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Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I call you stupid because I believe you are stupid given the trash you post here.



You sound angry and exasperated. Looks like the Rev has touched a raw nerve. By the way, do they teach anger management over at that 2nd rate Florida institution you lecture at ? The Rev would highly recommend you take a course in anger management. Anyway, like Gerard Ramsaroop, you were also a part of the AFC(alliance of frauds and crooks)---you folks have now been exposed---charlatans, frauds, hypocrites. The AFC is today the most hated and scorned party in Guyana.




PS. I'm not finished with you---will be back!

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I call you stupid because I believe you are stupid given the trash you post here.



You sound angry and exasperated. Looks like the Rev has touched a raw nerve. By the way, do they teach anger management over at that 2nd rate Florida institution you lecture at ? The Rev would highly recommend you take a course in anger management. Anyway, like Gerard Ramsaroop, you were also a part of the AFC(alliance of frauds and crooks)---you folks have now been exposed---charlatans, frauds, hypocrites. The AFC is today the most hated and scorned party in Guyana.




PS. I'm not finished with you---will be back!



Touch a nerve? Angry? How? Hmmm...I am merely seeking your CV so I can become benevolent and proclaim you 1st rate GNI intellect. You must provide your CV because we only have GNI trash posts by which to measure you up. I am very proud to have been part of the effort to bring the first minority government since independence to Guyana. I wear it as a badge of honor. I wish we did better but this is good. I never sat on the fence and write on GNI as an insecure racist whose greatest fear is the blackman bogey. I look forward to seeing your CV.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Its quite unfortunate what is happening within the ranks of the AFC.



What is happening? I don't get involved by day to day runnings of AFC nor am I interested. I support the AFC out of an idea of the need for a third party. For me it is idea and not the personality. I don't support a party because of race. I believe the PPP has done East Indians more damage than PNC. Remember when Hoyte left office EI was 52% of the population. Today they are 43%. That seems like something unpleasant is happening there.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It appears if any member of the AFC dare to call a shade a shade and ask the executive to be accountable for their contributions, their character faces assassination, 



And what is that spade may I ask? Give us specifics like for example the murder of Monica Reese that was covered up? Like allowing a police commissioner who benefitted materially from drug pushing to be commissioner for years. Tell us about specific wrongdoings of the AFC exec.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Its quite unfortunate what is happening within the ranks of the AFC.



What is happening? I don't get involved by day to day runnings of AFC nor am I interested. I support the AFC out of an idea of the need for a third party. For me it is idea and not the personality. I don't support a party because of race. I believe the PPP has done East Indians more damage than PNC. Remember when Hoyte left office EI was 52% of the population. Today they are 43%. That seems like something unpleasant is happening there.

Well, this was the position of the AFC during the campaign, a position which I have a major disconnect with.  I will in no way ever insinuate the PPP was worse than the PNC, you will find few, very very few who will agree with this position.  This was one of the key reasons why I distanced myself from the AFC, i can never square this circle.  I will never ever take a position chosing the PNC over the PPP.  The fact that Indians continue to leave is much more complex that simple PPP policy, though it's a part of it.  This stance was one of the key reasons which led to a major blunder in the campaign where we went after the PPP mercilessly but left the PNC sitting pretty.  That has set the stage for today's enduring bitterness where the PPP seem more at ease working with the PNC.


The results of the elections bear out the fact that we were duped from elements within with one single agenda.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK don't try to derail the thread by throwing a red herring, Balwant is the latest member of the AFC to face character assassination for expressing his views, no amount of damage control could erase that fact



I saw a facebook post of Balwant implying Gerhard and others would have been thieves had they win the election. That seems to be like an attack on Gerhard who is one of the nicest chaps I have known. Now...could you please provide some evidence where Balwant was attacked? Please be specific. Thank you.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK don't try to derail the thread by throwing a red herring, Balwant is the latest member of the AFC to face character assassination for expressing his views, no amount of damage control could erase that fact



I saw a facebook post of Balwant implying Gerhard and others would have been thieves had they win the election. That seems to be like an attack on Gerhard who is one of the nicest chaps I have known. Now...could you please provide some evidence where Balwant was attacked? Please be specific. Thank you.

Balwant said lots of things about the PPP starting with ROhee is a rapist and the whole lot were out to get him.


It is amazing that these folks would look for support when their asses was is against the wall.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


Touch a nerve? Angry? How? Hmmm...I am merely seeking your CV so I can become benevolent and proclaim you 1st rate GNI intellect.



So you are asking to see the Rev's CV so that you could judge him and his intellect ? How puerile and infantile can one be ? I guess you have a penchant for judging others by your own meager standards. You are a 2nd rate academic and so you need to see the academic credentials of others to evaulate their intellect ? Grow up my boy!


The Rev actually pities most of you in the academic world---the vast majority of you are frauds. And especially folks like yourself TK--economists!


It's amazing how much time you folks(economists) spend trying to predict the future and mold it--that's an exercise in futility---it can't be done--and still you fools keep on wasting time.


That's why most of you in the academic world are frauds. You folks spend a lot of time churnning out academic papers---the truth is there is no usefulness in any of your papers when it comes to solving real world problems.




By the way TK---I have a question for you:


How do you feel about teaching economics with the way the economy is now in the United States and kids not getting jobs---1/2 of recent college graduates are underemployed ?




PS. The Rev labelling you a 2nd rate intellect with 2nd rate degrees and teaching at a 2nd rate institution---that really riled you up, huh TK ?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

I also red that facebook postings, you need to scroll down, and read where Balwant was also attacked, I don't engage in name calling and will not do such, I urge you to revisit those posts.

the point is you are not here for informed balanced reporting. You are here to carry water for the PPP so instead of discussion you harangue, attempt at defamation and to this point no one has responded similarly.


We can post innuendos and slant. Propaganda blog site has lots of those with comments similarly toxic. I also have reams of personal conversation of the PPP agents and their blogging habits and so does others. To this point no one has posted those either because they are not concerned with slant but dialog. But that can change also.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Its quite unfortunate what is happening within the ranks of the AFC.



TK: What is happening? I don't get involved by day to day runnings of AFC nor am I interested. I support the AFC out of an idea of the need for a third party. For me it is idea and not the personality. I don't support a party because of race. I believe the PPP has done East Indians more damage than PNC. Remember when Hoyte left office EI was 52% of the population. Today they are 43%. That seems like something unpleasant is happening there.

Baseman: Well, this was the position of the AFC during the campaign, a position which I have a major disconnect with.  I will in no way ever insinuate the PPP was worse than the PNC, you will find few, very very few who will agree with this position.  This was one of the key reasons why I distanced myself from the AFC, i can never square this circle.  I will never ever take a position chosing the PNC over the PPP.  The fact that Indians continue to leave is much more complex that simple PPP policy, though it's a part of it.  This stance was one of the key reasons which led to a major blunder in the campaign where we went after the PPP mercilessly but left the PNC sitting pretty.  That has set the stage for today's enduring bitterness where the PPP seem more at ease working with the PNC.


The results of the elections bear out the fact that we were duped from elements within with one single agenda.



If I read you correctly you broke with the AFC because it did not attack the PNC enough? It is not the top of my focus, but I believe I can show from an intense scholarly position that PPP was worse for East Indians. But don't think I will write it down for at least another 5 years. I have enough puzzles to address in the near future.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:


Touch a nerve? Angry? How? Hmmm...I am merely seeking your CV so I can become benevolent and proclaim you 1st rate GNI intellect.



So you are asking to see the Rev's CV so that you could judge him and his intellect ? How puerile and infantile can one be ? I guess you have a penchant for judging others by your own meager standards. You are a 2nd rate academic and so you need to see the academic credentials of others to evaulate their intellect ? Grow up my boy!


The Rev actually pities most of you in the academic world---the vast majority of you are frauds. And especially folks like yourself TK--economists!


It's amazing how much time you folks(economists) spend trying to predict the future and mold it--that's an exercise in futility---it can't be done--and still you fools keep on wasting time.


That's why most of you in the academic world are frauds. You folks spend a lot of time churnning out academic papers---the truth is there is no usefulness in any of your papers when it comes to solving real world problems.




By the way TK---I have a question for you:


How do you feel about teaching economics with the way the economy is now in the United States and kids not getting jobs---1/2 of recent college graduates are underemployed ?




PS. The Rev labelling you a 2nd rate intellect with 2nd rate degrees and teaching at a 2nd rate institution---that really riled you up, huh TK ?



Again in the real world you can only judge people by their CV. It is just how the world works. Posting trash on GNI only makes you a moke. I want to not label you as such but the incoherent trash you post here does not allow me to do otherwise.

I don’t know why you think I am riled up. I received my graduate degree from the best heterodox university on the planet (I mean the best one). My intense dissertation committee was an all-star committeeâ€Ķit was one of the best. I work at one of the US top colleges (see the Princeton Rev, Forbes ranking, etcâ€Ķeasily verifiable online). I am associated with the Caribbean Centre of Money and Finance (UWI) which is the best university in Central America and the Caribbean (yes UWI is ranked the best in that region). The Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados nominated me for this position. You must be asked to be part of it and it is not something for which you can apply. I need your CV to see whether you are better than this so I can proclaim you first-rate star REV.


REV: "By the way TK---I have a question for you:


How do you feel about teaching economics with the way the economy is now in the United States and kids not getting jobs---1/2 of recent college graduates are underemployed ?"

---- are even more ignorant than I thought. The unemployment rate among college kids is lower than the national average. BTW, the kids are doing very well finding jobs and entering graduate school. After all not all colleges are alike. I had four thesis students this year. One won a Fulbright Scholarhip, another is going for a PhD for which she received full funding, another just got a job at a venture capitalist firm in Manhattan, and the fourth is going to China to teach English. Not bad I'd say.



REV: "

It's amazing how much time you folks(economists) spend trying to predict the future and mold it--that's an exercise in futility---it can't be done--and still you fools keep on wasting time."


Dude there is nothing you can do about it so get over your insecurity if you failed eco 100. The world hires them to do that.  The market values them even though that has not registered on the Rev's narrow radar. It is a very difficult subject and never easy to make forecasts, which are many times correct but you would not know that. There is a concept known as the forecast error...look it up.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Its quite unfortunate what is happening within the ranks of the AFC.



TK: What is happening? I don't get involved by day to day runnings of AFC nor am I interested. I support the AFC out of an idea of the need for a third party. For me it is idea and not the personality. I don't support a party because of race. I believe the PPP has done East Indians more damage than PNC. Remember when Hoyte left office EI was 52% of the population. Today they are 43%. That seems like something unpleasant is happening there.

Baseman: Well, this was the position of the AFC during the campaign, a position which I have a major disconnect with.  I will in no way ever insinuate the PPP was worse than the PNC, you will find few, very very few who will agree with this position.  This was one of the key reasons why I distanced myself from the AFC, i can never square this circle.  I will never ever take a position chosing the PNC over the PPP.  The fact that Indians continue to leave is much more complex that simple PPP policy, though it's a part of it.  This stance was one of the key reasons which led to a major blunder in the campaign where we went after the PPP mercilessly but left the PNC sitting pretty.  That has set the stage for today's enduring bitterness where the PPP seem more at ease working with the PNC.


The results of the elections bear out the fact that we were duped from elements within with one single agenda.



If I read you correctly you broke with the AFC because it did not attack the PNC enough? It is not the top of my focus, but I believe I can show from an intense scholarly position that PPP was worse for East Indians. But don't think I will write it down for at least another 5 years. I have enough puzzles to address in the near future.

It symbolized something very wrong from within and it panned out in the election results.  It's not a matter of attacking, but of being balanced, pragmatic and facing political reality.


Regarding an "intense scholarly position", well you may be correct, but this is not borne out in street sentiment. I'm sure such positions vis-a-vis black and the PNC will dwarf that of the PPP however, we know where things stand there.  TK, I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Politics is not only about "theoretical scholarly positions", it's about the people, their fears, expectations and desires.   If this is not addressed in a pragmatic and careful manner, you lose corn and husk.  This is reality.



It symbolized something very wrong from within and it panned out in the election results.  It's not a matter of attacking, but of being balanced, pragmatic and facing political reality.


Regarding an "intense scholarly position", well you may be correct, but this is not borne out in street sentiment. I'm sure such positions vis-a-vis black and the PNC will dwarf that of the PPP however, we know where things stand there.  TK, I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Politics is not only about "theoretical scholarly positions", it's about the people, their fears, expectations and desires.   If this is not addressed in a pragmatic and careful manner, you lose corn and husk.  This is reality."


I am having trouble figuring out who East Indians fear after 19.5 years of PPP rule. Who exploited the fears and who generated them. Perhaps the masses can explain who they fear. I am not a member of the AFC so I really don't care about what I write nor what I write is determined by the emotions of the masses. I think the PPP is the party in power and they did the right thing attacking their policies for the Nov 28 election. Attacking PNC would have played right into the PPP's hands. The PPP always like a parallel organization to attack the PNC like they had during the Jaguar/ROAR days. In those days it was justifiable. But I think today the focus must be on PPP.


Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Wow! This is so profound like Plato just entered the house.

Expressing stupidity is your greatest asset.


Dealing with relevant pressing issues are way about your intellect and understanding.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:


It symbolized something very wrong from within and it panned out in the election results.  It's not a matter of attacking, but of being balanced, pragmatic and facing political reality.


Regarding an "intense scholarly position", well you may be correct, but this is not borne out in street sentiment. I'm sure such positions vis-a-vis black and the PNC will dwarf that of the PPP however, we know where things stand there.  TK, I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Politics is not only about "theoretical scholarly positions", it's about the people, their fears, expectations and desires.   If this is not addressed in a pragmatic and careful manner, you lose corn and husk.  This is reality."


I am having trouble figuring out who East Indians fear after 19.5 years of PPP rule. Who exploited the fears and who generated them. Perhaps the masses can explain who they fear. I am not a member of the AFC so I really don't care about what I write nor what I write is determined by the emotions of the masses. I think the PPP is the party in power and they did the right thing attacking their policies for the Nov 28 election. Attacking PNC would have played right into the PPP's hands. The PPP always like a parallel organization to attack the PNC like they had during the Jaguar/ROAR days. In those days it was justifiable. But I think today the focus must be on PPP.


Well, let's say we agree to diasgree.  I think by now you know the campaign mantra of the PNC retired GDF guys in their stronghold.  Clearly, we were being played.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:


It symbolized something very wrong from within and it panned out in the election results.  It's not a matter of attacking, but of being balanced, pragmatic and facing political reality.


Regarding an "intense scholarly position", well you may be correct, but this is not borne out in street sentiment. I'm sure such positions vis-a-vis black and the PNC will dwarf that of the PPP however, we know where things stand there.  TK, I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Politics is not only about "theoretical scholarly positions", it's about the people, their fears, expectations and desires.   If this is not addressed in a pragmatic and careful manner, you lose corn and husk.  This is reality."


I am having trouble figuring out who East Indians fear after 19.5 years of PPP rule. Who exploited the fears and who generated them. Perhaps the masses can explain who they fear. I am not a member of the AFC so I really don't care about what I write nor what I write is determined by the emotions of the masses. I think the PPP is the party in power and they did the right thing attacking their policies for the Nov 28 election. Attacking PNC would have played right into the PPP's hands. The PPP always like a parallel organization to attack the PNC like they had during the Jaguar/ROAR days. In those days it was justifiable. But I think today the focus must be on PPP.



Well, let's say we agree to diasgree.  I think by now you know the campaign mantra of the PNC retired GDF guys in their stronghold.  Clearly, we were being played.



Of course APNU's strategy was purely based on race. But I still believe the AFC did the right thing. Now the AFC can have a totally different strategy and go after APNU for what they did. Problem is AFC needs to win victories in Parliament and I don't think they are going about it efficiently.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Wow! This is so profound like Plato just entered the house.

Expressing stupidity is your greatest asset.


Dealing with relevant pressing issues are way about your intellect and understanding.



Wow! I am amazed at your profound thoughts. I see Plato and Aristotle all in one here...LOL!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

It the event of any snap elections, the AFC will suffer the worst faith....the recent budgetary cuts, that resulted in hundreds of working class Guyanese being put directly on the breadline,showed how anti-working class, the AFC, they they turned to the now unemployed and refer to them as collateral damage

The AFC's position on the budget does have merit.  However, the AFC needs to show flexibility with the PPP to get some things going. The leadership needs to engage Ramotar and give him a few points and an excuse NOT to seek early elections.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Wow! This is so profound like Plato just entered the house.

Expressing stupidity is your greatest asset.


Dealing with relevant pressing issues are way about your intellect and understanding.

Wow! I am amazed at your profound thoughts.


I see Plato and Aristotle all in one here...LOL!

Usual display of your serious deficiencies.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
I do not think the AFC is on the same page with the local Indian masses.


Wow! This is so profound like Plato just entered the house.

Expressing stupidity is your greatest asset.


Dealing with relevant pressing issues are way about your intellect and understanding.

Wow! I am amazed at your profound thoughts.


I see Plato and Aristotle all in one here...LOL!

Usual display of your serious deficiencies.



Arite Raheim win

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Its quite unfortunate what is happening within the ranks of the AFC.



What is happening? I don't get involved by day to day runnings of AFC nor am I interested. I support the AFC out of an idea of the need for a third party. For me it is idea and not the personality. I don't support a party because of race. I believe the PPP has done East Indians more damage than PNC. Remember when Hoyte left office EI was 52% of the population. Today they are 43%. That seems like something unpleasant is happening there.

Well, this was the position of the AFC during the campaign, a position which I have a major disconnect with.  I will in no way ever insinuate the PPP was worse than the PNC, you will find few, very very few who will agree with this position.  This was one of the key reasons why I distanced myself from the AFC, i can never square this circle.  I will never ever take a position chosing the PNC over the PPP.  The fact that Indians continue to leave is much more complex that simple PPP policy, though it's a part of it.  This stance was one of the key reasons which led to a major blunder in the campaign where we went after the PPP mercilessly but left the PNC sitting pretty.  That has set the stage for today's enduring bitterness where the PPP seem more at ease working with the PNC.


The results of the elections bear out the fact that we were duped from elements within with one single agenda.



SCANDAL OF EPIC PROPORTIONS IN GUYANA: Jagdeo’s appointment of Ramotar as presidential advisor is a scam by congenital crooks to fleece the national treasury

Bharrat Jagdeo

SCANDAL OF EPIC PROPORTIONS IN GUYANA: Amidst cutting criticism of criminally misappropriating (thieving) government funds to finance travel & other expenses of Guyana’s ruling PPP’s racist Presidential Candidate, Donald Ramotar, Guyana’s President, Bharrat Jagdeo, today announced the “bogus” appointment of Ramotar to the position “Presidential Advisor.”

This appointment is obviously a sham to create the appearance that Ramotar, in expending government finances and utilizing other government resources, would be conducting public business.


However, he is not. He is fully engaged in a political campaign for the Presidency of Guyana. The usurpation of the national treasury and unlawful use of its funds to finance the PPP’s presidential campaign is a corrupt, criminal enterprise that should elicit an Egyptian styled revolution to expel the enemies of democracy, fair-play, justice, good governance and the rule of law!


The fact that menacing criminals have the effrontery to attempt to perpetrate such fraud on the Guyanese people, is a manifestation of their congenital susceptibility to corruption and predisposed contempt for the rule of law, and the nation.


Since the PPP came to power, they have been like blood-suckers on the nation – absolute pests and parasites; thieving everything and anything in sight. They have made the illicit drug trade a legitimate, free enterprise from which they have profited millions in bribes and perks. They have also profiteered from murder for hire; extra-judicial killings and drug-related executions.


President Jagdeo is not immune from this criminality and corruption. He had been seen meeting in the Presidential Secretarial with US convicted drug lord and serial murderer Roger Khan; whom he defended against the US and whose arrest by the DEA and FBI he condemned as a “US rendition.” One is therefore left to wonder if Jagdeo’s construction of two multi-millions homes is an indication of “friends with benefits?”


Jagdeo and PPP government ministers have construction multi-million

PPP Presidential Candidate, Arch-racist Donald Ramotar

dollar homes which they cannot nearly afford on their regular government salary.


Rumor is rife that profits from the cocaine trade, kickbacks and bribes for government services, fees paid for government Security Forces to serve as enforcers for drug lords as well as the downright thieving of government (the People’s) money, have made these homes and lavish life-styles; from plantation to luxury, affordable.


If the Guyanese People and the political opposition want to accept this latest attempt to fleece the national treasury, then so be it.

But at some point PPP officials will have to account for the wholesale “thievery” which they have committed.


It is clear to all that Donald Ramotar is not a government official. He will not be engaged in any work on behalf of the people of Guyana. He will be using government finances and other resources to campaign as the PPP’s presidential candidate.


The maneuverings today certify that he and Jagdeo are twin devils and crooks!


<small>This entry was posted on Thursday, April 28th, 2011 at 4:59 pm</small>


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