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Former Member

PPP warns of retaliation if election violence isn’t addressed

PPP Parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba.

PPP Parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba.

The People’s Progressive Party (PPPC) late Thursday night warned that if poor elections management by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) continues to lead to violent attacks against its supporters, it would eventually be forced to retaliate.

PPP parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba urged A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) to stop taking his party’s supporters for granted in the face of weak electoral management and poor response by the police and army.

“They must stop pretending or believing that the PPP supporters are inept, weak and feeble. There will come a time in Guyana where the PPP, like any other revolutionary organisation, will have to be physical and stand up against violence and such a step is not in the interest of Guyana and democracy,” he told the National Assembly.

Contributing  to a debate on a PPP-sponsored motion that called for the State to compensate residents in Sophia for injury and destruction to property on May 11, 2015- Election Night, Lumumba assured that he was not preaching violence or insurrection.

He accused the media, observers, private sector and GECOM of ignoring the PPP’s concerns as part of wider plot to remove his party from office. “It appeared that ot was predetermined that the PPP should lose at any cost,” he said.

The PPP parliamentarian said he would not participate in future elections if Guyana’s major political parties do not eschew violence and GECOM and the police force, along with international security personnel, do not address violence prone areas. “Mr. Speaker, the PPP’s backs are to the wall. The party must either concede bullyism or both sides agree to international intervention,” he said.

Another PPPC parliamentarian, Ganga Persaud, told the House that if elections-related violence including intimidation, obstruction and misdirection of voters is not addressed the situation could escalate. “The time has come that if elections violence is addressed in this country, Sir, it would escalate and the givers might end up being the receivers  and so I am saying to us let us do not take people for granted.

Let us stop this thing! Let us all who go out there and encourage these things, think that it can turn back because what goes around comes around and when you giving be prepared to take too,” said Persaud, a former GECOM official and PPP government minister.

Minister of Natural Resources,  Raphael Trotman told the House that Sophia resident, Mr. Kublall, had voluntarily said that he strongly believed that it was not political violence but criminal acts. Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix earlier told the House that vigilant people were bent on ensuring the integrity of the vote.

Lumumba earlier made it clear that he did not believe that APNU and AFC had centrally directed the attacks on Kublall that resulted in his house and several vehicles being destroyed by arsonists.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Mr.T posted:

The PPP threatening a coup. Time for the leaders to be rounded up and prosecuted. A state of emergency might well be required.

State of emergency should be required to reign in the PNC thugs

asj posted:

PPP warns of retaliation if election violence isn’t addressed

PPP Parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba.

PPP Parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba.

The People’s Progressive Party (PPPC) late Thursday night warned that if poor elections management by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) continues to lead to violent attacks against its supporters, it would eventually be forced to retaliate.

PPP parliamentarian, Odinga Lumumba urged A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) to stop taking his party’s supporters for granted in the face of weak electoral management and poor response by the police and army.

“They must stop pretending or believing that the PPP supporters are inept, weak and feeble. There will come a time in Guyana where the PPP, like any other revolutionary organisation, will have to be physical and stand up against violence and such a step is not in the interest of Guyana and democracy,” he told the National Assembly.

Contributing  to a debate on a PPP-sponsored motion that called for the State to compensate residents in Sophia for injury and destruction to property on May 11, 2015- Election Night, Lumumba assured that he was not preaching violence or insurrection.

He accused the media, observers, private sector and GECOM of ignoring the PPP’s concerns as part of wider plot to remove his party from office. “It appeared that ot was predetermined that the PPP should lose at any cost,” he said.

The PPP parliamentarian said he would not participate in future elections if Guyana’s major political parties do not eschew violence and GECOM and the police force, along with international security personnel, do not address violence prone areas. “Mr. Speaker, the PPP’s backs are to the wall. The party must either concede bullyism or both sides agree to international intervention,” he said.

Another PPPC parliamentarian, Ganga Persaud, told the House that if elections-related violence including intimidation, obstruction and misdirection of voters is not addressed the situation could escalate. “The time has come that if elections violence is addressed in this country, Sir, it would escalate and the givers might end up being the receivers  and so I am saying to us let us do not take people for granted.

Let us stop this thing! Let us all who go out there and encourage these things, think that it can turn back because what goes around comes around and when you giving be prepared to take too,” said Persaud, a former GECOM official and PPP government minister.

Minister of Natural Resources,  Raphael Trotman told the House that Sophia resident, Mr. Kublall, had voluntarily said that he strongly believed that it was not political violence but criminal acts. Minister of Citizenship, Winston Felix earlier told the House that vigilant people were bent on ensuring the integrity of the vote.

Lumumba earlier made it clear that he did not believe that APNU and AFC had centrally directed the attacks on Kublall that resulted in his house and several vehicles being destroyed by arsonists.

Balls!!!! These losers are just crying and mooing and lamenting and now pouting and insisting they are fitemen and will wage war...bullocks

Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Listen chap the PPP had their run,they are not the best as they portray their image to the the nation,scaring voters of beating drums in black villages to throw out the coolies had them in power for 23 yrs.Time for change Guyana needed that, you can berate the coalition to your utmost best,they will be there for the term in office,voters will decide come 2020 who are the lesser of two evils.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Listen chap the PPP had their run,they are not the best as they portray their image to the the nation,scaring voters of beating drums in black villages to throw out the coolies had them in power for 23 yrs.Time for change Guyana needed that, you can berate the coalition to your utmost best,they will be there for the term in office,voters will decide come 2020 who are the lesser of two evils.

The problem is that once the PNC is in power, they will continue to rig elections, so votes no longer count.

TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

Indians will be better of migrating out of Guyana. I don't believe that the PPP had any influence of drug dealers infiltrating Guyana. Even the mighty US can not control the drug trade and you expected the PPP to work miracles with little or no resources? But I am not here to defend the PPP, let us concentrate on what the PNC is now doing for Guyana, running it down into the ground. 

Drugb posted:

Indians will be better of migrating out of Guyana. I don't believe that the PPP had any influence of drug dealers infiltrating Guyana. Even the mighty US can not control the drug trade and you expected the PPP to work miracles with little or no resources? But I am not here to defend the PPP, let us concentrate on what the PNC is now doing for Guyana, running it down into the ground. 

Are you guys not tired of that excuse? The PPP introduced large scale drug smuggling to Guyana. Jagdeo himself held regular meetings with the top drug lords in Guyana behind closed doors. Drugs and money were smuggled out of Guyana on flights by private aeroplanes that were used by Jagdeo. So don't come with that nonsense that the PPP could do nothing. They were heavily involved.

TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

For little brown bai KKKs like you I would appear to care if I fall into the ethnic network and blame blackman for all Guyana's troubles, na? Let abie write nasty editorials at Chronicle blaming blackman. Dat is how to show care, na?

baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Brown bai KKK...yeah...they vote against their interest. That's my job to point that out.

yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Good luck come 2020.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Good luck come 2020.

Why wait for 2020 ?

Local Elections are coming up with your hero Granger preparing his rigging machinery.

TK posted:
yuji22 posted

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Brown bai KKK...yeah...they vote against their interest. That's my job to point that out.

Tha bhai don't see far from his nose,why enlighten him,pun top of it he calling you dunce.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:
TK posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

Why should Indos care whether PPP is in power or not? Except a few rich Indos they have not done anything good for Indos. So, who cares? They allowed drug dealers to infiltrate Indo villages. They turned a blind eye to the pushers. They killed sugar industry which employs thousands of Indos. They governed in the most backward and ignorant manner to benefit a few while jeopardizing the well-being of Indo masses. They refused to professionalize the police force by early employing that old scamp. They ran down UG even though thousands of their supporters go there. They allowed Hammie to make the city become the garbage city. They played the race card openly now making Indos appear like stupid people. PNC always played the race card quietly and tacitly. Indos will be better off under a PNC govt. At least the enemy is explicit and observable. PPP has always been the enemy within. Who really should care? I guess few rich ones.

For a mischief-maker living 3,000 miles away, you gatt nuff mouth about what the Indians should or should not care.  I did not know that some 95% of the Indians could be classified as "few rich ones".

And everyone knows you don't really care, but who cares what you care!!

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Good luck come 2020.

My thoughts exactly!

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted

TK is a dunce. Ninety Five (95) Percent Indos vote PPP and he calls them "a few rich ones"

Looks like the Black Bai KKK has brainwashed him already.

Word is that Rolling Stone TK is joining the URP. His grasshopper trait has once again been ignited.

Good luck come 2020.

Why wait for 2020 ?

Local Elections are coming up with your hero Granger preparing his rigging machinery.

No rigging,who tell you suh.


People vote with their conscience across the world. It is your warped mentality which makes some of you blind.

100 Percent Afros vote PNC and your Black Bai KKK mentality fail to mention this important fact.

And at the upcoming Local election, PPP will get 95 percent of Idos votes again, much to your warped mentality.

If the AFC had any Ball* they would have gone it alone, they choose to hide under Granger's skirt.


yuji22 posted:

People vote with their conscience across the world. It is your warped mentality which makes some of you blind.

100 Percent Afros vote PNC and your Black Bai KKK mentality fail to mention this important fact.

And at the upcoming Local election, PPP will get 95 percent of Idos votes again, much to your warped mentality.

If the AFC had any Ball* they would have gone it alone, they choose to hide under Granger's skirt.


Yuh going to have to be more creative than that. I guess your millions $$$ can't buy you bai boat brahmin? People vote conscience across the world? LOL! Blacks also vote race. I have said that many times. What I am yet to see is Blacks blaming Indos for all the problems the country faces. I don't see them stereotyping Indos as you Indo KKKs.

TK posted:
yuji22 posted:

People vote with their conscience across the world. It is your warped mentality which makes some of you blind.

100 Percent Afros vote PNC and your Black Bai KKK mentality fail to mention this important fact.

And at the upcoming Local election, PPP will get 95 percent of Idos votes again, much to your warped mentality.

If the AFC had any Ball* they would have gone it alone, they choose to hide under Granger's skirt.


Yuh going to have to be more creative than that. I guess your millions $$$ can't buy you bai boat brahmin? People vote conscience across the world? LOL! Blacks also vote race. I have said that many times. What I am yet to see is Blacks blaming Indos for all the problems the country faces. I don't see them stereotyping Indos as you Indo KKKs.

You keep degrading yourself with every single post of yours. You lil salary has blinded your judgement, eh grasshopper ?

As Guyanese say: Never see, come to see is a very bad thing.

Eh Grasshopper ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
TK posted:
yuji22 posted:

People vote with their conscience across the world. It is your warped mentality which makes some of you blind.

100 Percent Afros vote PNC and your Black Bai KKK mentality fail to mention this important fact.

And at the upcoming Local election, PPP will get 95 percent of Idos votes again, much to your warped mentality.

If the AFC had any Ball* they would have gone it alone, they choose to hide under Granger's skirt.


Yuh going to have to be more creative than that. I guess your millions $$$ can't buy you bai boat brahmin? People vote conscience across the world? LOL! Blacks also vote race. I have said that many times. What I am yet to see is Blacks blaming Indos for all the problems the country faces. I don't see them stereotyping Indos as you Indo KKKs.

You keep degrading yourself with every single post of yours. You lil salary has blinded your judgement, eh grasshopper ?

As Guyanese say: Never see, come to see is a very bad thing.

Eh Grasshopper ?

Why don't you answer the highlighted sentence,instead of prancing around like a kindergardener,you is a big man you does try to be little people whe you are cornered.


The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

Race issues aren't going away anytime soon in Guyana. That is a sad reality. However, the hope is that the politics would transcend race and the AFC as independent of both the PPP and PNC was in a great position to do so. Unfortunately, the AFC was not patient to allow themselves to mature into the party to transcend those racial stigmas so prevalent with the PPP and PNC so they joined with the PNC rendering themselves irrelevant to that effort. Now their scampishness is showing.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Facts are facts.

Know your history.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Facts are facts.

Know your history.

You have lost your credibility,i know  the history of Guyana pretty well.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Facts are facts.

Know your history.

You have lost your credibility,i know  the history of Guyana pretty well.

You are defending a useless administration, your credibility is on line.

Fact: 99 Percent of Indos were victims of post election violence as unleashed by the PNC in the history of Guyana.

The same trend is happening to Indos as victims of crime as it has escalated 25 Percent under this useless administration.

99 Percent of High Profile are being ethnically cleansed by this racist PNC administration.

Your credibility is on the line Django. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Facts are facts.

Know your history.

You have lost your credibility,i know  the history of Guyana pretty well.

You are defending a useless administration, your credibility is on line.

Fact: 99 Percent of Indos were victims of post election violence as unleashed by the PNC in the history of Guyana.

The same trend is happening to Indos as victims of crime as it has escalated 25 Percent under this useless administration.

99 Percent of High Profile are being ethnically cleansed by this racist PNC administration.

Your credibility is on the line Django. 

Need some more clarity here,violent crimes or Indians in top positions in the civil service,if is the latter "PROVE IT" present your list of names.

Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

PPP threatening "mo fiah slo fiah".  Go down and help them nuh!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lumumba must be living in an alternate universe. The Indians in Guyana has always been sheepish. They are afraid of their own shadows and would rather live under the duress of the PNC than risk life and limb to put the PPP in power. 

PPP threatening "mo fiah slo fiah".  Go down and help them nuh!


asj posted:


MY MY MY.  Two middle aged women terrify a bunch of men?

Stop embarrassing yourself.   The men were ignoring those women, as they should.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
asj posted:


MY MY MY.  Two middle aged women terrify a bunch of men?

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Caribny..bhai you made my day.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The problem I have with the PPP here is that when they were in government, they should have nipped this in the bud. They allowed the PNC supporters to wreck havoc and caused mayhem after every PPP victory. Making threats now is useless.

Agreed,but then again it's not an easy task in Guyana too much race baiting.

The problem is that when the PPP attempted to nip election violence, it was seen as Indos killing blacks, as we all know, the PNC used to unleash their violent arm of the party to murder and burn Indos and their businessesin order to incite racial hate.

Ninety Nine (99) percent of election violence victims were Indos and a similar trend apply to them as victims of crime today.

Know you history and know your facts.

Let me add some clarity,your first sentence have truth it happens during elections,supporters of the PNC became very uneasy, mostly in the capital ,part of your second sentence have a lot of untruths,of recent most of the Indian victims of crime were committed by Indians.

You should refrain from insinuating that Afro Guyanese are the perpetrators of crime on Indo Guyanese.


Yuji22 tried to mix two different situations into one here. Yes, the violence perpetuated by the PNC supporters after the PPP victories were predominantly by blacks on Indians. However, there is a lot of Indian on Indian violence especially by Indian men on Indian women. I don't have the numbers but from the naked eye, I would suggest that there is more Indian men on Indian women violence than there are black men on black women violence.

Nonetheless, the PNC supporters violence when they lose elections is a valid Yuji22 point.

Drugb posted:

Indians will be better of migrating out of Guyana. I don't believe that the PPP had any influence of drug dealers infiltrating Guyana. . 

In 1970 Indians were 51% of the population.  In 1991, they were 49% of the population. They are now estimated to be 40% of the population. The biggest flight of Indians was under the PPP rule.

In fact during the period that the PPP was in office the population of region 6 crumbled by 25%.

As to drug dealers. When you show me that Trudeau, Obama and Cameron consort with drug dealers as openly as Jagdeo hung out with Roger Khan and others (the owner of Buddy's) then you can get back to ne about PPP innocence. 

While drugs are every where, it was blatant that the PPP enjoyed strong ties with major drug lords during the Jagdeo era. At least Ramotar was less blatant, and I doubt that Jagan engaged in such behavior. Even Janet died because she regretted selecting Evil to replace her as president.


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