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Former Member

Ramsammy says all Indian Guyanese insulted

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Leader of the Opposition and former President Bharrat Jagdeo

“Coolie Bully” racist slur

 …demands Nagamootoo resigns

 “Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo cannot excuse himself – he insulted not only the Leader of the Opposition, he insulted all Guyanese East Indians and East Indians everywhere. Calling former President Bharrat Jagdeo a “coolie bully” is not only derogatory to Jagdeo, but is deeply injurious to all East Indians and is a fatal blow to the efforts of many to promote unity of Guyanese people.” This is according to former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy in the wake of the comment made by the Prime Minister on Friday during the Budget debate.

He said even as the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) continued to “self-righteously proclaim that they want a unified nation and they are willing to work for unity, Moses Nagamootoo exposes the racist slant of APNU/AFC. In case anyone thinks I am going overboard and I am being too sensitive, imagine someone from the PPP/C calling any of the prominent African Guyanese leaders in APNU/AFC a “****** bully”. There will be such an outrage and vigorous calls for him or her to be charged for racist remarks. The call for that person’s resignation from Parliament would blare on all TV stations and radio stations and would occupy the headlines of all our newspapers.”

Former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Former Health Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy

Incidentally, the Guyana Human Right Association is quiet, Dr Ramsammy added. “Transparency International is in a fog and is on a hiatus from Guyana’s politics. Commentators like Christopher Ram and others are selectively deaf and dumb. The diplomats of ABC countries will argue this is a personal matter and they have no right to interfere in a sovereign country’s national politics.”

The truth is if there is any decency in this Administration, the former Health Minister said, Nagamootoo will be asked to resign. “This does not stop me from demanding that Nagamootoo resigns his position in Parliament,” he continued.

“To make this outrage even more preposterous is that he used the floor of the Parliament to insult the majority ethnic group of our country. For those East Indians who voted for APNU/AFC, they must register their disgust and let Nagamootoo know that he cannot get away with this racist vulgarity.”

Dr Ramsammy said the matter was even more troubling because Nagamootoo on the campaign trail in New York shortly before the 2015 elections denied he was a Guyanese East Indian. He insisted that he was a Guyanese, even as people like “David Granger and others at the same meeting refused to similarly deny their African origins and insist they too are simply Guyanese”. The former Minister alleged that “they are saying that Guyana has no place for East Indians. Their position is that East Indians must reject their East Indian identification if they want to fit into the fabric of a Guyanese society. African Guyanese do not have the same obligation”. Dr Ramsammy named Nagamootoo as the chief architect of this “heinous proposition”.


Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Proud of culture

He said he immediately rejected that “terrible” suggestion then and remained resolute that as a proud East Indian he was as Guyanese as Nagamootoo or any APNU/AFC member. He added that he proudly served his country as a Guyanese citizen, but was never ashamed nor felt any need to cast his culture and ethnicity aside. “As strong as I feel and as proud as I am as an East Indian, I have always been 100 per cent Guyanese. I was a part of the PPP/C and I remain part of the PPP/C and one of the reasons is that Cheddi Jagan and the PPP always remained resolute in that no one had to cast aside his or her ethnicity and culture in order to be a 100% Guyanese.”

Dr Ramsammy called on former Attorney General Anil Nandlall and other lawyers to immediately institute charges against Nagamootoo for racism and for him to be debarred from Parliament.

He added that the Speaker of the National Assembly failed to implement the laws that prevent any MP from using racist language in our Parliament. “Now the PPP/C must call on the Speaker to take action against Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Nagamootoo must be taken before the Committee of Privileges for abusing the privileges that Parliament bestow on him. He has brought disrepute to the hallowed halls of our Parliament.”

Dr Ramsammy stressed that the “odious” behaviour of Nagamootoo in Parliament cannot be allowed to slide, particularly in the circumstances that exist in Guyana today. He charged that APNU/AFC has selectively fired large numbers of persons because they are associated with the PPP/C and most of them are East Indians.”

The charges of ethnic cleansing against this Administration have been loud and the evidence against this Administration for being unfair towards East Indians is compelling,” he added.

He said the comment demonstrates “the underlying ethnic tension that presently exists in Guyana”. “He demonstrated that APNU/AFC does not care what East Indians think. Guyana is their kingdom and they will do whatever they want,” Dr Ramsammy alleged.

He said the coalition railroaded its way into Parliament, sought to restrict debate on the 2015 budget and has broken all established norms in the running of Government.

The former Minister said Governance Minister Raphael Trotman emphatically admitted that “they now have their hands on the “kingdom”. In saying that the PPP/C needs to reconcile themselves with the fact that the “kingdom” is no longer in the PPP’s hands, he exposed how APNU/AFC sees Guyana and their role as government. It is a fiefdom and they will rule this fiefdom as they see fit”.

“But the PPP never saw our role in Government as being emperors and we never saw Guyana as our “kingdom”. We never thought that Guyana was a fiefdom for anyone. We saw Guyana as a nation made up of people of different ethnicities and culture, different religion and different political persuasion. We tried to govern a country where all citizens can see themselves as equal.

Clearly this Government is portraying itself by words and deeds that they govern Guyana differently. We may all be Guyanese citizens, but we are not all equal under APNU/AFC. The lead person for APNU/AFC in Parliament has again affirmed this position…. More than 200,000 Guyanese voters cry shame on Nagamootoo,” Dr Ramsammy concluded.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So when Jagdeo called the PPP a "coolie party", where was Jagdeo.


He should have joined Chris Ram in the lawsuit condemning Jagdeo as a racist. But he wouldnt dare though.

Last edited by Former Member

but baseman say Jagdeo is most certainly NOT insulted . . . and he (baseman) allegedly consults regularly wid de rat on an intimate basis


so, whither this antiman fire rage by that Roger Khan associate Leslie Ramsammy

Last edited by Former Member

Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

–    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement


General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.


PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party.

Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice.
Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.”

Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.”

Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative.
Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.”

Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused.

He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.


What you APNU punks are saying is that any bigoted statement on the part of the PNC and AFC is justified because Bharat Jagdeo allegedly made a controversial statement about Indians. This is absolutely absurd and shameful on the part of those trying to justify Nagamotoo's intra-racistic remark on the former president in the parliament.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What you APNU punks are saying is that any bigoted statement on the part of the PNC and AFC is justified because Bharat Jagdeo allegedly made a controversial statement about Indians. This is absolutely absurd and shameful on the part of those trying to justify Nagamotoo's intra-racistic remark on the former president in the parliament.


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What you APNU punks are saying is that any bigoted statement on the part of the PNC and AFC is justified because Bharat Jagdeo allegedly made a controversial statement about Indians. This is absolutely absurd and shameful on the part of those trying to justify Nagamotoo's intra-racistic remark on the former president in the parliament.

What we are saying is that your failure to condemn Jagdeo means that you have lost the right to condemn Nagamootoo.  All Moses is doing is throwing back on Jagdeo's face the SAME language the he used.  How can Jagdeo be offended?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What you APNU punks are saying is that any bigoted statement on the part of the PNC and AFC is justified because Bharat Jagdeo allegedly made a controversial statement about Indians. This is absolutely absurd and shameful on the part of those trying to justify Nagamotoo's intra-racistic remark on the former president in the parliament.

What we are saying is that your failure to condemn Jagdeo means that you have lost the right to condemn Nagamootoo.  All Moses is doing is throwing back on Jagdeo's face the SAME language the he used.  How can Jagdeo be offended?

What an ASS!!! 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Chief:

He should tell us about the arms he purchased .

Ransammy is a prick and soare all the coolie PPP thieves.

I hear Ramsammy is in New York-tell him to his face. 

WE bro Chiefsta not scared of no dam Ramba Blamba Sammy, he'd slap him upside the head a couple times, lick 'e down and walk up an down his back, then send he rass home cryin. Da man bad.

Originally Posted by Chief:

He should tell us about the arms he purchased .

Ransammy is a prick and soare all the coolie PPP thieves.

Ramsammy say Moses Insult......

 Roger Khan,

Ed Ahmad,

Albert Baldeo,

Bobby Ramroop,

 Fip Motilall,

Sonny EZJet,

Kawal Totaram,

Raj Singh,

Lall De PPP Presidential Pilot....

and all De PPP Narco Boys...

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

What you APNU punks are saying is that any bigoted statement on the part of the PNC and AFC is justified because Bharat Jagdeo allegedly made a controversial statement about Indians. This is absolutely absurd and shameful on the part of those trying to justify Nagamotoo's intra-racistic remark on the former president in the parliament.

APNU is slowly become the most racist and hated government in Guyana. PNC is now reborn and in full swing to humiliate Indo Guyanese.


Moses should be ashamed of himself.


The AFC crabdawgs and crooks are now showing their true colours.


Karma will catch up with them Crabdawgs. This shameless crabdawg has no right whatsoever to call Indos the C word. Shame on this dutty Indian !



Images (1)
  • Nagamootoo3
Last edited by Former Member

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.



"Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar"


Calling this dutty (Kakka) Indian a chammar is a compliment.


Shame on him to call us the C word ! He should resign !



Images (1)
  • Nagamootoo3
Last edited by Former Member

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word:







Images (1)
Last edited by Former Member

One dutty Indian Rumjhaat cannot even defend Berbicians against violent criminals and another Moses is cussing us by using the C word. These two duty Indians should be ashamed of their nasty behaviour.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.



The international community must now speak out against the PNC. The OLD PNC is back.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.

ramakant, don't be so hard on yourself


you're a bigot and a primitive . . . it's all you have at this stage of your nothing life


hopefully you'll live out the rest of your days in America/Canada


here, you are hemmed in by circumstance and laws that punish harshly the wickedness u mental cave dwellers would visit on Guyana . . . making it unlikely that y'all can do (any more) harm to your native country

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:

I am not insulted.

Of course, not!  You said the same thing about Jagdeo to Granger when you hugged him in public. You even referred to yourself as a dirty PNC Indian. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.

ramakant, don't be so hard on yourself


you're a bigot and a primitive . . . it's all you have at this stage of your nothing life


hopefully you'll live out the rest of your days in America/Canada


here, you are hemmed in by circumstance and laws that punish harshly the wickedness u mental cave dwellers would visit on Guyana . . . making it unlikely that y'all can do (any more) harm to your native country

It bleeds my heart to know that people like you support terrorism, ethnic cleansing and mediocrity.


I took one look at the budget and know Guyana is doomed.  The AFC economists are stupified and  feel left out from the budget planning.  During the PPP reign there was a continuous development in all areas, but the PNC has no plans in their budget to develop the country.  Soon they will use their soldiers and Police to force Indian to pay for their security.   The PPP left a lot of money which the Government already used up and now own 1 billion US dollars to foreigners.  It's a good thing that the PPP left a sustainable country.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.

ramakant, don't be so hard on yourself


you're a bigot and a primitive . . . it's all you have at this stage of your nothing life


hopefully you'll live out the rest of your days in America/Canada


here, you are hemmed in by circumstance and laws that punish harshly the wickedness u mental cave dwellers would visit on Guyana . . . making it unlikely that y'all can do (any more) harm to your native country

It bleeds my heart to know that people like you support terrorism, ethnic cleansing and mediocrity.

The tripe that formulates in the brain of a fool. Ignore him. He is what a racist thinks. Jagdeo exposing them everyday, his statements were never wrong. Dem people in the PNC are racists, just as the three coolie racists on here express their opinions-repeating exactly the same thing over and over again. Hate.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Raphael is a cut throat.  Ramjattan made a mistake when he formed the AFC with him. You can't trust that man. He is now with the PNC and should be recalled by the AFC.


Moses Kakamootoo is a chamar turned Christian. In a fit of rage he insulted all indo_guyanese including his wife.


Joey Jagan loved the way the PNC is treating the Indians.  The man who could have been President, laughed when Moses called Jagdeo a 'coolie bully'.


I thought that My former next door  neighbour, Dr. Barton Scotland, was a fair person, but I was wrong.  He is new to the job but that shouldn't be an excuse for being inept.

ramakant, don't be so hard on yourself


you're a bigot and a primitive . . . it's all you have at this stage of your nothing life


hopefully you'll live out the rest of your days in America/Canada


here, you are hemmed in by circumstance and laws that punish harshly the wickedness u mental cave dwellers would visit on Guyana . . . making it unlikely that y'all can do (any more) harm to your native country

It bleeds my heart to know that people like you support terrorism, ethnic cleansing and mediocrity.

 He is what a racist thinks. Jagdeo exposing them everyday, his statements were never wrong. Dem people in the PNC are racists


This is one hundred percent accurate.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word:






Well he can designate himself as Indian first and only coincidentally Guyanese.  Problem is that there are more Guyanese, so let him continue, and he will be a PERMANENT leader of the opposition.


No politician in Guyana can win office on the basis of being an ethnic champion.


Now I know that the Indo KKK (and the moderates which condone their behavior by refusing to condemn it, even as they join the Indo KKK in screams of an ethnic holocaust) don't believe this.  But if the Indo vote is declining, and is now outnumbered by non Indians, the PPP continuing as the "coolie party" is doing themselves no good.


How do their current screams help them to move beyond their Indian base, especially as most Guyanese, including more Indians than the PPP wants to believe, think that those who were dismissed, were incompetent, and corrupt people whose affiliation to the PPP was their main qualification.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

The tripe that formulates in the brain of a fool. Ignore him. He is what a racist thinks. Jagdeo exposing them everyday, his statements were never wrong. Dem people in the PNC are racists, just as the three coolie racists on here express their opinions-repeating exactly the same thing over and over again. Hate.  

According to you the PPP is a party of inclusion, and was fair in its hiring policies.  You scream that APNU/AFC is racist.


Because, according to you, blacks are evil and savage, and so deserve the wrath of God indefinitely. This reminds me of that Afrikaner church.  So clearly you supported apartheid.


Please furnish a list of Africans who head state corporations, committees, and commissions, which have not been dismissed by APNU/AFC.


According to you they should be many as the PPP appointed loads of blacks to head its state entities, and APNU/AFC has only targeted Indians.


Reveal yourself to be the racist that you are, when you cannot furnish proof.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word

That champion will remain permanently in the opposition

bench,that leader you claimed to be fighting for Indian

Rights which are not trampled by the the current gov't

will weaken the PPP.





Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word

That champion will remain permanently in the opposition

bench,that leader you claimed to be fighting for Indian

Rights which are not trampled by the the current gov't

will weaken the PPP.





Someone has to look out for the Indians in Guyana. Indians have no rights in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word

That champion will remain permanently in the opposition

bench,that leader you claimed to be fighting for Indian

Rights which are not trampled by the the current gov't

will weaken the PPP.





Someone has to look out for the Indians in Guyana. Indians have no rights in Guyana.

Skelly,no problem with that,i have some family members

who work at gov't dept they still have their gobs.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This Indo will fight for us and not allow sellout Chammars like Moses to bully and insult us by joining with the PNC who want to demoralize us by using the offensive C word

That champion will remain permanently in the opposition

bench,that leader you claimed to be fighting for Indian

Rights which are not trampled by the the current gov't

will weaken the PPP.





Someone has to look out for the Indians in Guyana. Indians have no rights in Guyana.

Skelly,no problem with that,i have some family members

who work at gov't dept they still have their gobs.

NFL. And that's not NFL as in National Football Leauge. It's Not For Long...unless they secure a PNC membership card soon.


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