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Originally Posted by Rev:


* But the blabbermouths and PPP HATERS will keep bawling and screaming and shouting RACISM.


* There is MISTRUST in Guyana not widespread RACISM.





Rev, can I ask you a polite question.  Are you a lunatic?  Because we have already told you that your numbers don't interest us as you have never disclosed your sources upon which you base them. 


So why continue without disclosing these sources? 


I have no interest in whether you think that 23,234, or 23,453 AFroGuyanese are racist because they hate the PPP.  Those are all fictitious numbers dragged out of your head, because you didn't disclose the numbers of Indians who vote PPP because they hate black people.


So stop wasting your time with your calculations, and tell us what you think of the article about black people, printed in that PPP rag called the Chronicle. Mitwah made it easy for you to find it.



There is no way that any reputable paper in the USA would have been allowed to write such trash against African Americans. Such a piece of crap would only be printed in the Stormfront, or some other white supremacist rag.  Yet the PPP printed it.




Until you comment on it you remain in the eyes of most of us an unrepentant racist who shares their opinion of AfroGuyanese.


You can get your fellow racists like yuji, skeldonman, druggie, and baseman to champion you.  All you will accomplish is digging yourself deeper in the cesspool of being an unrepentant bigot, no matter how you disguise it with your silly graphics.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

* And most importantly there is no widespread RACISM in Guyana only MISTRUST for the political parties.



Still waiting for your comments on the PPP view of black people, as printed in the Chronicle, a PPP new rag.


Obviously you agree with their views, but are too embarrassed to admit it.


So rev, go and say it loud.  You think that black people are a lazy bunch of criminals whose only ambition is to attack Indians.  Because clearly you have nothing to say about that article which was published in a PPP news rag.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

Rev, I would like to inform you that mistrust of the PPP is now widespread



* The Rev fully agrees with you.




* The PPP received 48.6% of the votes in the 2011 election.


* That means 51.4% of the Guyanese people MISTRUST the PPP.


* But let's look at the numbers for your beloved PNC.


* The PNC received 40.8% of the votes in 2011.


* That means 59.2% of the Guyanese people MISTRUST the PNC.






* There is widespread MISTRUST of the political parties in Guyana but not widespread RACISM in Guyana.



Rev since you believe in numbers respond to this.  Maybe 45% of those who voted in 2011 were Indians and maybe 35% were African.  The PPP beat the PNC by 8% points.  Clearly explained by the larger Indian vs African population in Guyana.


So what's your point?  If the African population was larger than the Indian, the PNC would be in power.  The vast majority of Africans and Indians vote race because they suffer from ethnic paranoia so the party with the largest base wins.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22, have you changed your racist behaviour and scorn for the Afro Guyanese?

His opinions are as before, but he doesn't want to make it public.  When shown an example of PPP racism he hides.


Yuji what are your opinions of that Chronicle article and why don't you condemn the PPP for making it.  They control the Chronicle and so this clearly reflects their views.


Why couldn’t Hinds be the presidential candidate for the ppp?

February 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I refer to Dr. Vishnu Bisram’s letter titled, “It will be impossible for Hinds to win the presidential nomination when party stalwarts could not do it” (SN Jan. 31st). Dr. Bisram should know that the PPP does not have elections to pick its leader. It’s a selection process. First a 15-member committee selects the candidate, and then these same 15-members sit in a larger committee of thirty-six to rubber stamp the candidate. So if the original fifteen decide that changing the ethnic image of the party is important for the party and the nation, then that group can make its decision become reality. It is not impossible for the PPP to select PM Sam Hinds as its presidential candidate. After serving the PPP in the role of PM for 21 years, it is time for PM Sam Hinds to be offered full membership rights and privileges of the party. I have previously argued that the whole Civic-construct has no societal or constitutional role – It is not a minor party in a coalition. It is a fraud perpetrated on the nation. The real issue is the risk the party must take. Would a significant number of its base of Indian supporters jump ship? Would it win over as many votes from the African group and come out with a net gain? These are the considerations. And, this is the risk I have been urging both ethnic parties to take to essentially and fundamentally change the ethnic politics of this nation. We have already come a long way from the 1960s, a time when “every last man voted race”, when it was a betrayal of your race to vote for the alternative ethnic party. Today the Guyanese people – both Africans and Indians – have demonstrated a new social and political consciousness. The proof is there for all to see. A third party, AFC has won 7-seats in the last two elections. Both Africans and Indians have supported the AFC. This is a healthy trend that must be supported. It augurs well, full of promise, for the evolution of a genuine multi-racial democracy befitting a diverse society. Let us do everything possible to end strict ethnic voting for ethnic parties. Guyana is poised at a cross-road: It can choose to move forwards, evolve into a genuine multi-racial democracy or move backwards into the 1960’s politics of “every last man voting race”. Read Dr. Bisram’s writings carefully – he is calling for strict racial voting. His only reason for calling for reconciliation between PPP and former Indian members Nagamootoo and Ramkarran is to achieve racial solidarity and strict racial voting. He wants to put the genie back into the bottle. The ultimate pre-conditions of a real, viable democracy in a diverse society is that the parties must be perceived as multi-racial, they must win broad-based multi-racial support – and most importantly there must be a large enough pool of issues or swing voters. Swing voters would decide the outcome of elections. They would cause the baton of power to change every few cycles. In this way genuine democracy can almost guarantee responsible and accountable governments. The current 15-member ruling group in the PPP has tarnished its reputation. The members have solidified the ethnic image. They have put in place an ugly configuration that allows them to appoint an African PM – but who could not ever succeed to the presidency, no matter what circumstance creates a vacancy. This is an attack on the sensibilities on all decent people, not just African-Guyanese. Guyana stands diminished in the eyes of the world because of the PPP’s crazy racist set-up. And, Dr. Bisram gallantly defends this practice. Dr. Bisram is adamantly opposed to these notions of forging a genuine multiracial democracy. He is arguing for the retention of pure ethnic parties and strict ethnic voting. (He has advocated the same thing for Trinidad. Tony Veira criticized him for his racist strategies in SN).  He is arguing for the status quo – one race dominating over another. He is an advocate of a racist ideology. Mike Persaud

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, you are an indelible Indo racist in denial.


PPP and its old ploy to galvanise support

March 14, 2011 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Because we each have a spark of God residing in our hearts, we offend God when we offend other people. That is why Lord Jesus said we must love our neighbours as we love our selves. Due to its demonizing of people racism is a crime against God. Those, who are bent on maintaining power, have no problem with offending God. So it is with the PPP. Never before in the history of the PPP has it been as venomous in its character assassination of an opposition presidential candidate as it has been with David Granger who is a man of high morality and religious values. The question is why? Is it because David Granger stated that he would root out crime and corruption, and so some PPP leaders who have amassed fortunes and mansions are scared? Unfortunately, the PPP leaders in an effort to protect their interests are trying to whip up PPP style racism among Indians. The occasion being used is the 1973 elections. When faced with the facts that in 1973 Granger was just a junior officer and therefore not in command of the GDF, neither was he in Berbice, nor did he shoot anyone, the PPP now seeks to discredit the Justice Dhan Jhappan Report. (Demerara Waves 03-12-11). The PPP maliciously tries to disparage the good character of Justice Jhappan, as it always does with Indians who are not subservient to the PPP. The PPP stated that the Commission of Inquiry was held by the PNC to justify the shooting at a time when the PNC practiced party paramountcy, and the GDF had sworn loyalty to the PNC. Let us debunk these statements by the PPP. The PNC adopted cooperative socialism in 1974. By 1975 the PPP declared support for the PNC regardless of the 1973 elections. In 1977 the PPP demanded a National Government with the PNC and called the 135 days sugar strike to back up its ultimatum. The PNC responded with party paramountcy in keeping with socialism. It also got the loyalty of the GDF on ideological grounds. So paramountcy and army loyalty were not factors in 1973. The events of the 1970’s are intertwined with the ideological battles of the socialist PNC and communist PPP. It is not as simple as the PPP wants us to believe. In 1973 Guyana still had an independent and strong judicial system. It was required by law that any shooting by the security forces be the subject of a Commission of Inquiry. The elections were held on 16th July and the Inquiry was convened on 15th September. Justice Jhappan presided over the proceedings. He found that the PPP tried to foment disturbances by telling its supports to surround the polling places and secure the ballot boxes. The GDF was deployed to assist the police. Lt. Joe Henry arrived at 64 Village after sunset and his vehicle was blocked by some persons who were hurling missiles at the soldiers. The Inquiry found that Lt. Henry had used reasonable force to extricate his troops from the situation. Failure to do so would have led to more civilian casualties, and possibly the soldiers being killed. The PPP had an ulterior motive for telling its supporters to surround the places of poll. Dr Jagan, after he was removed from office in 1964 by the USA, had to know that the USA would not allow him back in office so long as he remained communist, anti USA, and pro USSR. He was convinced that the USA and world capitalism would collapse and so he was adamant in his pursuit of communism, rather than the interest of Guyana and his supporters. His call in 1973 was meant to show the USA how much support he had, and how communism was advancing. It was also meant to provoke the security forces into using force so that he could internationalise his struggle for communism. At the local village level the focus would be on rigged elections and not on his intellectual shortcomings. In doing so he deceived Indians into believing they could return him to power. It was also an attempt, a successful one, at reinforcing Indian suspicion of the African. This was the PPP’s method of mustering and rallying Indian support. It is PPP racism. It is shameful that after being in power for 19 years the PPP has to resort to racism to whip up Indian support. We must not be fooled this time. Why appeal to racial solidarity? Why not boast of the developments on the Corentyne such as the US$250 million sugar factory at Skeldon. Oh yeah. That’s right. It is a white elephant that produces far less sugar than the old factory. And yes the industry has been wrecked. Sugar workers have had to strike continuously against the anti-working class policies of the PPP. How come the PPP leaders amassed fortunes and built mansions, while the sugar workers are still paid starvation wages? Malcolm Harripaul


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22, have you changed your racist behaviour and scorn for the Afro Guyanese?

His opinions are as before, but he doesn't want to make it public.  When shown an example of PPP racism he hides.


Yuji what are your opinions of that Chronicle article and why don't you condemn the PPP for making it.  They control the Chronicle and so this clearly reflects their views.



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