Banna, two 25 year olds couldn't keep up with the 50 yr old Iman got.
Banna, two 25 year olds couldn't keep up with the 50 yr old Iman got.
* Good for you! A lot of 50 year old women are more sexually daring and adventurous than the younger cubs. Glad you found yourself a playmate. Now! Tone down on your crankiness on GNI.
haul yo ass
How can we go wrong if we choose the path of a coalition govt?
DEAR EDITOR, It is quite encouraging to know that many countries around the world that Guyanese long to visit, or even work, are being run by coalition governments. On Sunday, I noticed an advertisement in your newspaper which pointed out some of the thriving countries worldwide that are being governed by political parties that coalesced. I hope that my fellow Guyanese took note that countries such as India, Britain, Germany and the twin island of Trinidad and Tobago are being run by coalition governments. It is my belief that Guyana is getting ready to step into the league of such jurisdictions if citizens can only see the wisdom in electing a government that is so structured that scrutiny will be the name of the game. According to what I have read in the daily newspapers, the Alliance For Change vows to keep A Partnership for National Unity in check, and vice versa. How can we go wrong if we choose the path of a coalition government? Itâs all in the hands of Guyana now. Amala Peters
haul yo ass
* When last you feasted on quality "sushi" cainsta ?
* Listen Old bai! Men who feast on "quality sushi" are never, ever, ever cranky or crotchety or ill-tempered.
* Old bai Cainsta---Take it from the Rev---this is patented wisdom Rev sharing with you old man---there is nothing in this life that is more magical or enchanting or captivating than quality "sushi".
* Reading the angry, bitter postings from many of the men on GNI---it's easy to surmise that many of these poor, miserable souls haven't enjoyed quality sushi in decades---hence their deep frustration and irritation.
Revie.. .padnah... come leh we gyaff 'bout all dem dutty indian... dem ones who does tell nuff nuff lie all de time.
Revie.. .padnah... come leh we gyaff 'bout all dem dutty indian... dem ones who does tell nuff nuff lie all de time.
Bhai Persaud:
* When last you feast on quality "sushi" ?
* The Rev doesn't sense any annoyance or vexation from you yet on this thread, and therefore I am inclined to believe that you feast regularly.
Haul yo ass rev, no raw fish Iman eat does have scales.
Revie.. .padnah... come leh we gyaff 'bout all dem dutty indian... dem ones who does tell nuff nuff lie all de time.
Bhai Persaud:
* When last you feast on quality "sushi" ?
* The Rev doesn't sense any annoyance or vexation from you yet on this thread, and therefore I am inclined to believe that you feast regularly.
Revie Revie Revie.... it galls me to think of the extent of boredom and incapacitated state of mind that would prompt to pen such an asinine post for the world to witness.
How you dealing so? Your idrine ask you fa a lil gyaff about dem dutty lying coolie and you talking 'bout fish?
Revie Revie Revie.... it galls me to think of the extent of boredom and incapacitated state of mind that would prompt to pen such an asinine post for the world to witness.
ha ha ha ha ha
* Men who don't feast on the world's greatest delicacy are easily galled.
* Hopefully in your next life Persaud you'll experience the joys of quality "sushi".
* By the way Persaud, don't stay "galled" for too long. That's not good for your health.
Revie Revie Revie.... it galls me to think of the extent of boredom and incapacitated state of mind that would prompt to pen such an asinine post for the world to witness.
ha ha ha ha ha
* Men who don't feast on the world's greatest delicacy are easily galled.
* Hopefully in your next life Persaud you'll experience the joys of quality "sushi".
* By the way Persaud, don't stay "galled" for too long. That's not good for your health.
Is why you like dish out advice so much my idrine? You really don't realize yet what readers think of you and your advice?
But is how come you doan want gyaff wid ole Anta 'bout dem dutty lying coolie man dem?
Is why you like dish out advice so much my idrine? You really don't realize yet what readers think of you and your advice?
Old man antabanta!
* Years ago the Rev learned that he must never be concerned with what others think of him. It is what he thinks about himself that matters.
* The Rev has never forgotten that piece of wisdom.
My idrine... I know a dutty indian who setup some innocent manja dem at NBS. You nah want talk 'bout dis heah dutty indian?
Is why you like dish out advice so much my idrine? You really don't realize yet what readers think of you and your advice?
Old man antabanta!
* Years ago the Rev learned that he must never be concerned with what others think of him. It is what he thinks about himself that matters.
* The Rev has never forgotten that piece of wisdom.
In that case the Rev should learn and appreciat the concept of introspection. My idrine.. yuh good good fren Anta kyan tell you true true story you ent gat none piece a wisdom atall atall atall.
* It looks like you are inviting the esteemed and respectable Rev to join you in the gutter. The Rev respectfully declines.
* It looks like you are inviting the esteemed and respectable Rev to join you in the gutter. The Rev respectfully declines.
My idrine!! dis mean all dem posts from you 'bout dutty indian was from somebody who hack yuh name?
Dis mean all dem nonsense gutter remark 'bout dutty indian gon stop?
You mek iman proud idrine.
In that case the Rev should learn and appreciat the concept of introspection.
* Actually I'll respond to the above comment. When posters make a sensible comment the Rev will reply.
* The problem with introspection or self-analysis anta bai is that it has no end.
* But you are free Bhai Persaud to engage in soul searching and self examination of yourself.
In that case the Rev should learn and appreciat the concept of introspection.
* Actually I'll respond to the above comment. When posters make a sensible comment the Rev will reply.
* The problem with introspection or self-analysis anta bai is that it has no end.
* But you are free Bhai Persaud to engage in soul searching and self examination of yourself.
Dready... lissen heah my idrine... from all dem stchupidness yuh does post it aint look like yuh know anyting 'bout dis heah introspection bizniss... nah badda waste time wid all dem banal clichÃĐ-like comebacks.
Listen! The Rev will never demean himself by engaging with GNI posters who are practiced in the art of posting bunk, meaningless drivel, and nonsensical mumbo jumbo like antabanta above. Say something interesting or intelligent and the Rev will readily respond, but post crap and foolishness and you'll be roundly ignored.
Is why you like dish out advice so much my idrine? You really don't realize yet what readers think of you and your advice?
Old man antabanta!
* Years ago the Rev learned that he must never be concerned with what others think of him. It is what he thinks about himself that matters.
* The Rev has never forgotten that piece of wisdom.
no wonder you still a racist and stupid
Listen! The Rev will never demean himself by engaging with GNI posters who are practiced in the art of posting bunk, meaningless drivel, and nonsensical mumbo jumbo like antabanta above. Say something interesting or intelligent and the Rev will readily respond, but post crap and foolishness and you'll be roundly ignored.
Ow man ow gad nah man... is how come you fishin up yuh good good fren suh?
My idrine .... you eva hear 'bout sumtin dem sensible people dem does call psychological projection?
Is wah kinda pu55y behavia yuh gettin on wid? Ah notice yuh using dis reason steady fa run and hide. You mek meh hand fall idrine.. seriously you mek iman hand fall.
You know... I have to observe, Rev unwittingly demeans himself more than enough. Who in the world can post the crap you do and still have a shred of dignity?
Poverty exists everywhere in the world.
Check out what's happening in the USA with 50 million Americans struggling on food stamps:
* You are 100% correct! America is the richest and most prosperous country on the planet and yet you have 50 million people receiving food stamps.
* Of course there is poverty, but thankfully you don't have extreme poverty in Guyana.
* People in Guyana don't starve. Even the poorest family in the country areas has a little kitchen garden.
* There is much work to be done to improve the lives of all Guyanese. The PPP's plan to alleviate poverty in Guyana is to ensure that all Guyanese acquire a good education. Billions($Guy) have been invested in the education sector and billions more will be invested in the sector in the future..
Your nose should be touching your comp screen right about now rev
* The PPP victory on May 11th is not 99% guaranteed. It is not 99.99% guaranteed. It is 100% guaranteed.
* Listen folks! In life 2 losers will never produce a winner.
* The PNC and AFC are both LOSERS! And combining two losers will never ever, ever produce a winner.
* The PPP victory on May 11th is not 99% guaranteed. It is not 99.99% guaranteed. It is 100% guaranteed.
* Listen folks! In life 2 losers will never produce a winner.
* The PNC and AFC are both LOSERS! And combining two losers will never ever, ever produce a winner.
PNC Indians better buy rope or be prepared to die of anger and frustration for the next five years.
AFC/PNC is a losing combination.
Take a look at a "massive" AFC/PNC rally in Berbice:
The PPP installed an extremely burdensome tax (VAT) on the backs of the impoverished Guyanese people. And despite their boast of raking in billions annually, have not fixed any of Guyana's decayed infrastructure. Where does the money go you ask? One can only use their common sense to deduce why the PPP government is deemed the most corrupt in the region.
PNC Indians better buy rope or be prepared to die of anger and frustration for the next five years.
AFC/PNC is a losing combination.
Take a look at a "massive" AFC/PNC rally in Berbice:
* That's, indeed, a massive PNC rally in Berbice. Karimullah was bragging recently about the huge momentum the PNC has picked up in recent days. Well that photo says it all. The PPP should be deathly afraid.
* No doubt about it folks, unlike 2011, the PPP has run a clinical and efficient campaign in 2015. The party's campaign machinery has been well organized. They adopted a boots on the ground strategy this time around. Proper planning and preparation will always lead to success---ALWAYS!
I think my idrine ignoring me again.
It would be sad if the quality of the PPP fanatics is an indication of the quality of the PPP.
* That's right! 5 Days to go!
* How many of you posting on GNI will be galled when reality strikes and the PPP/C wins the May 11th election ?
* By the way, one GNI poster was"galled" reading a post about "sushi". I shudder to think what his reaction would be when his beloved PNC is defeated for the 6th time since 1992. Hope the poor bloke doesn't suffer a cardiac.
Maybe he'll just be galled.
* That's right! 5 Days to go!
* How many of you posting on GNI will be galled when reality strikes and the PPP/C wins the May 11th election ?
* By the way, one GNI poster was"galled" reading a post about "sushi". I shudder to think what his reaction would be when his beloved PNC is defeated for the 6th time since 1992. Hope the poor bloke doesn't suffer a cardiac.
Maybe he'll just be galled.
Idrine!!!.. so you not actually ignoring yuh pardnah.. rant bai... ah so glad I man give you a nice word to use... but is like you want abuse it now. I know sometimes when you hear a new word you does be anxious to show it off... but really an truly I shudder to think that gall is a new word for you.
Dready ... hear dis ting nah man ... I man more interested in proper governance by any party that wins than in any particular party winning. I know the concept might flutter yuh heart lil bit.
Is how come anybody who seh anyting against dem PPP rat does turn beloved PNC supporter?
I still want me and you gyaff about dem dutty indians ... come tru nah man.
Is it not demeaning for a big man to be so impressed by the word gall?
Idrine!!! come tru and gyaff wid Anta lil bit.
"Elections in Guyana have always been about race. Africans vote for the PNC no matter what and no one has a problem with that. Even the 1992 en bloc vote by Africans for the PNC after the dark days of the PNC dictatorship is now justified. And even within this context, the idea that Indians would vote for the PPP no matter what creates so much condemnation and censure."
* It's only the DIRTY INDIANS who have a problem with East Indians supporting the Indo led PPP.
* Come May 11th, the dirty ones will be galled (TM antabanta) when the PPP wins their 6th consecutive election.
"Elections in Guyana have always been about race. Africans vote for the PNC no matter what and no one has a problem with that. Even the 1992 en bloc vote by Africans for the PNC after the dark days of the PNC dictatorship is now justified. And even within this context, the idea that Indians would vote for the PPP no matter what creates so much condemnation and censure."
* It's only the DIRTY INDIANS who have a problem with East Indians supporting the Indo led PPP.
* Come May 11th, the dirty ones will be galled (TM antabanta) when the PPP wins their 6th consecutive election.
My idrine... you gon have to pay me royalty you know. I got another big word for you ... haul out yuh pen quick ... yuh ready? ... INANE. Now don't be galled by this one, just copy and use over and over.
Here's a use case: The inane postings of manic PPP supporters severely inhibits progressive discourse.
Indians now supporting the PPP are close to 98%.
Is weh meh idrine deh?
Indians now supporting the PPP are close to 98%.
Good for them 98% of 40% indos (including non voters).
Where rest of voters come from to give the PPP a majority
when their campaign is RACE based?????
RE: " INANE postings of manic PPP supporters"
* Lemme be blunt!
* The Rev is a man who speaks his mind----and sometimes I make a fool of myself---I'm not ashamed to admit that----Rev makes a FOOL of himself sometimes----actually you PNC supporters will vehemently disagree---according to you Rev makes a fool of himself all the time with his inane(tm antabanta) and meaningless noises that he tries to pass as intelligent conversation.
* People who are independent thinkers like the Rev are never afraid to expose their ideas and thoughts to ridicule and controversy.
* The DIRTY INDIANS will always perceive the Rev to be a crackpot. That is their prerogative.
The Rev harbors zero animosity for those who despise him and his inane(tm antabanta) ideas.
RE: " INANE postings of manic PPP supporters"
* Lemme be blunt!
* The Rev is a man who speaks his mind----and sometimes I make a fool of myself---I'm not ashamed to admit that----Rev makes a FOOL of himself sometimes----actually you PNC supporters will vehemently disagree---according to you Rev makes a fool of himself all the time with his inane(tm antabanta) and meaningless noises that he tries to pass as intelligent conversation.
* People who are independent thinkers like the Rev are never afraid to expose their ideas and thoughts to ridicule and controversy.
* The DIRTY INDIANS will always perceive the Rev to be a crackpot. That is their prerogative.
The Rev harbors zero animosity for those who despise him and his inane(tm antabanta) ideas.
Since when is an independent thinker someone who supports a political party based on race?
Revie Revie Revie... you applaud yourself on so many unfounded and downright incorrect claims we must now wonder at your sanity.
When you and yuh idrine and gyaff lil bit 'bout dem dutty indians who mekkin millions pon po guyanese people back?
Independent thinker Rev??? bai ... da iz a good one fa today.
ow lawd o gad... independent tinka Rev
RE: " INANE postings of manic PPP supporters"
* Lemme be blunt!
* The Rev is a man who speaks his mind----and sometimes I make a fool of myself---I'm not ashamed to admit that----Rev makes a FOOL of himself sometimes----actually you PNC supporters will vehemently disagree---according to you Rev makes a fool of himself all the time with his inane(tm antabanta) and meaningless noises that he tries to pass as intelligent conversation.
* People who are independent thinkers like the Rev are never afraid to expose their ideas and thoughts to ridicule and controversy.
* The DIRTY INDIANS will always perceive the Rev to be a crackpot. That is their prerogative.
The Rev harbors zero animosity for those who despise him and his inane(tm antabanta) ideas.
Dude you think like a think like a dumb assed racist. Independent thinking does not reduce itself to a pilfered cartoon a post and colorized text. It means you articulate a point by arguing its merit. Instead, you labor to find stupid ways to convey how nasty a bigot you are. It is your only rationale for voting one way rather than another.
It looks like the term Independent Thinker has bummed out some of the PNC boys on GNI causing them to be jittery and agitated.
It looks like the term Independent Thinker has bummed out some of the PNC boys on GNI causing them to be jittery and agitated.
Dready!! My idrine... bai.. I man neva see somebady write so much and seh so lil bit.
It looks like the term Independent Thinker has bummed out some of the PNC boys on GNI causing them to be jittery and agitated.
Rev you prappa wutliss.
I enjoy reading this thread on a daily basis. It is a cause of frustration for Dirty Indians and PNC diehards.
Social Media is buzzing with the PNC's anti Indian stance and Moses and Ramjattan's silence in recognizing Indian Arrival Day.
Granger told them that they can only comment on Emancipation Day.
They (PNC Indians) will be in hiding on May 12th. I am staying home on that day, I already have my victory thread prepared.
Revie!! Come tru pardnah... look .. you get one supporter. Another one who pinting 'e finga at dutty indians and ignoring all dem teefing rass dat in power.
Wonder how I can give you boys a handicap so you're not too discouraged to respond? How about if I type with one hand, or with one eye close?
Dready!! My idrine... bai.. I man neva see somebady write so much and seh so lil bit.
Bhai Persaud:
* Let's say you are right---the Rev writes nuff and says very little.
* But here is the thing Persaud Bhai, you seem to be addicted to whatever little the Rev has to say on GNI. The more the Rev writes---the more you crave Persaud.
* Thanks for being one of the Rev's biggest followers in Political antabanta/Bhai Persaud.hahahaha
Dready!! My idrine... bai.. I man neva see somebady write so much and seh so lil bit.
Bhai Persaud:
* Let's say you are right---the Rev writes nuff and says very little.
* But here is the thing Persaud Bhai, you seem to be addicted to whatever little the Rev has to say on GNI. The more the Rev writes---the more you crave Persaud.
* Thanks for being one of the Rev's biggest followers in Political antabanta/Bhai Persaud.hahahaha
Bai... you frend does wuk hard you know... I must gaffa mek lil laff one one time man... how you dealing suh?
But is how come you ent got no shame 'bout showing off so much stchupidness?
Rev you prappa wutliss.
yuji Bhai:
* I'll take that as a genuine compliment.
* It's fun engaging with my fellow posters---the PNC boys here find me aggravating---I like that.
* Oh well! In a few months I'll be gone on another long adventure---maybe you'll irritate them boasting about the great success of Ramotar's 2nd term.
Rev you prappa wutliss.
yuji Bhai:
* I'll take that as a genuine compliment.
* It's fun engaging with my fellow posters---the PNC boys here find me aggravating---I like that.
* Oh well! In a few months I'll be gone on another long adventure---maybe you'll irritate them boasting about the great success of Ramotar's 2nd term.
say hi to kwame for me on your long adventure
Rev you prappa wutliss.
yuji Bhai:
* I'll take that as a genuine compliment.
* It's fun engaging with my fellow posters---the PNC boys here find me aggravating---I like that.
* Oh well! In a few months I'll be gone on another long adventure---maybe you'll irritate them boasting about the great success of Ramotar's 2nd term.
Revie... my Idrine.. come irritate yuh padna about dem dutty indian who a build mansion pon coolie people back.
There is no question the PPP politicians have feasted heartily on the Milk and Honey that flows in the Executive branch. PPP boys who couldn't afford a tricycle before 1992 are now living in palatial mansions and have big foreign bank accounts
* Now! The DIRTY INDIANS would have everyone believe that if the PNC were to get back into power there would zero corruption in a PNC government.
* Moses, the dirtiest of the dirty Indians, is now lying to the Guyanese people that his PNC party will clean and pure and wholesome if they take over the government.
* He is a confounded liar and ought to be lynched for blatantly lying to the Guyanese people.
* Come May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will turn a blind eye to the PPP corruption and profiteering----these good citizens prefer PPP thiefin than PNC thiefin.
May 03, 2015
Ten years later, BaiShanLin still to establish wood processing plant
â blamed Go-Invest in August 2014 for delays, now accusing media After ten years of mainly extracting logs and benefitting from billions of dollars worth in tax concessions, remissions and tax holidays, Chinese company, BaiShanLin is still to honour its commitment to establish a Wood Processing Plant.
Last year, it blamed the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) for delaying its application for this factory. Now, it is blaming the âhostileâ media reports in 2014 for dispiriting financiers. In a statement last week, the Chinese company said that it is concerned about the apparent âmisrepresentations and false reportsâ being carried by some sections of the media on its operations in Guyana. It identified Kaieteur News (KN) as the leader of the âhostileâ campaign. It claimed that the newspaper had no evidence to support many of its claims. It cited a recent KN article with the headline: âBaiShanLin delays US$70M wood processing factory for gold, housing, logging.â Quoting the article, âBaiShanLin was âreportedlyâ approved US$70M to invest in a wood processing plant just off the Linden area. Instead it diverted the money to logging, gold and housing activities.â BaiShanLin, in its statement, insisted that it is a privately owned company and does not receive capital from the Government of Guyana. Kaieteur News at no time contended in that article or any article for that matter, that BaiShanLin receives funding from the Government of Guyana. The Chinese company also took offence to the word âreportedlyâ. It is of the belief that such a word lends more to sensationalism and less towards keeping the public informed. But even in its response to the article, BaiShanLin does not deny that it was approved âUS$70Mâ for certain activities. With regard to the wood processing plant in the Linden area that was to be constructed, Bai Shan Lin, one of the largest exporters of the countryâs prime species of wood, complained that it has indeed suffered major setbacks in completing its wood processing facility that will create hundreds of jobs for Guyanese. It claimed that these âsetbacksâ directly relate to lack of adequate funding from its financiers, who, since last year âwhen these sustained attacks began,â became concerned about the âsoundness of investing further in what appeared to be a hostile environment.â It would contradict what the company said in August last year when local media reported on the extent of BaiShanLinâs operations in Guyana. Back then, the company failed to mention in its published advertisements that âfinanciersâ were scared to invest. Instead, back then BaiShanLin sought to throw the blame on GO-Invest for the delays. In one of its ads, the company stated that in 2008, it applied to the âGovernment of Guyana through the Guyana Office for Investment (GO-Invest) and other agencies to lease lands to set up a factory to process logs and engage in value-added production, such as the making of furniture, craft and hardwood flooring.â It had said then that it was experiencing delays. Kaieteur News later reported that GO-Invest had had no such application. BaiShanLin had nothing to say when this was revealed. This caused many, including the opposition, to challenge the government to make public the investment agreement it signed on to with the Chinese logging company. To date, this is yet to be done. Further, on the note of logging, BaiShanLin said that as it relates to operations, it has consistently remained well within the law/regulations governing the forestry sector. It has been reported on extensively, by insiders and other well-informed critics, including Dr. Janette Bulkan, a forestry specialist, that BaiShanLin practices landlordism. The Timber Sales Agreement (TSAs) which governs logging does not allow that. BaiShanLin also sought to justify its great access to the mining sector. The regulations stipulate that only Guyanese can participate in auctions and bid for mining lands. It said that the companyâs owner in Guyana, Mr. Chu Hongbo is a naturalized Guyanese and that he is entitled to benefit from that clause.He did not say whether all the statutory requirements for naturalisation were met. BaiShanLin failed to point out that it has been granted hundreds of millions of dollars in duty free concessions and other breaks and therefore has an unfair advantage when it comes to competing with local operators. Last year, Bai Shan Linâs operations came under scrutiny after it became known that the company has been able to acquire several hundred thousand hectares of state lands for logging and mining. This was before Hongbo became a citizen of Guyana. In fact, it has become the third largest holder of state forests in the country. An advertisement in this paper earlier this week shows the over-reach and dominance of Bai Shan Lin across Guyana. The company is being blamed for a significant increase of log exports although Government says that those increases are still within the allowable figures.
Indians now supporting the PPP are close to 98%.
Good for them 98% of 40% indos (including non voters).
Where rest of voters come from to give the PPP a majority
when their campaign is RACE based?????
Its more like 45-47% Indian voting age.
Any way Rev says that 10% of Indians are dirty. It is known that Amerindians are 50% as likely as coastlanders to vote so that the PPP Amerindian vote is worth maybe 3%.
So "genuine Indians" 43% +3% Amerindians=46% Rev, Ryhaan Shah and the other racists who think that race should be the only criteria in voting do not suggest how screaming at blacks helps the PPP.
60% of the African votes are in and around G/town. NONE of the PPP events in this area have had blacks being visible. When the PPP hosts meetings in PNC strongholds only hecklers come out.
And then they scream race and think that they can win!
So "genuine Indians" 43% +3% Amerindians=46%
Carib bai:
* You are free to keep deluding yourself that blacks and mixed don't vote for the PPP.
* Listen! In the 2011 election a fair estimate is the PPP received 7% of the black votes and 27% of the Mixed.
* Oh well! Come May 11th you'll be bawling for murder when you beloved PNC is defeated for a 6th time since 1992.
* Do you really believe Dirty Moses and his fellow dirty Indians would help elect your beloved PNC ? Go See a shrink!
* Listen! In the 2011 election a fair estimate is the PPP received 7% of the black votes and 27% of the Mixed.
With the PPP being as blatantly racist as they are more and more of the few who vote PPP will stop.
Rats flee the sinking ship and so too will many of the soup lickers.
Even your numbers suggest that for every 100 additional black and mixed people voting 90% of these additional votes will be for the APNU AFC govt. It is expected that there will be higher black and mixed voting this year.
With the PPP being as blatantly racist as they are more and more of the few who vote PPP will stop.
* You are a desperate man carib!
* If as you claim the PPP is racist, then your beloved PNC is 100 times more racist.
* Moses"I am not Indian" Nagamootoo will not save your beloved PNC on May 11th. They will suffer their 6th consecutive defeat since 1992.
* Moses"I am not Indian" Nagamootoo will not save your beloved PNC on May 11th. They will suffer their 6th consecutive defeat since 1992.
So when can we expect to hear Elisabeth Harper screaming that "I am an African"?
Oooh sorry. Forgot that if she asserts her African identity and role in ensuring that Africans are properly treated by the PPP she is a racist.
Only Indians have a right to demand proper treatment as Indians.
So when can we expect to hear Elisabeth Harper screaming that "I am an African"?
carib bai:
* Elizabeth Harper, Guyana's next Prime Minister, is a classy, refined, and cultured woman.
* You will not hear any bullcrap from the mouth of the dignified Ms. Harper.
* On the other hand, all of Guyana have seen a vulgar PNC woman dropping her panties, pissing on a PPP flag and then setting it on fire.
* Your beloved PNC can keep those crude and uncivilized mongrels all to itself.
So when can we expect to hear Elisabeth Harper screaming that "I am an African"?
carib bai:
* Elizabeth Harper, Guyana's next Prime Minister, is a classy, refined, and cultured woman.
I see so you scream that Moses must yell "I am an Indian", yet you think that it is vulgar and undignified for Elisabeth to inform us that she is "African".
So locked in your racism and tribal bubble that you do not even note how stupid you look with your hypocritical double standards.
Caribny, you're wasting your time engaging in useless thread about beating one's chest and shout "I'm Indian" or "I'm African". What relevance does this have with Monday's results?
Caribny, you're wasting your time engaging in useless thread about beating one's chest and shout "I'm Indian" or "I'm African". What relevance does this have with Monday's results?
Oh so you really believe that on May 11th Guyanese will suddenly move away from racial voting? And that the ethnic angst will suddenly be irrelevant.
I think not. In fact should the APNU AFC coalition win it will become a subliminal conversation WITHIN the gov't as people see who gets appointed to what, and whether there will be a new mono racial governing elite, or a more multi ethnic one.
That will be a potential trap which both Granger and Moses will have to be quite nimble to avoid. This will be how does one give Africans/Afro identified mixed the sense that their exclusion, foisted by the PPP is over, without creating anxiety among Indians, including those who supported the coalition.
And this is WITHIN a coalition.
So what of people who are discomforted by the very notion of the coalition and its premise?
If ethnicity didnt matter then the AFC would NOT get 12 seats or 40% of cabinet. They got that deal because ethnicity in Guyana does matter. The PNC cannot get Indian support, and most likely will lose if they don't have a way of taking some away from the PPP.
Reality is that this election offers to ways of dealing with our inter ethnic problems. The OLD way, as represented by the PPP, or the NEW way as APNU AFC are attempting to do.
Caribny, I'll repost this from another thread. It's simple. The bigger picture says incompetence and thievery.
The fringe says race.
Pick your choice as to whether it's naive to state the above; or is it wise to engage anyone on race as a dimension in the elections. Whether it is or not is unimportant. It's the issues of thieving and corrupt dealings that will move the electorate past race.
You wanna keep it alive? Be my guest
The PNC cannot get Indian support, and most likely will lose if they don't have a way of taking some away from the PPP.
carib bai:
* You're damn right! The PNC can never win a free and fair election in Guyana without a fair amount of Indian votes.
* Granger knows that---and that is why he offered the store to Moses and the AFC---12 seats + numerous cabinet positions.
* But Granger now knows he is screwed----he has seen the faces at the large PNC rallies----Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo has not been attracting East Indians.
* Listen! The only East Indians who will be voting for the coalition will be the DIRTY EAST INDIANS----and there aren't enough of those good-for-nothing maggots to put the PNC into power.
It's the issues of thieving and corrupt dealings that will move the electorate past race.
* POPPYCOCK! KariMullah! Total bunk you're chatting! Race will forever be a part of Guyana politics.
* Listen Mullah! In any election it's the politician and the political party that does a better job of brainwashing the voters that emerge victorious.
* Remember this bloke:
* The Rev always gives credit where it's rightfully due---and that son of a gun was a master at brainwashing---he won twice.
Damn! He made the Rev look like a fool both times.
* There is no doubt about it. Ramotar and the PPP are doing a better job of brainwashing the voters that the future will be better than the present under the PPP and the PPP is better equipped to make it so than Granger and the PNC.
Rev and Yugi22..
* It looks like the deadwood pandit/bhajan singer did not attend any wakes tonight.
* The highlight of his week is the death of a fellow Guyanese. That excites him. He gets a chance to show off his bhajan skills.
* I heard the deadwood pandit's bhajan skills are quite good.
It's the issues of thieving and corrupt dealings that will move the electorate past race.
* POPPYCOCK! KariMullah! Total bunk you're chatting! Race will forever be a part of Guyana politics.
* Listen Mullah! In any election it's the politician and the political party that does a better job of brainwashing the voters that emerge victorious.
* Remember this bloke:
* The Rev always gives credit where it's rightfully due---and that son of a gun was a master at brainwashing---he won twice.
Damn! He made the Rev look like a fool both times.
* There is no doubt about it. Ramotar and the PPP are doing a better job of brainwashing the voters that the future will be better than the present under the PPP and the PPP is better equipped to make it so than Granger and the PNC.
RE: Damn! He made the Rev look like a fool both times.hahahaha
A daily occurrence with you on GNI rev, even though you pretend not to notice.
* The great news for Guyana is the PPP is in the drivers seat. They've got the BIG MO!. While it is true that supporters of the PNC are fired up and ready to vote for their beloved party, the PPP supporters are just as fired up. Anyway, The election result is a done deal. PPP will win their 6th consecutive election since 1992.
*Back in 2011 the PPP took their East Indian supporters for granted. Tens of Thousands of those East Indians felt neglected and ignored by the PPP and on election day in 2011 many either stayed at home or they expressed their disgruntlement by voting for the East Indian led AFC.
* In 2015 the PPP learned their mistakes in 2011. Instead of wasting time in PNC areas like Linden, Buxton, Agricola, etc, etc----the PPP has focused on pleasing their East Indian base. Many of the Ravi Dev Indians who voted for Moses and the AFC in 2011 are now returning to the PPP.
* By showing attention and giving consideration to their East Indian supporters the PPP is guaranteed to move from 48.6%(2011) to (50+1)% in 2015.
Rev, why don't you get out your red crayons, stick them up your butt and swivel, get reamed by PPP/C.
Rev, why don't you get out your red crayons, stick them up your butt and swivel, get reamed by PPP/C.
* It looks like your 50 year old playmate has been "starving" you. Men who are "starved" tend to be peevish and grouchy.
* That is the day we all get to witness the backlash against Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC.
* Berbicians who voted for Moses, Khemraj and the AFC in 2011 will get the opportunity on May 11th to register their resentment.
* In 2011 the AFC received 11,634 votes in Region 6 and 3079 votes in Region 5----14713 votes out of 35,333 votes the AFC received in 2011 came from regions 5 and 6.
* Once again, watch out for the backlash on May 11th against DIRTY MOSES.
Exxon Mobil: Oil prospecting off Guyana shows promise
"We have found hydrocarbons but we are still evaluating to see to what extent it is in commercial quantities," Simons said. "We do not want to go too far down the road at this point. We will know after the testing and evaluation are done."
* Thankfully (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate want to improve their lives.
Revie... my idrine... bai you not tired wid all dem lies. What are you going to tell St Peter chap?
Revie... my idrine... bai you not tired wid all dem lies. What are you going to tell St Peter chap?
Bai Persaud:
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE.hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
Revie... my idrine... bai you not tired wid all dem lies. What are you going to tell St Peter chap?
Bai Persaud:
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE.hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
Bai.. you and the whole PPP show blatant disregard for coolie people. What a shame. You does sleep sound at night?
Watch how you skinnin yuh teeth because yuh fooling people. Doan worry... ole people seh all skin teeth nah a laff.
Revie... my idrine... bai you not tired wid all dem lies. What are you going to tell St Peter chap?
Bai Persaud:
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE.hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
Glad to see you telling the truth about PPP lies.
Your junior partner 22 is a poor student of Josef Goebbels. His problem: he forgets his past lies and adds new lies that contradict his old lies. When caught with his pants down, he simply says: "You lie."
Anyway, Rev, this thread has been an interesting one, though somewhat repetitive. It's greatest benefit to us Dirty Indians is that it has kept you occupied here, and thus spared us your froth in other threads.
Poor student indeed, drop out of school early.
Bai.. you and the whole PPP show blatant disregard for coolie people. What a shame. You does sleep sound at night?
Watch how you skinnin yuh teeth because yuh fooling people. Doan worry... ole people seh all skin teeth nah a laff.
Bai anta:
* My dad used to say, "the masses in any country will always be a bunch of asses."
* Dad was right! And politicians know it. The masses don't think---their minds are easily controlled.
* I have said it before---when 2 politicians go up against each other---the one who does a better job of brainwashing the masses will always be victorious.
* It's crystal clear my bwoy! The Rev sleeps like a baby.
Bai.. you and the whole PPP show blatant disregard for coolie people. What a shame. You does sleep sound at night?
Watch how you skinnin yuh teeth because yuh fooling people. Doan worry... ole people seh all skin teeth nah a laff.
Bai anta:
* My dad used to say, "the masses in any country will always be a bunch of asses."
* Dad was right! And politicians know it. The masses don't think---their minds are easily controlled.
* I have said it before---when 2 politicians go up against each other---the one who does a better job of brainwashing the masses will always be victorious.
* It's crystal clear my bwoy! The Rev sleeps like a baby.
My idrine... what a shame ... what a shame you don't even realize that since you have no integrity and would say and do anything to support the PPP you are actually a most prominent brainwashed.
How can a grown man tell so many bare faced lies? Have you no dignity?
My idrine... what a shame ... what a shame you don't even realize that since you have no integrity and would say and do anything to support the PPP you are actually a most prominent brainwashed.
How can a grown man tell so many bare faced lies? Have you no dignity?
anta bai:
* The Rev is very comfortable with his viewpoints, his way of thinking and his PREJUDICE.
* It is your prerogative anta to judge me in any manner you wish. You are free to label me or define me in the most egregious of ways.
* Of course, you can rest assured that your sentiments or opinions of the Rev will be roundly ignored.
*Come May 11th, the party the Rev supports in Guyana will be victorious and you antabanta will remain who you are---an angry, bitter, and resentful PNC disciple.
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE. hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
The fringe says race.
You wanna keep it alive? Be my guest
You kind of setting yourself up for a discussion that will not be nice.
If the PPP wins the rural coastal area, which 99% of most people think that they will, are these people fringe, or merely voting their insecurities?
Do you seriously think that the PPP is going to get only 30% of the vote? And even with that they will win some rural region.
UK 2015 ELECTION MAY 7th: Incumbent Cameron on course to remain Prime Minister.
GUYANA 2015 ELECTION: May 11th: Incumbent Ramotar will remain as President
* The PNC disciples on GNI are heartbroken.
Baseman hearing some vibes from sources close to several media outlets in GT. PPP victory is now a probability of 50/50. The opposition has been savvy using social media, etc to sway some frustrated fence sitting PPP voters.
The PPP seems a step behind, the opposition are very slick, cleverly and tactically assaulting the PPP and gaining. The AFC contingency are having an impact on the Indian voters.
Baseman hearing some vibes from sources close to several media outlets in GT. PPP victory is now a probability of 50/50.
* Yuh sounding like a Nervous Nellie with 4 days to go.
* The power of the incumbency my bwoy!
* (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the incumbent.
* By the way baseman, why did you allow those sources to so easily sway your thinking ? Just a few days ago you were highly confident the PPP would win 54%.
Baseman hearing some vibes from sources close to several media outlets in GT. PPP victory is now a probability of 50/50.
* Yuh sounding like a Nervous Nellie with 4 days to go.
* The power of the incumbency my bwoy!
* (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the incumbent.
* By the way baseman, why did you allow those sources to so easily sway your thinking ? Just a few days ago you were highly confident the PPP would win 54%.
Baseman thinks 53%, optimistically. Baseman just throwing up a caution flag. Never underestimate your "enemy".
Baseman thinks 53%, optimistically. Baseman just throwing up a caution flag. Never underestimate your "enemy".
* I hear you loud and clear.
* Actually it's a good idea for the PPP to lower expectations. In that way their core supporters will be motivated to turn out and vote and not stay home believing a win is already in the bag.
* By the way, the highest percentage the PNC ever received in a free and fair election was 42.3% in 1992----they'll definitely surpass that this time around.
* The absolute best case the PNC/AFC coalition will be the 40.8% the PNC got in 2011 + the 7.8% the AFC received in 2006.
* 40.8% + 7.8% = 48.6% = Best case for the PNC/AFC
Nah, this is bullsh1t
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE. hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
could someone upload dis waan to social media with a short GNI 'bio' of the esteemed rev . . . just for the home stretch and ting
Baseman thinks 53%, optimistically. Baseman just throwing up a caution flag. Never underestimate your "enemy".
* I hear you loud and clear.
* Actually it's a good idea for the PPP to lower expectations. In that way their core supporters will be motivated to turn out and vote
* 40.8% + 7.8% = 48.6% = Best case for the PNC/AFC....
Aye aye sir!
Thousands of PPP sapportas in Berbice tonight tek a peek
Baseman hearing some vibes from sources close to several media outlets in GT. PPP victory is now a probability of 50/50. The opposition has been savvy using social media, etc to sway some frustrated fence sitting PPP voters.
The PPP seems a step behind, the opposition are very slick, cleverly and tactically assaulting the PPP and gaining. The AFC contingency are having an impact on the Indian voters.
OK Baseman Coalition soup is very tasting. Better than Urling's. Don't worry we will save you a few drops.
What might well happen is the PPP tribal screams terrified the usual suspects. Non Indians and many younger Indians break for coalition.
Rev disappears on a trip never to be heard from again.
Baseman hearing some vibes from sources close to several media outlets in GT. PPP victory is now a probability of 50/50. The opposition has been savvy using social media, etc to sway some frustrated fence sitting PPP voters.
The PPP seems a step behind, the opposition are very slick, cleverly and tactically assaulting the PPP and gaining. The AFC contingency are having an impact on the Indian voters.
OK Baseman Coalition soup is very tasting. Better than Urling's. Don't worry we will save you a few drops.
What might well happen is the PPP tribal screams terrified the usual suspects. Non Indians and many younger Indians break for coalition.
Rev disappears on a trip never to be heard from again.
Don't count yuh chickens bai. In 2011 alyuh was high like a kite thinking te AFC will blunt the PPP, they did, but not hardly enough. Yuh wutliss Afro woman peeing on the PPP flag does little to reassure the Indian, regardless of their personal political leanings. All awee ah waan family.