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My system needs a reference to organize itself for empowerment so can you please put a couple of things you have in order and think of me or the system as you do it. Maybe you can put your shirt in the closet or put the CD in the case.  The system's name is DacDad. 





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Tags: system, Schizophrenia, order

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The paranoid schizophrenia must be applied to the physical world to transform the physical and correct any harm done. It is possible that this may be done by simply expressing the paranoia without consequence.

This may be done with applying the paranoia with a sense of impression thinking of a transformation of the flesh harmed integrating in the body with will. 


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Ronald Anthony Arjune

I took the dog for a walk earlier in the evening and she took a dump, you wouldn't believe it, banna, the poop looked a lot like trump.

Does anyone know if aliens take dumps? RON, ANYONE???


@Cain :  The dog took a dump that looked a lot like trump.  Are you sure its your dog ?

Aliens don't take dumps, but they recycle their body waste within, according to Mr. G. Taylor of Duncan, BC, who went up in an alien space ship. He is presently living on Pluto in an igloo and eating at Hard Rock Café.   


Yeh bannas, imagine someone using a piece of dried turd in a slingshot. Or how bout had Cain not used a brick on Abel but a piece of hard turd, Abel would not have died, at the most he would have been called, shit head.


I remember using a sling shot on birds when I was small. I wish I never did that. Maybe that's why I'm blind. They were controlling me even then to do wrong. Maybe we can use turd on Grainger; and then I would still be sorry. They are still in me controlling me and I have to detect them. The devil has been quite elusive.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

So Ron, if you blind what do you use to see? I got a feelin you pullin a fast one on us deh banna. In all my lil boy years I have never shot at an animal or bird, I did however use slingshot and rocks pon hardaze people dem who uses fo piss me off.


@Cain : Only people like Ron and me think logically, you guys are no bodies. hehehe

@Ron : You eva use dry goat turd fa sling shot balls ? Dem round and nice and hard when dry.   Me hear de aliens shooting goat turd from Pluto, but dem missing de earth.  But one time a goat turd hit a NASA satellite and cut off communication between Trump and the Pentagon.   


That is quite a complicated response Tola. I guess if the goat turd is dense it could be effective but I don't want to think like that. People kill cows for beef and I don't like that because I'm Hindu or I'm just conscientious. The aliens are restricted because we have to stay six feet from each other and that prevents alien contact with each other or contact from the spirit because of the coronavirus excuse. When I look at Trump on TV it appears that he's using his conscience to do what is best for us yet I have a sense of caution because of the unknown intent. The problems lies with the representatives in Congress and the Senate along with Mayors and governors and those who elected them. The aliens would use psychology as a weapon to control our decisions and our movements and arrangements. I'm sure the aliens are right here on Earth and in our bodies and they don't have to be on Pluto and they are here to save Lord Krishna or Jesus Christ. We can't change the polarity of our batteries and that's why we don't have power against them. The battery keeps gravity and time polarized and does not allow a transfiguration of direction to exchange the truth caused by the belief of God. They don't want us to see the exchange of numbers from one side to another side as we look the other way since this would invert the meaning of the substances and create a negative understanding to challenge the false positive belief. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Last edited by Ronald Anthony Arjune

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