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May 10 2020


The recount and audit of the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections have begun in earnest in the past week and there is every indication that some of the problems the Coalition had long been complaining about in the run up to the polls are beginning to surface.
It was the administration of President David Granger, which had fought vigorously for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to sanitize the extremely bloated voters list. The Coalition had also wholeheartedly campaigned for House-to-House Registration as a means of allowing the country to approach the elections with a clean, credible voters’ list that all would have been happy with. As we can all recall, the House-to-House exercise was abandoned even though much of the work had already been completed. The result is that we lost a golden and glorious opportunity to prepare properly for the most important elections since independence in May of 1966.
But as we all know now, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) are the ones which steadfastly resisted the cleansing of the list for its own political reasons that are now coming back to haunt us all.
As the counting proceeds at the Conference Centre on the lower East Coast, the fears of the Coalition that electoral malfeasance would have resulted if the country had gone into March 2 with a bloated list are surfacing for all to see.
Our agents have been consistently reporting and complaining about dead or migrated people being recorded as having voted and the only ones who appear to have no problem with this is the PPP, as expected.
Guyana’s population is estimated by many as around 780,000. Yet GECOM published a list with more than 660,000 voters on the electoral scroll. For this to be anywhere near accurate, it would mean that we would have had to cut or reduce the national schools population by half to around 130,000 to cater for this category of citizens and to accurately reflect the list of eligible voters.
The Education Ministry as we all know, caters to a national school population of about 260,000 students. Add to this the 660,000 plus names on GECOM’s voters list and the total is way beyond the national population.
Briefing reporters outside the Centre on Friday, Minister Simona Broomes pointed to the problems with the dead and migrated being recorded as having voted. She also railed against the PPP’s resistance to the list being clean and hinted that GECOM might have missed the proverbial bus.
“We were the ones who wanted the list sanitized. Had that been done, we would not have been where we are at today. It is the Coalition government from the outset, which was fighting to have a process which was transparent and credible. You have the evidence before you. In a statement of recount, these things matter. People probably knew why they wanted us to go into elections with that list. We have our representatives and commissioners present. I am sure at that level all the objections raised will be ventilated and clarified in the best interests of all,” she said.
Infrastructure Minister David Patterson was also up in arms against the situation.
As the counting progressed, information surfaced about a development that we fear will repeat itself as the hours go by.
Coalition representatives Sherod Duncan and Mr. James Bond had pointed to a situation in District One where almost 600 persons who had died or migrated were recorded as having voted. “The ballot box with the most fraud is box number 1052,” they said in a spirited post on social media, as they urged supporters to share widely.
On the Linden-Soesdyke Highway at the Yarrowkabra Primary School, Coalition representatives pointed to the massive cheating and fraudulent behaviour of the PPP to win the crucial Region or District Four. Their SOP showed the Coalition obtaining 41 votes and 59 for them, the PPP. Lo and behold and as widely expected, the recount showed a whopping difference of 119 votes for the Government. More of this is expected in Regions Four, Five, Six and Three at the least, not forgetting of course Nine and One.
While these are being exposed, GECOM has been asked to remove IT specialist Aneal Giddings from his position after he was caught in a secret meeting with PPP candidates before recounting had gotten underway on Thursday. GECOM is yet to rule but the Coalition is adamant that he should be removed in the same way the PPP campaigned against District Four Returning Officer, Mr. Mingo.
The Alliance Force Change (AFC) noted in a social media posting that there “is emerging as a trend in all the regions for which the recount has begun. Additionally, in areas which are PPP strongholds, several persons who have died are recorded as having voted. So far, almost 100 instances of dead people being recorded as voting have been unearthed in Regions One, Two and Three – exclusively in PPP stronghold areas.
Also dozens of persons who are known to have long migrated from Guyana but whose names remained on the un-sanitized voters list are recorded as having voted even though immigration records show that they were not present in Guyana for the March 2 elections. Again, these instances are exclusively being uncovered in PPP stronghold areas.
The PPP hierarchy has been silent on this blatant attempt by the party to manipulate the results of the March 2nd polls,” the Party said.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyanese have short memories. The irony about these complaints is that the PPP have also complained about some of them after the elections was over in 2015. The argument was made at the time that if the PPP controlled the government and its institutionms,, why did they not take precautions to make the corrections before the elections. The argument did not hold then.

NOW, the coalition, which is in firm control of the government, GECOM, courts, army, police, etc, are complaining about irregularities....after the election. Its as if their rigging machinery was not totally planned out.

Here is the reality: The coalition lost the election "fair and square". Every observer says so. That should be the end of it, but the PNC does not want to relenquish power. 

Their riggers will continue to manufacture all kinds of irregularities, and in the end, use them to call for another election. If the PPP plays its cards correctly, it will invite sanctions, but this rigging crew will not budge. If the PPP ever gets into office (with Caricom and US pressure), its term will be cut short or the party will be in "office", but not control real power.

Knowing the PPP, if it ever comes to that, it will be more than content to "govern" under such circumstances because like the PNC, the Indians in the PPP are concerned about themselves (not the people).

Watch story hay!    


The PNC just blowing hot air.  The list will always be bloated due to high migration.  You can only remove the dead with certainty, not those who migrated.  The control lies at the polling station to ensure legitimate electors vote.  This was the duty of the Polling scrutineers and when they signed the SOPs, they certified this.

If you took note of what the US State Department said a few days ago to that Pro-PNC diaspora group.  They only see one unresolved issue, that is the credible and transparent verification of Region 4.  So all what the PNC is throwing, is not registering with anyone but themselves.

These clowns are lobbying in Washington DC forgetting the USG has a very active ambassador on the ground in Guyana.  They also forgot the Carter Center was there and concluded that Region 4 is the only open issue.  All internationals observers hold one position, all local non-political organizations hold one position.  Only the PNC seems to think they can relitigate all aspects of the election and get a pass!



Why are we having a recount? Since Basil is claiming victory on the bases of the declaration done by Mingo's they are claiming victory on a fraudulent  election... 

(The High Court has already deemed Mingo’s Reg 4 declaration as “unlawful.” So there is no reverting to anything he declared, if they manage to disrupt the recount. The recount must proceed to finality. The rigging has already been exposed.)

@Former Member posted:

Jack migrated, Tom voted for him and inked his finger, so who voted for Tom?

This is akin to; 

Dave#1 went to the bar,  Dave#2 posted for him and spelled words correctly,  so who posted for Dave#2

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

Why are we having a recount? Since Basil is claiming victory on the bases of the declaration done by Mingo's they are claiming victory on a fraudulent  election... 

(The High Court has already deemed Mingo’s Reg 4 declaration as “unlawful.” So there is no reverting to anything he declared, if they manage to disrupt the recount. The recount must proceed to finality. The rigging has already been exposed.)

Meanwhile, in a separate ruling yesterday afternoon, Justice Franklyn Holder dismissed Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo’s challenge to the controversial March 13th declaration of results for Region Four (Electoral District Four) made by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, saying he had no jurisdiction to hear the matter.

Justice Holder said that in accordance with Article 163 of the Constitution, Jagdeo’s challenge to the March 13th declaration ought to have been brought by an elections petition and not by judicial review.

The second declaration on March 13, 2020 for Region 4 isn't unlawful.

Last edited by Django
@cain posted:

This is akin to; 

Dave#1 went to the bar,  Dave#2 posted for him and spelled words correctly,  so who posted for Dave#2

You mo bad than Mingo and Django who resurrect the dead. so tell Abe which bar open in this Covid crisis. 

@Former Member posted:

Why are we having a recount? Since Basil is claiming victory on the bases of the declaration done by Mingo's they are claiming victory on a fraudulent  election... 

(The High Court has already deemed Mingo’s Reg 4 declaration as “unlawful.” So there is no reverting to anything he declared, if they manage to disrupt the recount. The recount must proceed to finality. The rigging has already been exposed.)

Let them go and swear in their illegitimate president if they have more seed than baigan!

@Django posted:

Meanwhile, in a separate ruling yesterday afternoon, Justice Franklyn Holder dismissed Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo’s challenge to the controversial March 13th declaration of results for Region Four (Electoral District Four) made by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, saying he had no jurisdiction to hear the matter.

Justice Holder said that in accordance with Article 163 of the Constitution, Jagdeo’s challenge to the March 13th declaration ought to have been brought by an elections petition and not by judicial review.

The second declaration on March 13, 2020 for Region 4 isn't unlawful.

Good go declare yuh President nuh. Dem two lil White women guh clap some good lash pon dem Black rass!

@Former Member posted:

You mo bad than Mingo and Django who resurrect the dead. so tell Abe which bar open in this Covid crisis. 

Nuff a dem got carry out, you can get booze for take out as long as you order food with it. Like you missin out.

@Former Member posted:

You mo bad than Mingo and Django who resurrect the dead. so tell Abe which bar open in this Covid crisis. 

Ha..ha..Anil says he knows which ballot paper Granger used to vote at the Pearl Nursery School.

@Former Member posted:

Good go declare yuh President nuh. Dem two lil White women guh clap some good lash pon dem Black rass!

Dem women would lash and dem men would lash, they lashing together

And in the middle of the night they'll find tings right, lashing up one another, whooooi

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

Meanwhile, in a separate ruling yesterday afternoon, Justice Franklyn Holder dismissed Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo’s challenge to the controversial March 13th declaration of results for Region Four (Electoral District Four) made by Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo, saying he had no jurisdiction to hear the matter.

Justice Holder said that in accordance with Article 163 of the Constitution, Jagdeo’s challenge to the March 13th declaration ought to have been brought by an elections petition and not by judicial review.

The second declaration on March 13, 2020 for Region 4 isn't unlawful.

So let me understand your reason. The Court pronounced that the first declaration was unlawful. Mingo resumed the tabulation process, using the identical method which the Chief Justice, mere hours before, declared unlawful. Now you want us to recognized the perverse second declaration as lawful. I hope when this is all said and done, you will be standing next to Basil, Mingo, Myers and Lowenfield in the same trial box. 

@cain posted:

This is akin to; 

Dave#1 went to the bar,  Dave#2 posted for him and spelled words correctly,  so who posted for Dave#2

Look Cain, in defence of Dave and  as you should know, sometimes when a spelling mistake occurs, it is because it is a typo and not being careful about rereading. Additionally, the new technology tries to anticipate what you are trying to say so puts words in, etc.  Most of us have some issue one time or another. But, the important thing is one you can understand what the poster is trying to say, the purpose has been achieved.  

Why not address the issue, or is your intent to attack the poster instead of addressing what is posted because you have no other sensible response. Do not complain about no discussions when you are part of the problem. 


All those judges and lawyers that practice really not smart. They paid all that money to go to law school and study so hard. They should just come here and learn from some of these these posters here who did not go to law school but know more than them. 

@Former Member posted:

So let me understand your reason.

The Court pronounced that the first declaration was unlawful. Mingo resumed the tabulation process, using the identical method which the Chief Justice, mere hours before, declared unlawful. Now you want us to recognized the perverse second declaration as lawful.

I hope when this is all said and done, you will be standing next to Basil, Mingo, Myers and Lowenfield in the same trial box. 

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire on Wednesday ordered the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to restart or continue the verification of the results for Region Four from Thursday at 11 am.

She issued that and several other orders because she found that GECOM’s Returning Officer for Region Four had caused “substantial non-compliance” with the Representation of the People Act concerning the addition of all of the Statements of Poll for District Four and whether that process was conducted in the presence of persons entitled to have been present.”

Based on court papers filed in this case, of the 879 polling stations, 421 were verified, leaving a 458 to be tabulated.

She also said it would be the Returning Officer or the Deputy Returning Officer to determine whether to restart or continue the process and “it will also be their decision to decide on what is the best method for tabulating the Statements of Poll so I want to emphasise that everybody who thinks they can have an input or a say, it is not their statutory duty.”

 The substantive orders,can be retrieved on link.

Here you go ,pay attention to the last paragraph.

Regarding trial is pure hogwash from the feeble minded.

Last edited by Django
@Zed posted:

All those judges and lawyers that practice really not smart. They paid all that money to go to law school and study so hard. They should just come here and learn from some of these these posters here who did not go to law school but know more than them. 

What's your point ? do you think most here are from the stone ages ?

It's no wonder for the past two decades the government kept a section of the population minimally educated ,perhaps there are reasons to control their minds.

Last edited by Django
@Zed posted:

Look Cain, in defence of Dave and  as you should know, sometimes when a spelling mistake occurs, it is because it is a typo and not being careful about rereading. Additionally, the new technology tries to anticipate what you are trying to say so puts words in, etc.  Most of us have some issue one time or another. But, the important thing is one you can understand what the poster is trying to say, the purpose has been achieved.  

Why not address the issue, or is your intent to attack the poster instead of addressing what is posted because you have no other sensible response. Do not complain about no discussions when you are part of the problem. 

Zed,  I take no sides because I do not care for either of the two main parties, those people are in politics for themselves not for country. I would normally say haul yo ass but you are not on the board enough to know what is going on. The subject regarding the loaning out of a nic to which the moderator agreed is being done  hence my post. I leave it at that.

Last edited by cain

Cain, thanks for the thought and consideration. I am uncertain how lending one’s nic is done or possible. Also, if the admin know this is occurring, I am surprised that they do not take measures to stop it. 


The PNC will rig the election under the very eyes of those they hand picked to observe.   Blacks will turn a blind eye to any consistencies declared by Mingo et others. 

Behold a Civil War is blooming.  My army is ready.

@Django posted:

What's your point ? do you think most here are from the stone ages ?

It's no wonder for the past two decades the government kept a section of the population minimally educated ,perhaps there are reasons to control their minds.

Is this a jab at the PPP? The education system started coming down during the PNC Burnham years. Some people were so disappointed that they just gave up on it. It was not the government who kept the children minimally educated; it was the parents. PPP gave all the tools for the parents to send their children to school. PNC took this away.
Let's be fair and not put the children in the middle of this. If teachers were paid a handsome wage, Guyana might have kept more of their qualified and best teachers around. You cannot have children with CXC teaching. The CXC cannot be compared to GCE.


@Former Member posted:

Is this a jab at the PPP? The education system started coming down during the PNC Burnham years. Some people were so disappointed that they just gave up on it. It was not the government who kept the children minimally educated; it was the parents. PPP gave all the tools for the parents to send their children to school. PNC took this away.
Let's be fair and not put the children in the middle of this. If teachers were paid a handsome wage, Guyana might have kept more of their qualified and best teachers around. You cannot have children with CXC teaching. The CXC cannot be compared to GCE.


What you expect from a shameless person.  It was Jagan who built schools in the Indians majority non-Christian areas to ensure Indians got a proper secular education. 

He himself posted here his mom receiving her house lot from the PPP after squatting since 1965. If PNC was in charge, she likely would never enjoyed the dignity of ownership.

For the PNC and their supporters, coolies belong in the cane fields and forking dutty.

But when you shameless, you shameless!

@Former Member posted:

What you expect from a shameless person.  It was Jagan who built schools in the Indians majority non-Christian areas to ensure Indians got a proper secular education. 

He himself posted here his mom receiving her house lot from the PPP after squatting since 1965. If PNC was in charge, she likely would never enjoyed the dignity of ownership.

For the PNC and their supporters, coolies belong in the cane fields and forking dutty.

But when you shameless, you shameless!

Told you about the vocabulary of the two bit dwellers on Lombard Street ,difficult to drop.

By the way ,my mom paid for the house lot ,wasn't given for free.

Cane fields is where the fearless leader keep them.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

What you expect from a shameless person.  It was Jagan who built schools in the Indians majority non-Christian areas to ensure Indians got a proper secular education. 

He himself posted here his mom receiving her house lot from the PPP after squatting since 1965. If PNC was in charge, she likely would never enjoyed the dignity of ownership.

For the PNC and their supporters, coolies belong in the cane fields and forking dutty.

But when you shameless, you shameless!

The use of silly put-downs is a "pandemic" among PPP supporters.  It is both a sign of desperation and mal-education.  What we see here on this forum could be seen on various fora.  The favourite words of PPP supporters are idiot, jackass, dummy,shameless etc.  As I have been saying ad nauseam, only the intellectually bankrupt resort to use of such words. Django is right--the PPP has been and is exploiting the ignorance of many of its predominantly Indo-Guyanese supporters , both in Guyana and in the diaspora.  

@cain posted:

. The subject regarding the loaning out of a nic to which the moderator agreed is being done  hence my post. I leave it at that.

I have address the loaning of my nick before and will do so again with more details. The email that I used for registration on GNI is my personal company email. It will be foolish of me to share or give access to anyone who can then have access to all my business affairs. 

What you should " Leave at that" is other peoples business how they communicate and takes care of your own. Engage in more constructive arguments pertaining to the subject of discussion. 

I am not aware of any moderator who said my nick is share, so please disclose this conversation to justify your claim. Lets take for example, the admin Mr Django ... many times his style of writing and poor grammar is notice on this forum.. this same thread can attest to my claim see his comments, should we assumed he is sharing his handle, I don't think so and it is non of my business ...myself and Django  have a busy fcking life and will scribble responses not realizing grammatical errors. 

I will share a clue with you Dummy!!! for the last month I have been working from home due to the Covid Virus, admin can verify my IP address when I log into their server... do your home work admin.

I believe you was abused and bully as a kid... seek some professional help. I will have no further discussion on the sharing of my nick.    

Last edited by Former Member

APNU+AFC agents are becoming so delirious they are objecting to serial numbers that exceed the number on the Official List of Electors. The OLE in this case had 257 electors and the agent objected to numbers 273, 275, 277 and 334. See evidence of this below.

No photo description available.


Spokesperson clarifies GECOM did receive complaints against Mingo’s process

Yolanda Ward, the spokesperson for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), has now clarified that GECOM indeed did receive formal complaints against the process used by District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo.

Speaking to reporters Sunday night at about 19:00 hrs, Ward corrected a position she had taken earlier that there were no formal complaints for the Commission to consider that the declaration of the vote tabulation for the country’s largest electoral district was fraudulent.

Despite a High Court ruling which clearly established that Mingo breached the country’s electoral laws, Ward had told reporters that no formal report by anyone of their objections to the process he used.

PPP Agent Anil Nandlall called her statement fallacious and said he did write the chair of the Commission, outlying the ways in which Mingo breached the law and did not follow the clear ruling of the Court.

Ward later confirmed that indeed Nandlall did write to the Chair of the Commission and she said too that since the Commission was a party in the proceedings in the court, then the complaints raised in those proceedings could be considered.

Chief Justice Roxane George on March 11 ruled that Mingo had breached the country’s electoral laws when he failed to display and use the numbers from the Statements of Poll from each polling station when doing a tabulation to determine the amount of votes cast for each party. He made made an initial declaration on March 6.

The District had 879 Polling Stations and therefore had the corresponding amount of Statements of Poll, but Mingo only followed the law in tabulating 421 of them.

He then produced a spreadsheet with numbers he purportedly generated from the Statements of Poll but no one believed him – party agents nor observers. The EU observers had written Mingo, asking to see the Statements from which he generated his numbers but he did not respond.

After the High Court ruling, Nandlall, in his letter to the Chair on March 13, complained that he returned to the place where the tabulation was occurring to discover that Mingo had projected on a screen, not the Statements of Poll, but a spreadsheet with numbers he purportedly generated from the Statements.

After the objection, Mingo moved the process to the GECOM headquarters and then decided to use the Statements of Poll and display them. But by then, leaving out the 421 for which Statements of Poll were used, the tabulation for most of the other polling stations were completed using the spreadsheet. So, what remained to be tabulated were just about 80 Statements of Poll.

In his letter, Nandlall said Mingo sought to comply with the Court ruling to display the remaining Statements of Poll, but it was inadequate.

“…only what appears to be an excerpt of a document purporting to be a Statement of Poll appeared on the screen,” Nandlall stated.

He added: “…in any event, the entire process was carried out at such speed that made it impossible for anyone to competently observe.”

The Chief Justice had set aside Mingo’s first declaration and his second declaration, made on the night of March 13, were also dismissed by parties and observers as lacking credibility.


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