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Former Member

OK Folks! This is very bad news for the opposition AFC/PNC and their miserable supporters. A team from the Inter American Development Bank(IDB) is in Guyana to make aerial inspection of the ongoing works at the Amaila falls hydropower project site. They have already met with Finance Minister  Ashni Singh and President Donald Ramotar. As of today there is a 99% probability the Amaila falls hydro project in Guyana will become a reality---this is horrendous news for the losers in the AFC/PNC--good news for Guyana = bad news for the AFC/PNC.



Road to Amaila under construction


AFC loser Khemraj pleading with IDB

to reject Amaila project as long as

PPP runs Guyana--what an evil man.






* President Donald Ramotar is now highly confident that the Amaila falls hydro project will be financed and built. He says that in order for the Guyanese economy to grow and inorder for Guyana to develop new industries a cheaper electricity source is paramount--and hydro is the way to go in Guyana.


* The IDB is a financing partner for the development of the US$840M Amaila project that will become the source of a large fraction of cheap and reliable electricity generation in the country. It is one of the priority projects under the country’s revolutionary Low Carbon Development Strategy (LDCS) that seeks to transfer Guyana’s economy onto a low carbon course.


* Financial closure for the project is still pending, but is likely to be concluded by the second or third quarter of this year,” according to President Ramotar who had told reporters in January about a suite of safeguard measures advanced by the IDB following environmental impact studies that were conducted.






The completed Amaila falls hydropower project will turbocharge the Guyanese economy---think about the new industries and thousands of jobs that will be spawned---agro processing, alumina processing, gold processing, new manufacturing, etc, etc---a cheaper source of energy/electricity takes the Guyana economy onto a higher plateau economically.









Replies sorted oldest to newest


Daily on this forum haters and losers supporting the AFC/PNC come here and trash the PPP and wish failure on Guyana. These miserable blowhards and their leaders, Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan, David Granger, Nigel Hughes, Raphael Trotman, etc, etc are destined to remain in Loserville for decades to come.


Listen folks! Donald Ramotar and the PPP are making things happen in Guyana today. And very importantly, the private sector in Guyana like the encouragement they are receiving from the PPP and they are prepared to invest and innovate.






Originally Posted by TK:

The AFC's Action Plan lays out a clear vision of that party's view of hydro. But a fibber is just a fibber. 




Here is Ramotar's response to you, Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel, Trotman, Granger, Ramsaroop, etc, etc




Listen TK! The AFC/PNC lost--the PPP won---and the PPP is now making things happen.


You are free to talk about all the great plans the AFC had TK---but the fact is you folks lost the election---Ramo won--he is president---and the Amaila falls hydro will become a reality.


Now TK, if you want to talk about new industries that will be spawned after the hydro is completed---feel to do so here---be constructive on GNI for a change.





Originally Posted by TK:

The question is whether it will reduce the cost of electricity. 




One of  the reasons the Amaila falls was selected as the site for the hydro is because technical studies indicated there would be greater flow and greater pressure produced from that site.


Typically systems with higher pressure produce lower cost electricity.


So amaila hydro will definitely produce lower cost electricity.


Of course, you losers in the AFC dont want to hear that---many of you want the project to fail as long as the PPP rules Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The question is whether it will reduce the cost of electricity. 




One of  the reasons the Amaila falls was selected as the site for the hydro is because technical studies indicated there would be greater flow and greater pressure produced from that site.


Typically systems with higher pressure produce lower cost electricity.


So amaila hydro will definitely produce lower cost electricity.


Of course, you losers in the AFC dont want to hear that---many of you want the project to fail as long as the PPP rules Guyana.






At the end of the demand for electricity will determine the price those on the grid will pay. Technically Amaila can be done. No one is doubting that. 

Originally Posted by TK:

At the end of the demand for electricity will determine the price those on the grid will pay. Technically Amaila can be done. No one is doubting that. 

* After the hydro is completed--projects like the billion dollar Alunina smelter Alcoa was planning to build in Trinidad--such projects could be built in Guyana---maybe by Ruscal--Guyana has bauxite---and the hydro will provide a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity--an alumina smelter may be viable---numerous JOBS will be created.


* The agro processing industry can also move full steam ahead with a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity---more JOBS!


* And let's not forget Brazil--success breeds success---once Amaila is developed---other hydros can be developed---and electricity exported to Brazil---more JOBS!


Listen TK, you are an economist, and you fully well know that once Guyana develops hydro, the current and future energy needs of the country will be met---and economically the country steps to a higher plateau.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Of course, you losers in the AFC dont want to hear that---many of you want the project to fail as long as the PPP rules Guyana.





You are a silly one to constantly bray about this. AFC wants Guyana and its people to prosper not only the Politicians as is being done by the present Govt.

Do you really believe the opposition should just go ahead with whatever cockamamie scheme the Govt comes up with?

Yes, the opposition will look into contracts that seem fishy, this is what an opposition is about is it not?

Originally Posted by cain:



Yes, the opposition will look into contracts that seem fishy, this is what an opposition is about is it not?


Mr. cain:


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the opposition keeping the PPP honest---that is their job. But based on how the opposition has behaved in parliament, they clearly have an axe to grind with the PPP and the Guyanese people have noted their malicious behavior.


Now cain, let's focus on hydro and the role it would play in turbocharging the Guyanese economy. Think about all the new industries that can be developed in Guyana once the hydro is completed.




* Hydro


* Oil


* Ethanol


* Alumina smelter


* New Gold Mines


* Manganese


* More rice production


* Revovery in sugar industry


* Agro processing


* Coconut--and by products


* TOURISM---this one will torture caribJ



There is a bright future for Guyana cain.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:

Rev, all that you have mentioned should already have been done years ago.



Mr. cain:


The Rev will refer you to the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible---Chapter 3:1


It says:


"There is a right time for everything." Ecclesiastes C3:1


Did you read that mr. cain ?


Now Mr. cain--yesterday was but a dream---and tomorrow is only vision---but what the PPP and the private sector in Guyana are doing today will make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.




PS--are you following the wi/aus cricket match ? Click on the link:


Aus 115/1




Quote Rev....

Now TK, if you want to talk about new industries that will be spawned after the hydro is completed---feel to do so here---be constructive on GNI for a change.




I keep hearing De President and the Learned Rev keep talking about new Jobs, new Industries.....

* Hydro


* Oil


* Ethanol


* Alumina smelter


* New Gold Mines


* Manganese


* More rice production


* Revovery in sugar industry


* Agro processing


* Coconut--and by products




 Fishing - Picking (Fare)...., Drugs, Narco, Guns, etc.


But according to the Guyana Manufacturers Assocation,

The Private Sector

and  The Chamber of Commerce

there are only two areas where new job opportunities  have been created by this Administration that they can boast about.


(1) Young  girls, many from the PPP....

now moving in large numbers to do Marketing in the Interior.


(2)New Workforce of Chinese who were allowed to come and take Jobs in the Construction Industry.


If I were De Great President Ramotar or The Honourable Rev.....

I would not be talking about New Jobs or Industries in Guyana......


Honourable Rev.......

creating a new Industry of Interior Hookers

Or Selling Pata-Cake......

Or Calling it Poom Poom like Honorable McCoy

is no Industry to Boast about.


Honourable Rev....

Creating Employment for Chinese Nationals.....

when our own people cant find wuk

 is not a good thing either...


Honourable Rev.....

Yuh Talking nuff fraff like the Honorable Nandababa

when eee was Drinking De Honourable Ramson peeeee......


Honorable Rev........

Honourable Kwame seh eee would tek a Honourable Bu@@ering  .....

but dont ask him to Drink any Honourable pee .......

Honourable Nandababa is the Peeeee Drinker.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by cain:

Rev, all that you have mentioned should already have been done years ago.



Mr. cain:


The Rev will refer you to the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible---Chapter 3:1


It says:


"There is a right time for everything." Ecclesiastes C3:1


Did you read that mr. cain ?


Now Mr. cain--yesterday was but a dream---and tomorrow is only vision---but what the PPP and the private sector in Guyana are doing today will make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.




PS--are you following the wi/aus cricket match ? Click on the link:


Aus 115/1



Rev I'm not big on anything pertaining to the Bible, it was probably written by a bunch of lunatics who thought things should go their way. Furthermore, quoting the Bible doesn't mean much to me,you see,most people don't live by the Bible but when they are in a heated discussion, famous quotes always comes's hypocritical to say the least.


On cricket, I have never watched a match, played it a couple times, my sport was boxing,judo,cycling.


So, have you visited the thread I mentioned? See if you could help dem guys out with your answer.




The Rev is still up following the WI/Aus match:--you like cricket jalil--or you are just a rounders guy ?


Aus 156/1(29 overs)


By the way jalil, you seem to have an unhealty obsession with kwame---but that's another thread---let's keep this one constructive.


Follow the cricket in the link:





Jalil! It is a sign of progress in Guyana that the world's oldest profession has been thriving in that country. Ramotar ought to legalize prostitution in Guyana---more taxes revenues for the country.





Government doesn't create jobs--the real jobs are created in the private sector---and right now the private sector is set to boom in Guyana.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The Rev is still up following the WI/Aus match:--you like cricket jalil--or you are just a rounders guy ?


Aus 156/1(29 overs)

Yes I am watching the Game......But please do the Honourable thing ....If you are supporting West Indies .....Please keep it a secret....dont ruin our chances to win a Game.....I am Just going on your Record of supporting Loosers.


By the way jalil, you seem to have an unhealty obsession with kwame---but that's another thread---let's keep this one constructive. ......Bhai if you think your Obsession of Bu@@erman Kwame is Healthy.....thats your opinion


Follow the cricket in the link:





Jalil! It is a sign of progress in Guyana that the world's oldest profession has been thriving in that country. Ramotar ought to legalize prostitution in Guyana---more taxes revenues for the country.

Bhai yuh thinking like McCoy....He wan legalise Bu@@ering and you want Legalise prostitution.....again your choice.

And everytime yuh lie about Moses, Kemraj, Ralph or AFC....we will have to remind yuh about Yuh @untiman if yuh like hearing about them keep lieing





Government doesn't create jobs--the real jobs are created in the private sector---and right now the private sector is set to boom in Guyana.

Who created employment fu de chinese Bhai......

Who forcing dem Young Gal fuh from Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo.....fuh guh hustle in de Bush????



Honourable Rev....

Honourable Nandababa ......and

Honourable Kwame

free to Drink peee......and/or  Bu@@er dem belly full.




Australia   240-2 - 4 0vers.....

Sammy, Bravo and Narine will Bowl the last 10 Overs....

and they are averaging around 5 per over

If they keep that average we could be chasing down 300.... 320 the most


If we get a Good start from  Gayle, Powell

and a couple good knocks from Sarwan, DM Bravo, DJ Bravo, Pollard,........

West Indies might not need Thomas†, Russell, Sammy* to Bat........

WI chances will be decided by Gayle, Powell,and the Top Order




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

At the end of the demand for electricity will determine the price those on the grid will pay. Technically Amaila can be done. No one is doubting that. 

* After the hydro is completed--projects like the billion dollar Alunina smelter Alcoa was planning to build in Trinidad--such projects could be built in Guyana---maybe by Ruscal--Guyana has bauxite---and the hydro will provide a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity--an alumina smelter may be viable---numerous JOBS will be created.


* The agro processing industry can also move full steam ahead with a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity---more JOBS!


* And let's not forget Brazil--success breeds success---once Amaila is developed---other hydros can be developed---and electricity exported to Brazil---more JOBS!


Listen TK, you are an economist, and you fully well know that once Guyana develops hydro, the current and future energy needs of the country will be met---and economically the country steps to a higher plateau.







This only makes sense if the government and the Chinese creditors agree to adjust rates downward as the demand grows. I doubt this will be the case and there will be a lock in rate similar to the Berbice bridge during the 20 years pay off period. They need to tell the Guyanese people whether this will be the case. If the rate is high new large firms will continue the trend like Banks DIH and DDL to set up their own power plants. These two companies together generate close to 10MW of electricity each year. If you really know how to run a business for which start up capital does not come from cocaine or gold smuggling, you know your NPV will have to be discounted at the prevailing market loan rate, which will take into consideration the cost of electricity. Perhaps you can use Google to get some hints how the banks will view a business plan. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:


* This only makes sense if the government and the Chinese creditors agree to adjust rates downward as the demand grows.


If you really know how to run a business for which start up capital does not come from cocaine or gold smuggling, you know your NPV will have to be discounted at the prevailing market loan rate, which will take into consideration the cost of electricity. Perhaps you can use Google to get some hints how the banks will view a business plan. 





The Rev told you before--all you have is book sense---you are now repeating lines you read in your text books and lines you would feed to your students--trite and cliched lines like this:


"...NPV will have to be discounted at the prevailing market loan rate, which will take into consideration the cost of electricity." TK





Listen up---regarding the $850 nillion Amaila hydro!


* Blackstone group(sithe global) will provide $150 million in equity


* The Guyana government will provide $100 million in equity


* China development bank will provide 450 million---debt financing


* IDB will provide $175 million in debt financing


The financial feasibility has been evaluated by all the players and the project is almost a go---but you can keep bullshitting TK---you are good at it---remember, you are a TALKER---what does a 3rd rate/ 3cents economics PHD know about evaluating real world projects ? Stick to teaching TK---let Blackstone, the IDB, China development Bank and the PPP develop the Amaila falls hydro project---they are highly confident that Amaila will benefit all parties involved financially--and in the end the biggest beneficiaries will be the good people of Guyana.








Will the promise of 10,000 jobs be yet another bitter pill for Guyana?


January 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The promises of 10,000 jobs by China’s Bai Shan Lai could turn out to be a misnomer and yet another bitter pill for Guyana to swallow (SN, Jan 18, 2013) . The Government has failed to complete the Amelia Falls project at a huge loss to its hard-press citizens. The Project will now be partly funded by China and with imported Chinese work force.
The long list of failures continues, while the government remains unable to provide full and proper accountability concerning illegal mining, gold smuggling, cocaine shipment, logging, deforestation and environmental degradation. Meaningless investigations are promised but never made public as the country heads steeply into an abyss of corruption.
Labour Minister, Dr. Nanda Kishore Gopaul told the meeting that. β€˜the labor laws were unbiased and not stringent and should be welcomed by the Chinese. (SN, Jan 13, 2013}.
This was to welcome China’s Bai Shan Lin enterprise, and to let China proceed with   deforestation on an unprecedented scale in Guyana. At government expense the β€˜labour laws have now been translated into Chinese and the government hopes that this step will pave the way for fewer complaints about alleged labour violations’.
The Guyana government has always exploited the laws robustly to keep grip on power and, at vast expense to the country, but this does NOT happen when it comes to protecting the country valuable natural resources for the benefit of citizens. It has prompted the eminent Dr Janet Bulkan to state, β€˜The Rule of Law? Not in the Forest Sector of Guyana’. (SN, Jan 16, 2012).
Due to lack of transparency and accountability the government has failed to tell the public how it will allow deforestation in accordance with the MOU signed with Norway in 2009.
The MOU require that timber production does not exceed annually the average for 2003-2008 level. And if the percentage of timber production, which is illegal, exceeds 15% then penalties will be triggered.
China is committed to ensure the strong growth of its economy over recent decades.
But in fuelling its rapid growth, China has become far more dependent on its own home-grown managers and skilled work force, which are deployed in various countries and, where it is involved in sourcing and extraction of raw materials.
This has caused much resentment in some African countries as, imported Chinese work ethics clashes with the local work ethics. Also Chinese workers often take up citizenry in the host country and becoming part of the country’s manpower statistics. This effectively masks the true employment levels to the host country.
Mac Mahase


President Donald Ramotar and U.S. Inter-American Development Bank Executive Director Gustavo Arnavat (second from right) with IDB Country Representative to Guyana Sophie Makonnen and Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh and another bank official





IDB Executive Director Gustavo Arnavat told GINA that the visit is an important component of the IDB’s role as a financier, to understand the specific needs of its partner countries. The bank is a financing partner for the development of the US$840 million project that will become the source of a large portion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in the country.



The IDB is convinced that Amaila hydro will "become a source of a large portion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in Guyana"----but you have a 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd, TK, a man who has never had a substantive job in the business world---this is the trite TK posted above:


"...NPV will have to be discounted at the prevailing market loan rate, which will take into consideration the cost of electricity." TK


The folks at Blackstone would have a hearty laugh at TALKER TK---the man is shallow!




I saw a piece in the papers yesterday where a chinese official stated plainly ( and I must say in their own myopic way) that Chinese from china succeed because of their sense of community and hard work. I bet black people are saying karma is a bitch.


After all, the Chinese official is saying Guyanese in general,  have no sense of community ( ie a cultural summoning creed) no aptitude for organizing, no sense for business and no inclination for hard work so they are outclassed.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:



The IDB is convinced that Amaila hydro will "become a source of a large portion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in Guyana"----but you have a 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd, TK, a man who has never had a substantive job in the business world. . .



hmmm . . . whose quote is that lil man . . . yours, GINA?


certainly not the IDB

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, you say TK is third rate, what rate are you?




This is the Rev:





By the way Mitwah, men and women of great foresight---I am specificially referring to the DOERS in Guyana who are making things happen--these folks are excited about the direction Guyana is headed.


On the other hand,Talkers and political losers like 3rd rate TK and his AFC cronies(Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel, Trotman, etc)---these has been and also ran envision failure for Guyana under the PPP---with their pettiness and narrow-mindedness---they will forever live in LoserVille.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

At the end of the demand for electricity will determine the price those on the grid will pay. Technically Amaila can be done. No one is doubting that. 

* After the hydro is completed--projects like the billion dollar Alunina smelter Alcoa was planning to build in Trinidad--such projects could be built in Guyana---maybe by Ruscal--Guyana has bauxite---and the hydro will provide a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity--an alumina smelter may be viable---numerous JOBS will be created.


* The agro processing industry can also move full steam ahead with a cheaper and more reliable source of electricity---more JOBS!


* And let's not forget Brazil--success breeds success---once Amaila is developed---other hydros can be developed---and electricity exported to Brazil---more JOBS!


Listen TK, you are an economist, and you fully well know that once Guyana develops hydro, the current and future energy needs of the country will be met---and economically the country steps to a higher plateau.





Rev your analysis reminds me of one that was prepared by the REFORM part of the PNC/R many years ago.  TK might remember this as the folks involved migrated to the AFC.


I recall Jagdeo laughed at those proposals.


I am very glad that Ramotar has adopted these ideas, though I note that they refuse to give the opposition any credit.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I saw a piece in the papers yesterday where a chinese official stated plainly ( and I must say in their own myopic way) that Chinese from china succeed because of their sense of community and hard work. I bet black people are saying karma is a bitch.


After all, the Chinese official is saying Guyanese in general,  have no sense of community ( ie a cultural summoning creed) no aptitude for organizing, no sense for business and no inclination for hard work so they are outclassed.

At the end of the day most people from Asia see little difference between Indo and Afro Guyanese.  Its only IndoGuyanese who think that they are more "Asian" than they are "Caribbean".

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

President Donald Ramotar and U.S. Inter-American Development Bank Executive Director Gustavo Arnavat (second from right) with IDB Country Representative to Guyana Sophie Makonnen and Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh and another bank official





IDB Executive Director Gustavo Arnavat told GINA that the visit is an important component of the IDB’s role as a financier, to understand the specific needs of its partner countries. The bank is a financing partner for the development of the US$840 million project that will become the source of a large portion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in the country.



The IDB is convinced that Amaila hydro will "become a source of a large portion of cheap and reliable electricity generation in Guyana"----but you have a 3rd rate/3 cents economics Phd, TK, a man who has never had a substantive job in the business world---this is the trite TK posted above:


"...NPV will have to be discounted at the prevailing market loan rate, which will take into consideration the cost of electricity." TK


The folks at Blackstone would have a hearty laugh at TALKER TK---the man is shallow!





Building the hydro does not mean electricity will be cheaper. mean to tell me you don't know to write a business plan and you never did project appraisal? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

* Rev your analysis reminds me of one that was prepared by the REFORM part of the PNC/R many years ago.  


* I am very glad that Ramotar has adopted these ideas, though I note that they refuse to give the opposition any credit.

Listen Carib:


The Rev prides himself in being a very fair minded man, and being fair, reasonable, and balanced I have no qualms admitting that the PNC/R had some excellent ideas in their development manifesto years ago.


Now carib bai, what we are seeing today in Guyana is Ramo and the PPP making those excellent PNC ideas happen.hahahaha


The AFC had some excellent ideas in their platform---the PNC/R had some excellent ideas in their platform--PPP Ramo has copied those ideas and is in the process of making them happen.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you have no credibilty.







You are entitled to your opinion! But if the Rev has no credibility why ask him for answers or for his opinion in the other thread ?


By the way Mits--work on your gullibility---dont be easily duped by the losers in the AFC.



I am giving you a second chance. Let's see if you learn anything from your failures.


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