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Ramotar, Texiera, Nandalall and Luncheon works with Kwame to place thugs in Agricola By Editor   October 14, 2012 This reporter has spoken to two men from Queenstown who indicated they along with 15 others were paid by the PPP’s known thug Kwame McKoy to intermingle with the legitimate protestors at Agricola but disrupt the operation by committing violent acts against innocent citizens so that NCN would have something newsworthy to report to deflect the outrage brewing in the country over Roger Luncheon’s earlier utterances that the government was prepared to “rumble” against demands for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to step down.
This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”.
The neighborhood where these individuals were residing was in one of the less desirable areas in Queenstown. Asked specifically what acts the committed and against whom the lads declined to divulge more details for fear of retribution from the PPP. They stated that the PPP had operatives leading them who were also giving them instructions on the ground what to do.
When pressed why the PPP was going to hire persons to do such a thing they explained that the government badly needed a positive story against the backdrop of the murders of innocent young black boys in Guyana as a result they could not have gone on television and just announce that protests erupted in Linden.
These actions mirror the events in linden where residents there vehemently denied they were involved in any attacks of persons in the area and in linden they were much more organized to prevent infiltration by the PPP. Agricola being much closer to the city and to the operatives of the PPP and the nature of the area is very open so it is extremely easy to seed unknown persons into the protest because the situation is very fluid and covers a vast area. It was also noted by several persons we interviewed in Agrocola today who claimed during the initial hours of the protests in Agricola things were quite orderly and on some of the video seen by this reporter and retrieved from residents it clearly shows that persons were not afraid walking past burning debris on the road between 4:00 and 5:30 PM. The mayhem seems to have been tied in with the exact time that NCN went on air to report incidents of violence in Agricola as a matter of fact when we reviewed the footage from NCN it reflected similarly the footage showed persons walking across the carriageway in a very nonchalant manner and that clip kept being replayed over and over on NCN because there seemed to be nothing else to show.
We asked our confidential informants if they were told or whether it was discussed who was behind these attacks and the response was yes Dr. Luncheon, Gail Texiera and Anil Nandalall met with Kwame at office of the President and they quickly hatched the plan and President Ramotar assented to the action.
We will continue to follow this story as it develops and we will be contacting the AFC and APNU if they qre available for their response, attempts to reach the AFC and APNU so far have been futile.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TI:
What nonsense! The black hoodlums of Agricola are PPP now? People are sinking to new lows in Guyana. Really pathetic.

PPP in charge, Guyana HAS BEEN in new lows since they took office.


Well when my father read this blog post he was very sad since he tell he have to tell me a story to free himself mentally from something he did in the past and he ask me to ask all Guyanese for forgiveness.


He said in the 70's the Iron Lady of the PPP headed an arm of the PPP called the PEOPLE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY.  Their aim was to burn cane to destablize the economy of Guyana and to force Burnham to the bargaining table.  In the process many on the sugar belt lost income and were forced into a life of abject poverty because of the PPP's action.


So on behalf of "meh DAADY", we beg pardon and ask for your forgiveness.


Now we are in the USA, we love Obama and we love this great country that has given us every thing we ever dream about.


Me father "praapa like go pun boat cruse to the Bahamas".


PEACE and LOVE to all Guyanese who suffered because of the PPP's "BUN CANE" actions.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Well when my father read this blog post he was very sad since he tell he have to tell me a story to free himself mentally from something he did in the past and he ask me to ask all Guyanese for forgiveness.


He said in the 70's the Iron Lady of the PPP headed an arm of the PPP called the PEOPLE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY.  Their aim was to burn cane to destablize the economy of Guyana and to force Burnham to the bargaining table.  In the process many on the sugar belt lost income and were forced into a life of abject poverty because of the PPP's action.


So on behalf of "meh DAADY", we beg pardon and ask for your forgiveness.


Now we are in the USA, we love Obama and we love this great country that has given us every thing we ever dream about.


Me father "praapa like go pun boat cruse to the Bahamas".


PEACE and LOVE to all Guyanese who suffered because of the PPP's "BUN CANE" actions.


You can prappa lie you know. You and you papa ah wan an de same person. Get off dis "my father sh*t". You lived in Guyana in the 70's. If you papa ah wan Indian, he neva go say dem tings because he eself suffa unda Burnam.

Me bin ah wan cane cutta in Guyana an me can figa you out. Abie go ketch you you no.


every guyanese know that the indians use to burn cane field in burham days so war is war is only ppp crime family cry when the war is at their door steps



...This explosive report was made by the young man who claimed they were paid 50,000 Guyana dollars each to go to agricola and create mayhem. The 2 operatives when asked why they complied in such deceit said they needed the money “tings rough”...
 ... They stated that the PPP had operatives leading them who were also giving them instructions on the ground what to do.
When pressed why the PPP was going to hire persons to do such a thing they explained that the government badly needed a positive story against the backdrop of the murders of innocent young black boys in Guyana as a result they could not have gone on television and just announce that protests erupted in Linden...

...We asked our confidential informants if they were told or whether it was discussed who was behind these attacks and the response was yes Dr. Luncheon, Gail Texiera and Anil Nandalall met with Kwame at office of the President and they quickly hatched the plan and President Ramotar assented to the action... 

This  is  one  of  the hokiest & kookiest piece of  crap I  have heard for  the  longest  time!

It is  not  that  the  PPP  is  beyond  these sort  of  things, but why  would  seasoned  political  propagandist & strategist like "Dr. Luncheon, Gail Texiera and Anil Nandalall met with Kwame at office of the President and they quickly hatched the plan and President Ramotar assented to the action"...  exposed their  hands  directly to common / desperate  street  thugs/  urchins?  They  have  to  be  the  dumbest pricks around   and  deserved  to  be  banished  to  Siberia  if  in  fact they  did.

I  believe it  is  concocted  nonsense  like  this that  is  causing  the  opposition to  lose traction  &  credibility and making them  appears  like  bumbling  fools in  the eyes of the public.       


This is the path the KFC is going down. And we thought Baghdad Bob was no more. Moses, GR and Ramjattan has NO SHAME. These People are currently willing to use every TRICK in the Book to acquire POWER, WEALTH and STATUS. I do not believe Hitler or Moussilini were so desperate and Stupid.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

This is the path the KFC is going down. And we thought Baghdad Bob was no more. Moses, GR and Ramjattan has NO SHAME. These People are currently willing to use every TRICK in the Book to acquire POWER, WEALTH and STATUS. I do not believe Hitler or Moussilini were so desperate and Stupid.


I  do  not  know the  source of  the  tripe  above  but  I  seriously  doubt  that "  Moses, GR and Ramjattan'  would  stoop  that  low.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

This is the path the KFC is going down. And we thought Baghdad Bob was no more. Moses, GR and Ramjattan has NO SHAME. These People are currently willing to use every TRICK in the Book to acquire POWER, WEALTH and STATUS. I do not believe Hitler or Moussilini were so desperate and Stupid.


I  do  not  know the  source of  the  tripe  above  but  I  seriously  doubt  that "  Moses, GR and Ramjattan'  would  stoop  that  low.

Come on, the KFC is playing this dangerous Game. Everyone knows it.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mara, I am sure you know Moses was the PRAPOGANDA Minister for the PPP You think he lost those skills????

Hey Nehru, but you doing a better job than he ever did.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mara, I am sure you know Moses was the PRAPOGANDA Minister for the PPP You think he lost those skills????

Hey Nehru, but you doing a better job than he ever did.

You know what Jack Nicholson said " You want the TRUTH, you cant handle the TRUTH".

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Being a Neemakaram is a choice but displaying extreme stupidity, ignorance and illiteracy is another thing.



Are you a Neemakaram Pandit Nehru?



Ask your daddy why the AFC has refused to investigate election funding  disgraceful affair involving the Bush Doctor. We are still awaiting the results. Ask your daddy to post the question to the AFC top brass.

They are ducking this issue. This is unacceptable.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Being a Neemakaram is a choice but displaying extreme stupidity, ignorance and illiteracy is another thing.



Are you a Neemakaram Pandit Nehru?



Ask your daddy why the AFC has refused to investigate election funding  disgraceful affair involving the Bush Doctor. We are still awaiting the results. Ask your daddy to post the question to the AFC top brass.

They are ducking this issue. This is unacceptable.

You missed the bus. That was investigated and answered here. AFC encourages it's members to speakout unlike the Pick Pocket Party/ Crooks.

Originally Posted by warrior:

every guyanese know that the indians use to burn cane field in burham days so war is war is only ppp crime family cry when the war is at their door steps

This is a fact and its silly to deny this fact.


Better to state that the AfroNazi dictatorship gave them little alternative in order to make their point.


The current Indo Nazi regime has forgotten what desperate people might do when ignored.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by warrior:

every guyanese know that the indians use to burn cane field in burham days so war is war is only ppp crime family cry when the war is at their door steps

This is a fact and its silly to deny this fact.


Better to state that the AfroNazi dictatorship gave them little alternative in order to make their point.


The current Indo Nazi regime has forgotten what desperate people might do when ignored.

Burning of few cane fields, which re-generate anyway, is a far cry from sponsoring of terrorism, brutalizing, rape, killings, etc.  This is the acts of crime family PNC.


I don't hear the PPP leadership crying about the mayhem, I hear PNC complaining about police enforcement.  You are going back to the line of 2002-2006 and you saw what happened.  I would suggest you stay away from threatening people and instigation.  You may just get what you ordered.


This is what the PPP is great at?


Get them to plant cassava and export it?  they run and hide.


Get them to wuk hard and export it and produce new wealth for the nation; they run and hide?


But this stuff of fomenting racial strife is their forte!

Originally Posted by Henry:

This unsigned blog is even more pathetic than that which trickles down from the waterfalls paper. At least Freddie, narcissist that he is, signs his little essays.

It makes a lot more sense than the crap you post here daily signed by that madman, your cult leader LaRouche.


The AFC is squandering its political gains by getting involved in all sorts dangerous games with the PNC. This party will suffer dearly in the next elections.

The people of Guyana, especially those die-hard PPPites who threw their support behind the AFC are watching closely what is going on. The AFC better start acting maturely and responsibly or else it will be too late for them and even worse for us all.

Billy Ram Balgobin

billy ram PPP has not done a thing to win back any of the supporters they have lost.....and they continue to more daily.


Now....Rohee admitting dem in deep $hit.....dem can attack de AFC as much as them want but....Ralph, Joey and Nadira have spoken de truth.


So acting or behaving like a Goat wont help de PPP ........ask Rohee.


Joey, Nadira, and Ralph spoke about ill-effects of corruption and the need to protect the democratic gains won some two decades ago. They did not speak about removing the government of the day and replacing it with the PNC. While Ralph acknowledged the existence of corruption he also did not lose sight of the fact the opposition parties are magnifying it. Look how shameless and low the dailies have become in Guyana to blame the PPP for the violence at AGricola and Linden when a fellow parlimentary member of the PPP was almost beaten to death.

Free press is fine but when the cross the line use lies to promote hate and instability then some sort of legal action must be taken against them.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Henry:

This unsigned blog is even more pathetic than that which trickles down from the waterfalls paper. At least Freddie, narcissist that he is, signs his little essays.



Look who talking about unsigned.  OH HENRY, aren't you a Kwame phantom?


What is your name? Oh Yeh, I heary your name is Clement the GOAT.



Then they got Todd Morgan, T. King a/k the toad, N. Augustus a/k (Nat a rass Augustus).  They are all young punks who are paid $80,000 a month to write what Kwame, KNEE the ASS and Prem the Miserable sex freek a/k PAVI the pork cutter man, tell them to write.

Man you chaps got no shame.

You are all phantoms and you accusing people of unsigned documents.


Let us get to the FACTS.

Wasn't it true that the PPP MP, Neil Kumar who went into Agricola with his gun and when he recognise the PPP thugs, he run away and left the people to be robbed and beaten.

PPP "kuli" paid "blackman" to beat Guyanese East Indians and then call it AFC racial war.


But the Leader of the AFC is an East Indian and the next most likely Presidential Candidate of the AFC, Mr. Moses Nagamootoo is an East Indian; so why would they want to beat East Indians.


Einstein moment - the PPP thugs beat the East Indians in Agricola and the East Indian farmers of Berbice do not believe them.  They know the PPP lying.



MERRY CHRISTMAS, the East Indians are discovering this Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal that thinks they are first among equals with their HITLERISM.


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