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Actually DG he will remain the 44th President - but a two-term President. The numbers after the word "President" means the 44th individual (in Obama's case) to be President. There were more than 44 terms of Presidency. 44 x 4 = 176 years. The Presidency started over 226 years ago. But I get your point. Obama will be re-elected.


And for those who claim that Democrats are wavering and that Romney is on an offensive, remember that both campaigns are operating as expected. Romney is just coming off of a bounce by clinching the Republican nominee and Obama doesn't have to do any clinching so he has no bounce opportunity from clinching. Secondly, remember the Rev Wright thing, the race thing and the birther thing, where Obama was seen as having his supporters wavering? Well it's all about timing. It's the Obama way - like the sometimes long but effective deliberations over Libya and the actual Osama bin Laden killing. Obama will hit Romney when it's the opportune time. It's his M.O. his calling card. Y'all gotta wait till the conventions and debates to see the high-flying, dunking, Kevin Durant-like Obama. that boy. You man Fake-y Romney is a fake, a stiff, a man who can't relate to the ordinary man. A man who is Taliban-esque when to comes to women's rights. A man who did not speak out when Rush was demeaning Sandra Fluke. A man who did not denounce, and worse, even embrace the Donald with this birther resurrection. That's the "Appalachia" company you like rev-sta.

Cyant wait till November to see you weep!

Originally Posted by Kari:
============ that boy. You man Fake-y Romney is a fake, a stiff, a man who can't relate to the ordinary man.




You need to stop drinking that Obama kool-aid---it has destroyed your mind---you can no longer reason.


By the way, I am sure you read the asinine comments your hero Hussein made:


β€œThe truth of the matter is that, as I said, we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone,” he said. β€œThe private sector is doing fine." President Obama




Did he really say the private sector is doing fine ?


Check this:


You have 23 million Americans unemployed---unemployment is at 8.2 percent and there are more than 500,000 fewer jobs than when Obama took office--the private sector is not doing fine---it is doing horribly. But in Hussein's world I guess, if government is borrowing more money to hire more public employees, all is well.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:
============ that boy. You man Fake-y Romney is a fake, a stiff, a man who can't relate to the ordinary man.




You need to stop drinking that Obama kool-aid---it has destroyed your mind---you can no longer reason.


By the way, I am sure you read the asinine comments your hero Hussein made:


β€œThe truth of the matter is that, as I said, we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone,” he said. β€œThe private sector is doing fine." President Obama




Did he really say the private sector is doing fine ?


Check this:


You have 23 million Americans unemployed---unemployment is at 8.2 percent and there are more than 500,000 fewer jobs than when Obama took office--the private sector is not doing fine---it is doing horribly. But in Hussein's world I guess, if government is borrowing more money to hire more public employees, all is well.








assinine comments or not - "we’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months"


assinine comments or not - over 800,000 just this year alone




assinine comments or not - β€œThe private sector is doing fine."

Under Barak Hussein Obama's stewardship the US private sector created the number of jobs stated above and saw its equity values, profits and revenues go up.

8 million jobs were lost under the previous Administration.

US private sector and individuals' equities lost trillions of dollars in 2008, courtesy of the previous Administration.

So there could be 100 million unemployed Rev-Kooks, you cannot erase the facts above. So your "assinine" characterization is applicable to Rev-Jack.


Classic case of you spinning statistics, eh Rev-Duncyfiahgoat

Originally Posted by Kari:

Actually DG he will remain the 44th President - but a two-term President.


The numbers after the word "President" means the 44th individual (in Obama's case) to be President. There were more than 44 terms of Presidency. 44 x 4 = 176 years. The Presidency started over 226 years ago. But I get your point. Obama will be re-elected.


And for those who claim that Democrats are wavering and that Romney is on an offensive, remember that both campaigns are operating as expected.


Romney is just coming off of a bounce by clinching the Republican nominee and Obama doesn't have to do any clinching so he has no bounce opportunity from clinching.

Correct !!


1. President Barack Obama will again win the 2012 presidential election.


2. Romney indeed, like all presidential candidates, do get a bounce after winning the nomination for the presidential position.


Originally Posted by Kari:

 assinine comments or not - β€œThe private sector is doing fine."







President Obama on Friday afternoon backed away from his earlier comments that the β€œprivate sector is doing fine,” telling reporters that he does not believe the economy is doing fine.






Poor kari---Obama has thrown him under the bus---when the Obama administration house of cards disintegrates---kari will be crying buckets of tears.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Actually DG he will remain the 44th President - but a two-term President.


The numbers after the word "President" means the 44th individual (in Obama's case) to be President. There were more than 44 terms of Presidency. 44 x 4 = 176 years. The Presidency started over 226 years ago. But I get your point. Obama will be re-elected.


And for those who claim that Democrats are wavering and that Romney is on an offensive, remember that both campaigns are operating as expected.


Romney is just coming off of a bounce by clinching the Republican nominee and Obama doesn't have to do any clinching so he has no bounce opportunity from clinching.

Correct !!


1. President Barack Obama will again win the 2012 presidential election.


2. Romney indeed, like all presidential candidates, do get a bounce after winning the nomination for the presidential position.


Obama running out of space and time.  The stress is showing in all the little slip-ups recently.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

 assinine comments or not - β€œThe private sector is doing fine."







President Obama on Friday afternoon backed away from his earlier comments that the β€œprivate sector is doing fine,” telling reporters that he does not believe the economy is doing fine.






Poor kari---Obama has thrown him under the bus---when the Obama administration house of cards disintegrates---kari will be crying buckets of tears.




RevKooks, if a news outlet headline says Obama "backs off" of comments, etc. you have to look at what he said. The US private sector IS indeed doing just fine. Corporate profits are up, equity values rising, risk is being rewarded, productivity is increasing and technology is advancing, we're moving up from the 2008 bottom. Now what is wrong about this statement? Obama did not "back away" from his statement of the private sector is fine. In fact he doubled down on it, by repeating his context - States and local government, because of balanced budget legislation HAVE to lay off police and teachers and fire fighters (not spooky-looking pencil-pushers or keyboard-tapping useless bureaucrats). HE said the ECONOMY is not doing good overall, but the PRIVATE SECTOR is just fine. Go listen to his actual words and stop listening to Fox NOISE.


Talking about me drinking kool-aid and throwing me under the bus will not erase this fact and reality, all encapsulated beautifully by Obama. You sound like Fakey Romney and Stchupidee McCain. McCain said the fundamentals of the American economy are strong in 2008 when Lehman collapsed and AIG was in flames! What a joke! Obama says the private sector is fine after record corporate profits and growing private sector jobs for 27 months. And RevManic cyant think for himself and like a ventriloquist's aid he is the outlet for Romney's farting. How pathetic! Show some ballz man. Think for yourself kunoomoonoo!



And your sidekick Baseman should go suck a plum!

Originally Posted by Kari:

The US private sector IS indeed doing just fine. Corporate profits are up, equity values rising, risk is being rewarded, productivity is increasing and technology is advancing, we're moving up from the 2008 bottom. 


kari the obama kool aid drinker:


The private sector is doing just fine you say ?


Check this--it's all public information--the Rev hasn't made this stuff up:


* Private-sector jobs have increased by an average of just 105,000 over the past three months and by just 89,000 a month during the entire Obama Recovery.


In 1983 and 1984, during the supply-side Reagan Boom, private sector jobs increased by an average of 292,000 a month. Adjusted for population, that number is more like 375,000 private-sector jobs a month


* If the labor force participation rate for May had just stayed where it was in April, the unemployment rate would have risen to 8.4%. As it is, the U.S. economy is suffering is longest sustained bout of 8% unemployment or higher since the Great Depression.


* Private-sector GDP rose just 2.6% in the first quarter, after rising a measly 1.2% last year.


By contrast, private-sector GDP rose 3.8% in 1983 and 6.5% in 1984 during the supply-side Reagan Boom.





You are dead wrong obama kool aide drinker kari--the private sector isn't doing fine at all---but keep drinking that obama kool aid. hahahahaha






Originally Posted by baseman:


i'm being realistic, not political, but the noose got tighter this week.  Obama has a 3-4 point advantage now, and it will be a looooong hot Summer.  The Reps smell blood.



You have to understand kari and my friend demerara guy are Obama kool aid drinkers---dont waste time reasoniong with these guys---they are intelligent gentlemen---but they have imbibed the Obama kool aid.


Now baseman, here is why the November election has already been decided.


READ THIS--carefully:


Since the mid 1990s, the popular vote for the HOUSE has become a good proxy for the President and his party--and in the last 3 presidential elections the winning candidate has won the same percentage of the vote, or within 1% of it, as his party won in the HOUSE popular vote two years before---now check this--Republicans won the popular vote for the house 52-45 in 2010. Say congrats to President Romney in advance.



Obama kool aid drinkers like kari and demerara guy will not comprehend the above statement--but you being an open-minded man baseman will now understand why Obama is doomed in November---THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE!





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The US private sector IS indeed doing just fine. Corporate profits are up, equity values rising, risk is being rewarded, productivity is increasing and technology is advancing, we're moving up from the 2008 bottom. 


kari the obama kool aid drinker:


The private sector is doing just fine you say ?


Check this--it's all public information--the Rev hasn't made this stuff up:


* Private-sector jobs have increased by an average of just 105,000 over the past three months and by just 89,000 a month during the entire Obama Recovery.


In 1983 and 1984, during the supply-side Reagan Boom, private sector jobs increased by an average of 292,000 a month. Adjusted for population, that number is more like 375,000 private-sector jobs a month


* If the labor force participation rate for May had just stayed where it was in April, the unemployment rate would have risen to 8.4%. As it is, the U.S. economy is suffering is longest sustained bout of 8% unemployment or higher since the Great Depression.


* Private-sector GDP rose just 2.6% in the first quarter, after rising a measly 1.2% last year.


By contrast, private-sector GDP rose 3.8% in 1983 and 6.5% in 1984 during the supply-side Reagan Boom.





You are dead wrong obama kool aide drinker kari--the private sector isn't doing fine at all---but keep drinking that obama kool aid. hahahahaha







You should stay away from economic commentary RevStoops.....the Reagan recovery did not have to come from a FINANCIAL like Obama's recovery is having to come from. A recovery from a financial recession takes close to a decade to recover. Obama has to deal with two collapses - the foinancial and the HOUSING. Nothing drives the Am,erican economy like a housing boom.


So go learn before you fart Romney's gas thru your mouth. TYalks of kool-aid will not erase this truth

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by baseman:


i'm being realistic, not political, but the noose got tighter this week.  Obama has a 3-4 point advantage now, and it will be a looooong hot Summer.  The Reps smell blood.



You have to understand kari and my friend demerara guy are Obama kool aid drinkers---dont waste time reasoniong with these guys---they are intelligent gentlemen---but they have imbibed the Obama kool aid.


Now baseman, here is why the November election has already been decided.


READ THIS--carefully:


Since the mid 1990s, the popular vote for the HOUSE has become a good proxy for the President and his party--and in the last 3 presidential elections the winning candidate has won the same percentage of the vote, or within 1% of it, as his party won in the HOUSE popular vote two years before---now check this--Republicans won the popular vote for the house 52-45 in 2010. Say congrats to President Romney in advance.



Obama kool aid drinkers like kari and demerara guy will not comprehend the above statement--but you being an open-minded man baseman will now understand why Obama is doomed in November---THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE!





didn't they also say America cannot elect a Black President in 2008? What was the odds? One was NEVER elected before.


You guys have to understand that mid-terms don't predict Presidential election. Wait until after the summer conventions and the fall debates, then you both will start to weep. Obama leads in the swing states that he needs to take him over 271 Electoral College votes. Go chew on that

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Actually DG he will remain the 44th President - but a two-term President.


The numbers after the word "President" means the 44th individual (in Obama's case) to be President. There were more than 44 terms of Presidency. 44 x 4 = 176 years. The Presidency started over 226 years ago. But I get your point. Obama will be re-elected.


And for those who claim that Democrats are wavering and that Romney is on an offensive, remember that both campaigns are operating as expected.


Romney is just coming off of a bounce by clinching the Republican nominee and Obama doesn't have to do any clinching so he has no bounce opportunity from clinching.

Correct !!


1. President Barack Obama will again win the 2012 presidential election.


2. Romney indeed, like all presidential candidates, do get a bounce after winning the nomination for the presidential position.


Obama running out of space and time.


The stress is showing in all the little slip-ups recently.

President Barack Obama is moving along with surity to again win the presidential election in 2012.


Mitt Romnay will be simply the man who will loose to Barack Obama in November 2012.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



You have to understand kari and my friend demerara guy are Obama kool aid drinkers---dont waste time reasoniong with these guys---they are intelligent gentlemen---but they have imbibed the Obama kool aid.


Now baseman, here is why the November election has already been decided.


READ THIS--carefully:


Since the mid 1990s, the popular vote for the HOUSE has become a good proxy for the President and his party--and in the last 3 presidential elections the winning candidate has won the same percentage of the vote, or within 1% of it, as his party won in the HOUSE popular vote two years before---now check this--Republicans won the popular vote for the house 52-45 in 2010. Say congrats to President Romney in advance.



Obama kool aid drinkers like kari and demerara guy will not comprehend the above statement--but you being an open-minded man baseman will now understand why Obama is doomed in November---THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE!





This little cockroach furiously cuts and pastes from random hits on the internet, PRETENDING at knowledge of (and real interest in) American politics.


But let’s be clear, the Obama β€˜hate’ and β€˜embrace’ of neo-Nazi imagery is just a proxy for β€˜Black man’ politics from Guyana’s many backdams, . . . . the tailings so desperately being mined by the thieves currently in residence @ Freedom House.


To be sure, finding an outlet for anti-Black race hate in America must be a chore for a low-IQ dalit such as this β€œRev” [with high aspirations to β€˜cleverness’ I might add] who is likely blacker in complexion than Obama himself!!


Oh well . . .

Originally Posted by Kari:
didn't they also say America cannot elect a Black President in 2008? What was the odds? One was NEVER elected before.


You guys have to understand that mid-terms don't predict Presidential election. Wait until after the summer conventions and the fall debates, then you both will start to weep. Obama leads in the swing states that he needs to take him over 271 Electoral College votes. Go chew on that


Kari, my opinion have nothing to do with race but to do with performance.  The recovery has stalled and this always spell trouble for the incumbent.  Remember, Bush Sr won the Gulf war and lost the election. Obama is in danger of the same, thank you for ending the wars, but no thank you for the economy.  If Romney get a good running mate, that's real trouble for Obama.  He might have to trade Biden for Hilary.


If you're an astute political observer of US Presidential elections you will note the differences between mid-term turnout and Presidential turnout. You will also note the waning TEA party influence, which is a sign of voter backlash to their debt-ceiling hi-jinks and pledge at the holy grail of Grover Norquist. You will also note a watershed, generational shift in demographics. Look how attitudes changed on gay rights and race acceptance in America. You must also recognize that Americans know since 2008 that this is a different deal. No President in 2008 - 2012 could get us back to a place that we knew. Appalachia cannot travel that middle class road. America has moved on from the glacial manufacturing economy to the slow-growth services economy to now a technology and investor economy. You have to get out of your antiquarian political thinking. All the bullshit stats that idiots here post don't know what's in front of them. This election is about a stark contrast, and one between a man America knows and likes (well, except Appalachia) and the other who is stiff, wooden, don't know how the ordinary man lives and whose religion treated Blacks as devils and devil worshippers until 1978. Like Chris Rock said, Obama's successes are like a team winning by one point and people grumble even though he's on a 30-game winning streak. All the cliched nonsense by uninformed ideologues will not change truth.

Originally Posted by Kari:

If you're an astute political observer of US Presidential elections you will note the differences between mid-term turnout and Presidential turnout. You will also note the waning TEA party influence, which is a sign of voter backlash to their debt-ceiling hi-jinks and pledge at the holy grail of Grover Norquist. You will also note a watershed, generational shift in demographics. Look how attitudes changed on gay rights and race acceptance in America. You must also recognize that Americans know since 2008 that this is a different deal. No President in 2008 - 2012 could get us back to a place that we knew. Appalachia cannot travel that middle class road. America has moved on from the glacial manufacturing economy to the slow-growth services economy to now a technology and investor economy. You have to get out of your antiquarian political thinking. All the bullshit stats that idiots here post don't know what's in front of them. This election is about a stark contrast, and one between a man America knows and likes (well, except Appalachia) and the other who is stiff, wooden, don't know how the ordinary man lives and whose religion treated Blacks as devils and devil worshippers until 1978. Like Chris Rock said, Obama's successes are like a team winning by one point and people grumble even though he's on a 30-game winning streak. All the cliched nonsense by uninformed ideologues will not change truth.

Banna, everyone see the "colors" through their own prism.  I believe the waning of the TEA party is a double edged sword.  TEA introduced sharp divisions which played to the net benefit of the Democrats.  Now, many of the middle of the road citizenry are taking an objective fresh look rather than being driven by doctrine.


All the rest your post there are for academics to mull over, the average Joe public has more immediate things on their minds.  You can shine and prime the car for sale as much as you wish, but if it sputtering, it sputtering.  Obama's engine sputtering.

Originally Posted by Henry:

This debate has become monotonous, so I'm posting this to give everyone a jolt:


You and that recent arrival, that guru need to go and set up house together. You would be of great comfort to each other. Obama is not contemplating nuclear war and only an ass would think that is a means to end scheme in any forward planning. I guess you folks has been drinking the 2012 cool aide as well and this is your "mayan" calendar. January 1st, 2013 will come and you and those larouche nutjobs will have to invent another conspiracy theory because that is just what you do.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I do not believe the Govt was involved in the massacres.  Seems to well staged and convenient to provoke an expected response from a trigger-happy NOTA.  Syria is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi/US.

I agree with you about the massacres, but who needs a proxy war with Iran? Why go to all the trouble? It is worth knowing, for example, that unlike the US, which has military bases all over the place, Russia has only one base outside of its own territory. That base is in Syria.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I do not believe the Govt was involved in the massacres.  Seems to well staged and convenient to provoke an expected response from a trigger-happy NATO.  Syria is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi/US.

I agree with you about the massacres, but who needs a proxy war with Iran? Why go to all the trouble? It is worth knowing, for example, that unlike the US, which has military bases all over the place, Russia has only one base outside of its own territory. That base is in Syria.

This is Saudi sponsored.  After losing Iraq to the Shia, they intend to take Syria as compensation.  Syria has a 2/3 Sunni population.







Amber Lee Ettinger, widely known as β€œObama Girl” during the 2008 presidential campaign, told The Daily Caller she is β€œnot as excited as I was the last time, that’s for sure.”


The model-actress became a nationally known celebrity after starring in the viral YouTube video β€œCrush on Obama.”


β€œBarack Obama was definitely the first β€˜Internet President,’” she said, describing her experiences during the last cycle as β€œquite a roller coaster ride.”


This time, however, Ettinger won’t say if she still supports Obama.









Only Obama kool aid drinkers like kari and demerara guy are still hypnotized by Hussein.




Thanks you Jesus! Thank you Allah! Thanks you Lord Krishna.



Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I do not believe the Govt was involved in the massacres.  Seems to well staged and convenient to provoke an expected response from a trigger-happy NATO.  Syria is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi/US.

I agree with you about the massacres, but who needs a proxy war with Iran? Why go to all the trouble? It is worth knowing, for example, that unlike the US, which has military bases all over the place, Russia has only one base outside of its own territory. That base is in Syria.

This is Saudi sponsored.  After losing Iraq to the Shia, they intend to take Syria as compensation.  Syria has a 2/3 Sunni population.

It's clear that the Saudis are arming the opposition groups, along with Qatar and others. But those oil states don't wipe their noses without British permission. The war drive has been spearheaded by the Tony Blair faction, which has promoted the idea that it would be really great to instigate widespread conflict between Shia and Sunnis.


But I don't think their proxy target is Iran. Iran is not important enough. And I don't think Tony B gives a rat's patooty about Shia and Sunni -- that stuff is just a means to an end.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Amber Lee Ettinger, widely known as β€œObama Girl” during the 2008 presidential campaign, told The Daily Caller she is β€œnot as excited as I was the last time, that’s for sure.”


This time, however, Ettinger won’t say if she still supports Obama.

She did not say that she will not support Barack Obama who will win the 2012 presidential election. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Amber Lee Ettinger, widely known as β€œObama Girl” during the 2008 presidential campaign, told The Daily Caller she is β€œnot as excited as I was the last time, that’s for sure.”


This time, however, Ettinger won’t say if she still supports Obama.

She did not say that she will not support Barack Obama who will win the 2012 presidential election. 

She represents a large swathe of the voting populace.  Lack of excitement this time around will mean trouble for the Obama.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The faster this Obama gets kicked out of the Whitehouse the better for all minorities.

He is/was not that bad, but if he cannot move the needle, then let someone else try.


He earned his place in History on several fronts, including decapitating Al Qaeda.  I hope he get their new #1 as a farewell gift to the people of the US and the civilized world.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by baseman:


i'm being realistic, not political, but the noose got tighter this week.  Obama has a 3-4 point advantage now, and it will be a looooong hot Summer.  The Reps smell blood.



You have to understand kari and my friend demerara guy are Obama kool aid drinkers---dont waste time reasoniong with these guys---they are intelligent gentlemen---but they have imbibed the Obama kool aid.


Now baseman, here is why the November election has already been decided.


READ THIS--carefully:


Since the mid 1990s, the popular vote for the HOUSE has become a good proxy for the President and his party--and in the last 3 presidential elections the winning candidate has won the same percentage of the vote, or within 1% of it, as his party won in the HOUSE popular vote two years before---now check this--Republicans won the popular vote for the house 52-45 in 2010. Say congrats to President Romney in advance.



Obama kool aid drinkers like kari and demerara guy will not comprehend the above statement--but you being an open-minded man baseman will now understand why Obama is doomed in November---THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE!






Rev Bhai


Romney is headed towards the White House. Obama is already packing up and writing his farewell speech. As you have indicated, the Obama magic is gone.






The net worth of the American family has fallen to its lowest level in two decades, according to government data released Monday, driven by a more than 40 percent drop in their stakes in their homes.


The Federal Reserve’s detailed survey of consumer finances showed families’ median wealth plunged from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010 β€” a 39 percent decline. That put them on par with median wealth in 1992.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:





The net worth of the American family has fallen to its lowest level in two decades, according to government data released Monday, driven by a more than 40 percent drop in their stakes in their homes.


The Federal Reserve’s detailed survey of consumer finances showed families’ median wealth plunged from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010 β€” a 39 percent decline. That put them on par with median wealth in 1992.

Largely due to Housing decline and Obama is hardly responsible.  Housing recovery will take 10-15 years.


Obama's presidency started in Jan 2009 at a time when over $30 trillion of housing equity was wiped out. Any one with a modicum of common sense knows that the consumer would not be able to take out a loan using housing equity to finance that child's College education, or spruce up the house, or buy that new car, etc. Think of the quantum of aggregate demand that was sucked out of the economy in one fell swoop. How long would it take for housing values to return to normal historical (not historic) levels? When we figure out the values of all those tranched Credit Default Swaps are worth.


I will make this assertion, backed by empirical evidence. IT takes advanced economies a decade to recover fully from a financial collapse. Just look at Japan's lost decade.



Now add the two together:

Housing crisis + Financial crisis = ............


Reagan had the Leveraged buyout crisis. Bush old man had the Savings & Loans crisis. Young Bush had the tech bubble. The Black man got two - and the worst two - FINANCIAL and HOUSING which has led every recovery in the US economic history.



No president has played the blame game more adroitly than Barack Obama. That's why he is a great politician---the man knows how to blame---blaming keeps the focus off you. When you are looking for external reasons to explain your failures---you engage in blaming---That is Obama---the great blamer----he is not a leader---leaders are problem solvers---Obama is a blamer.



Originally Posted by Kari:

You mistake facts for blame. Let the Congress stop their racist plan to kick the Black Man out (not kick the Democrat out) and work with the President, you will see progress.

Try answering these questions honestly:


Why is President Obama worried? Why are pundits now asking Democrat politicians across the country if the Obama administration is panicking? Why do we read β€œdesperate” and β€œDemocrat” in the same sentence almost daily now?




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