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yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:


According to Campbell, the ANAUG steering committee probably has three dual citizens

Oh Oh. 

If they open that dual citizenship pandora box only Volda will be left available. I bet even Jagdeo has his Russian or Indian citizenship!

And Granger has Congo Citizenship !

Why would he have Congo Citizenship you ignorant fool?

yuji22 posted:

Hey, Multiple Personalities Disorder fool:

Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at 6.12.32 PM

You idiot Guana/D2/Storm, why would Jagdeo have Russian Citizenship ?You fool.


Jagdeo has ties to both Russia and India. What ties does Granger have to DRC?  In fact I know that you mention Congo because you think that this is a racial epithet. 

Given the Ghana Guyana ties this would have been more credible, but in your racist mind Congo comes closest to you head.

Prashad posted:

Ramson Jr should be included in the leadership contest.

Why should he?  He might be stupid enough to tell Jagdeo to get lost when Jagdeo comes to demand his share of the oil money.

No Jagdeo prefers people who understand his motives behind the NC.  In fact the entire world knows that oil money is the biggest predictor of how the PPP and the Coalition behave.

yuji22 posted:

Hey, Multiple Personalities Disorder fool:


You idiot Guana/D2/Storm, why would Jagdeo have Russian Citizenship ?You fool.


Dum Dum the man did not go to school in the congo. Jajdeo was in Russia for some years.

BTW is Ugli your real name....guess what... more than one means multiple. Do ou have multiple personality disorder?

Prashad posted:

Prashad is 5 percent Congolese so probably Yugi is also.

No Congo blood here. Sorry. 

I am a proud Indo and no racist PNC Shyte Head change that. 

Dem racist PNC shyteheads try to label Jagdeo with Indian citizenship and gets upset when We question if Granger has Congo citizenship. 

They need to stop this Shyte. They fire and they cry a bunch of sissys when posters fire back. 

Jagdeo does not have Indian citizenship as much as Granger does not have Congo citizenship. 


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is 5 percent Congolese so probably Yugi is also.

No Congo blood here. Sorry. 

I am a proud Indo and no racist PNC Shyte Head change that. 

Seven thousand years ago, most of Indian gene pool migrated out of africa. That is the science from genetic mapping that is in the prevailing understanding of human movements across the planet

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is 5 percent Congolese so probably Yugi is also.

No Congo blood here. Sorry. 

I am a proud Indo and no racist PNC Shyte Head change that. 

Seven thousand years ago, most of Indian gene pool migrated out of africa. That is the science from genetic mapping that is in the prevailing understanding of human movements across the planet

Take your bullshit elsewhere !

yuji22 posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

Prashad is 5 percent Congolese so probably Yugi is also.

No Congo blood here. Sorry. 

I am a proud Indo and no racist PNC Shyte Head change that. 

Seven thousand years ago, most of Indian gene pool migrated out of africa. That is the science from genetic mapping that is in the prevailing understanding of human movements across the planet

Take your bullshit elsewhere !

Tell that to the worlds investigators of genetic science that is mapping the world's peoples. No one denies the existence of earlier hominids in India. Home Sapiens are the specie we are talking about and that they all came out of the area called Africa today means it is a foregone conclusion we are all one specie.  Science  is simply trying to affirm the mapping of when and how and where  various groups left, how they diverged or they  recombined .  Your lesson for the morning.

Insults to Darwin by a religious not noted!

Last edited by Former Member

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