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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Their migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Where are the indecent words that I'm using? I'm drawing attention to what the Admin allows the Rev and his butt boy to get away with.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Their migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

What indecency are you referring to? Be specific.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Their(AFC/PNC supporters) migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

Well said Baseman!




Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Their migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

They need to engage in a debate before they can create a positive impression. Instead, they choose to roll in the gutter. They continue to personally attack posters. 


Their ship is taking in water hence their desperation. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Their(AFC/PNC supporters) migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

Well said Baseman!



What is indecent about what I'm saying? Be specific.

You can spare me the silly graphics in your reply. Only little children read pictures.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Their migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

They need to engage in a debate before they can create a positive impression. Instead, they choose to roll in the gutter. They continue to personally attack posters. 


Their ship is taking in water hence their desperation. 




Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Mitwah must learn to respect other posters and not cuss them down when they challenge his position. His behaviour at times gave the impression that he was intoxicated while posting. Hope he rectifies his behaviour and engage in a civilized manner when challenged. This BB is not his Rum Shop. I hope that he returns after serving his time and reflect on his vile behaviour.

Aw shuddup! You are the Rev's butt boy in charge of spreading his PNC/N1gger Indian agenda. There is nothing more despicable than that.

I see that you are upset that vile and vulgar behaviour has been noticed by admin. You are also using indecent words. Admin is watching.

Their migration to vile indecency is a symbol of desperation, they are on the losing end.  Mitwah and the rest of the uncouth clan see the ship sailing on and they are still paddling in their balahu.

They need to engage in a debate before they can create a positive impression. Instead, they choose to roll in the gutter. They continue to personally attack posters. 


Their ship is taking in water hence their desperation. 

Since when being  a gross racist a positive image?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by God:

"Rev has been generally respectful" 


You just told me that use of the "N" word is offensive, now you're trying to tell me that the Rev is respectful. What do you really mean, that the Rev calls someone a n****r in a respectful way? 


Why are you complaining that you're being harassed? You do the same to many others so it appears that you can dish it out but you can't take it when it is handed out to you and deservedly so.

Ever since he got suspended for the n word, he has cleaned up his act.

Who do I harass? I only strike back at those that harass me since admin had been letting them get away with it. 

you harassed BK continuously when she was on here...

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by God:

"Rev has been generally respectful" 


You just told me that use of the "N" word is offensive, now you're trying to tell me that the Rev is respectful. What do you really mean, that the Rev calls someone a n****r in a respectful way? 


Why are you complaining that you're being harassed? You do the same to many others so it appears that you can dish it out but you can't take it when it is handed out to you and deservedly so.

Ever since he got suspended for the n word, he has cleaned up his act.

Who do I harass? I only strike back at those that harass me since admin had been letting them get away with it. 

you harassed BK continuously when she was on here...

That dude is lies his ass off with no let up. 

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by God:

"Rev has been generally respectful" 


You just told me that use of the "N" word is offensive, now you're trying to tell me that the Rev is respectful. What do you really mean, that the Rev calls someone a n****r in a respectful way? 


Why are you complaining that you're being harassed? You do the same to many others so it appears that you can dish it out but you can't take it when it is handed out to you and deservedly so.

Ever since he got suspended for the n word, he has cleaned up his act.

Who do I harass? I only strike back at those that harass me since admin had been letting them get away with it. 

you harassed BK continuously when she was on here...

Nonsense, those people left here almost a 7 years ago, you were not even born yet then.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by God:

"Rev has been generally respectful" 


You just told me that use of the "N" word is offensive, now you're trying to tell me that the Rev is respectful. What do you really mean, that the Rev calls someone a n****r in a respectful way? 


Why are you complaining that you're being harassed? You do the same to many others so it appears that you can dish it out but you can't take it when it is handed out to you and deservedly so.

Ever since he got suspended for the n word, he has cleaned up his act.

Who do I harass? I only strike back at those that harass me since admin had been letting them get away with it. 

you harassed BK continuously when she was on here...

Nonsense, those people left here almost a 7 years ago, you were not even born yet then.  

They did not leave seven years ago. Further, you did spend your entire time  here calling her names. Not that I care but that is the truth of the matter.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 so you say, so you say. BTW what is t he ice water blunder since you apparently know it was a blunder?

So you admit to the sakiwinki reference, this is a good start to redeeming your soul. In terms of the ice water blunder, you sided up with Nuff when he claimed that if the ice melted in a glass of water with ice rising above the rim, then the glass would overflow. The rest of us knew better and said the volume would remain the same with no overflow once the ice melted. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 so you say, so you say. BTW what is t he ice water blunder since you apparently know it was a blunder?

So you admit to the sakiwinki reference, this is a good start to redeeming your soul. In terms of the ice water blunder, you sided up with Nuff when he claimed that if the ice melted in a glass of water with ice rising above the rim, then the glass would overflow. The rest of us knew better and said the volume would remain the same with no overflow once the ice melted. 

 As I said ( and for the last time) that is totally your imagination.


Nuff and I were on opposing side of a debate on what happens when ice melts. We could not be on the same time when we argued against each other.


YOu perhaps are the only one here who remember it your way. Again, there are almost 500 threads on that and related discussion of physics of the time so you trying to re-frame the argument is really a bold face attempt at a lie. You have practically everyone here who will say otherwise.


You initially supported Nuff along with Mr T. Coolio, LB, Dre, Eddie me and practically everyone else were on the same side.


Anyways, gotta go home. Have a nice evening.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Any word on Mitwah's bail bond? Is Nehru putting it up? 

Nehru Bhai showed up with some KN paper clippings that Mitwah gave him to put up bail but the Judge refused to accept KN paper clippings as bail. Word is that Mitwah is in consultation with RUMjattan.


There was a big cuss down as they prepared for his second bail hearing. More KN paper clippings were found at the bar where they met.


PRK will have his bail hearing soon, sadly no one is willing to put up bail for him.  

Last edited by Former Member

Thank you all for your support during my forced vacation and especially to Nehru for starting this thread. I have had the opportunity to visit other similiar sites during my vacation. I can categorically say that this site exposes the deep rooted racism, hate and distrusfullness by supporters of the two major ethnic groups. I am not a member of the AFC party. During the run up to the last election, the AFC was the only party with an action plan To Heal the Great Racial Divide.


Once again many thanks to my fellow posters, many of whom I know personally, for their kind remarks.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Enough said, now let us get back to politics. A reliable source from GT reported that Gerhurd and RUMjattan is trying to dethrone Nigel and are working 24/7 to shove aside the Nigel camp in the AFC. Moses is siding with Nigel.


We are in for a treat.

I don't entertain nor debate hearsay. That's for posters with low IQ.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Enough said, now let us get back to politics. A reliable source from GT reported that Gerhurd and RUMjattan is trying to dethrone Nigel and are working 24/7 to shove aside the Nigel camp in the AFC. Moses is siding with Nigel.


We are in for a treat.

Ha, no wonder Gerhard have no time for GNI.


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