I could call you all kinds of names if I want but you are too stupid for me to sink to that level.  So go fly a kite . 



@D2 The PPP is disrupting the tabulation process that will likely deliver results they don't like . It is the PPP that is attempting to circumvent the peoples choice. GECOM is the body in charge of making the official declaration of the results and it will likely do so tomorrow.

GECOM is a constitutional office with prescribed functions. These include section 86 that defined who should be there and the previous section stating how.

Those who circumvent the process are those who disregard the elements that make their office relevant. Further, there is a whole world watching and some of the most powerful states including those who assisted in funding this election.

They all agree with the common consensus that what is happening presently is fraud. The US went further and stated whose involved and those benefiting would incur severe sanctiona.



@DondaddaPeace coming from you is like a plea for vegetarianism coming from Jeffrey Dahmer. You began you stupid post with an attack on mine and Rochelle's character. Do you know me? If you don't on what basis can you call me a professional liar. I could call you all kinds of names if I want but you are too stupid for me to sink to that level. So go fly a kite .

Both of you are knowing participants of a fraud scheme. You deliberately sell a lie that at the PPP is disrupting the proceedings. That is as incongruous as being criticized for grabbing on to a baseball bat that some fellow intends to use to crack your skull.



@Totaram this will be my exact reaction to all PPP's shed tears and threats to burn rice fields when APNUAFC is declared winner of the 2020 General Elections:

I do not know what imagery you intend to dredge up with your reference to burning rice fields. Sorry, we have moved on from the hapless peasant that burnham took advantage of with 26 thousand military and paramilitary at his disposal. 

Today, we have the western world to solicit for support  and understand that we can skip the violence and directly target the crooks for international sanction. I am sure someone is compiling a list of the errant fellows and how they were complicit to submit to the relevant authorities. The US also said the granger regime will not be recognized if the count is not to the satisfaction of the observers.


Here are excerpts from the official Judgement made available publicly on what the Chief Justice was articulating concerning the method the RO can decide to employ. You will notice:

1. Method refers to the operational aspect of the process.
2. Method of tabulation carries a sense of tracking, recording, or noting the results, NOT ignoring or refusing to rely on the source of tabulation, which is clearly stated to be the Statements of Polls.
3. Tabulation can only rely on the ...

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Image may contain: possible text that says '65. The traditional consequence of finding that a provision was merely directory was was that substantial performance would constitute a sufficient compliance with the statutory requirement. This concept can be more readily applied where a statute prescribes an exact method or sequence of carrying out specified acts or time within which they are to performed. A minor or insubstantial deviation from the requirements will not make the resulting proceedings invalid.
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And to close the night, I address the claim, "They can't do that! We are a sovereign nation!" in response to the EU's interest to witness the SOPs the RO for Region 4 used to produce his or GECOM's spreadsheet.

Excerpt from the Guyana General Elections Observers Act, Ch. 1:10, Section 4, 5 and 6.

So, yes. They can.

No photo description available.

In about three hours the PNC shenanigans ill start up again. Claudette Singh may just complain that she can't be around because her hemorrhoids have acted up again. And the PNC apologists posting on GNI will continue to deflect from the diabolical behavior of the PNC hacks.



Political hacks on all sides tend to massage messages to gain some advantage and misinformation is never helpful and should be stopped. 

Most importantly, GECOM needs to start behaving like the independent statutory body it and its supporters claim it is and complete the verification process using the SOPs so the country can get back to some sort of normalcy.


@Former Member "Both of you are knowing participants of a fraud scheme." No, we are exposing attempted fraud being perpetrated by PPP operatives.  They have repeatedly disrupted the work of GECOM.  The authorities have been patient with them--in most other countries they would have been arrested and charged by now.  Perhaps they were tempting the government to do that because it would have helped their false narrative.  And don't go by the comments you see on this forum about public opinion and America , EU and the rest. Here you see the views of a mainly racist IndoGuyanese group.  There is a very large group out whose views are very different from those expressed on this forum.  


@Former Member "Both of you are knowing participants of a fraud scheme." No, we are exposing attempted fraud being perpetrated by PPP operatives.  They have repeatedly disrupted the work of GECOM.  The authorities have been patient with them--in most other countries they would have been arrested and charged by now.  Perhaps they were tempting the government to do that because it would have helped their false narrative.  And don't go by the comments you see on this forum about public opinion and America , EU and the rest. Here you see the views of a mainly racist IndoGuyanese group.  There is a very large group out whose views are very different from those expressed on this forum.  

@Totram Quote" Don't go by public opinion" Yeah right... go you Jhango and wish..



No, we are exposing attempted fraud being perpetrated by PPP operatives.  They have repeatedly disrupted the work of GECOM.  The authorities have been patient with them--in most other countries they would have been arrested and charged by now.  Perhaps they were tempting the government to do that because it would have helped their false narrative.  And don't go by the comments you see on this forum about public opinion and America , EU and the rest. Here you see the views of a mainly racist IndoGuyanese group.  There is a very large group out whose views are very different from those expressed on this forum.  

In most other countries such and event, where unverified votes are counted,  would not occur. Those persisting in performing improper count would be excluded by now and a mediating body selected to do the job. 

I have read the opinions of the foreign observers directly from their twitter feed and official record. If there are a large group of people believing the ABCE nations are not voicing sentiments disagreeable to the actions of the GECOM, they are gulled to that belief by a few of you spreading that meme.


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@Rochelle: Let the count be transparent and verified by the international observers that Granger invited to observe the election process.  Any declaration short of transparency and verification is a fraud by the PNC perpetrated on the whole Guyanese nation. I bet you disagree with this observation believing it is the PNC machine who must declare the results.


Happy Friday, everyone! Let's see what else the PPP/C cronies pull today. 

Either way, the count and declaration must be made by GECOM. 

Of course the expectation is it will go differently since the US Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael G Kozak advised th e US will be directly sanctioning those who contribute to the fraud in GECOM as well as refusing to be business as usual with the government. Also, the EU Observers demanded to see the information on the spreadsheet being used by Mingo. 
One anticipates a difference but who knows? These are barefaced crooks that held a state in a totalitarian dictatorship for 3 decades. The US is already in the Official record of labeling granger disparagingly in that period. I do not believe he found got. He still does his annual pilgrimage to the grave of the one who ruined us. I personally can attest to the official cruelty of the period. I give granger a past and wrote extensively as to why I thought he deserved a a chance after the PPP. I was beyond any modicum of doubt thoroughly disappointed. 


 You see this is how you are easily fooled, Dave showed a private security company and now you think he owns the company. Should he post the Parliament Building ,then according to your estimate he owns that building. 

You don't know Dave, I know Dave , He owns a lot in Guyana and employs a lot like you, so stop speculating and stick to the subject,"PNC wants to ROB the Guyanese of a fair election" You are equal as them being a THIEF. FYI, I know who you are, other than a choke and robber, I know!


My take is that APNU/AFC  and the man who holds the DEVIL’s BIBLE are waiting until the clock runs out on March 16, (constitutional 15 day deadline date for making a decision) frustrating and pissing everyone off and without a declaration of the winner. What happens after that is mayhem or anyone’s guess.


That is why Billy I am so harsh on the crabdaag coolies who helped the PNC get their hands on undeserved power. Any little child would have no trouble understanding that the PNC has not improved one iota since their violent and despotic beginning in the 60's so to be duped by the PNC in 2015 is grossly unforgiveable.


Stop your speculation Totaram. I have never and would never  allowed anyone to post under my profile, for personal and security reasons. 

You claimed to be a businessman, good for you. so i am surprise you will  conclude i will have multiple person using my handle. NOT VERY SMART.



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@Former MemberThis Michael Kozak you mentioned--have you looked into his background.  Have a look and it may give you some insight into what he is seeking to do. 

I am not worried about him. Granger should given he seem to be liked by democrats and republicans and is a professional diplomat. I am assured he speaks with authority.  

Last edited by Former Member

@kp Dave allows many people to post under his name : that is a fact.  Which Dave do you know?  The most "prevalent" Dave can't employ a lot like me.  I don't give a sh.t if you know who I am and I don't give a sh.t who you are.

It is what he or you say not who writes under their nym. I can assure you I have at least six or seven at any time posting under mine. 


@ BG man,

Commissioners from both sides have a set of signed SOP sent in from the polling stations. These statements have the have the signatures of the chief returning officer and commissioners including PPP commissioners. 
Is fire on their backside if APNU and GECOM try to pull off a fast one ! 
I predict that this process will stall again at some point. 


Here we go---GECOM has now produced its SOPs and the process is proceeding.  The natural conclusion of this is the declaration of the results and the swearing in of the President.  

There is nothing to it. If the SOPS are not tampered with ( there are at least 2 carbon carbon copies and the original) on we go to the conclusion.


Think of this scenario. There is this young woman who always dreamt of marrying a prince. Soon there came a prince who proposes to her where she joyfully accepts. On the wedding day, she doesn't show up to what she believes will be the greatest day of her life. That is how the PNC is behaving. They keep claiming that the SOPs gave them a resounding reelection victory but when it came time to show those SOPs, they began one shenanigan after another to avoid it.



The RO has delegated an officer to call out numbers, presumably from Statements of Poll.

This is after reverting to a continuation, instead to restarting as he had previously undertaken to do. This undertaking was given after the RO was unable to provide the accumulated totals that he would rely on as previously ascertained, ‘was not available’!

After being seen communicating frantically on the telephone, he came into the room and recanted his earlier position.

He stated he will continue from where he left off. He was not going to provide the accumulated totals.

Upon commencement of the ‘calling out’ process, apparently from the Statements of Poll, there was massive discrepancy in those numbers and the documents I have in my possession.


Where is the transparency that the Judge and law contemplates???

PS. The process continues wh


PNC has been celebrating since Burnham tricked D'Aguiar into giving him the UF's three votes but for most of that time, they celebrated with hungry bellies. That is coming again if the PNC is obstinate and don't allow law and order to prevail. Orders to freeze the oil money has probably already gone out and more to come. Remember Trump does things long before it is disclosed or announced. Fire in dem skonts.


Hopefully that PR does not imply that there will be  no brokering of protests if falsified data is being presented. Going back to day one means they they can steal smaller bits to make up the 18, 000 by which the PPP is ahead. It would mean hundreds of errors have to go uncontested. I do not think they are bold enough to do this unless they plan to contaminate t he system so much that Granger stays in power another few months until they settle for new elections. That is my morbid view of this since the PNC has shown no desire to give in. 

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