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Perhaps her only blemish is her conviction that the PPP will not become the government. This was inadvisable because all the evidence shows that the PPP won the elections on March 2, 2020. Even Granger's son in law strongly believes that the PNC lost and he had inside information on which to base his arguments.

“Coalition could not win elections based on SoPs I saw”

Exclusive Interview with ex-AFC Minister, Dominic Gaskin:

Former Business Minister, Dominic Gaskin

It would have been an impossible feat for the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition to emerge the victors of the March 2020 elections.
According to Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive member, Dominic Gaskin, the Statements of Poll (SOP) he saw proved otherwise.
Gaskin, in an exclusive, explosive interview on Kaieteur Radio’s Room 592 on Friday evening with hosts Dr. Yog Mahadeo and Senior Journalist, Leonard Gildarie, explained that he worked the evening of March 2, 2020 and collected a number of SOPs.
“We were not the custodians of the statement of polls (SoPs),” he said. “APNU took control of the statement of polls but we did do a tabulation; we did have a tabulation exercise where we would have photographed the statements of poll we would have collected and those were then sent to a centre where persons were engaged in recording those in a spreadsheet and doing a tabulation.”
Those were the very tabulations he had access to.
Asked whether it was possible for the party to have won the elections, Gaskin said: “No. Not based on what I saw.”
Gaskin was a former Business Minister, representing his party, the AFC.
His father-in-law was former President, David Granger.
He had taken to social media to express his unhappiness over the elections imbroglio which saw the countr

y in political limbo for five months since March 2 with the Coalition refusing to concede.
It sparked more than a dozen court cases, which saw visa sanctions announced by the US on coalition officials, including ministers.
“Based on all the information I would have had because, unfortunately my spreadsheet was not complete, but based on the information available to me, it would have been very difficult for us to have won the elections.”
The APNU+AFC, during the National Recount, had wanted the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Chair, Justice Claudette Singh (ret’d) to declare the elections results using the fictitious numbers presented by District Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, in his March 13 declaration, putting on record that their SoPs “mostly matched” his numbers.
The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) had then released their SoPs for public scrutiny and urged the coalition to do the same.
When asked whether the party would be releasing the SoPs in their possession for comparative analysis, it was Counting Agent and former Public Infrastructure Minister of the AFC, David Patterson, who had told the media during the exercise that the party had no intentions of doing this.
The APNU+AFC, however, continued to maintain that their SoPs matched that of Mingo’s even after the PPP/C was declared the winners of the election.
Gaskin, who has been vocal on the fraud committed by Mingo, said it would have been “impossible” for Mingo’s numbers to have been accurate.
And not only that, the former Business Minister said that of the information he has access to matched the numbers the PPP/C had in their SoPs.
“â€ĶA lot of the information available at the time, that I had access to had correlated with the PPP Statement of Polls that they had made public,” Gaskin said.
Several requests were made to GECOM for the release of the SoPs in their possession; however, the Commission did not act despite a similar request being put forward in 2011 that was accommodated.
Then Opposition Leader, David Granger had requested scanned copies of the SoPs from the November 2011 election and the same was handed to his party.


@Nehru posted:

Base, wan Bicycle LIAR oh I mean Lawyer made 1000 predictions in the last 5 months, guess how many came through??/

Banna, yuh nah even bring wan thrush coconut from backdam fuh abie!  Yuh prapa selfish.

Django brought on some PNC heavy hitters. Even Dr K is back with his/her infamous diatribes!

But PNC still lost. 

@Former Member posted:

I personally think that Django should not have given legitimacy to the topic on GuyanaBackdam by attaching it to GNI. By doing so he has basically confirmed the two personalities as one and the same. He should have let the ocean between the two continents remain unbridged.

Now he built a pontoon bridge and start a Mahabharata.

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle does not say anything about people. Others I agree, however, not Django also. He did cross a few times but pulled back.  But he does cuss the PPP bad bad.  My issue with the man is politics, not personal. He still owes me a drink. 

I was accused by this poster whom u glorify as being a racist.

@Former Member posted:

What is all you problem if Base Likes Rochelle ? It's her decision to accept or reject. 

I have a special place in my heart for intelligent women. Here why;

Women have 20% smaller brain than men. For them to be as, or more, intelligent than many men, had they had a brain the size of a man, they’d be classified as genius.

On the contrary, take some male posters on this board, not very intelligent.  Had they posses a brain the size of a woman, they’d be classified as retards.

I ain’t calling name.  But that’s why I like them.

@Former Member posted:

I have a special place in my heart for intelligent women. Here why;

Women have 20% smaller brain than men. For them to be as, or more, intelligent than many men, had they had a brain the size of a man, they’d be classified as genius.

On the contrary, take some male posters on this board, not very intelligent.  Had they posses a brain the size of a woman, they’d be classified as retards.

I ain’t calling name.  But that’s why I like them.

Let me guess, His nick starts with E.  Who de cap fit, let them wear it. Bob Marley.

@Former Member posted:

Ok man. Was election time. Kamala Devi Harris called (Sleepy) Joe Biden a racist, now dem is honky-dory padnazzz.😁

Let it slide, she was fighting for her side.  Inside she seems a good person.

O rass Base. Like you softening you position on dem Hapless Dems and giving racist Sleepy Joe a free pass. It's a match made in heaven, Sleepy Joe and Karailla Kamala.

BLM stood down with Sleepy Joe's racist comments. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Mars posted:

Dem bais reliving their youth on Ray's site. It's like small days when they get away and go to the backdam and play jam lolo with each other. Nuff ah dem vow that they will never post on GNI again yet they still visit this site every day. Some even change their name and come back to GNI. 

Are you stirring up trouble?

@alena06 posted:

Sorry to hear Django, but that’s the norm in discussion forums.  

You dish it out daily here to Jagdeo as if he is a monster and the man never came here complaining.😃 Life is short there’s so much more in life than discussion forums.

Yuh rite. Django wuss than Varshanie. 

And you rite about life. In 15 mins I’m out of here picking up an Indian Lawyer and we heading out to western Jersey. She invited me to some Lavender event. Me nah even know wah is. Me Jess going!

@Former Member posted:

You fool. In a work environment. A man is allowed to sweetie a woman in private.  I think Rochelle is a sweetie.

I was working at this job and everyone was required to attend sexual harassment training. I postponed it about 3 times. Finally, the lady from HR called me and two other buddies I worked with. She asked me to attend a special session for the three of us. I asked her if it was compulsory and she said yes. I told her I don't mind sexual harassment. She said good try. I had to attend.

@Former Member posted:

Ok man. Was election time. Kamala Devi Harris called (Sleepy) Joe Biden a racist, now dem is honky-dory padnazzz.😁

Let it slide, she was fighting for her side.  Inside she seems a good person.

I jus doan understand how u does operate. First u claim is a gurl by the writing style. Now u claim she was fighting for her side. U have no idea if is a "she" but yuh swallowing hook like and sinker.

This is a hardcore APNU supporter turn moderator. And your sweet talk will get u nowhere. Jus saying

@Former Member posted:

Yuh rite. Django wuss than Varshanie. 

And you rite about life. In 15 mins I’m out of here picking up an Indian Lawyer and we heading out to western Jersey. She invited me to some Lavender event. Me nah even know wah is. Me Jess going!

Better find out is not a butch ting, you might be in for a Large surprise.


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