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Banks DIH modernizes after record profits – Reis

January 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under News


By Leon Suseran

Chairman of Banks DIH Limited, Clifford Reis, has stated that the company is undergoing a modernization like no other time in its history. This announcement was made at the company’s 18th Berbice Shareholders’ reception at Peter D’Aguiar Street, Banks Tarmac, New Amsterdam on Sunday.

The attractive local biscuit/cracker line of products proudly made in Guyana displayed at the Shareholders’ reception.

This modernization, he stated, includes a new pasteurizer, a new equipment for the soft drink plant, a new water well—up to 400 gallons per minute—and soon 800 gallons per minute, a new ice-cream plant, a new boiler, new generators, etc. Reis added, too, that the company is heading sharply towards more automation, meaning that the machinery is doing the brunt of the work, with just a handful of human labour overseeing these operations. He, however, stated that the company has never seen the need to lay-off any employee since that was not required in the “family company”, rather workers were moved to other areas in the business. “You have guys sit down with laptops and this machine produced Coca Cola and Sprite—fills the bottles to the perfect height and the speed it comes off with, the humans just cannot compete with it”, he noted. A new brew house, fully automated, will be operational within 6 weeks and will enable the company to produce more than 400,000 cases of beer per month—900 bottles per minute or 42, 43 cases per minute!” The company, the Chairman said, is also becoming more and more self-sufficient in terms of its basic operational requirements—water, electricity, etc. The company is producing 4.4 Megawatts of power, and another 1.7MW will be added shortly. “We do not depend on anyone beyond the fence of Banks and we produce energy cheaper than GPL”, he stated, to loud applause from the gathering. Banks DIH was once asked to manage Guyana Power & Light Inc (GPL)…”that’s a long story”, he stated jokingly. “Your company has taken these decisions to make sure that we fulfill the dreams of our shareholders and investors”. In another year, a brand-new fleet of vehicles will be added. New Amsterdam will benefit from a spanking new Citizen’s Bank branch. “We have completed 80 per cent of the approval to build this new bank up here – and we hope that it will finish within 15 months and you will have your own bank—a replica of what the Head Office looks like because what we want to do is to brand the bank just like we brand Coca Cola and Banks Beer”. “The soft drink industry is doing well; the brewery industry is doing well; even Guinness Stout has shown an increase of 25 per cent.” For the first time in the history of the Caribbean, he said, Banks DIH sold 93,000 cases of Guinness in December, surpassing the 56,000 cases it sold during the year. The company recorded more successes. In December, the company sold more than 1 million units of cases of products…Never in the history of this company have we done that!” He praised his Berbice Operations manager, Mr Reginald ‘Reggie’ Matthews, for selling more than $2B… “a fantastic number and he not only sold it—but thanks to the consumers who drank it— $2B is not an easy number—Reggie sold 1.4M units of products (a 14 per cent increase)…We are talking about 24 billion bottles of products.” Berbice Manager, Mr Matthews praised the company’s prudent environmental practice capability of having a new fleet of trucks. More recently a forklift that works with propane gas [no fumes] was added to the fleet. “We are not only making profits, but we are respecting the environment”. The New Amsterdam ‘Qik Serv’ Restaurant has increased its sales in spite of competition right around it, selling $90.5M, an increase of 13 per cent over the previous year. Sales are on the increase for the local restaurant chain, ne noted. “We remain number one when it comes to cleanliness and service!” Export sales through Berbice also generated revenue of $22M. Banks DIH recorded $4B profit in 2011compared to $3.081B in 2010, an increase of $955M or 31 percent. The company’s net profit increased from $1.362B in 2010 to $1.934B in 2011 reflecting an increase of $572.0M or 42 per cent.

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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:



Banks DIH modernizes after record profits – Reis


This is outrageously awful and atrocious news for the AFC!


Losers Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, Nigel Hughes, and Raphael Trotman are totally disgusted and repulsed by the Banks DIH news.


In a press release just issued by flower boy Gerard Ramsaroop, the AFC has sternly condemned Banks DIH CEO Clifford Reis for viciously undermining the AFC.


You see folks:





May Guyana continue to grow and prosper while the PPP controls the executive branch, and may the nasty, wretched, and vile losers in the AFC continue to suffer from envy and malice.



Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is bad for private investments in Guyana. Take a look at the ratio of private investments to GDP since 1992. 

That ratio will improve considerably within the next 3 years when the mining projects in the pipeline right now start bearing fruit.


The losers in the AFC will be crying blood!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is bad for private investments in Guyana. Take a look at the ratio of private investments to GDP since 1992. 

That ratio will improve considerably within the next 3 years when the mining projects in the pipeline right now start bearing fruit.


The losers in the AFC will be crying blood!




Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.

Originally Posted by warrior:

the private sector is trying to move guyana forward and the ppp government is trying to compate against them.bulding hotels with taxpayers money

NICIL is trying to bring 5 star accommodations to Guyana, that flea infested Pegasus is not worthy of even 1 star so I don't know who mariott is competing with. 5 star hotel calls for 5 star prices and will attract 5 star clients, not the same clientele that fleabag Pegasus attracts.  

Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is bad for private investments in Guyana. Take a look at the ratio of private investments to GDP since 1992. 

tell us about this ratio and provide your source. And while you are compiling these numbers, don't forget to factor in the effects of mo fiah slow fiah, which AFC endorses and funds, on driving away investors over the decades. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is bad for private investments in Guyana. Take a look at the ratio of private investments to GDP since 1992. 

That ratio will improve considerably within the next 3 years when the mining projects in the pipeline right now start bearing fruit.


The losers in the AFC will be crying blood!




Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.

The boy is a poke nokker...what do you expect...

Originally Posted by TK:


Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.



You and your fellow bitter losers in the AFC are desperately hoping and praying for those mining projects to fail.


But The feasibility studies have been done---millions of ounces are in those veins--it's only a matter of time now before production starts.


And the bad news for you AFC losers is production will be in full blast around the next election.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.



You and your fellow bitter losers in the AFC are desperately hoping and praying for those mining projects to fail.


But The feasibility studies have been done---millions of ounces are in those veins--it's only a matter of time now before production starts.


And the bad news for you AFC losers is production will in full blast around the next election.





I don't know if you are enlightened enough to understand the resource curse? 


PPP is bad for business in Guyana?

All aya Stupid Poom Poom Patacake.....

this is big seed first post.... in history .....that mek sense....

it might turn out to be his only true statement in life.....


Quote:-  The company, the Chairman said, is also becoming more and more self-sufficient in terms of its basic operational requirements—water, electricity, etc.


The company is producing 4.4 Megawatts of power, and another 1.7MW will be added shortly.


“We do not depend on anyone beyond the fence of Banks and we produce energy cheaper than GPL”, he stated, to loud applause from the gathering.


Banks DIH was once asked to manage Guyana Power & Light Inc (GPL)…”that’s a long story”, he stated jokingly. “Your company has taken these decisions to make sure that we fulfill the dreams of our shareholders and investors”.


So be careful if yuh cuss .....

dont cuss the onlything truth eee ever said in his life....

but yuh can cuss de big seed eeee carrying around.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know if you are enlightened enough to understand the resource curse? 

The resource curse seem to be blessing the Arabs and Canadians. hahaa


Not relevant to Canada. You should have said Norway. Natural resources cannot hide the day of reckoning that will come when 50% of human resources (females) are penalized and underutilized. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.



You and your fellow bitter losers in the AFC are desperately hoping and praying for those mining projects to fail.


But The feasibility studies have been done---millions of ounces are in those veins--it's only a matter of time now before production starts.


And the bad news for you AFC losers is production will be in full blast around the next election.







Poom Poom Panty Numbers Rev.....

now assuring .....



Bhai I like yuh Proof

Your Proof in De Poom Poom Parasites and Cheese

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:

I don't know if you are enlightened enough to understand the resource curse? 

The resource curse seem to be blessing the Arabs and Canadians. hahaa


Not relevant to Canada. You should have said Norway. Natural resources cannot hide the day of reckoning that will come when 50% of human resources (females) are penalized and underutilized. 

11.5 % of GDP is not significant?

Originally Posted by TK:


I don't know if you are enlightened enough to understand the resource curse? 



Stop with your patronizing nonsense! The Rev exposed you as a dunce in the LTCM thread. Now you come here asking me if I am familiar with the resourse curse(paradox of plenty) ?


Listen TK! You are a TALKER and a political LOSER. Just from that question alone you have revealed how desperate you AFC losers are for Guyana to fail under the PPP.


Listen! Guyana has immense potential not only in natural resources--the country has fertile agri land---it's the land of many waters---hydro will be a reality---and with hydro---cheaper source of energy/electricity---new industries(processing/refining, etc) will spring.


Guyana is on the road to prosperity TK---and TALKERS and political LOSERS like you will forever be gloomy, miserable, and despondent---forever wishing the country bad.









Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you are a mudhead and  have no credibility.






You are way too young to be aligning yourself with losers!


Surely you don't want to end up like the cynical TK---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER---who will forever be a prophet of doom regarding his country of birth---the man is deeply jealous of Guyana's success under the PPP.


And let's not forget stormborn--that man is a nutcase--stormy is 53 years old and is still a student---the man has never held any job more than a year.


Mitts do you aspire to be a talker and a political loser---like TK, stromborn and those 3 hustlers in the photo above ?



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you are a mudhead and  have no credibility.






You are way too young to be aligning yourself with losers!


Surely you don't want to end up like the cynical TK---TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER---who will forever be a prophet of doom regarding his country of birth---the man is deeply jealous of Guyana's success under the PPP.


And let's not forget stormborn--that man is a nutcase--stormy is 53 years old and is still a student---the man has never held any job more than a year.


Mitts do you aspire to be a talker and a political loser---like TK, stromborn and those 3 hustlers in the photo above ?



 TK is a real person and you are an alias so you should shut your silly mouth about accomplishments or aptitude until a comparison could be made with the real  you. To date you are demonstrably a dunce, a consummate liar and a racist to boot.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


TK is a real person...





We all know Tarron Khemraj aka TK aka redux is a real person---we also know that real person TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


And he will forever be a TALKER and a political LOSER---TK will never, ever be a DOER in this lifetime.





I don't know you, but you did say that you are 53 years old and trying to get a Phd in your field but you are not sure if you have the mental acuity.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


TK is a real person...





We all know Tarron Khemraj aka TK aka redux is a real person---we also know that real person TK is a TALKER and a political LOSER.


And he will forever be a TALKER and a political LOSER---TK will never, ever be a DOER in this lifetime.





I don't know you, but you did say that you are 53 years old and trying to get a Phd in your field but you are not sure if you have the mental acuity.









You don't worry we do enough to bring you fools down to 48% in spite of all the state resources you have. We do enough so that you guys can never thief in peace. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


Hmmm...our boy is pinning all hopes gold mining.



You and your fellow bitter losers in the AFC are desperately hoping and praying for those mining projects to fail.


But The feasibility studies have been done---millions of ounces are in those veins--it's only a matter of time now before production starts.


And the bad news for you AFC losers is production will in full blast around the next election.





I don't know if you are enlightened enough to understand the resource curse? 

They should use the resource to add depth and breath to the economy.  Any economy based purely on commodity will collapse one day.

Originally Posted by TK:


You don't worry we do enough to bring you fools down to 48% in spite of all the state resources you have. We do enough so that you guys can never thief in peace. 



Thiefin is what the PNC did---they stole monies from the treasury---money meant for schools, hospitals, infrastructure, etc---in the end they destroyed Guyana--bankrupted the country.


The PPP bais are not directly thiefin---not raiding the treasury---they are more sophisticated.


I have already told that that there is milk and honey in the executive branch---the lawyers in the AFC(Khemraj, Moses, Nigel and Trotty) would love to get a taste of the milk and honey flows from contracts, envelopes, gifts, kickbacks, sweetenings, payola, etc, etc ,etc


Every project, public or private, that gets developed in Guyana--PPP politicians profit from those projects--they fill their pockets---that's the way things are in politics.


Politicians have power but dont make much money--but they are richly compensated for their power.


TK, you are an associate professor---what does an associate professor pull in 125K/150K ? That's peanuts! It must therefore pain you to see lagoo bagoo like Irfan Alli and Robert Persaud making millions sucking on milk and honey in the executive branch.


Listen TK---stick to your lil teaching job---write your books and articles---politics is dirty business--stay out of it.


99% of politicians who tell you they want to do good for their country---they are brazenly lying---they want power and money that comes with that power.









Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


You don't worry we do enough to bring you fools down to 48% in spite of all the state resources you have. We do enough so that you guys can never thief in peace. 



Thiefin is what the PNC did---they stole monies from the treasury---money meant for schools, hospitals, infrastructure, etc---in the end they destroyed Guyana--bankrupted the country.


The PPP bais are not directly thiefin---not raiding the treasury---they are more sophisticated.


I have already told that that there is milk and honey in the executive branch---the lawyers in the AFC(Khemraj, Moses, Nigel and Trotty) would love to get a taste of the milk and honey flows from contracts, envelopes, gifts, kickbacks, sweetenings, payola, etc, etc ,etc


Every project, public or private, that gets developed in Guyana--PPP politicians profit from those projects--they fill their pockets---that's the way things are in politics.


Politicians have power but dont make much money--but they are richly compensated for their power.


TK, you are an associate professor---what does an associate professor pull in 125K/150K ? That's peanuts! It must therefore pain you to see lagoo bagoo like Irfan Alli and Robert Persaud making millions sucking on milk and honey in the executive branch.


Listen TK---stick to your lil teaching job---write your books and articles---politics is dirty business--stay out of it.


99% of politicians who tell you they want to do good for their country---they are brazenly lying---they want power and money that comes with that power.









All you fools said you will get 60%. We with a team of volunteers brought you down with all your state assets to 48%. Somewhere in the Bible it says never be envious of the wicked. 

Originally Posted by TK:


All you fools said you will get 60%. We with a team of volunteers brought you down with all your state assets to 48%. Somewhere in the Bible it says never be envious of the wicked. 



You're chatting with the Rev Al--he knows the bible from cover to cover.


prov 24:1 says, "don't envy godless(wicked) men; don't even enjoy their company."


Well TK, you may not envy the PPP bais who are filling their pockets, but your leaders, Moses, Khemraj, Trotty, and Nigel are absolutely dying for a taste of the milk and honey.hahahaha



RE: THAT 60%


Listen TK--only fools and morons would have predicted the PPP would get 60%---in 2006 the PPP received 54.6% of the votes---so with a new leader(bhai ramo) in 2011 and given the dirty reputation of jags and his cabal---bhai Ramo was darned lucky to pull 48.6%


By the way TK---dont pat yourself on the back too much. In 2006 the AFC received 8.4% of the votes; in 2011 you only received 1.9% more---10.3% overall


It was the PNC and their coalition partners who benefitted the most---in 2006 the PNC received 34% of the votes---in 2011 the PNC and their coalition partners---apnu got 40.8%





In the next election, bhai ramo will be a known quantity---he will benefit from being the incumbent---the Guyanese economy will be doing well---and Ramo and his party will regain the majority---you saw the recent private poll funded by Subraj---PPP 51%.



Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP 55%-58%.

Seems reasonable.


By the way, Baseman, I will always honour my bet with you for the 2011 elections.


Whether we meet in Canada, US-of-A, Europe, India, etc., as promised, I will pay the entertainment bill for you and any number of your guests.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP 55%-58%.

Seems reasonable.


By the way, Baseman, I will always honour my bet with you for the 2011 elections.


Whether we meet in Canada, US-of-A, Europe, India, etc., as promised, I will pay the entertainment bill for you and any number of your guests.

Don't worry, I have you on an IOU.

Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP 55%-58%.

Ok Baseman and Rev ......

why is the PPP scared of Calling Elections now......

if they are Guaranteed a New Majority in Parliament......

with fresh elections........

Why .......Is it because de Mudheads love being a Minority????

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP 55%-58%.

Ok Baseman and Rev ......

why is the PPP scared of Calling Elections now......

if they are Guaranteed a New Majority in Parliament......

with fresh elections........

Why .......Is it because de Mudheads love being a Minority????

Tactically, the PPP thinks it's better to let attrition take it's course.  I think it's a smart course as they have time on their side.  The stalemate is harming the opposition.


Baseman regardless of all the Lies Nandalall say the PPP is loosing support on the ground.

The PPP Grass root and Support base is Canecutters, Framers and Labourers.......

The PPP Grass-Root is not connected to Bobby Ramroop gang who are living fat off the Milk and Honey of the State.

The PPP Grass-Root is not connected to Kwame, Lamumba, Nascimento, McClean, Hamilton and the other PNC Thugs Killers and Rapist who are given shelter in the Office of the President by Ramotar and Jagdeo.

Thats one thing Burnham cannot be accused of....he would never allow these Criminals to walk in the halls of his office......muchless occupy Positions there......these thugs had to remain in their barracks at the house of Isreal compound.




If General Elections were called today.....

The PPP and PNC Combined will get around 60% of the Total Votes.

They can still form a Govt Together....60% is a`Majority...

they have a long history which they share.....and they PPP/PNC can hold on for a few more years longer.....

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Baseman regardless of all the Lies Nandalall say the PPP is loosing support on the ground.

The PPP Grass root and Support base is Canecutters, Framers and Labourers.......

The PPP Grass-Root is not connected to Bobby Ramroop gang who are living fat off the Milk and Honey of the State.

The PPP Grass-Root is not connected to Kwame, Lamumba, Nascimento, McClean, Hamilton and the other PNC Thugs Killers and Rapist who are given shelter in the Office of the President by Ramotar and Jagdeo.

Thats one thing Burnham cannot be accused of....he would never allow these Criminals to walk in the halls of his office......muchless occupy Positions there......these thugs had to remain in their barracks at the house of Isreal compound.

The PPP would have been in a big sh1t load of problems if it was not for the PNC/GDF "enslavement" formula.

Originally Posted by cain:

The whole country could have also been in shit now had the AFC not jumped into the ring.

Those guys on their last leg.  Too much hatred, too little balance.


It looks like the ex AFC/pnC supporters who voted for them in 2010 are seeking solace in the bottle after a year of failed promises from the AFC/PNC. 

He praised his Berbice Operations manager, Mr Reginald ‘Reggie’ Matthews, for selling more than $2B… “a fantastic number and he not only sold it—but thanks to the consumers who drank it


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