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The law stipulates a SOPs be used. The SOPs has serial # which is difficult to rig and easy to trace. These SOPs were used and signed of at the polling station by all required personnel . Someone generate s spreadsheet and start inputting numbers. 

The spreedsheet that was invented was showing more votes than voters in 17 of 23 boxes, and this spreedsheet show APNU has 100 more votes compare to the signed SOPs. Even the observers object to this invented spreadsheet.

there is a article on this issue, i will try to find and posted here.  


“counting of the votes polled” and is provided for by Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, Chapter 1:03.

The law states that the Returning Officer shall, “in the presence of such of the persons entitled” to be there ascertain the total votes cast in favour of the parties.

Section 86 (1) lists the persons who shall be present at the counting of the votes.

These persons include:

(A) The Returning Officer, and such other Elections Officer appointed by him

(B) The Elections Commission

(C) Duly appointed Candidates

(D) Counting Agents

(E) Such other persons, as in the opinion of the Returning Officer, have good reason to be present.

Whats the big issue in leaving out observers? 


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Mohabir Anil Nandlall

1 hr Â· 

The Order of the Chief Justice is now public knowledge. It is posted on my page. Please read carefully and you will not see the word “SPREADSHEET” mentioned anywhere in that Order.

You will see that the Chief Justice ordered that the Returning Officer must comply with Section 84 (1) of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 1:03 in ascertaining the number of votes cast in favour of each list of candidates.

I am attaching Section 84 (1) of the said Act and you will see that Returning Officer shall “ascertain the total votes cast in favour of each list in the district by adding up the votes recorded in favour of the list, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATEMENTS OF POLL...” .....NOT A SPREADSHEET!

It is impossible for me to make it clearer than this.

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Observers are not invited to the party any longer. Please read the CJ's judgement. .

The judge said the count is to begin pursuant to rule 84 through 86. The RO must be compliant with the rules. He is not king with the duty to do as he pleases. APNU should be happy to count votes in a transparent way so t he world would not be inclined to say they are crooks who intends to steal an election

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member Who are you to pronounce on morality?  Django has been objective in his contributions on the elections and he has done what he believes is right.  There is statistical evidence suggesting that the Region 4 numbers provided by the PPP are fake.  I posted a table from a PPP operative that is clearly fake but rather than examining the table to see the problem directly accusations are being hurled at those telling the truth.  


Recount as stipulated by the Court's Judgement is to be done to complete the election results.

It is important that the procedures must follow the process outlined in the Guyana Constitution -- Representation of the People Act, Section 84 (1) Cap 1:03, 25 September, 1964.

Due to the recent Court's decision, it would be prudent for the respective officers conduct the process precisely according to the conditions outlined in the Act.

Accredited Observers, international Representatives, etc., are to be  present until the process is completed.

Last edited by Former Member

The RO can use a spreadsheet to tabulate the votes indicated on the SOPs. He can also use an abacus if he so chooses. If he wants to be a typical ridiculous PNC, he can use his fingers and toes. But whatever he tabulates has to come from the SOPs. What the PPP along with every other party other than the Coalition parties objected to was a spreadsheet which was populated with numbers that did not come from those SOPs. The Chief Justice said that that particular spreadsheet is in violation of article 84.



@Django, you saw my post say  Anil Nandall! ...  rite and Anil provide a explanation.. did he not.

What more explanation you need?

You are aware of my question ,then again what can i expect.

It's a slick post by Nandlall ,unfortunately the post are being rebutted with lot of negativity on his fb page.

Last edited by Django
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