Excellent advise. Now listen boy. Vote PPP/C.
* Lemme be blunt! The PPP failed in the 2011 election. They failed to get a majority of the votes---complacency and a horrible election campaign resulted in the PPP getting 48.6% of the votes.
* The good news for the PPP in 2015 is they have clearly learned from their failure in 2011. In fact the party's failure in 2011 has inspired them to do better and not take their base for granted.
* Going into the 2015 election the PPP adopted a BOOTS ON THE GROUND strategy----they have reached out to the masses using this strategy---and it has worked wonderfully----PPP supporters are more energized and enthusiastic and will lead their party to victory in 2015.
* The results are already in---50+1% to the WINNERS(PPP/Civic); 50-1% to the LOSERS(PNC/AFC)
This speaks volumes.
QUESTION: Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Rev, you are an endangered species......the world is leaving you behind......are you still using VCR and Walkman? America has not been lost that Appalachia has to retake it. It's a new world we live in, and Guyana is just like te rest of the world. Change is that sweet smell you can taste in Guyana.
* Lemme be blunt! The PPP failed in the 2011 election. They failed to get a majority of the votes---complacency and a horrible election campaign resulted in the PPP getting 48.6% of the votes.
* The good news for the PPP in 2015 is they have clearly learned from their failure in 2011. In fact the party's failure in 2011 has inspired them to do better and not take their base for granted.
* Going into the 2015 election the PPP adopted a BOOTS ON THE GROUND strategy----they have reached out to the masses using this strategy---and it has worked wonderfully----PPP supporters are more energized and enthusiastic and will lead their party to victory in 2015.
* The results are already in---50+1% to the WINNERS(PPP/Civic); 50-1% to the LOSERS(PNC/AFC)
I see you haven't learnt your lessons, and are out for another licking. Banna you are someone who loves to take a beating and come back for more.
More numbas??? More earth-shattering predictions? You know what happened to the dinosaurs? They're in the museum. I see they've reserved a place for you.
Rev, you are an endangered species......
kari bai:
* If you want to see an endangered species, get up and go look in the mirror.hahahaha
* You'll be woefully disappointed on May 11th.
The PPP's MOMENTUM continues---Massive crowds at Novar, Region 5(Mahaica/Berbice)---unlike 2011, the genuine and authentic East Indians all across Guyana are fired up in 2015 and ready to help re-elect their blessed PPP on May 11th
* In the meantime Mr. 11% DIRTY MOSES continues to be frustrated by the almost nonexistent East Indians at the rallies of his beloved PNC party.
the genuine and authentic East Indians all across Guyana are fired up in 2015 and ready to help re-elect their blessed PPP on May 11th
What an enlightened view from such an enlightened man of the world. Revie.... my idrine... is the kind of racist diatribe you've picked up in your massive experience? Is this the kind of vitriol we are to expect from a man of such vaunted intelligence?
Progress continues in PPP's Guyana. US$20 million Texila American University at Providence closer to reality.
Texila American University founder Saju Bhaskar, President Donald Ramotar and Housing Minister Irfaan Ali join other university officials in turning the sod for the construction of the US$20 million university campus at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
* Good news for Guyana and Guyanese is bad news for Dirty Moses and his beloved PNC.
See Link:
Now I'm ready to fully to respond to your foolishness for the benefit of the Board.
The Coalition and the PPP are currently in a statistical tie in the high 40s with a few percentage points of undecideds. No one has won this election and no one has lost it.
Both sides can reasonably prepare to lose this election. When they write the post mortem of this election, almost anything can and will be pointed to as "pivotal" and "game changing."
So far it seems like the AFC made a pretty decent gamble. This is the first Guyanese election in my expereince with nuance. The Coalition can lose the Corentyne and still win this election.
The PNC should demonstrate it is not racist by making sure the army is 43 % percent Indians. The same should be done for the police and the civil servants. Anyone who turns a blind eye to this racist PNC policy shoul d also be considered racist. The WPA and now the AFC are guilty of allowing these racist policies to exist. The PPP/C is meeting resistance every time it tries to address these issues. The Carter center should also look into this imbalance that is leading to the miss trust in the law enforcement organ of the state. These forces have a direct bearing for the rise of crime in the land. The PPP/C is asking all freedom and democratic forces to raise their voices for this fairness in policy. Lets us study how Singapore did this and get the best of that Island/Country policy. The PPP/C, AFC and APNU should ask Carter to help here also.
Now I'm ready to fully to respond to your foolishness for the benefit of the Board.
* That's a reasonable assessment in your post above shaitaan!
* But here's the thing. On May 11th 2015 there will be one winner of the Guyana general election. And as of today the probability favors the PPP winning their 6th consecutive free and fair election.
* It's very difficult for an incumbent to be voted out of office when the economic climate in his country is positive.
* Just like incumbent Obama and his democrat party walloped Romney and the Republicans in 2012, incumbent Donald Ramotar and his PPP/Civic will wallop Granger and the PNC/AFC on May 11th.
* There is nothing to argue about---in 2 weeks the results will be in---and the Rev maintains 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP/Civic.
The election will be decided on who shows up, and the extent to which the PPP succeeds in manipulating the election.
We don't know who is going to show up. The people who show up to rallies, especially at this late stage will be the most committed. Its clear that the PPP has NOT made a break through with the non Indian vote. If they lose I hope that they acknowledge this fact and not come up with nonsense as they did last time.
The PNC should demonstrate it is not racist by making sure the army is 43 % percent Indians. The same should be done for the police and the civil servants. Anyone who turns a blind eye to this racist PNC policy shoul d also be considered racist.
You think the PNC should conscript indians into the military and para-military?
The election will be decided on who shows up, and the extent to which the PPP succeeds in manipulating the election.
Absolutely! A very small shift in turnout in favor of one side will decide the election.
10k+ Black/Mixed turnout; or
10k+ Indian/Amerindian turnout; or
10k- Indian/Amerindian turnout
will totally upend this election. As the parties are so evenly divided, it becomes almost impossible to do anything but wait for the official results.
The extraordinary thing is that the Coalition seems to be largely holding, except Berbice. Holding the remainder of the AFC plus a slight APNU increase of 10k voters is enough to win for the Coalition.
If by an act of God the PPP wins next month, then this is their last election. PPP voters alone cannot produce majority governments anymore.
The election will be decided on who shows up, and the extent to which the PPP succeeds in manipulating the election.
Absolutely! A very small shift in turnout in favor of one side will decide the election.
10k+ Black/Mixed turnout; or
10k+ Indian/Amerindian turnout; or
10k- Indian/Amerindian turnout
will totally upend this election. As the parties are so evenly divided, it becomes almost impossible to do anything but wait for the official results.
The extraordinary thing is that the Coalition seems to be largely holding, except Berbice. Holding the remainder of the AFC plus a slight APNU increase of 10k voters is enough to win for the Coalition.
If by an act of God the PPP wins next month, then this is their last election. PPP voters alone cannot produce majority governments anymore.
You are more contrary than Mary quite Contrary. This what I was saying and also Caribj was saying a couple of months ago. I suggested further that the PPP voters cannot provide the majority government even now and even if the AFC voters return to the fold, the PPP still need to poach.
It is therefore absolutely moronic of them to be dog whistling with bullhorns. If they lose they will eat crow. If they win they will have a hostile demographic constantly looking to veto their authority with violence. They cannot go about their business in secret and in absolute contempt of the people.
Now I'm ready to fully to respond to your foolishness for the benefit of the Board.
* That's a reasonable assessment in your post above shaitaan!
* But here's the thing. On May 11th 2015 there will be one winner of the Guyana general election. And as of today the probability favors the PPP winning their 6th consecutive free and fair election.
* It's very difficult for an incumbent to be voted out of office when the economic climate in his country is positive.
* Just like incumbent Obama and his democrat party walloped Romney and the Republicans in 2012, incumbent Donald Ramotar and his PPP/Civic will wallop Granger and the PNC/AFC on May 11th.
* There is nothing to argue about---in 2 weeks the results will be in---and the Rev maintains 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP/Civic.
It is only in your dreamscapes is the economic climate favorable. Incumbency in Guyana is not parallel to Incumbency here. There, the use of state assets to dominate the media cycle is overwhelming. The PPP are heartless beasts so they take every prerogative they can.
The reverend is an ass or trying to out do Captain obvious with predictions such as 50+1. That is the universal win number!
The election will be decided on who shows up, and the extent to which the PPP succeeds in manipulating the election.
Absolutely! A very small shift in turnout in favor of one side will decide the election.
10k+ Black/Mixed turnout; or
10k+ Indian/Amerindian turnout; or
10k- Indian/Amerindian turnout
will totally upend this election. As the parties are so evenly divided, it becomes almost impossible to do anything but wait for the official results.
The extraordinary thing is that the Coalition seems to be largely holding, except Berbice. Holding the remainder of the AFC plus a slight APNU increase of 10k voters is enough to win for the Coalition.
If by an act of God the PPP wins next month, then this is their last election. PPP voters alone cannot produce majority governments anymore.
You are more contrary than Mary quite Contrary. This what I was saying and also Caribj was saying a couple of months ago. I suggested further that the PPP voters cannot provide the majority government even now and even if the AFC voters return to the fold, the PPP still need to poach.
It is therefore absolutely moronic of them to be dog whistling with bullhorns. If they lose they will eat crow. If they win they will have a hostile demographic constantly looking to veto their authority with violence. They cannot go about their business in secret and in absolute contempt of the people.
Unlike you I'm extremely conservative with my political prognostications and look for even some shred of evidence before I proffer a scenario. Plus, things change pal. Especially in politics leading up to an election. Today's favored horse is tomorrow's underdog.
Also, I follow the trails as they lead me. I'm not dogmatic about elections. Elections are an exercise in math+informed analysis. In Guyana, we have little math to go on.
Anyways, we can now safely say that the AFC has lost its 2011 Corentyne gains. However, we still have this significant upward trend of APNU's votes especially in Region 4.
So yes NOW I'm willing to see a Coalition path to victory. There is no contradiction in following the evidence. Also, that should demonstrate in some small way the sincerity of my postings here on this election.
The election will be decided on who shows up, and the extent to which the PPP succeeds in manipulating the election.
* The supporters of both the PPP and PNC are energized, charged up and ready to vote for their party.
* But as we all know, in any election in which the supporters of both the PPP and PNC are motivated and inspired to cast their votes the PPP will win.
* 50+1% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP and experience the thrill of victory; 50-1% will support the PNC and experience the agony of defeat.