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Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
How dare a SewerRat call me a racist? My best friends are blacks..just not in Guyana. Some of my fishing buddies here are africans. Get a life there RatBoy!

so . . . do you call them "nigras" to their faces, or regale them with your Howard University 'horror' story when y'all does ole talk, eh?


please have your black "friends" review this thread from December, 2013, they might find it 'amusing':


skeldon_man: "MY SAT scores got me admitted to three universities, one of which was Howard. I refused to enroll at Howard after I visited the campus. Too many you know who."




Originally Posted by Rev:

If German tyrant Adolf Hitler was the quintessential megalomaniac(a person obsessed with their own power), then Guyanese Dirty Indian Moses Nagamootoo is a close second.



* Berbicians now perceive that megalomaniac as the dirtiest of the dirty Indians in Guyana.


Rev need to chill comparing Nagas to Hitler...

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:

If German tyrant Adolf Hitler was the quintessential megalomaniac(a person obsessed with their own power), then Guyanese Dirty Indian Moses Nagamootoo is a close second.



* Berbicians now perceive that megalomaniac as the dirtiest of the dirty Indians in Guyana.



Raymond needs to sanction you because you are simply an obscene racist who under normal circumstance cannot say these things in public.




How dare you attempt to suppress free speech ?


You are getting desperate now as the PNC gone to  Baigan Choka.

There is no such thing as free speech on GNI....posting here is a privilege, not a right

Originally Posted by RiffRaff: need to chill comparing Nagas to Hitler...




* It's election season Riffy. Take a chill pill and calm yourself.


* By the way, most of the good people in Guyana know that Moses is a megalomaniac----the man is obsessed with his perceived power. Of course, he has none. He is only a harmless fly.


* Hope that opportunistic charlatan doesn't commit suicide on May 12th.



Last edited by Former Member



* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.


* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.


* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.



Originally Posted by Rev:



* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.


* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.


* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.



The only Metamorphosis that has taken place is that space between your ears.


If you think that all the indian population of berbice that are being victimized constantly by the PPP will all of a sudden roll over and vote PPP you have to be kidding yourselves.


Guyanese voters will tell you what they think you want to hear. Lets see what happens on election day charlie. Lets see what happens on election day.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.


* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.


* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.



Well said!

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.


* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.


* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.


50-1 % = Includes GNI Homeless Lazy Jaganites. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP won 49% in 2011 after losing 6-7% of their base to the AFC.  Clearly they are garnering at least 50% of the non-Afro votes.

And clearly APNU must be getting loads of Indians, using your logic.



Maybe, 35% loyal Afro support, 6% mixed and 2% others, including Indians.  This is the best the PNC will do.  AFC will bring in 2-3% and the fat lady sings.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* Back in 2011 thousands of PPP East Indians supporters, particularly those in Berbice, were daunted, downcast and dispirited. Many felt the PPP took them for granted.


* Moses and the AFC were able to capitalize on the discouragement of the PPP East Indians voters in Berbice.


* Today, 3 years later, there has been a complete metamorphosis in the mindset of the PPP East Indian supporters. As Guyana heads to the election on May 11th, these folks are motivated, inspired and excited to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way folks, In any election where both the supporters of the PPP and PNC are fired up to vote, the results will always favor the PPP.




* It's a done deal----50+1% of the Guyanese electorate will enjoy the thrill of victory when the PPP wins, while 50-1% of the electorate(PNC supporters) will suffer from the agony of defeat.



Rev what % if the voters are Indian?

Originally Posted by Vish M:
This is not the language of an Old Hippie.
Step it up Man!
Originally Posted by cain:

Rev should take the numbers and stik it up his fat ass.


These friken PPP guys are coming out like puss suddenly oozing from a sore.


When pointed toward someone with the likes of Scuzzy arse Rev, it's fine. I know, I helped make the rules back in de days.


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