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Former Member

(CNN)Donald Trump has said that he would "get along very well" with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The feeling is apparently mutual.

Putin offered high praise for the billionaire businessman-turned-Republican presidential front-runner on Thursday during an annual news conference with reporters.

"He is a bright and talented person without any doubt," Putin said, adding that Trump is "an outstanding and talented personality."

And in remarks closely mirroring Trump's assessment of the campaign, the Russian leader called Trump "the absolute leader of the presidential race," according to the Russian TASS news agency.

Masha Gessen, a Russian-American journalist who authored the book "Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin," said she believed Putin's comments are "sincere" and that the Russian leader shares a lot in common with the brash billionaire.

"There's a really aggressive posture to both men. Putin respects fighters and he respects aggression and he doesn't respect sort of calm and deliberation," Gessen said. "He wants a manly adversary. He wants somebody he can understand."

The two men are both well known for their blunt manner and bravado.

READ: 10 groups Trump has offended since launching his campaign

Trump prides himself on his straight talk and often attacks his opponents for being "low-energy" or lacking the "strength and stamina" to be president, touting instead the need for a "strong" leader like himself.

Putin, a former KGB spy and avid outdoorsman, has staked his reputation on his macho image, with his press shop even releasing a photo of the Russian leader topless on horseback.

"(Putin) sees himself as someone who doesn't mince words and who gets into verbal fights, as well as knife fights," Gessen said. "And in fact Russians see him like that."

Putin and Trump also appear to share a similar global outlook, both viewing the world as largely a zero-sum game.

For Trump, people are either winners or losers. For Putin, it's Russia against the world.

And in that outlook, there's also a shared oversimplification, Gessen claimed.

"I think what Putin sees in Trump is somebody who's shooting from the hip," she said. "Somebody who sees things as being simpler than other politicians or evil journalists might try to make them seem."

READ: Donald Trump vs. the world's leaders

While most Republican presidential contenders have demonized the Russian president -- including calling him a "gangster" and a "thug" -- and pushed plans to isolate Russia on the world stage, Trump has instead touted his ability to improve Washington-Moscow relations by working with the iron-fisted Russian leader.

Trump has repeatedly touted his joint appearance with Putin on an episode of CBS's "60 Minutes" this fall, referring to himself and Putin as "stablemates."

Trump said in October that he and Putin "are very different" but suggested that the two men could move beyond the frigid relations that have come to define U.S.-Russia relations under President Barack Obama.

"I think that I would at the same time get along very well with him. He does not like Obama at all. He doesn't respect Obama at all. And I'm sure that Obama doesn't like him very much," Trump said then. "But I think that I would probably get along with him very well. And I don't think you'd be having the kind of problems that you're having right now."

Putin referenced Trump's reported desire "to reach another, deeper level of relations" with Russia in his remarks Thursday.

"What else can we do but to welcome it? Certainly, we welcome it," Putin said.

While fellow Republican contenders have been highly skeptical of stepped up Russian military involvement in Syria, Trump has welcomed it.

Trump suggested in the his September "60 Minutes" appearance that the U.S. should avoid deepening its involvement in Syria, instead allowing Russia to take a leading role in combating the radical Islamist group that has called for attacks on the U.S.

"Russia wants to get rid of ISIS. We want to get rid of ISIS. Maybe let Russia do it. Let them get rid of ISIS. What the hell do we care?" Trump said, despite U.S. wariness of Russia's presence in Syria, which is mainly aimed at bolstering the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, who the Obama administration has called for to leave.

Source: CNN.COM


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Hillary has a lead of 12 percentage points above Trump, with a margin (+/-5%) error. There are many undecided voters who are still watching and listening. Hillary popularity will drop as time goes by. I believe a Republican with take the white house in 2016, but not necessarily, Trump. Trump will throw in his supporters to back a republican candidate.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

seignet posted:

Trump and Carson would work well together. Especially if Trumps delegate certain aspects of the Presidency to Carson. Carson could be much more significant than Obama. 

Dem Hispanic ppl would never vote Republican. And I think Muslims are definite Democrats.

Which planet you on? Carson is done done done done! 

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

CaribJ do not under estimate the ignorance of many whites. Trump is appealing to everyone of them across the board with his scare tactics.

I have a Guyanese friend who is a millionaire in Florida and he used to preach on me how stupid Americans are.

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

CaribJ do not under estimate the ignorance of many whites. Trump is appealing to everyone of them across the board with his scare tactics.

I have a Guyanese friend who is a millionaire in Florida and he used to preach on me how stupid Americans are.

Americans are stupid when they voted for Obama also. The people that surround Obama in the white house made him a president. If Trump wins, he also will be made a president. Even Putin said that Trump is a wise man. Chief, America is not Guyana. Your choice for president is not everybody's choice. You must respect democracy. 

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

People dont give up power that easily. Where you getting this "word" from? The Republicans, and conservatives feel that they have to retake the country from 7 yrs of liberalism and they will have to do what it takes to do so...even if it means changing the rules of the Convention to secure enough delegates from Trump to defeat him. My guess is that his popularity will begin to decline as we get closer to the primary.

RiffRaff posted:
seignet posted:

Trump and Carson would work well together. Especially if Trumps delegate certain aspects of the Presidency to Carson. Carson could be much more significant than Obama. 

Dem Hispanic ppl would never vote Republican. And I think Muslims are definite Democrats.

Which planet you on? Carson is done done done done! 

Neither men are politicians. Anything could happen.

U will see more of Bush from here on in.

In the end Trump will prevail. Americans, whether Whites, Blacks, Hispanics or Muslims needs his leadership. Another 5 years of a Democrat President will not save the country. 

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

All hypothetical.

Republicans have won the Presidency before. One more Muslim Terrorist attack and it would be a done deal.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

Blacks and Hispanics will do best under trump.  The illegals of today, who will be allowed Guest Worker visas, will find there situation much better than living illegal.  Trump will create many vocational training centers in the inner city,  spend a lot on renewing American Infrastructure and address the issue of the many unemployable non-violent felonies in the Black community, you will soon realize the fallacy of having a Community Organizer address real issues.  This would have been a wasted eight years for the Blank community.

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

CaribJ do not under estimate the ignorance of many whites. Trump is appealing to everyone of them across the board with his scare tactics.

I have a Guyanese friend who is a millionaire in Florida and he used to preach on me how stupid Americans are.

They are truely "dumb" to allow Wahab terrorists sympathizer asses like Chief to roam the street of the nation freely making a living selling fallafel while cussing them.  They are on to you, that is why the support Trump.  Go ask your "millionaire" friend in Florida, where did he make his millions, why he chose to live in a "stupid" nation, why don't he go live with the smarts of the Guyana Govt, Saudi or India or where the hell he find a smart nation.

You people have some gal!

baseman posted:
Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

CaribJ do not under estimate the ignorance of many whites. Trump is appealing to everyone of them across the board with his scare tactics.

I have a Guyanese friend who is a millionaire in Florida and he used to preach on me how stupid Americans are.

They are truely "dumb" to allow Wahab terrorists sympathizer asses like Chief to roam the street of the nation freely making a living selling fallafel while cussing them.  They are on to you, that is why the support Trump.  Go ask your "millionaire" friend in Florida, where did he make his millions, why he chose to live in a "stupid" nation, why don't he go live with the smarts of the Guyana Govt, Saudi or India or where the hell he find a smart nation.

You people have some gal!

As dumb as the individuals think white people are, they have given them the opportunities of consumerism, thereby making wealth.  The backwardness of the societies they migrated from would have never made that possible.  Tribalism, whether it is Muslims, Blacks or Indians makes them all come to America. And now, they want to abuse the people who allowed them in their country.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Very true.  Trump didn't get rich because he is stupid.  He will play the trump cards when needed.   Pun intended

No he got rich because his daddy was rich, and left him a real estate empire.  He was born into privilege with very string social connections with the business elites.

Yet peasants like you actually thinks that he empathizes with you.

baseman posted:

Blacks and Hispanics will do best under trump.  The illegals of today, who will be allowed Guest Worker visas, will find there situation much better than living illegal.  Trump will create many vocational training centers in the inner city,  spend a lot on renewing American Infrastructure and address the issue of the many unemployable non-violent felonies in the Black community, you will soon realize the fallacy of having a Community Organizer address real issues.  This would have been a wasted eight years for the Blank community.

Trump already owns a business empire. Please show evidence of massive numbers of blacks in his senior management.  If they don't exist there then we know exactly what his true attitudes are. Please show evidence that he provides contracting opportunities to black owned companies.  Again if he doesn't this is reflective of his attitudes.

Awaiting your response.  Unlike you we don't like bigots and we certainly do NOT like those who are supported by the Nazis and the KKK, which Trump certainly is.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

All hypothetical.

Republicans have won the Presidency before. One more Muslim Terrorist attack and it would be a done deal.

Just to show how stupid you all are, you do know that the ONLY major terrorist attack, 9/11, occurred under the GOP, George Bush. 

Thanks to his response, the Middle East is now in disarray, and the Islamist movement has more recruits than ever.

The ignorant and the illiterate can vote for Trump if they wish.  The fact that they cannot cite specific actions that Trump will implement, but can only cite his screams and his boasts, just goes to show how peasant and slave like they are. This is like the slaves who boasted about how rich their massas were, as if it had anything to do with them.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

All hypothetical.

Republicans have won the Presidency before. One more Muslim Terrorist attack and it would be a done deal.

Just to show how stupid you all are, you do know that the ONLY major terrorist attack, 9/11, occurred under the GOP, George Bush. 

Thanks to his response, the Middle East is now in disarray, and the Islamist movement has more recruits than ever.

The ignorant and the illiterate can vote for Trump if they wish.  The fact that they cannot cite specific actions that Trump will implement, but can only cite his screams and his boasts, just goes to show how peasant and slave like they are. This is like the slaves who boasted about how rich their massas were, as if it had anything to do with them.

Of and by the way Bush was relatively benign when it came to immigrant issues. The GOP have become xenophobic since then. The result is that more Hispanics are now voting, and they now vote more Democrat than ever before.

The GOP is like the PPP. Holding fast to a declining demographic, in this case, ageing uneducated white men, and then wondering why their prospects of Presidential wins decline. 

Obama was a weak president and should have been easy to beat in 2012.  Hell, from his first debate, even he didn't seem to think that he would win. 

The fact that the GOP did as poorly in 2012, as they did in 2008 just goes to show what a mess that party is in, when it comes to presidential elections, where there is less scope for gerrymandering than is the case in the congressional elections.


Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.


Donald Trump has the common sense that other politicians lost due to their huge hypocrisy.

It is common sense if you notice that in Nations who accepted Muslim refugees in the past, the children of those refugees are turning into Jihadis against the nations who adopted them. For the host nation this is a real betrayal, a stab in the back.


Syrian Accused of Islamic State Links Arrested in German Refugee Camp

BERLIN—German police on Thursday arrested a Syrian refugee suspected of links to Islamic State, a German prosecutor said, highlighting the potential security risks posed by Berlin’s open-door refugee policy.

The state prosecutor in the city of Dortmund, Sonja Frodermann, said a man who had registered as Leeth Abdalhmeed and was born in 1984 had been detained at the refugee shelter in Unna-Massen on Thursday afternoon on suspicion of having links to the Sunni terror organization.

Lucas posted:

Donald Trump has the common sense that other politicians lost due to their huge hypocrisy.

It is common sense if you notice that in Nations who accepted Muslim refugees in the past, the children of those refugees are turning into Jihadis against the nations who adopted them. For the host nation this is a real betrayal, a stab in the back.

For some one who claims to hate imperialism you are a piece of work. the vast majority of the Muslims, even in France, do NOT resort to violence.

In fact white men form the largest group of terrorists in the USA.  Should the Caribbean ban white men who are "born again Christians" from entry?

Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.


I hate imperialism, but i love knowledge, science and progress much more than i hate things. My opinion has always been: leave those countries alone, they hate progress and want to live in the Middle Ages, fine. Let's don't try to modernize them by force. But also, don't let them out of there, not even their corrupt politicians. Don't sell weapons or technology products to those medieval minds, because that has disastrous consequences. Let's leave them alone, just look at them from behind the fence, like when you look an ideorama representing the Middle Ages at the museum.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Blacks and Hispanics will do best under trump.  The illegals of today, who will be allowed Guest Worker visas, will find there situation much better than living illegal.  Trump will create many vocational training centers in the inner city,  spend a lot on renewing American Infrastructure and address the issue of the many unemployable non-violent felonies in the Black community, you will soon realize the fallacy of having a Community Organizer address real issues.  This would have been a wasted eight years for the Blank community.

Trump already owns a business empire. Please show evidence of massive numbers of blacks in his senior management.  If they don't exist there then we know exactly what his true attitudes are. Please show evidence that he provides contracting opportunities to black owned companies.  Again if he doesn't this is reflective of his attitudes.

Awaiting your response.  Unlike you we don't like bigots and we certainly do NOT like those who are supported by the Nazis and the KKK, which Trump certainly is.

Guyanese Blacks are some of the biggest bigots around!

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.

Trump should shove a bamboo up your ass. Trump is not stupid, incompetent Granger who you worship. 

Cobra posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.

Trump should shove a bamboo up your ass. Trump is not stupid, incompetent Granger who you worship. 

Funny these hungry belly co0lies and Blacks run from "utopia" Guyana, get lil Section 8, food stamps till they get on their feet and build their lives now cussing the people who made this country great.  These people have no shame, but why am I not surprised!

baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.

Trump should shove a bamboo up your ass. Trump is not stupid, incompetent Granger who you worship. 

Funny these hungry belly co0lies and Blacks run from "utopia" Guyana, get lil Section 8, food stamps till they get on their feet and build their lives now cussing the people who made this country great.  These people have no shame, but why am I not surprised!

Baseman its quite clear that you are a peasant and only mix with the lower elements of Americans.  It is an established fact that uneducated whites like Trump.  Educated whites do NOT like Trump.

If you think that unemployed ex factory workers, who now spend their days consuming heroin, are people to mix with feel free.  And that is when they aren't shooting up schools and colleges.

Trump is enjoying his reality show with Bill Clinton, and BOTH of them are laughing at how stupid people like you are.


baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The notion that Hispanics will vote in any ticket with Trump at the head is a joke. Rubio and Cruz have as much credibility with them as Nagamootoo has with you.

In fact Hillary is hoping for a Trump/Cruz ticket. Immigrants, women, and non whites, as well as educated whites will flock to her side.

The GOP will win TX, MS, AL, and a few other redneck states.  Hillary would likely pick up NC and FL.

You dumb GOP should have supported a Kasich/Fiorina ticket, but then you are your own worst enemies.

Blacks and Hispanics will do best under trump.  The illegals of today, who will be allowed Guest Worker visas, will find there situation much better than living illegal.  Trump will create many vocational training centers in the inner city,  spend a lot on renewing American Infrastructure and address the issue of the many unemployable non-violent felonies in the Black community, you will soon realize the fallacy of having a Community Organizer address real issues.  This would have been a wasted eight years for the Blank community.


White man walks around black neighborhood with a gun.  A black man calls the cops.  The cops try to calm the black man down, and let the white man continue to walk around with a gun.

Now imagine a black man walking around a white neighborhood with a gun. The cops would have come quickly, and instantly shot the black man to death. Hell UNARMED blacks have been shot by the police!


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